Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , September 1, 1911, p. 3

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Weeks Local 13 OH Extension A fourinch is being laid from Main Street to Niagara Street Huron Street and hydrant will be placed on the comer for better fire- protection in that neighborhood The main will be continued West to the houses on Huron Street with a pipe- Sew Bridge A new cement bridge has built the Corporation on Huron Street near the property which is a permanent Improvement Men are now filling in the approaches but it will not be open for traffic till the latter part- of next week so that it properly set before being used Removing Mr has secured part of the store now occupied by Re form Committee and will remove his harness shop to Main Street immedi ately aiter the election In the mean he announces big reductions prices to reduce his stock before re moval Fall Millinery Roche A Co have engaged a lady of large experience to rnanagC their Department which will he the leading Millinery Depart ment in Newmarket goods now coming in and workroom busy Why Farmer Consumer Both Benefit A QUESTION AND ITS ANSWER THE can it be that the farmer will re- more for his products under reciprocity while the con- will at the same time pay less for them THE ANSWER In the first place the duties present col lected on products imported amounting to a large annual sum will not be collected a will remain in the consumers Pocket In the second place commission agents and middle men the meat packers the and all tie rest them will no longer be able by reason of the American tarifl to con- trol and keep price at which the farmer must sell to them At the same time they will no longer be able by reason of the Canadian tariff control and keep up the price at which the consumer must buy from them Thus the food monopolists who have been able play both ends for the benefit of them selves will have their exorbitant profits cut down to the ad vantage of both classes of their victims Town Council Howling Messrs Fergus Harry Barry Ed Hunter and played against the Hilltops on Wednesday afternoon Thomas be in Mr was substi tuted along with Rev Mac kenzie and Score at end game in favor of Hilltops tannery Conduit In order that the supply of water Davis Tannery ma riot be affected any shortage in the canal basin Looking Up there- were four initiations at the AOUW meeting last Monday even- Council met Aug 28th and one was the first to Mayor Pearson Reeve Keith taken into Newmarket No- Vale and ker In recognition of the event the Communications from Rogers Lodge intend to present her with- a and Eugene Cane asking fancy Rocker Council to take over New Streets Huron and streets and Quarterly Meeting bills passed On Sunday next Sept 3rd there Colling wood reps at 50 will be Meeting Service in Caldwell glazing at Mar- the Church at Cor- ners commencing at am The Canada Foundry Co pipe presiding elder Mr S is Fire Extinguisher Co to expected to be at this meeting- P Com Everybody invited and welc A Bishop cartage en to strangers Express re in Rochester Lamp Co lamps League I Cane Sons R par Toronto Letter On Tuesday morning Thomas Lin ton fell twenty feet from a scaffold at the Dominion Bridge works on Sorauren- avenue and died a short time after being removed to the West ern Hospital Linton lost his balance and fell to the ground and when picked up he had a fractured skull a fractured bone arid scalp wound Sir Richard Cartwright delivered a masterly speech in Association Hall on Monday en the politi cal issues now before the country With much emphasis fie showed up the of the loyalty cry and demonstrated the change of front now assumed by Conservatives on the re ciprocity question Earl Grey reviewed the Hoy Scouts en the Exhibition- Grounds last Tues day The general attendance- of vis itors on that day was about in advance of the corresponding day of last year On Tuesday last the first of the new extension lines of the Street Railway was put in operation Cars were run over the street and up Ossingtcn Ave to street- Under the new arrangement the old and line is divided Poor old Mrs Burrows whose m Ladies j Skirts Black Sateen Underskirts 1100 for Black Moire Underskirts From 5250 Childrens Sweater Coats From 75c to 5100 Ladies Sweater Coats From to Mens Sweater Coats From to We still advise the purchase of sug ar- Market very strong and prices bound to higher We ft great Assortment COOKED MEATS Ham Cor Beef Jellied Hocks Jellied Tenderloin SOMETHING NEW Lemon Butter Orange Butter Pineapple 25c per Jar We shall be pleased to call for your gro cery order W There is a reason for the increase in our Shoe Business and this is Perfect Fit Stylish Fair Price and Every Guaran teed to give Satisfaction You run no chance in buying you from Live Stock Market The general run of heavy exporters sold Toronto this week at fiom as a mother hail been exhaust- to while the lighter had her wayward son before the grades which usually sent to Li- Police Court Monday for having brought from to saulted her Of course liquor was the Prime loads of butchers cattle cause but when the trial came on Isold high but these were she did not want him sent to Jail really export cattle bought by the only kept away from liquor The local trade- on account of the scarcity magistrate said he had tried bullocks The Milk of ency it now would be six menths in the steers and heifers commonly the Central known as butchers cattle did not ex- The teller of the Metropolitan per pound choice light lots flank cashed a check the other bringing from to SO per day hy handing out ten bills of which is about