Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , September 22, 1911, p. 2

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TWO fir A I Wanted J A good servant Apply to Watson Mam street Mrs WANTED Single room without Apply to E J Edwards of Agri culture A New Brick House On street for sale or to rent Possession Oct Apply to Edgar Willis box Newmarket Card of Thanks Miss Clayton desires to thank the neighbors and friends for their assistance during the illness and death of Mrs Catharine which occurred at her home on the of August last Bolton Fair Oct 2nd and 3rd This fair promises this year to sus tain its reputation as one of the best of the district It is particu larly strong in different horse Classes and good purses are being of fered in speeding Address Sec Fair a Prize list Electors of the North Riding OF COUNTY OF YORK TAKE NOTICE that lane of the Village of in the Township of King is the party named to act as Financial Agent for J A Armstrong candidate for election for this Hiding for the of Commons A The Governors Departure The announcement Is that Earl will leave for England on the of next month and that a few days of that date his successor the Duke ot will That people the Dominion will be greatly gratified to have tie king uncle occupying the viceregal office in this country goes without say ing but at the same time feeling of regret is felt Earl revs de parture He has been a model Gov ernor and perhaps it too much to say that with possibly exception of Lord he has been the most popular in the of Canada Somehow he has had the faculty ot coming into contact with the life the people with a directness such as tew public men pos sess Knowing and sharing in their pride of country and its possible des tiny his sympathies hove gone out after much that is of and best- It is a source of to know too that the people of Dominion can rely of his interest and recJon upon his cordial friendship- The appointment of the of member of the royal familyis a distinct to this country a act the Canadian peo ple will not be slow in recognizing the more especially as it additional evidence of the growing binding the Dominion the Mother Country together His Royal Highness will prove worthy successor Karl Hey make no doubt resulting closer strengthening the ties binding the Dominion to the Old Land the of this month a series of meetings will be held In St Patricks Church The work will be lor two weeks from HamiiUnoeM a conference with ths boards of Mrs 1 It ton spent over Sunday with an uncle in Port Miss Hazel Wright of Toronto Was guest of Miss Lulu Collins over Sunday t0 is Rev- connection with the Mis- Sabbath in Newmarket before to be held in leading for his new the South and That we Returning Officer Electors of the North Riding OP THE COUNTY OP YORK TAKE that Prank Fisher of the Town of Newmarket is the named to act as Financial for a can didate for election for this Riding for the House of Commons A Returning Officer NOTICE HOTS A Nationalist candidate down in Quebec Province got a surprise It appears he owes an obligation and has not his disposition to meet it To become a candidate he had to deposit on nomination day The creditor feeling assured that his debtor would be defeated made seizure of the deposit When the called for his his defeat he found the- returning of ficer in obedience to a summons bid retained lhe amount of the Candidates indebtedness to the prosecuting creditor The National ist should ask Bourassa to help him yesterday entered upon another equinox period gener ally thought to le a stormy Urn Indeed according to tradition the of March and of Sept are sure for storms sometimes weather being very disagreeable and the elements much disturbed This wide of the days gone by Scientists tell us however there is not much ground for such notion the equinox per iod is passed without any kind of storm or disturbance of the elements Possibly some inaugural storms have complaint of experienced in years gone which in the Votera have given rise to the supersti tion This year our weather pro phet tell us we will be entirely free from any special disturbance of the weather Equal day and night is now upon us arid from now on till nearly Christmas the day will short en rapidly Is hereby given that a Court will be held pursuant to the Voters List Act by Honor the Judge o the County Court of the of York at the Public Hall at on MONDAY the day Oct 19X1 at oclock m to hear and de termine the OK List of the Municipality of Whit church for All persons having business at the Court are required to attend at the said time and place LUNDY Dated Sept Hamilton from Nov to Details about in the way of vertisnj the convention and the di vision of territory lor the three con ventions be Ontario name ly London Hamilton and Ottawa were discussed As tribute to the memory of the late Rev Arthur H Baldwin former rector of All Saints Church one of the public wards 0 Toronto General Hospital nas been dedicated The ward was completely refurnished by a near relative of Baldwin will be marked by the brass me morial plate over the door bearing a suitable inscription Suspense has at last been removed from minds of the Foreign Mis sion board by the receipt of a cable from Chungking last Monday morn ing with information that the sicnuies who were shut up in were now in safety Many of those stationed at as well those from other cities in affect ed province have reached Chungking safe and well On Saturday last a female grizz ly bear 550 pounds reached the city from Yellowstone National Park for Toronto Zoo The hear was a gift from the United States Government Some time ago the lyrics Department a from th- Government and the pair are worth The city got them for the cost transportation