Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , September 1, 1911, p. 6

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Leather Label Overalls and I I I i p I j I it f I The kind with the Big Guaranty TINSDALE MANAGER H-Vf- SHOES Have you seen the New Patented Seamless Shoe There ate seams to rip out so Dry Goods We have Just received a fresh stock of Prints Shakers Towelling etc can save you money pay two prices Coal Oil Best American Water White Paint 15C gal- Liquid Paint at a quart should interest you Every can guaranteed FW SMITH personal- It is earnestly requested that every reader of this news- paper see the Bliss agent at once and get a box of the reliable Bliss Native Herbs the best Spring med icine the good herb blood purifier for the entire family Personal experi ence proved that it will regulate the liver give new life to the system and strengthen the kid neys It will make rich red blood tablets dollar back promptly if not ben efited quickly and surely Apply at once to W Sedore AGENT has returned from the Millinery Openings In To ronto Reeve Smith and Councillor rows were in town on Tuesday Mr George Knowles ana Mr Alex Wood were visiting at the home of Mr Andrew on Sunday Mr McKibbon of Toronto is spend ing few days with Mr Forbes Mrs Allen Graham has returned from a trip to Saskatchewan Mr Sam Jones spent Sunday and Monday in town Rev R preached in the Methodist Church on Sunday Rev Well wood will be back Sunday Mrs Eugene spent a few days in Sutton last week Mr Porter of Toronto was in town renewing old acquaintances for a few days The Misses Armstrong of Toronto are spending two weeks at Sirs Hayes Mr E Hates who has been w home on sick leave for five months reported for work at the Merchants Bank in Toronto on Monday Miss Ethel who has been spending a month with her sister Mrs A Thompson returned to her house in Preston on Friday Mrs Sarah Moore of Toronto was visiting her brother Mr Ed ford last week f Mr T Allison and family left on Friday for Retina Sask where they intend making their home in the fu ture Mr of Toronto is spending his holidays with his mother here Mrs Geo has returned from spending a few weeks In KirUficld Miss Lily Terry Miss Guerre spent a few days visiting rel atives in Queens last week Miss Vera Smith of is visiting at Mr Millers Better Than Ever Everybody delighted with the work done in Millinery at COLES the sales have thus far all expectation Still we will try to thereat you when you come of Be arid tee our stock and before buying The Reliable Store WICK f The service on Sunday was well attended Full choir present The hymns in the new books leing old and the print large it the singing The subject for next Sunday night is lames the Lords Brother After a fingering illness Mrs Rose passed away on Wednesday Aug 2Jrd The funeral on Friday was largely attended The sincere sym pathy of the people of this neighbor hood remain with the bereaved friends After spending several with her parents Mr and Mrs Ilis pard Mrs leaves for her borne in Chicago this week QUEEKSVILLE Kittle Miss Mildred Salter of is visiting her brothers and auntie Mrs Fred Wesley Hill Top Farm Mr spent a few days in town this week with his aunt Mrs A Mackenzie Mr and Mrs Milne and daugh ter of Toronto were the guests of Mr A Milne over Sunday Miss Williams spent the weekend with the Misses and sang two solos at the Methodist Church on Sunday School reopens on Tuesdayi with Mr in the sen ior room and Miss Cain again In the Junior division The suits for the Hoy Scouts arriv ed this week at which the Scouts are much pleased and only wish they had been organized in time to have attend ed the this year and been among the four thousand reviewed by Karl Grey on Tuesday- Mrs if Schwartz of Pennsyl vania Is spending some weeks among her cousins here CORNERS For organ in repair a few purebred Cattle Apply at and Lot for property good location term to Some Reasons Why Farmers Should Vote for Reciprocity By John Campbell business Because we have the most absolute right to all possible un restricted markets for our products Because the immediate and future welfare of our depends on our acpting the best offer in the way of trading which has ever been in our reach Because all the leading Parliamentary representatives of our country for over forty ears have been anxiously seeking for reciprocity with the Americans knowing the