the same denomination in mistake for fives as last week Fairly butchers He had to employ the Police Court Cattle sold for from to 575 to get the money back medium grades from to A daring burglar named Sanson was and inferior lots low as SUMMER PARASOLS W C STANDARD PATTERNS D A CORSETS The Ladies Store of Newmarket SNAPPY SUMMER MILLINERY GALL AND SEE OUR some unforeseen circumstance yards Jong with IS inch til- is being put in from Huron St bridge io the Tannery emptying Into a cement cistern and the overflow into the canal the match here last Saturday Toronto won from the Of- fice Specialty Mr got in a carload of fruit Be sure to make arrangements to attend the Nomination Meeting in the Town Hall Newmarket Thurs day Sept It no doubt be a big meeting Schooner Burleigh arrested this week and sent to the Central for six months Visitors to Toronto at Exhibition Calves were firmer at from to Si per hundredweight Average prices were from to time ought not to fail taking a trip There is a drop in hog prices Hogs to Beach Park the great on board cars at average count re sell Queen East J A Lloyd Prospect Ave A Potter Queen M Andrews Pros pect Ave all granted metis aM street East referred to P A The following appeared the Globe Applications for light from J of Wednesday Wright Hamilton street It Brim- A telegram has received Queen East T Wagner offices of Missionary Society ron street and 1 Market of the Church of England in building The first referred to Fire from Battle the most north- A Light Com and others granted erly telegraph station in Labrador Canes Factory Business continues good All part merits brisk and orders coming stating that the schooner Buieign supply snip to the Government steam er now engaged in Hjdro graphical Wort in Hudson has been disabled and asking that a re lief steamer he chartered and sent to their aid immediately The message is signed by J pock atd Mr Anglican missionaries who were proceeding to work among the Big el rne factory is shipping average a car load a day Last The Public School Board asked a levy Of which was granted and referred to the Finance Com Mr Barter presented tenders for the new Huron street Bridge which were considered high and the Council agreed to meet at the bridge at it v a car of skewers were shipped direct to London Among the shipments this are three tars of wooden Ware Winnipeg and to Montreal There A the oldtime around the again Pay for What You Use It is at at last Hi- Worship oclock the following morn ng for fur- I her consultation A bylaw was passed appointing aw Assessor Collec tor and Inspector 1 he Fire A Light Committee was authorized to purchase a k w transformer The Mayor Messrs Cane and Bar ker were appointed to the roof of the Market in a proper state of re pair Mr Pearson gave that at the amusement at the east end of the city Those who may have seen it other seasons will be struck by the many improvements made recently Its restaurant Inn is now considered to fee one the best in the city and during exhibition time will cater especially to outoftown guests The vaudeville entertainment ranks equal to that put at the Fair Grounds The milk trade of the city is becom ing more and more vexing Iime was when a pail of milk was purchased and kept till next morning when the housewife could skint oil a large cup full of cream but it cant be done now Two well dressed girls were sent jail on Wednesday for days for shoplifting at Fifty years ago this week William Lyon Mackenzie passed to the great beyond He was the first mayor of Toronto According to the report of the In spector of Registry Offices of Ontario the fete received during totaled an increase of over the previous year Mr Guthrie the Inspector recommends that I he new points at and of cars in To Heavies are less than selects and sows per cwt Toronto Markets Aug 1111 Fall Wheat per hush SO Goose Wheat per bush 080 17 2f- 0 1 ft 00 0 20 AND Fancy Spot and Stripe Voiles for Pretty Evening Dresses and Waists French Marquisettes in Dainty Gold and Silver Spots and Stripes New Dress Trimmings the the Latest York Patterns Fringe Girdles Fancy Braids Jet and Persian Effects Ladies Tailored Suits ami Ulsters made to your Order TRY US Oats per bush Peas per hush Barley per hush Hay per ton Butter ptr fKgs do Potatoes per bag Chickens per lb Newmarket Markets Aug 1817 Butter per lb Registry Act In printed in Pamphlet per bag Chickens per lb and in Hudson and who had been ottered a passage for themselves and supplies in he Bur leigh The officer To ronto are endeavoring to full er particulars of the disaster for the telegram does not state where the accident happened or how were This the boat that Mr i a motion providing for felr Jackson left on f Hudson Day and ing all watertakers on the Meier Fall Wheat per Oats per hush Barley per bush Peas per bush Bran per ton Shorts per ton I lay per ton per doz a for the use of registrars and others specially Interested large increase in fees Is another evidence of 1 the countrys prosperity The family of Mr Abraham Kopitz in which there are himself his wife day announced that he is on way home aA expects to roach Toronto in about ten days Mayor gave notice at the ram from jester- Council meeting last Monday that at the next meeting he will introduce a require all domestic water users t pay by met er This Is the proper thing to do will gave a lot of waste during summer months as well as Catch who japs open in tie winter to keep the pipes from freezing of up the fire naturally bis parents were System and the ByLaw Com was Ions about his safety but tele- instruct to submit a bylaw in ac cordance- therewith Council