Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , August 11, 1911, p. 4

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Sir Wilfrids Tour Forget This will by Sir Wilfrid at the town of County of Norfolk OT Tuesday Aug is announce he will be accompanied by Hon Mr Minister of Customs I Hon Postman The Premier will altera Liberal gatherings as j follows The experience of Motherhood Is a Monday Sept J Alexandria Glen- trying one to most women and marks carry County distinctly an epoch in their lives Tuesday Sept i one woman in a dred is prepared or understands how to Wednesday Sept properly care County self Of course near- Thursday Sept Sudbury every woman now- adayshas medical sing district treatment at the time of childbirth County many approach Saturday Sept under con experience with s Friday Sept Perth in organism unfitted for the trial of to accompany strength and when the strain Is over be announced lat her system has received a shock from and are ro ot which it Is hard to recover Follow- right upon this comes the nervous September 8 lJ strain of caring for the child and a for consideration distinct change in the mother results are in charge General Secretary a happy and healthy mother of with and indeed childbirth under right who will coope a conditions need be no hazard to health the various riding associate or beauty The thing is that with all the evidence of shattered nerves and broken health resulting WnrldSSheep from an unprepared condition women tic will persist in going blindly to the trial- It isnt as though the experience Toronto Worlds log- came uronthern unawares They have is a fair sample ample time in which to prepare but shKp question is a they for the most part trust to chance a agreements Prim Dornnd of Win- Miss Edna Landers trie handsome and clever young prima donna the recent The Chimes of Normandy was presented by theWinnipeg Operatic Co in the Earl Grey Musical and Drama- packing f6r lhe cbun cot tage dont forget your Zanv and Soap Blisters sunburn scratches insect stingsetc if not immediately at tended to are likely to spoil your pleasure insures you against from tfce tic Trophy contests held in Winnipeg is antiseptic kills all poison in wounds whether from barb ed wire fence or insect sting Soothes aching feet and blistered hands- heals babys chafed places cools those sunburn patches and pre- vents freckles So mother should be- without it Purely herbal in its composition is superior to the ordinary ointments containing animal oils and fats and mineral coloring matter All druggists and stores 50c box Use also Soap Best for babys bath and for tender skin 25c tablet j ana pay the penalty In many homes once childless there are now children because of the fact that Vegetable Compound makes women normal healthy and strong Any woman who would like special advice in regard to this matter is cordially invited to write to Mrs at Her letter will be held in strict confidence Wire Fencing Five Years Success With AMERICAN FIELD AND FENCES MADE BY The Canadian Steel Wire Co Ltd Come see Quality and get prices For Salt By J Near High School The American farmer as we have already stated Can beat the Canadian farmer at sheep cm invade the Canadian termer market Is that so or is it not so Is it so that Ameri can sheep and lambs have If sold on the Toronto stock within a few months after duty on each sheep has been 1ml If it is so it proves the case is so therefore the case is proved The chief editor of the World as a member the late parliament is in position to acquire official statis tics His cunningly devised theories in the above extract are thus dis proved by the Globe Pin the fiscal year Canada lambs and sheep a large campaign fund to be used in the Dominion next month to bring ahout the defeat of the members of Parliament who favor the measure This action on the part of opponents of the pact in Congress ought- to stimulate the farmers 0 Canada to ore strenuously in their en join to secure in its is in her very early twenties She a real Western Canadian girl been both in Winnipeg Her father the Landers was a very wellknown railroad man dna when quite young developed a strong soprano voice arid ability and was frequently seen and beard in Harvest Home and oth er festivals Some five seasons ago she sang the difficult role of Jos ephine in Pinafore scoring a suc cess- Two years later she appeared tt Berpolette with the Winnipeg Amateur Operatic Society in the Chimes of Normandy when her suc cess amounted to a veritable triumph Shortly after the same ambitious op era company put on The Gondoliers in which Miss Landers etta again demonstrating her ability to both sing and act prima donna roles The following season The Ser enade was produced by this aspiring company and Miss Landers appeared as Yvonne once more making an excellent impression She was coach ed in these three roles by Mrs WaJker stage directress of the Win nipeg Amateur Operatic Co Her marked ability handsome lace and figure and general pergonal mag netism fit her admirably for a career she ha Cabinet changes to stage sin place this woe already been