BB i Girls Wanted To operate sewing machines and bandsewers Mens Coats Apply at Clothing Factory Newmarket From the premises of John Brooks about the 2nd of July a Red Yearling Heifer Information of its whereabouts will be gladly re ceived and suitably re Two New Houses For sale in good locality Rented and paying good interest Posses sion in one month K ROBERTSON Newmarket Sir Allen Retires MR HUGH GUTHRIE PROBABLE SUCCESSOR- IN THE CABINET i Mr T is North Yorks Liberal Nominee- Word comes from Sir Allen Ayles- On Friday last the police were hunt ing for owners of three horses id their possession which they believed to are s each Over 500 newsboys made Centre Is- is -A- sister from is Mrs Hess possession which they- believed animals Ia supposed to be worth about Detroit Miss Lloyd spent on the holiday last worth Minister of Justice that he a has tendered his resignation to the J nospread and then games followed on a To Rent House with modern con veniences Partly furnished if desir ed Apply to Newmarket Card of Thanks Premier and is retiring from the Government and from Parliament This intimation was received a few days ago by the North York Liber- Association when he notified the Executive of his determination at weeks in Toronto Miss Annie Meek is away two weeks vacation Mr J Woodcock of Sutton j was in Town on Tuesday Col of Sharon left for the- Old Country last week Mrs JI of Toronto visited in Town on Monday Johnson of Midland is visit- especially to lake shore resorts kindness to him in all times during occurred at the corner of his political connection with the Rid- j street and avenue Mr T Robinette of -To- ion Monday Loss will now be the Liberal candi date and- Sir Allen expresses con- Something went the El ectric Light Co pretty midnight on Saturday evening All the lights went out and cars stopped for some time It is estimated of To rontos population took advantage of the same time expressing his most I or ing her niece Miss gratefu appreciation their S S end at St Elmo Mrs Connolly of Toronto her sister Mrs Smith Miss Minnie of Toronto is visiting in Town Sunday Mrs Merrick and her mother are visiting with Mrs H Cane Schmidt were at for the weekend j Mrs J CoJIins spent Sunday Sir Wilfrid is expected to hat not no at Mr lun ell s button says feir not political gathering i this cepted the resignation of his Minis- city on the Special trains ter of Justice and Sir Allen will pro- will run from different leading points to this citv on the The basement of the building at Adelaide street west occupied by the Toronto Hat Manufacturing Company that he will have no difficulty I partially destroyed by fire last in holding the seat with reciprocity Monday night entailing a damage of as the issue to the structure and to The Globes Ottawa correspondent We wish to the and friends for their great kindness in our sad bereavement and in hath id alo SS I hold the I Points to city on the occasion husband and father and also to illCluling Hamilton ard the swearing in of his succes- I uelph who will probably be Mr Hugh Mr Joseph Russell lias again been Guthrie the able and eloquent nominated by the Censer- representative of South Wellington in Toronto the Commons since Tuesday last was the hottest day the same correspondent goes on to j Toronto has bad since the hot wave v who sent flowers Mrs James Coltbam and family For Sale The west half of Lot Con cession containing acres more or less miles south under cultivation Large house large barn with underground stabling Writer convenient at both house and barn About five acres of young orchard just coming to bearing Terms easy Apply to Robert on the premises PO Allen retires with lienor I during the first week in July and dignity from the Government to free fight on Sunday night one of the gang used a knife and slashed another mans cheek and back of the head He was arrested The use of knives and revolvers by of Firstclass farm which he has always given faithful For Sale House and 1 acre of land Stable and all conveniences House con tains rooms foundation large cellar kitchen This is a snap lot cash purchaser Apply to J At Post Holland Landing and distinguisned service and he has possessed a degree the Con fidence esteem and affection of all his colleagues and of every Liberal foreigners is all too common Bit FOR ding Alterations Tenders will be received by the un dersigned until Saturday evening August for the brickwork plas tering carpentry painting and pluming required in connection with certain alterations to York County Industrial Home nr plans and specifications will be August and may be seen at the Home on street and at the office on Queen Hi Newmarket Lowest or any tender not accepted TENCH Architect Notice to Creditors in the OF JOHN DECEASED Notice Is hereby given pursuant to the Statutes in the Laving claims against Es tate of John who died on or about the sixth day of J are rehired to deliver to ibc for on or before the first day 1911 names and lull particulars of their claims duly Certified and that alter the 1st day of September ifae Execu tors will to distribute among the persons tut I tied thereto having regard to claims of which they shall hen have notice Dated this day of July for xectitors Clothes bcJo Cleaned and at J GREGORYS STORE member of the House He re turn to Toronto and resume the prac tice of law as consulting counsel in bis old law firm with which his sen is now Connected the elec tion campaign he will take an active part in support of Liberal candidates in parts of Ontario and will address a number of meetings At a meeting of the North York Liberal Executive in this town on the telegram was read from Sir Allen Minister of Justice announcing his determination I not to be a candidate at the election stating also that his reason for retiring was pri vate his deafness