Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , August 11, 1911, p. 3

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Peeks 13 GODCQ OS EX Mir Wests barber shop looks much better Its new front and coat of Paint C monthly meeting the will be held on Tuesday residence Mr Will Collins on ill of at 3 pm in the slree rauCD Hall on Lot street We appicUon paint a large turnout ft ml The Woodmen of the ft Is possible as we have important busi ness to Sew Potatoes Very Scarce The crop of early potatoes seems I short generally throughout the province- Very few are offering by he bag and small quantities are per peck It looks v much just now as potatoes be scarce and this fall erected a handsome monument over the grave of the late Norman Bain in Newmarket Cemetery An engine commenced pumping the water out of the canal basin at ronStreet last Friday in order that the remainder of the concrete work may bo completed this season Mr Gould has his new house at the ready for- the shingles Very extensive grading operations are going on at the Cemetery but it is too hot for sodding Christian Church The pastor will speak next Sunday the following topics from the p of a Pilgrim Last Sunday evening Mr J Tune of sang most live solo the Mr fen with Me in a and all Death of Mr Mr Perrin highly respected citizen of Newmarket passed away to his reward in Gait on Saturday last Deceased went to make a visit with one of his brothers who resides there and while there was taken ill with the old trouble that dodged his steps these four or rendered a duet Abide five years The was manner that pleased j home last Saturday evening Monday the funeral took place from Rock of Ages and after Tune and hung by His Foot evening last week Leslie son of Mr Martin brought arid on ana fine we had a trip to the woods adjoining the town on the south side of Gorham street Myself with two daughters grand son and companion and ft little dog were all the company Arriving tir ed and hungry the contents of the Scouts express wagon were quickly unpacked a a pail of steam ing hot tea carried inside stout paper bag afforded refreshing drink for any who preferred it to cold lem onade Dinner having been disposed of dishes washed and everything put in order and baskets left in safety a rest was taken under- the beautiful green trees We had a daily paper and magazines to read but not much in that line was accomplished and it was not long until we scattered about and found the swamp very al luring The afternoon was too short and the boys said they- would like to remain in the bush all However when tea was we had a fire to make tea and to try potatoes in addition to the bread butter cakes etc we had another stroll through the forest Then it was time to return for The sun that shone bright day Had now gone quite out of our sight And we must now hasten away For soon it will he dark silent night nation for Entranced High School She had two pupils fa try a both were successful Vk Sale of Dress Muslins Regular Price to Now all at one price a yard Mr and Mrs- R French ard of Toronto were calling on friends here on Monday of TorontofVas trie guest of Mr 1 MdNair fora lew JilPil Sweater Coats in all Colors and Styles The new school house is progress- finely Carpenter work under the contractor Mr H Phillips of is nearly completed and Mr Elgin was out here figur ing on the painting Mr A of Newmarket has the contract for the new furnace all the was his late residence street conducted by Rev Alex Mackenzie Newmarket Aug pastor of the church of which he was life long member Rev and Rev Cornell assisted Mad were took riding down Main Street in Mr j delegation of Workmen Win fruit wagon started interment to get out behind while the rig at in motion One of the slats in the ttaS resi of New- broke and his left foot went years through to the knee He then the relatives who attended over the tailboard backwards and distance were his a ie udk uiiii his were badly strained but no bones Joseph and Ben from were broken brother John and wife from Gait and Mr Nathan Woods Left Behind hung there until the rig was stopped j Mrs who The muscles at the back of the knee the before his drath hi Entrance to Normal The results of the examinations for Entrance into the Normal Schools were announced last week The j lowing were the successful students of High School Only eight passed out of twentytwo Mabel honors Pearson Hill Isaac Marritt Alice Stick wood Norman Morton honors Max honors Co Overflow Personals Miss Weir Detroit is visiting the Misses Mrs Kennedy and Miss Essie Ken nedy are spending three weeks at Mr Howard Proctor spent the holidav with his aunt Mrs Rankin