the recipient of several some time ago Hon enticing offers Whether or not this Minister of Marine and Fisheries and gifted young woman will devote her of Naval Affairs goes to the Supreme talents to the stage is undecided Bench made vacant fry the but of Justice The pre- sent PostmasterGeneral takes Hon P portfolios and Or the portfolio Hon Mr I Bel and there is a rumor to the effect certain prominent producer musical comedy may secure her ser vices for next season She is such great favorite however with the j young set in Winnipeg that even of postmaster- glamor of the stage may not win her funeral A press despatch from from her friends and admirers of saThe new Minister will ggg address meetings both Ontario ain Winnipeg Amateur to the United States against a i duty of per head on sheep and Newmarket Ontario per heart on lambs The duty on these animals was or at the Irate of per head all round In FALL TERM OPENS AUG same year the farmers ins United States were able to send into during the campaign Hon Mr will go to with Sir Wilfrid for the Prime Ministers opening meeting the campaign on August The other Ministers to accompany Sir Wilfrid to will be Hon Geo P Graham and Hon I Mackenzie King The financial statement of the Do minion for the first four months of the current fiscal year shows a steady and gratifying increase of revenue with expenditure remaining practical ly stationary The Income first four months was increase of as compared peg Amateur Co was formerly a prominent prim donna and will doubtless be reimm by many theatregoers of Can as before she left the stage fifteen years ago she toured as star in many prominent production For twelve years or more she a resident of Winnipeg devot ing her time and attention to the press work for her husband- Phone in Win nipt with last year This ELLIOTT TORONTO Stands without Superior in Canada Graduates highly success fcil Catalogue free per per moment i he The between the or dinary photograph and the kind we is to our and equipment Every sitter Is given individu al attention and treatment and the results we produce are pho tographic portraits not mere ly photographs us demon strate our fcill by making for you the best portrait you have ever had If you wish to faae a photo of your home or any view work give us a call Photo Newmarket the Canadian market only of sheep and lambs They paid duty of or an average of head rate of duty being cent a valorem Accepting for a Worlds method of is not evident that a nation of eight millions hat can send sheep and lambs into the markets a pow erful nation of ninety millions whin the ninety millions can only the extent of I beating the American farmer out his boots Jrfjt million people fcwfl head the border The World that the nation of millions should have sent head of Sheep and lambs to Lea us out of our boots Is that oris it not In the The World if It is so it proves the caw It is so therefore the case is proved contrast to the yearly deficits under Conservative rule before the present Government assumed control With the revenue increasing at the rate of over a million a month and with the public debt showing a decrease it is safe to say the Opposition will not make the Governments financial ad ministration issue in this cam paign the face of facts like the foregoing will Mr Armstrong tell the farmers of North York what is to be gained by a return to power of the men whom he stands pledged support theatres the Walker the Metropolitan in Grand Porks and the Fargo Opera House Forgo She is also part owner Winnipeg Town Topics a bright so ciety music and drama weekly in me for the I ffijSkiS jfr Matinee Girl letters UV Walker is honorary president is compared Canadian Womens Press Club is a striking president of the womens committer of the Winnipeg Humane Society VicePresident of the Winnipeg Sun- Society and is also on board of the Winnipeg Childrens Hospital to and from trains handled with despatch ut5iiistHfcraLsgns6iairhiii3fj5arigaK36na man i UDEniUBfliDsBsHH EBIB El a lJouDlenracK Li no Peter for a brutal crime was given months in the Central Vacation Trips Lake of Bays French River Georgian Bay PROMPTLY SECURED Our St Jeromes College The furnished a text for Mr talk about dressing the electors of Center York in Convention this week by saying He should tell them why his parly is opposing the Newmarket that he and Ms Lennox Ml- urged the Government to build Berlin ma Minister Globe a Hon Mr Duff Ontarios of Agriculture speaking to man ot the probable mult lections said Many voters v than and the will along strictly party what ill a vote I kno for me but forecast Is a knows the farmers il go reciprocity Lakes Algonquin Park River Lake Lake Mackinac Island Whit Mountains Sea Side Resorts Lakes etc The Ottawa Citizen although the organ of that party at the Capitol candidly asserts that Mr Borden and his following in the late House of Parliament made a par ty blunder in opposing reciprocity The Citizens contention is that Con servatives should have accepted reci procity and slangwhanged at Govern ment scandals For weeks the oppo sition obstructed the