The Contest North York YeS this tea IS The cord reception Amy But I Mr both at public meetings in private canvass flVC c en t s a every part of the Riding thus j visited augurs well for bis success at Toronto the polls on the The farming community especially as the days go by are becoming more and more convinced that the great No Wily issue involved in the present YOU is designed to become of j importance to them and Mr- Order SOme appeals to the electorate- Rd RbS notice how CHANCE hams VegetableCompound Lindsay I think it Is no more than right for me to tbank Mrs for what her kind adTice and Vegetable Com pound has done for me When I wrote to her some time ago I was a very sick woman suf fering from female troubles I had inflammation f the female organs and could not stand or walk any distance At last I was confined to my BOTES refused to do A friend advised pact as a proposition calculated to iJl4 a Vegetable Compound promote the best interests of About people visited the Show Friday last- in the Allen Gardens This years income of the General Missionary Society of the Methodist i year not only as a supporter of the Gov ernment hut as a warm advocate of the reciprocity pact interest in it success is becoming more and more marked So far as Liberals are Con- the issue is clear cut They will go to the Polls unitedly in sup- j port ol the party nominee conscious that they are voting for the best in terests of the Country and apart from partyism the farming Commun ity are properly satisfied that the time Come for them to take their and now after using three bottles of it I feel heartily recommend this medicine to all women who Buffer female troubles I have also taken Liver Pills and think they are fine Mrs Lindsay Ontario We cannot understand why women will take chances with an operation or drag out a sickly halfhearted exist ence missing threefourths of the of living without first trying Lydia Vegetable Compound thirty years it has been the standard remedy for female ills and has cured thousands of women who bare been trouble with such ailments as displacements inflammation ulcer ation fibroid tumors irregularities periodic pains backache indigestion and nervous prostration Wire Fencing Five Year With AMERICAN FIELD AND LAWN FENCES MADE BY The Canadian Steel Wire Co Ltd Come and Quality and prices For Sale J Near High School Newmarket Ontario the to During the past week large numbers of citizens who have been taking their holidays at various summer resorts returned home for the exhibition As precaution the City authorities have sent a fire engine and hose wagon together- with crew of eight firemen to the Exhibi tion Grounds to protect buildings from possible fires during the Exhibi tion A great big fat pickpocket was a general principles while the circus was in the city last week as on general principles will be re tained in custody as a vagrant until after the Exhibition is over He is known the police by eight aliases The race in south Toronto begins to look as if the Liberal nominee will beat quite as easily as Tom Longboat in a recent contest more than half lap Toronto Conservative organ is A new sort of joyriding was apparently afraid that i by three young me recent- Russian barley will swamp were afterwards arrested NEVER SOLD IN BULK The difference between the or- dtriry photograph and the kind we make is due to our skill and equipment Every sitter given Individu al attention and treatment and fee results we produce are portraits not mere ly photographs us dernon- our skill by making or yon the portrait you nave ever had If you to have a photo of your home or any view work ua a call Photo Phone Newmarket agriculturalists without injury the manufacturers and with an solute benefit to the consumer The propose trade Canadian farmer It They took possession of a rig not Canada the United that belonging to them and drove up is not new one Both fe jQc lh tf parlies for more than quarter is not true the present them and took them to quod century have committed to it j in I United States agrees to abolish it drink In the Police Court it was found the principal offender was a Plaits ituoiibii us A tried to secure just if Canada abolishes this kind of tr agrenent and failing in his efforts made it basis of an to the country inSfj tax person named Percy Elliott and he was sent down for three months The ss the Belleville Ontario is not others got off with a reprimand the Many were thef to ftsishmgton on- t0lay tnan the Union Station and Liberal leaders what the present Brpa una am has now secured and which is in harmony with a plank adopted by the Liberal Convention I The matter for su prise is successors the ranVs of Con- tlujse of generation previous It tone day last week a young womens says We get so intensely respect- voice was heard asking Will you are now found in opposi tion to their former Party polity the question and have forced an peal to tie country at an enormous able when we get older that we close our memories to past and I from do not like to confess what we wer when we were younger Smiling villages up from common clay and God makes decent men from arc no at an expense two years before the requir ed expiry of the Parliament recently and just before the passage of a bill for the redistribution of seats as provided by law following the taking of the census It is no wonder therefore that in view of the immense importance of reciproc ity to the farming community and the wrong done to the electorate by In South Wellington the political tide is running in favor of Mr Guth rie the Liberal nominee This is making the of that Hid ing feel terribly out of humor The Conservative organ at shows how strenuously it is exercised by explaining Let Liberals keep their mouths- shut Of Course as in days of yore the Herald is dogmatic come back Jack The reply came the train