vast import ance of such equality bartering Now when that which was so long and so eagerly sought for is to be had for the taking how extraordinarily foolish it will be for us to divide into Grit and Tory factions and thereby miss the one great chance our lives SHARON Mr Fred Proctor left for the West last week Mrs James Hughes of Toronto is visitingMrs AJ HuKes The family of Mr Montgom ery Toronto is visiting at Mr Atj Wilsons Mrs Anderson is visiting her sis ter Mrs Rev Keam at King City this week and Miss Heckle J is visiting friends at Point ORCHARD BEACH HeadacJieaTTMUaeair Indigestion muddy complexlorj bad of the effects of con- mild sensible i In lafflT contain the latest discovered and best known which the bowels the slightest discomfort and without rest of tho system not 25cu ft box If roar not ham mill thwn i mm When Threshing your of FirstClass i remember we have a full line i old acquaintances one day this Another Auto Accident week Mrs Mahoney is visiting atiyes at the Canadian SoO Aug 29 A serious ac- Mr Ma fine meeting cident happened here this afternoon here last Monday night Dr shorty after oclock when an the I mobile containing Dr Boyd a prominent physician fell the river and turned turtle crushing Dr Boyd underneath The doctor had taken the Car from his beside the and it is HOLLAND LANDING The services at Christ Church next Sunday will be as follows am Celebration of the Holy Communion pm Evening Prayer and Sermon- There will also a Communion ser vice at St James Sharon at 3 pm The Rev Edgar Taylor has returned from Toronto and will con- supposed that he threw the reverse clutch inadvertently and the car ran into the river dropping some twelve feet and pinning the occupant to the river bed He was quickly extricated and carried to his house where he lies in a critical condition his leg he- duct all services preach Now ling broken and two ribs while his that the extreme hot weather is over chest is cruched and his left it is hoped there will be a lull at- thought to be pi tendance Mr P J Sullivan who has been visiting with Mr re turned home to on last Mrs J Freeman and Mrs Neil of Bay City Mich are visiting their sister Mrs Ft Mrs A Williams of Sutton and Mrs- Leslie and daughters Vera and Marjorie of Carlton place are visiting with Mrs M 1 pa The and Mrs Taylor returned home from the city on Saturday last after spending a two weeks vacation Miss M Kitching returned to the city on Monday morning last al ter her months vacation Mr Merritt Barker returned home from city last week after spend ing two weeks with his son Miss Madge Marsh spent Tuesday with friends at Brighton lung thought to be pierced He is being attended by Drs Ardaugh and of and Dr of Cold water Summer School a Success roster spent over Sun day Mrs at Holt Mr left last week for the West he Farmers around doing heir plowing It as were going hate an early fall School starts Monday morning Mr and have moved In with Mr Mm John A Cole Mr Travis is working for Mr Cole Mr John of Albert veat a Mw which makes the ohool tter Mr and Mrn and family of Button West spent one day last week at bis fathers Mr Croutons Quarterly meeting Sunday Sept 3rd Church wel- Girls Trance Montreal Aug Blanche David the young girl who was taken to the Western Hospital last Thursday morning in an unconscious condition from the car barns of the Montreal Railway Company and who was found to be in a trance was still in the same Condition up to an early this morning Slie showed on Sunday night of regaining conscious hut again relapsed into her Irancelfke sleep At Lake there termin ated on Monday a conference under the auspices of the Presbyterian Church It was under the supervision of Dr The principal speak ers were Principal Dr Grant Rev J Robertson RevR Mackintosh Rev A Arm strong Rev A Horn Rev BC McGregor and Dr Shearer There was an attendance of about delegates at the close of the conference all were enthusiastic in the of repeating the confer ence next year with the brightest prospect of doubling or even trebling the number of this year There is also likelihood that a series of sim ilar Summer Schools will be establish ed in various sections of the Domin ion Miss Olive Thompson who has spent five summers at Orchard Beach left Toronto on Tuesday She is to be married next week and her fu ture home is to be out west Many friends wish her prosperity and hap piness A private picnic