Stewart NY Aug 8 A special from says A riot out among Canadian excursionists the docks at Beach last night when the learned that it was im possible for the steamer to convey them back to Torrnto in- one trip and as a result men women and children participated in a strenuous row in which scores were bruised TJie captain tried to explain hut the crowd would not listen and started to pull pickets off fences It was a pulling hauling toe-tramp- and ribracking mob Finally the boat captain orderedhis crew to turn the hose on the crowd The turning on of the water was signal for the hurling rocks and other missiles the boat This was Mr and Mrs of Toronto are visiting her sister Mrs Pryne Mr and Mrs- of Toronto are spending their holidays at Mr Lewis- Miss Henderson of Brampton is the guest of Miss hill Mrs Fairies is holidaying in Mr Jordan of Toronto spent civic holiday at Mr Fairies Miss Browning of Toronto spent a day at Mr Mr Lyons and daughter of Toron to were guests at Mr Tran- Mr A Law bad the misfortune to lose a horse It got its leg broken and had to be shot We are pleased to say that Mr M Paisley who underwent a serious op eration in Toronto Hospital is do ing well and his many friends hope he may soon able to return home The Misses of Toronto spent a few days with relatives Miss spent a day last week in Toronto- The Adult Bible Glass of the Mcth- Sunday School spent a social at the home of Mr Curtis Miss Fern and Miss Stella Clarke fSchoriiberg spent Tuesday and kept up until had to Ik dozen women fainted given medical what Auto Smashed On Saturday afternoon at there- occurred town might have been a fatal accident Mr K Robertson accompanied by bis wife was Cfjinfng down Lot street in his automobile and at the same time a Metropolitan work car Was coming from the north He did not hear the car until be was almost at the crossing He put on the brake the speed of the auto forced it fairly in front of the oar where it Came to stop- As Wednesday in town Mrs S- son Mur ray of Richmond Hill visited friends in Town over Sunday Mr I and family of Montreal are in Town spending vaca tion with her father Mr John Millard Mrs Jas Brothers of Aurora sister of Mrs Jackson who underwent an operation a week ago was getting along nicely at last re port Mrs I Jones who has been for several weeks in the General Hospital Toronto where she under went an operation is home for a few The steamer finally got under way with her first load and returned at one oclock this morning for those wh were left behind of car had not yet gathered speed after Climbing the grade and was not before going hack to her very fast ft hit the In the centre and dragged it about ten yards turning iV around and jamming it into Col Lloyds fence auto was badly wrecked but the occupants escaped serious injury If it had been a passenger car it is more likely they would both have kill ed I his emphasizes the necessity of electric signals at the crossings in town Children Drowned Beaumaris Musk Aug While paddling i the water immediately in front of their fathers summer cot tage here this afternoon Samuel awl Wiilock aged seven and five years respectively walked their depth and were drowned The children were missed at four oclock and a search was at- once Instituted The bodies were recover ed at eight oclock after their and stockings were found on the beach The lake near the bore was duties again Mr and Mrs VanNorman Keswick announce the engagement oil dragged with the result that both their only daughter Madeline I bodies were recovered lying close In to Willan Mann son of MrJgether They were carried to shore the Mann of marriage to take place early in ember Very general regret is expressed in political circles at the announce ment of Sir A dc- and for more than an efforts were made them hut without avail The Children were SOI and daughter of Mr and Mrs Curtis of Defiance Ohio who or sev- of Mrs Bayly At last Tuesday morning there passed avay a prominent figure for upwards of half a century and one whose benign Influence still extends in developing town and country We refer to Mrs Bayly the Veteran school teacher whose thread of life extended for long of most ninety years Deceased way born at the historic of Quebec and liberally educat ed She was twice married resid ing at Montreal Toronto n Beach A came to ar- a with two by iier first husband fifty years last April opening a private tot in struction In Mu sic ability of Command and affectionate gen- won the confidence public and it was not long Until became getber and a building on Mill street was re quired to accommodate lr fifty or pupil at one time who have occupied many prominent posi