passage of the reciprocity agreement on the plea that it should be pronounced upon by I the electorate am he Government has referred the question I to the people the Opposition leader finds fault with the Government for having done so The inconsistency of such a policy fully demonstrates Ural whatever course Sir Wilfrid decide upon Mr Borden was prepared to challenge and oppose wonder the Conservative organ at Ottawa tells him hat lie has made a blunder Pullman 8leepers IK YOU WANT TO Almontes Heroine The town of Almonte recently had a very Costly fire and incidental- discovered that it has a heroine WB of Bays Miss Denault night operator in Lake Huron the Bell Telephone Companys office Quebec showed a strain of pluck similar to that of the engineer who sticks to engine when to stick means danger of death and to that of the captain who ritiyri with his sinking ship Miss was wakened by the TtlTOUKh TOUflSt lames and although the room she was in full of smoke she didnt lose her head she gave the alarm before trying to save herself Miss own account of her experience an given to a reporter of The Ottawa Journal is interesting I was sleeping on the bed that provided for us as we are not often v a awakened at last by the bursting in the window caused by the heat outside I up and ih- room full of Einoke It was al most impossible to breathe but I man aged lo j cross the room to the tele- phone I called Up the Town Hall and gave the alarm I had not time to speak on the telephone ami did not even have time to get my or the However I dont mind that I wan glad enough to get jiil myself The smoke was so thick it wa- Ui gee and I wan reared it would smother me seemed take me a long time hall and down the tair4 Ufa tril I left the building I saw only on man on the street to my alarm the Ural in was gathering of the long ago family last Wednesday at Harwich near Boston Mass Mr principal School in at the Police Court last Friday thrs city was among the Canadian Mr KC will bo representatives There were some the Liberal standardbearer in Centre thousands there successors York a will give Wallace of old Pilgrim Fathers who came something else besides the from England in the early days of Canal to think about WINNIPEG AND EDMONTON Toronto p August vi Chicago St busy at night said The Paul and Minneapolis Very low re must have burning for quite rate in tin upper but I was rand farm DIRECT FROM FACTORY TO FARMER PREPAID TO YOUR NEAREST R II ft I- C I The Qlohe Lightning Rod Company Hamilton Jenkins begs inform the that he Is no agent but joint proprietor of company by a Capital of This Is the oldest lighting rod In We give guarantee for good for five years with each tt this rod OS gets by lightning or If any It by lightning burning repair ft of days This It tU only rod know of by the Government Address all In Connection with the lightning rod Warren Jenkins a Tuesday WM Aug Hit Urn of J lsry in rear lot Con I King A part the seasons crop j The Chattanooga Times to remark if Canada will with us Tennessee Iran a of politicians which she would to exchange for a few not for that kind of a dicker but will readj to ith firucIaM rot- tie for American gold dollars The annual meeting of the announced to f the City Mall ToroU on Aug Jlt and Friday Kept eommTmg at on the day i oil been Invited to uA delegates and assist In meting gathering The whJects proposed for to men The point of view makes all the dif ference interested The Grand Review over in Mich- Thin reciprocity thing which was bitterly opposed at Washington it a gotl thing for Canada and bad for the now being fought tooth and tvnall In Canada because It favors the Party politics Changs the viewpoint of the stye In The Herald of Friday last their the Canadian reciprocity in American rf tr treaty are to the measure by he wouldnt d for me laid a business man as he noticed fellow making his way down I fie street it wan business hours and presumably the young man had some more- or Important band to account for his from the office lie walked with a leisure ly saunter stopped to look a window where a woman was demon- Pirating the ability of a colorless fluid to turn snowy original color again front of the newspaper office to read the baseball news and finally tinned a corner still looking back over his shoulder he wont do for me repeated the business man towhom the youth in question bad been strongly rcconf- When send a fellow out on business I want him to start In a different fashion Nobody who saunters along In that he after Why ni everything hut he has to do Another young man went past walking swiftly his hat pulled down over his forthead and bis coat tails flying out behind He crossed the street diagonally to nave time started when an acquaintance spoke his Hello Jim Then over his shoulder for he was speeding on his way Didnt see you at first- And somehow that contrast helped to make clear the decision in the mans voice when he Of the flrst young man He do for roe CASTOR I A Infants and Children You Have Always Bought Bears the of On the Side Dr It Normal who liar yearn on the Nation- Mission to Deep ha