party of SO domestic servants reached the Inicn on Monday evening They expect to find work in this city After the first of next month train despatching by telephony will he in all districts where there is suffi cient work to warrant it Wesley Welsh who attempted to an old mans pocket when a crowd gathered to watch the take him to quad was sent down for 60 days The elections being over the City press will now give attention to the news of the city The collection of reptiles and birds recently presented to the city will be housed in shelter oh Sumach St City civic employees were allowed to quit work at p on Thursday to go vote It is the intention of the sporting fraternity to have two professional hockey teams in Toronto winter to play at the new arena The teams will be known the Torontos and Tecum sens Two men wore seen to walk aw ay from poultry house University Ave with a goose and were arrested they were sent over the Don from the Po lice Court for CO days to reflect on their misdeed The disturbance In Toronto Chinese Free circles has led to the police court Report has it that arc lout strayed or stolen Tvo wen have been sent for trial It is said a official w asked sign a to the Legislature giving women franchise When Mrs Just returned home alter a very pleasant visit with her daughter Mrs at Grims by Mrs Teller and Master Gor don of Grimsby are spending a week with her sister Mrs- Allan How ard Mr Hamil ton was visiting a couple of days this week with Mrs Brllner Park Ave- Mrs J of How ard street Torontois a guest at visiting her aunt Mrs Scott- Mr Joseph fait an Office Spe cialty employee has secured a more lucrative position at and left town a few days ago- Mr Prank Sawyers of the Bank- of Montreal who has been away on his holidays for a couple of weeks is back to his desk again Mr who has been confined to his home through illness for the past week we arc pleased to report is now on the mend Mr Hiram formerly of Newmarket died at Fort Supply Oklahoma and was buried at Kansas Mrs Geo arrived from Calgary on Saturday afternoon j accompanied by her daughters who were in city t meat her Mr P T McCallum Immigration Inspector at Grand Porks spent a day last week with his cou sin Mr McCallum Main street North Mrs J Watson Now York who spent the summer with her par- Mr Mrs Daniel Phillips street returned to her home last week Mrs ol Thornton who is returning from the Northwest spent over Sunday with her son Rev I I at the Methodist Parsonage Mrs Marshall Toronto in the guest of Mrs Clark Park Ave for a days Mrs Clark is having some of the Old Girls in to tea this afternoon Mrs L Jackson is spending a couple days in the city this week Her son Mr Jackson was ex pected in Toronto this week but when ready to leave Halifax he re ceived orders to proceed to ski and assist in the hydrographic survey of the St Lawrence River His return home is now uncertain Rev I J Davidson and fam ily who have been borne Helhaven on furlough for the past months have started on their return trip to India During their stay at home they been busy Mr Da vidson having preached or lectured In many places from Vancouver Mont real but bis work has been principal ly in Ontario and being a forcible preacher and having given conditions f Wanted at Once Girl for paper and box department and opportunity for Apply it factory office Office Specially Mfg Co To Rent One hundred acres of land Lot Why d you women want to go int special study no was able politics he asked The reply was to give a deal of Information No l hit The Substantial progress Is being- made in a directions in the construction and opining for traffic of Ihe lines the Grand Trunk given out announced the com pletion f to a point in the National Park miles west of Winnipeg- and ser vice will in- Immediately extended thereto and it Is expected that or miles addition beyond be graded for steel this fall would bring Tetc Jaune In the ird Concession Clay loam and buildings good wheat farm For par I apply to Mary on the Prince Albert Delivery Toronto UW Mn and steel has as short and to the point We simply that had the effect o largely want to that we cant make creasing the interest Mission worse mess of It than tbe editors of he has been Mrs Davidson Press a addressed with Pall Headers miles grading touted pail for pan workman can find steady employment A wages Apply Factory PO Box Wont- from the mam I OH thin line been Hog and corn- miles of Prince Al bert On the Branch from to ln Internationa Boundary miles of Steel Will laid fall per Cent of the grading on naMooseJsw Branch has been Construction work the Brand Branch which runs main at so from distance of rear i ling Orchard when complete will give the Vln- Toronto Tory Is this any good asked A Turner o cashier of theDomiuion as he handed over to him a check W50 Oh a bigger than that said Turner ant be produced a similar- check for payable himself The police department were notified and Turner is held to see be In the head hear the concerning the checks September ushers In the Jewish New Year and will mark according to their data the year In this city all the synagogues will be opened for divine service and filled with worshippers New Years Bay wilh the Jews the ten days repentance service and the oc casion a Solemn one ob served Conductor Pitch fell from a street car on Tuesday and wan so badly hurt he had to be taken noirtC in a conveyance The charge preferr ed It Barnes and ought to have been entered as a civil action said Judge Winchester Tuesday at the Sessions and din- charged I hern The meet on Satur day Karl Is expected to be On the grounds one day next be- for having for the Old Country Ihc Mall got hysterical on Apply to fly lot Coo Whitchurch ZwZi shortest line between a