tions in mercantile me chanical editorial and life in part and who In Mrs Baylys declining years have generously with other to her support For ten years of more she ha j invalid and Clergymen of all have visited and to her spiritual always entertaioed cultur ed conversation Mis Maria was only three years old when her father died the has been con stant companion ard her The other daugh ter Mr John has a widow nearly laly with her young est at LucVnow Got obsequies were ded at lr late residence day morning by Cornell by nesghbors friends upwards of a dozen expupils The were laid in the be ing Messrs Irwin Geo Wood it Miss of fcjsr niece May neii Ottawa v he I with toon a rfw for re- termination to retire from the years have the summer and from Parliament Beaumaris Mr Is a very His many friends In North York wealthy manufacturer and Is head however Will pleased to learn Barrel Company he will take an active part in the The bodies were recovered by pendlng election contest a will ad- j per Walker and James Sutherland dress a number of public meetings throughout the riding Sir Allen has been troubled with neuralgia and this combined with his deafness has Influenced bis decision respecting retirement from the Government and parliamentary life His connection with Iran been most cor dial and regret is deep and dial regret is and affliction has deemed It unwise to accept the unanimous nomination lendtred him by Ibe Moil mm campaign lir carries with of the Hiding In his retirement him the best wishes Aug it were in my power give you the lash would cheerfully do ald Police Magistrate today when w and faced him charged with brutally boating a livery fhe former was feed and the latter SiO forgratulalions due Miss Flor ence- Natress who had charge of the 10th line school last term The three pupils she sent up for the entrance exams were all successful The Union School been kindly remembered by an expresident of this place Mr J olden of which was Installed a short time ago The Instrument is of quartercut oak left many years afC and nas achiev ed success In business In Miss Miss M An derson Mrs Fogg and Mr H f Toronto also Mrs Dicks Miss Collins and Miss K Anderson of Newmarket are guests at camp Kennedy Point Mr It Warner and Mr Rouse of Toronto are guests at The I I Club of Keswick is having Moonlight Excursion on the steamer on the 1 of August Moat leaves Point at oclock Mr Arthur Oliver is over from Montana on a twomonths vacation Miss Rita Irwin of- Newmarket spent a couple of days this week at Ingle wood The raft of logs which was nearly oneeighth of a mile long broke loose on Tuesday and a man had to be sent up from the Factory to look af ter the Mattering logs Mr Fred of Toronto is spending a month at Arbor F Thomas of Newmarket will he tint preacher at the union Church next Sunday Dr Hyde having a previous engagement THE BEST READING There a great difference in the quality lenses Cheap spectacles contain cheap lenses Cheap make If Hit SChe no comfort reading Take our come here get tr On are o r for good fcd work so that you l5 you came CO nd opticians jj Ticket Mrs Archibald has been 111 latxiy and all wish her a speedy re covery Miss Mary Mitchell has relumed home after a visit with Mrs J of King Creek MiSf Gladys bM been laid up lately but Is recovering nicely Miss Irene Rutherford of Toronto Spending holidays with pa refits here Mr Silas had the misfortune of getting Ms knee badly hurt trying to more a sick There a good attendance at the Quarterly Meeting eervice in place on Sunday morning w Clement occupied Mrs Rev of Aurora calling on Rome of her old friends on Sunday May Allen Is visiting friends In city for a time The many friends of Mrs Hamilton Cook will hear of her illness and ale her son who Is at his home In Lnlon- We them a speedy recov ery Mr AIL I fa lo way and daughter of Toronto were gusts at M over also Mr Mrs J ol Toronto Council The above council met at Nurses Kinu City on Saturday July all present of- last meeting read and The Council In of the Whole on- bills Air Deacon in the chair following bills were ap proved and ordered paid Joseph months pay Hall Gravel grant Hall yards gravel Herb vork in pit and ropalra to screen Win Rogers yards of gravel It A Evans grant Vrray digging ditch Wal ker to K yards Vd re moving road Con Calvin rops to road yards gravel Cairns yards Gray lumber Oliver on grader 120 Alex Ferguson operating grader 300 McCabo yards gravel Badger reps to K V Joseph on grant Co Junior Thomas Gravel Gib bons grain cutttlng hill disinfectant Al fred Hancock work In gravel pit coin- 550 Herb reps bridge work 2000 Walter Palmer gravel grant J A gravel 320 to bridge