Labrador tell a good story o the moor lance anil i traveling more often than a ldioui in those rv- giOllH one it look the driver A the dog team and Dr days utiles tin journey Dr -parit- ed from his driver and in milking a short cut plowed through tract of soft SHOW Khee deep Nxt morn ing he had disappeared reveal- in Ink- fifteen Jo the following year made tin- journey wjin warts dog at the lead the team The distance covered in hours and only once did the lending dog make a mitake in the route- vhicn lie was for only the second time he on the wrong side a tree but drew up and turning the went round by hide Military Poital Corps A militia gaett the other an- the of to be known art the Canadian provide for the military pos tal service the militia camp mid in the field Iht con trol be under the director of trans port There will with In and detach me In each military division Many a man hasnt as much polish as his bootblack him appear to have hobble skirt doesnt rates Literature and full information from any Grand Trunk agent or ad dress Duff DPA Union Station Toronto J Depot Agents Oar Toronto better John a familiar and congenial figure the Union Station passage gateway died at his home last week It is Coronation year at he Cana dian Inhibition he at tractions are largely coronation nature including- the Coronation of His household band replica of the crown jewels and coronation fire- works A live Canadian rattlesnake has been added to the collection of at the Zoo Up to the present date Toronto and Hamilton appear be the only cities Identified with tilt Men and Movement which is to sweep like a Wave over the continent North America ami ending up with an eightdays In following ft that as a result of the move ment there wjlj not lie a single clmrcli in Canada without Mens or ganisation attached to It Miss Violet was At a committee of the Meth odist Mission Hoard to go as stenographer for the mission in western China The Committee ap proved conditionally the appointment of A Warner of Ontario to the medical staff the name mis sion The Hoard of Control wire advised by City Solicitor dohnslon the oth er day that Toronto has no power under the law to draw on Lake coe for water An Act would have by the Ontario Legisla ture before the city Iad this power A verdict murder against was returned at the in to the shooting of Wank In this city a week ago last Sunday Another fire at the ROYAL made of the best all No hard wire heavily galvanized and perfectly woven The farmers of Ontario have purchased over carloads of Royal Fence this season Your money back and we pay freight both If not satisfied The following Styles wo carry In stock can make prompt of any amount All fence put up In and roJ rolls only 8 lino wires 3 In stays to the rod fttl Steel wire Spacing 3 Irlco rod freight prepaid high high line wires In j to the rod AM No i hard wire Spacing 7 Price rod freight prepaid 74O0 line wires In high j slays to the rod oil No J hard Has line wires In steel wire stays to the rod jiII No Price per rod wire 3 prepaid 24C per rod freight Has line wires In high prepaid stays to the rod No 9 hard steel fame as 80 With Stays wire 7 to tin rod per rod price per rod freight pre- freight prepaid line wires SO In high stays Han 7 line wire In high lhe 9 stays to the rod all No hard pacing 3j sttttl wire per rod freight prepaid 2nc prepaid We the best nil Iron double stretcher made freight prepaid The abOVe prlrts Include prepaid to any railroad station west of Toronto In Old Ontario To points beyond Toronto and south of North Day add per rod and wo pay freight To points In New Ontario Quebec arid Maritime Provinces add Co per rod and WO pay cash your order by order or draft to the The Sarnia Fence Co Sarnia H Route Box 32 Holland Landing will take Contracts to erect Royal at to oicr according to quantity In Queens early from Jumping at conciuslons I WOrnfnsj gave a Ware f keeping bis constantly down to grindstone apt to give any men sharp features One of the greatest mistake ft man Is the thinking be lint going to make any ft is true that every man has Ms price It Is true levy of them are worth It It was put out before large damage was done It in the west ern now In Course construe after thfj disastrous fire months On tfiw of city nged was drowned at ten Kings- ton in the River while flying She the boat Canadian National Exhibition August 26th TORONTO September 11th CORONATION YEAR LEADS THEM ALL Aft Gem from Euro Greatest Greatest show on contln- galleries masters display ever shown Special of from best collections in America I Goods man- each Increased Canada and United ufactured while you States wait THREE GREAT SPECIALS Coldstream Guards Band War Beneath the tng the glories of the Cor- Musicians ol the Royal Showing a ceremonies Household by special a Dreadnought and a performers In uniform permission of the King Submarine hosts or omen ATTRACTIONS Boy Scouts Vaudeville Fireworks TelvCMasKd Bands ratios Kates MAGNIFICENTDISPLAYS OF CORONATION FIREWORKS Per til write Matter J Hall Toiooto f J i r r I t i I

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