Brandon on the miles unsafe It then to an1 work wa started lost week on so miles A line from Batthford thru Knife District toward Wain- But Come upon lot II in Con about 1st lt six Owner to b- property forget fc take Alberta Item away ADAM VKST PO AT of toe failures from trying to do things ail who wants a society girl at the same it miserable failure stud will frtA up On Branch steel ban been to The above gives a good idea of how the work brandies I being in addition to which main lines are pushed forward I actively TUB BEST Do plod wearily On toward i goal spurred only by a of duty fh necessary mining her health unfitting her- to desire what is best Worth having tor activity you really want something the young who to drudgery of securing drops out of rank with his acquaintances Nothing Is too hard to do aim InlUe to bis In we want And I an Ik the tort I if do not really want a thing wfco hope for promotion A proverb If who follows bard ever though our sense two bare tri thai it is out what you x v yourself Is it To than ha to be to the rest alm is better than all is easy procesd name eight where the Tory organ thought y stool would be pulled from them ah PatoVson Mr King Mr Graham Mr Murphy Mr Fielding Mr Oliver Mr Oliver Mr and Mr- Ternpleinaii and Mr Now examine The Ontario Branch Our natlonal of the tin Bons met in convention on Tuesday and continued for three days Geary extended an of welcome After years David Oar- row retiree from the service of Poison iron Works He was made the of a beautiful grand fathers clock this week Wrs McOuffln editor ol the Missionary Outlook organ of the Methodist Missionary and the large number of womens meetings which will no doubt awaken an in creased Interest In Mission work Mr and Mrs Davidson return to under lie auspices of Knox Church Stratford and Presbyter- Ian fhurch Toronto Both of had largely attended farewell services for them Before leaving on Ills return trip Mr Davidson Iress- a largO Missionary Conference in session at the Pres byterian United In a fare well reception or them so- that they go hack work in India en couraged the feeling that they the prayers and wishes the Canadian Church behind them tended four of six months visiting Palestine Egypt other lands nos Mills It em ployee was murdered Windsor PACK WITH TUB STEADY Did yu ever in your going Meet a faoc with steady One you could not was handsome Not fl single feature line But face that held you strongly With a look that thrilled like wine Yet recalled an autumn landscape With rich rare Steady shine When you again hair parted You found from forehead square But you did not mind the squareness Nor the hue of hair And the noe was slightly tilted And a trifle out ol line But you did not care a farthing Pol there was a shine And your thoughts went hack to mother And the beside her knee And you Wondered youd forgotten le man meant to be And heart heat quick and tender And your eyes were wet with dew All because In a mornings gojng That one had come to view Belle Kellogg Towns THE LEADING House You can your Cheap For Cash UNDERTAKING A BPBOJAliTY calls attended to at John Millard ana ft ssssi fl- I T TV I rem i For Fall an 1 1 New Goats for Misses and Children are here for you The Styles are NEAT NEW AND NOBBY away ahead of former seasons we would be pleased to show you range NEW STYLES FOR CHILDREN NEW STYLES FOR GIRLS NEW STYLES FOR MISSES CASH STOR ONE WAY OP PROPOSING plead not Adeline murrncred the young man passionate ly It is for brother Albert I speak What your brother asVed the maiden blushing deeply I plead lor him dearest he my only brother he is lonely oh so lonely Yes and- And he wants you to he his sis- I Will you Adeline For his sake will you THE CRADLE At New Royal Hospit al Newmarket on Sept to Mr ol Newmarket a Ron Mr and Mrs Steele ol Pelerlaw on Aug a Hon In Newmarket on to Mr and Mrs Howard I road a son IF YOU ARE NEEDING to Newton a King on Sept rl Mr and Mrs daughter THE ALTAR the homo of You cannot do Better than Buy them from tin bride on J0 by Rev Cornell Mr Rose Mi Albert to daughter of Mrs St THE TOME In Mount Albert Tues day Sarah Ann Greenwood beloved wife aged years and Thursday to Mount Albert COOKED SMOKED MEATS sliced to suit you Our Phono No Use it and get your goods Deliver ed promptly KOCH In Newmarket on Sept21 the residence son Sarah widow the late In year Funeral at p on Saturday from the residence to Cemetery on Sept mil Melissa sister ol Mr A Newmarket In her year Funeral service at church and Interred at burying ground Quaker Hill SELECTED Lines of Drugs and Chemicals COMPLETE IN ITS OF PATENT MEDICINES PHYSICIANS CAREFULLY PREPARED FROM OUR CHOICE LINE OF DRUGS J- PATTERSON NEXT DOOR TO Phono No OFFICE Store Phone No 6 i At Angeles on Kept Amelia bo- loved wife Mr for merly J ROflDHOUSH WAIN ST NORTH All Orders will receive and Prompt HELPED OUR OPPONENTS The people who oppose us help to make US The orte who docs not with us us to find a reason lor our opinions Those who do like compel us to examine Ourselves to eo whether or not wo have serious that need correct ing An admiring friend ho a hindrance as well as a help to our development hut an opponent If we accept his good oilers In the right spirit Is pretty sure to he a help There are some great men who never would have passed mediocrity I Cleaning a Specialty and OVERCOATS REOVBRALLrSD J GREGORYS OVER HUNTERS STORE NEWMARKET Representative Wanted at once for work In your locality Will guarantee to 130U per day Opportunity to vanee rapidly Will pay literally for spare time Work not difficult II the attacks of enemies had Experience not required Interna- not dormant powers- Bible Press Toronto OF ONTARIO

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