Addis Win tor cement culvert J Wilson rem stone off road Addis Winter shov eling gravel Wiles plank Wm yards gravel 100 Miss gravel reps to bridge If 225 the clerk be authorized to Issue to Frank Porhari of a license to run poof tables having paid fee Wells That clause In bylaw be bo amended that In executing the conveyance of said lands Cot will to a right of original road allowance In event of the rebuilding or re pairing of Overhead Bridge Con 2 Phillips Wfclie That the of the- clerk Treasurer be roused by 100Q per annum com mencing with 1911 motion Councillor demanded Yeas and which as fol low Yeas Vella Phillips and Kays Lemon and Vells Lemon That the account of J Walton re Mr fc PA JhursomenU while Mr and Mr Edgar lhe fa Mil Mrs of Bloom- no entertdlned by this- Council Wool Delaines Special Price Clear Regular and 50c Now 23c yard J Mens Balbriggan Sleeveless Shirts Special Price to Cie Regular 50c each That the clerk be instructed to notify to fill or caused to bo made by him on north near Con King and that he served a copy of this re solution Wells Deacon the clerk notify Mrs Street that action has been deferred until next meeting ro her grievance Phillips Wells That Wil liams bo given the contract for making the following cement tile at7dc each in in in 251 in in Wells Phillips That Wm be tbe sum of for loss of produce- during quarantine Phillips Lemon That Dr Kay of be paid the sum of for professional services on con dition that ha givea clear receipt Phillips Deacon That the Reeve bo appointed to see the Solicitor with regard what action should bo taken to have lumber and logs removod from in front of a per sons property who was asked to have removed ByLaw No re- Overhead bridge on Con King bylaw read a first and second time on motion of W J Wells seconded by J Deacon that the Bylaw be not read a third time this day but that the third reading he laid over until the next meeting of Council pending action bo taken by the Reeve re clause of said bylaw On motion council adjourned to meet at Temperance Hall Ket- on Saturday August 1911 Live Stock Market There is practically no change in the live stock market in Toronto this week butcher arc selling at per cwt spring lambs at jnd live hogs at Toronto Markets Aug Fall Wheat per bush 0 Every pair of Boots and Shoes sell we guarantee so you are sure- of Satisfaction We keep the best makes at the Lowest Possible Prices Grocery Dept We shall be pleascdto call for your Grocery Order Sugar by the bag still Good Purchase as it is sure to go much higher in price owing to failure In crop sem BRUNTON SUMMER W CLUNDY PARASOLS- STAN A CORSETS The Ladies Store of Newmarket SNAPPY SUMMER MILLINERY f CONSISTING OF Dress Goods Table Linens Toweling Gingham Prints and Muslins OF M0N Established 1817 Goose Wheat per Oats per hush Peas per hush Barley per bush Hay per ton flutter per per do Potatoes per Chickens per lb hush If 0 17 28 2f 0 28 18- 20 i CAPITAL ALL PAID UP 9tm f ft PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS at I DCbes at all Important ntres In Canada In London En New York Chicago Spokane and Newfoundland of a Banking INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customer the Ontario Bank Branch will heretofore NEWMARKET BRANCH ROSS I Newmarket Markets i Auk- Mil Fall Wheat per hush 0 JO Oats per hush 010 Barley per hush CO 0 Peas per hush Bran per ton Shorts per ton Hay per ton Eggs Per do Butter per Potatoes per Chickens per lb 2fi 11 20 22 85- J OLIVE OIL As I now living in Toronto I would like to have some customers in Newmarket If the people want t strong healthy they should use my 01iv Oil It has for quality and is guaranteed absolutely pure under chemical anal ysis I sell much Olive Oil both Wholesale and retail i different places Tim Olive being pure I have demand for It I have sold Olive Oil In Blenheim Ridge town St Thomas Windsor and Chatham This Olive Oil besides being analysed by the regular phy sician was analysed by Dr of Chatham at my request Anybody who wishes to buy Olive Oil can order it mail or call In person at College street corner Euclid avenue Sale Register THURSDAY Attractive sale of highclass side boards parlor suites etc on Mar ket Square Newmarket at p Duncan It Is a thing to learn caution by the misfortunes of others EHORSE AX1E GREASE OIL WHIPS CURRY COMBS HALTERS BRUSHES SWEAT COLLARS GALL CURE which we a llfclory Care Wound And 1 HARNESS AND COLLAR MAKER NEWMARKET A A Cos planing mill was burned loss Several other were damaged Cause lire unknown August 18761911 In the Price of Dress Goods Silks Dress Trimmings AND J fit mm VJ

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