from Newmarket engineered by Mrs Reeve had jolly time here on Wednesday after noon Mr Jackson received congratulations on reaching his 82nd birthday on Wednesday in health Misses Grace and Cane are spending a Couple of days with theit aunt Mrs Cane Miss Cane leaves for Mit chell on Friday to resume heir posi tion as a large millinery establishment The Ladies Aid of St Pauls Church Newmarket bad a picnic on Mr Tl J Robertsons lawn on Mon day afternoon Bray and son of are visiting at Robertsons this week Mrs Russell of Roachs has gone to Pembroke to visit her par ents for a couple of weeks Mrs of Aurora ipent Wed nesday with Miss Andrews the kids had a great bonfire on the shore Saturday night SUTTON V was was A Bad Smash 2K Rail- all night I bring your friends also Conn- Aug road men were at work clearing up the wreckage of the Val ley division express pi the New York New Haven Hartford railroad which was ditched three and a half miles south of here last Injur ing sixty persons Twentytwo of the Injured were brought here by train some being taken to the Hos pital and sent to their destinations by railroad Others vere brought here by automobiles Toe railway authorities Kay the wreck was due to spreading rails The train consisted of a locomotive two and eight paRsenr coades The engine thrown on into a sand bank and the two baggage went down a embankment toward River The first Passenger coach ran Into the tender of the engine was badly splintered The other oars wore thrown In all directions The Last Chance Cloudbursts Around Buffalo Buffalo V Aug Reports re ceive here today show that four lives were lost and damage to steam and trolley lirui following of in county along the State line late yes terday The dead Fireman Thomas Bryan burled under his engine when and P freight train ran into a wash out at Great Valley Creek George I Unman rural free delivery driver drowned when team dropped through bridge weakened by heavy rains Clean Dutchman employe of and Great Valley with man- Raymond Smith fell from near Bradford Daniel Richards engineer on train On which Bryan was killed la seri ously Injured The poultry lows will into thou sands Truffle on the Buffalo Koch tor and Railroad a Jitand- The Krle between Buffalo and also tied up by floods and washouts Young wife and family of are at Jacksons Vheat tor Mr W presiding elder to at this mteUngso come at half past Dine In Red ivitrai from years crop dean A DO AW Formal a fcW Brood Sow epply to HARRY BC Aug ttat swept over Out lrda fluttering up KESWICK of Toronto is at Mr John Morton and friend To ronto Mi with his ptfeots Robte left en to week friends at up to pas thrown open for entry bomesteadl in em Canada In tin provinces of Alber ta and Saskatchewan are all within of Northern Rail way and some much lens and all will wrvyd by rail- line wftMn a fchort time low round trip fares to points In Alberta Woman Burned to Death Mrs James Bee street was burned at bet home yesterday She had been trying to hurry a fire with Her sevenyearold daughter and her brotherinlaw J Steele were also badly burned In their efforts to save Mrs- Steeles life The unfortunate Woman however after being taken to the General Hospital died about p m Mr Steele had placed the can of kerosene to clou to the kitchen An explosion followed with tin result that the womans clothes Were saturated with Ml she enveloped In fiarres crie soninlaw Personal Mr Martin Taylor of Sutton at Holland landing last Mr Herb Johnson Winnipeg seen in town quite recently At Alberta Shore Shore to deI daughter Mr P S Grant of Muskoka was visiting his brothers Messrs A and Grant on Thursday Mr R Ingram late schoolmaster here leaves this week to take up a position at Trout reek Northern Ontario Miss Switzer of is vis iting Mr and Mrs Luke for a few days Miss Jessie Thompson Elm Grove is visiting sister Mrs Phillips of Ravenshoe Miss Mary spent the week end at Sunderland friends Miss Jennie McClellan is isiting friends In the country Dr and Mrs of also Mr James of Michigan were the guests of Mrs John on Thursday of last week Re Point Miss of Is visit ing friends In town Local Items Now the Exhibition has opened the campers around the lake shore are out School opens on Tuesday I he of September There will be no sitting of Di vision Court here on September as announced all cases postponed until October 20th We regret to announce the death Mr T Barnard