You wait and see sis The reply was scarcely what she expected but no doubt sis is waiting A passenger the Corona Ml be water when embarking at and was rescued by A Jennings one of the stokers A collection was taken for the stok er The rescued man offered ten cents No less than baskets of fruit arrived in charge of the Canadian Ex press Co over the and one day last week I MUM ip up MB urg JJsl in Sea Canadian Express Company Baggage to and trains handled with despatch an election before have PROMPTLY of St Jeromes College Berlin Mob that Mr Borden and his fol lowers have became Painfully con scious of the Very plain mistake they have made So far as North York is concerned confidently look for ward to the inst that the con test will result In returning Mr as successor to Sir Allen Aylesworth arid a loyal sup porter of the Government which has succeeded in making a reciprocal trade in natural products with the neighboring Republic no rights that thoroughbred dyed- inthewool are bound to respect f Norway 1- J Fatal Shooting Accident Maple Creek Aug WoN has reached here from miles north of the fatal shooting by Phil Vollmaim Roumanian of his two children They were returning from a berrypicking trip when Voll- got out of the buggy to some ducks The accidentally ex ploded Instantly killing the small hoy and so dangerously wounding the little girl that she died in a few minutes suffering awful agony e4 A Tree Fell Killing Three forging ahead in the Way Of domestic legislation A Western exchange tells us that a bill been introduced in the Norwegian Parliament providing that no mar riage shall be performed unless the prospective bride has previously ob tained a certificate attesting a satis factory knowledge Cooking laun dry and dressmaking There is a good chance it becoming law An amendment requiring that the hus band shall he a fully qualified stoker a practical lawn mower engineer and a cheerful provider of household expenses would assist making the legislation for the pro motion of domestic happiness Com plete Forest fires have destroyed an immense quantity of in Newfoundland Boston Aug 28 More than sixty thousand cotton rmll operatives in the New England States will be idle un til Sept Partially emphasizing the most drastic curtailment policy which has been in force in nearly CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the of ATA tr WVi A C Ml Ottawa Aug Al- Ottawa ilonttrsil and of Three Rivers Que were killed at Ternpleton about five miles below the city on a bank of the Ottawa River by the falling of a during a fierce wind and rain storm which raged about six oclock last night- The victims were mem- hers of a party of seven who down the river on a amping trip Saturday afternoon pitched their lent under an apparently iwiund tree Inches in diameter fiee- the approaching storm last night all rot a lent The three men An American exchange in calling to the fact that there will fiftythree Sundays in 1 re marks that this will not happen again In one hundred and nine years Over In the United Stat it suggested that all denomi nations or the for mat ter celebrate the feao- bath falls on Dec the day In fire year as a day Here In da in Case the present general elec tions result In the defeat of the denBourassaMonk of thanksgiving Ihcy will Inclined to join In a general Ration service Is TORONTO Aug 20tn 96c Aug t Sept who killed were all n the hack of the tent the first erack of the Kit ttU I of electric storms proihesled as among of the future i he York American oKervrs Accord ing to Sir Oliver atmospheric I conditions along coast are undergoing change due to the of electricity in the air From Newmarket ACCOUNT Canadian National Exhibition Return Limit Kept 12 1011 TRAIN Special train leaves Toronto pm to I to N IN through I too far In and that It were The two were I expert to wlth a to death Instantly but War- lived or hour and a half expiring a few minutes after the ar- rival of a doctor by a wife and several children and also married and leaves a family They were here on was unmarried ihoi A The Lightning the Aheh killed Company Hamilton an Aug I he Reform for If Jenkins J when Mr pjhltc that he no agent Joint of Clarksburg was mad of company choice of the convention by a capital of and the Oldest lighting rod firm In Canada We give a guarantee for I Kng Aug i7 Ten gyyi for fire each persons hire been killed several order if ary building with this rod others have sustained Injuries on get burned by lightning or an through overturning yesterday of done by lightning without motor car near The car burning we repair it Inside of in collision 4iy the only lightning rod residence of Thus I cotnpaay I znoy incorporated will lc solved In future- Wires and have had an on our Civilization which WC cannot esti mate Who knows hut that the time way come can climate to order with An of states that election estimate that the bulletin on Sept ill will best Part of a round 17Vjooo enormous ex pense ban emailed by the In Parliament obstructing of the House forcing an election tvo fore the lav hanged the want the of Vlth them patriotism and country dont count when to loaves and arc In IhU expense would build he Newmarket Canal arid dry up the tears of the axMP for Centre York and save Mr Armstrong his present an xiety respecting domination glnton at was destroyed by on rtaturdty and Addxeea all order and it tfODs In with about six oclock In the nlorh- hUtineM Warren fctAt lighted and few place was In catching her anchor In the power cable crossing the VellandCa- I the stove T- the sUaroer Ames the Aug 2 house destroyed by fire were covered in- dislocation of In St of Smyrna ywryixan rinef district T Farm Laborers Excursions Additional Plw doing Returning A1K1 Prom all station Toronto North and West in all station Toronto and Bast of and let in fanada Through Tourist Pullman -to- AND