adjourned Caught in Heavy I How Parry Sound Aug With her foremast carried away and in a crip- Little Hoy Killed A sad accident about oclock Saturday evening when little Willie Wilson the oid son of William Wilson North Slight Accident the Davis Tannery a tew days Mr T had two pared with a paring machine ft was fortunate he was able before bis hand was drawn in Mr Si Smith of the cmplot the had a coupla jammed last week him off work for a few W lammed his very badly Wednesday while move furniture which kill keep from tor several pled condition the schooner Naiad of Catharine street Hamilton was arrived here last night with a flight of old stairs cargo of lumber from French River that were standing on their side having been a week on the way the against a W In the hack yard of distance of the voyage being about carpenter and con- mi I The Naiad left French tractor North Catharine street before the gale of last Week and was home a fire which com pletely destroyed the building in Mc Kay street shortly after eleven oclock on Saturday night Miss Eva Martin a nurse at the Hospital was injured on Saturday night in alighting from a street car B was down in on Wednesday addressing political gathering at in the afternoon and In another part of the country In the evening Crowds at the Station have been handled as well as could be ex pected In reply to the question How are things going olllcer hush S0 ft2 25 ftO- 00 ft 0 0 ft 2 1 CAPITAL ALL PAID REST UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS mitt 12000000 i Branches at all Important In Canada In London Now York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland description a Banking business INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former cufttomers of Ontario Bank Branch will he accommodate as heretofore NEWMARKET BRANCH Rend the ERA to absent friends a Dont forget Jr- In the under the iUpcts of Workers on Monday The will Mis MIm Forrest pit ML Paris and Hi replied Very nicely When cup Is lull you cant fill It any fuller The Conservative nominee for When the accident happened the 1 Toronto Mr A J- Kemp caught in the same blow caused w wa M In the yard Mr Con- lilk i playmate The hall had Kemps election cards have that vessel was Russell probably not more than ten miles the wrecked boat at time of dieter The W blowing w he lyjburnped his against the taVt blowing appeared be very much heavier than meteorological station here shows to have been blowing here that night the roe very rapidly After the loss foremast to and came here tiiui over and fell on him Toronto rd Mrs Aurora will In the program j also elocHfooffct Doors open at Improvement The removal of the fence aid In new cement walk In front of J residence on St much to of property The verardah with large foundation has rfiy improved of the appearance at the of and- Prospect Ave ft in JJPalrf When completed Mr of fle wf irsiik iVaVid iiotfcer READING and they striking him on the forehead and Crushing the life out of Mm His playmate va and weather the home which was and SCreanied to his mother thai Willie was killed brother I fan ley who wa8 In the house at the time lumped over the lack fence and he and John lifted the stops off little head he was dead At same time Tommys eye was cut Mr In thctwo little fellows playing was on the lounge and did know of accident until his two neigh bor jumped over the fence and pick ed the dead hoy up He that he had stayed horn to look after children an Wife had gone to Toronto He had built a little playhouse In the backyard for them and the other children round about kept running In his yard to In this boU80 In Ibe yad During the day he had kept the children out the yard as they were making such a lie just started read the pa- when happened The stairs fell on the little fellova bead were some that had been of building on Mr ld Working and kept In yard until he need ed for some other There Is a fa toe quality spectacles contain cheap knxes lenses make the If the eyes you Lave no reading the beat prices are to reasonable for trasses aM our work that will be fcid you came A CO and P of Of Course a woman a dream of loveliness Dreams go by contraries wants to know which one A lad about fifteen years old nam ed lamcH while sit ting in the stern of a Sunday down In Bay foolishly played with boy companions In the boat and losing his balance toppled over into the water back wards and was drowned where the accident happened the water Is ft deep Clifford festie the little sixyear old boy who was found wandering about Allen Gardens Sunday after noon was Identified by his sister about ten oclock Monday at the Childrens Aid Society Sirncoc street His mother recently had him placed in the home Cm Sun day after returning from church he managed to escape from the matron in charge of a number A marriage has taken place In St Cathedral between a man who Is deaf and only able to speak Indis tinctly and a woman whr deaf and dumb The service vas conduct ed In the language by the J from London Kng Church for the Deaf and the couple exchanged their- tows in the same way tend the to absent Cleaning a and OVERCOATS J GREGORYS OVER STORE A Monster Picnic will be held on Pair rounds ttw Auspices of St Patricks Church i A larg of been for Voidable Silver Caps Football etc Some of Moat Wa the- among them SIR WILLIAM Chief Justice High Court of Ontario- SIR ALLEN AYLESWORTH of HON J KG J Attorney General of Ontario HERBERT LENNOX ALEXANDER FERGUSON J A ARMSTRONG Conservative for North York ROBINETTE T Candidate for North FURNISH Km MEALS WILL BE A DAYS OUT NO Everybody

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