of Schriober Northern Ontario son of Mr J It Barnard of this place who was burled here on Sunday A Party of Presbyterian greatly en- Joyed a ride to Reeve Iugsleys farm on the Shore on Tuewiay Messrs Saunders and Bolton with a party of friend went out sailing and were capsized Jacksons Pt on Monday but with the aid ol Mr Art Grew all got safely to shore Presbyterian Church There will be no service next Sun day In church owing to a dis appointment In getting wall paper Therefore the nor vice at am and Sunday School will held at the Methodist Church Man About Town Priced from t per An EXTRA GOOD BAG for the money TV ozen SEE THEM We are in the market for Let us see your samples An Extra Nice Line of Ladies Lace Hose in Colors for 25c We have all sizes in Crown Fruit Jars also Rubber Rings Preserving Kettles etc HEAD OFFICE TORONTO E Osier President Matthews VicePresident CAPITAL j Hill i I TOTAL ASSETS fc A branch of this Bank will be established in London on 1st July next at This Branch will issue letters of credit and drafts in all im portant points in Canada negotiate bills sent for collection make telegraphic transfers and description of banking Information will be on all Canadian matters A spe cial department will be provided for the use of visitors and of 0 letters of credit A General Manager SUTTON WEST Copying Framing Enlarging inn A DOBLE A E MILLER TOT have a Large List of Properties for Sale If Buying or 8elling Write Us J katobeWSfl are In effect two more her year September and The little girls arm and the Ishi Mr Motley has attested a at llodock in power house at diy an fcry to death of Mm rtrittaj it Newmarket and Hill week Mr Jm of renew The fares low the return limit long and the Vrite at once for tl latest fares and other par ticulars The Canadian Northern Railway otters a choice of all routes reaches every part of Albert Saskatchewan and Manitoba en abling one to all sections ar1 make election All particulars be by wtitfng to Ast of her lace burned and both of Mr hands into the Slid fr Hill of Broadview avenue Who wan was removed to the hospital In an ambulance but there were not hopes of her recovery Mrs was years of and leaves a husband and three child ren Both Legs Broken Brampton Aug AbgUI Mcfvcod a farmer living a few miles north Brampton met with a very serious accident yesterday afternoon Mr Me I cod bad shipped a load of at station and was re- turning to his own farm He met fcomo of his neighbors children on the road who ran along the side of the and was playfully reaching out at them with the lines when his horses a team bolted Mr Mclieod had them partially under con trol when the pole snapped and be was thrown from the wagon Ie empty crates fell on and both were below tho and one arm below the elbow and shoul der He Is shout fifty years of age It Is expected that he will recover a In Scott Tp workable clay balance pasture and bush buildings fair cash and arranged fO acres -Mark- ham township miles from station School and very convenient Land clay loam acres cultivated pasturo and wells and a spring roomed house brick and frame barns 3GxG0 30xG2 bllng head Outbuildings oath Balance arranged acres about miles from Bel- haven Good clay land well water ed waste soil Buildings fair let our terms may buy fitock and implements 100 workable bal ance bufh and pasture good cell I Within half from Mt Albert water and creek barn ton silo Outbuild ings Milk route In If desired Terms 13060 arranged at pec ts is j0JUU miles from To ronto Convenient to church school etc Soil clay loam well drained Bank barn and out buildings Brick house rooms Hard and oof wa ter Terms to suit Dr Gordon Hewitt Dominion en tomologist says referringto the infantile death rate from intestinal diseases and diarrhceaspread by the house fly he believes that the socalled harmless fly is yearly caus ing the death of thousands of infants as well as spreading the germs of typhoid fever We Have Clients for number of and One Hundred Aero Farms us wanting to Sell The Russian 4 crop is very General Agent and Europe wit have to Railway Toronto largely on Aroeriraa crops What Is left when honor lost It the average man more than a dentists bill to cut his wis dom teeth are the only thing that rid your house of these dangerous pests i tf I i t ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO

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