Via Chicago and St Paul AUJ22Ni and In connection pull particulars Buy Grand Trunk Agent address A I P A Toronto notice Application to hero- given Isabella Helen of the city of To in the County of York province of Ontario married woman will ap ply to the Parliament ol Canada at IhVnext thereof for Divorce from bet husband John Daniel of said City of Toronto Oil the ground of adultery Dated at Toronto In the province of Ontario the day of August AI PUK1AN 10 Toronto St Solicitors for Isabella Helen Theatre Floor Turns Over The floor the Theatre in Paris is reversible one side being made for dancing the other being the usual inclined floor equipped with the folding of a theatre auditorium The floor is mounted on horizontal axis on which it revolves It is built fin a of steel girders and has an feet and weighs tons The axis whiph is parallel to the front the stage is not in the middle of the thickness of the floor hut nearer to the seating surface than to the danc ing surface The swings thru an excavation more than feet deep Portugal Has Troubles Aug Tle political sit uation in Portugal lis taking a serious turn The Republican party is now completely divided The advanced element under the leadership of Al fonso provisional Minister Justice arid the Conservative section under Antonio Almeida provisional Minister of the Interior and Senhor declared open war at the el ections for the Presidency the Mod erates winning the day The difference in the strength of the two sections Is not great and president Is devoting all his forces conciliating the rival fac tions but the chances his succeed ing are not considered rosy It is probable that after the formation Of a new Cabinet Parliament Will lie adjourned The reOpening Par liament however is expected to to heated Contests in the House On of the chief measures of new ministry will be the redrafting of the law Though con sidered Just in principle drastic clauses were inserted In law of Costa who thereby gained the support of the extreme Republicans Strikes are developing which threaten to have a affect on the country thousand lighter men and general dock workers are now out Notiolus reports that at Molt a Aldegallcga and other villages opposite I bnWhlCh are centres of cutting Industry the peoolc are abandoning their homes In of Acts of VloltnCfi have al ready pdrpetrated Official buildings are closed and guarded the military streets are patrolled by the troops a Clung to and Saved London Out Aug 28 Word has been received here of the narrow es cape drowning In Georgian Way of Mrs dates wife a Herbert one of promin ent citizens and her son who was accompanied two of his friends The four went for a ride in sail boat op the Hay when he craft cap- s7ed All Wore thrown Into the water but managed to get to the Irat Mrs her son Allen and one A the other lads citing to the craft while the older of the two friends swam to adjacent Is land for help After being in the water for an hour and forty minutes a put out and saved the party- They almost overcome with exposure but have now recovered Mr In manager of the Canada Assur ance Company here The British fruit fchlpAIICe ha been wrecked near Jamaica part the ere As a result of recent labor trou ble securities since July a shrlnkaKe of d05000000 i Pleases everybody Is used by men women and children in all parts of the World There is a reason Its superiority over other kinds Contains nothing injurious to leather but gives a hard brilliant and lasting polish It is good for your shoes I HAMIL THE F F DALLEY CO Limited HAMILTON Ont BUFFALO and LONDON IN TIIK STARS NUT IN Our fate not in no stars but In our habits A man who has been Industrious till he is forty would not know how to he If he lived purely and thought pure ly the shafts of Impurity will fall helpless against his armor And the othpr band it practically a miracle if In middle life one con quers evil habits starts a Hie of uprightness Destiny Is not a ov er outside ourselves compelling our reluctant obedience It Is made lp of choices which decide In urn eur habits and these the true biters of life fisrihe Central Business Col lege of Toronto invites to write for a copy of its cur riculum if you are In any Way Interested in a training which will lead you into a good business appointment at a good salary The all Term opens on Aug Address Shaw President and streets Toronto and mention this paper A Trunk caboose was Jammed Into and five of six nun in it were killed A bag of mall lost overboard at Plymouth has been picked up having drilled over Mrs 1 May of Merlon suing for divorce on the ground that her husband Objected to hooking her dress Bee ton Aug South Slmcoc Liberals have decided not to nomin ate a candidate as here Is already an Independent Conservative in the bold supporting reciprocity in opposi tion to Mr Lennox nom inee the Conservative party A most enthusiastic convention was hold here this afternoon Fully four bin- ilrod present Special trams brought contingents from Rarric and other points in North end I he riding Mr Donald President of the Libera Association was chair man and Mr J A McLaren and the rest he members of the were on the platform fl and in nil lands under the sun In nil conditions of life by genera lion after generation safest and most reliable family remedy iho world has ever known The good these un equalled health human suffer ing and prevention of serious sicknesses Is beyond calculation can do the same sort of good for you and for your family Seechamfl Pills their beneficent work in accordance with Natures laws Try a few- doses just as soon as physical trouble shows Itself and see how Immediately effective they arc sec how quickly the whole bodily system will he benefited Then you will know for your own good why Pills are I i Greatest Family Remedy Known by Thorn lit i In CmttU J In Si i f ARCHIVES OF