in the way of his going on He will however lend every assistance i his power to the Government and to his successor in the nomination for North York The Executive received this intima tion with much regret and ius- ly agreed upon Mr T C as the Liberal candidate at the election now pending Arrangements were then made for carrying on ah active campaign from now onward until the polls close The lust public meeting will be held in New market tomorrow Saturday even ing when both Sir Allen and Mr Robinette will be pre sent and deliver It is understood that the retiring member will spend much of his lime the Riding assisting Mr Mr Frank Cochrane Provincial Minister of Lands and Mines has taken charge of the Dominion cam paign in Conservative interests in Ontario In days gone by when Liberals- were in power in this Pro vince the Conservative party held it to be a political sin for Provincial to take a prominent part in Dominion elections On Saturday the Conservatives of this city to the number of a couple of thousand gathered at Exhibition Park to first gun in opposi tion to the reciprocity campaign now on The exFinance Minister and hero of Government deficits Hon Geo A Foster also Mr Mc Lean Mr A McDonald M P and Sir James Whitney boss of J Ontario just now the mul- Mr J Lauch Queen St- on open ing his store on Saturday morning discovered that Someone naff entered the premises during the night Twen tythree coats for ladies were satur ated with carbolic acid and twenty others cut and slashed Mr Lauch is an employee of the Gordon Co where strike is on which may nave to do with the crime A sevenyearold girl fell out of a one- storey window on Tuesday sustained severe injuries It is believed the child was asleep when she fell in his campaign The fight it now on lust in proportion to effort put forth by the executive and the chairman and local committees of the respective polling subdivisions the constituency will be the mea sure success crowning Strike while the Iron hot With an Issue worth grand Struggle a candidate worthy of support the victory should he Liberals must remember that eternal vigilance Is the price the surest guarantee success IIO Helping Political Friends A go sized hickorynut which Con servative speakers at the recent pic nic at Jacksons Point including the for North York failed to crack appeared In the it says The important a that Remand a an answer Boyds Livery In addition first fcrd A We have added an FOR In advance For Waterloo Separator end 10 Isaac Davis PO Central of Toronto Invites to wrjte for a Copy of Us cur riculum If yo are In a train whifh Will lei1 you Into i good business ai a iU all opens on Aug tilth Address President Toronto and Is bid Col know be loaned an additional sum Of ol the peoples money to the farmers Bank that the money was loaned by the to It- and The Toronto World In plain the transaction t financial one or political favor Travers says that the money deposited by the Province at the time enabled him to advance the that paid his first installment of the pur- price the mine I money by th Tnav of Ontario provided facilities according to or the that wrecked the to the made a fugitive justice Did Col know when he consented Jiis better judgment to the deposit of the that money was to loaned to political friends i he deliberate silence of the Provincial ad tr line of defense attempted by Mall and not ansurin Are we to wnderatand that it is the- custom the Treasurer of Ontario to loan fey the Importunity of politi cal fends to from which political friends obtained advances fi way matter now it looks a if provincial Treasurer EDITORIAL Sir A Ay lea worth decides to retire from politics for personal rea sons and the Mail ami at one discovers that thereby the coun try suffers loss Its Ottawa corres pondent says A big tree fell in the Government forest this morning when the long current- report was officially confirmed that Sir Allen Aylesworth will not Contest North York Hith erto Sir Allen has only been weight in the Government but now his true worth is recognized Nearly 100 Drowned Gibraltar August The French steamer foundered five miles east of Spain in the Strait Gibraltar Ninetythree person were drowned The ship sailed from here three ibis morning for Moroccan port An hour later in a flense the collided with the British steam er bound Newport for Italy The crew of the latter rescued A the crew and passengers put in here with her starboard how stove Inland her full of water The floated only a few wln- after the collision Sixtynine passengers and twentyJour of the crew went down with the ship Twelve of the crew and fifteen were All the passen gers were French Ihe was a vessel tons and was owned at Marseilles by the de Navigation Mute NWjoU a in the summer of was thrown in- of of Ontario In the by of the break the on the urgent one of the of political friends ard the hi broken bled that We offer One Hundred Dollars for any case of Catarrh that cannot he cured by Halls Catarrh Cure J CHENEY if CO To ledo We the undersigned have known J Cheney for the last fifteen years and believe perfectly hon orable In all business and financially able to carry out any obligation made by bis firm Marvin Wholesale Druggists Toledo Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken acting directly upon the blood mucous surfaces of the sent free Pricey 6c per bottle Bold by Take Halls Family Pills for con stipation Bend the to friends Mr spent the hol iday with friends at Jacksons Pt Mr Watson left on Tues day on a trip to the Pacific Coast Miss Lillian of spent the past week with Mrs Willis Miss Hazel Mildew and Miss are guests of Miss Mr Kelly of visiting at Mr Canes over Sunday Mr Trivett shipped his house hold to Moose law last week Mr J Tune of was the guest of Mr Willis over the holiday Mr Fred A Clark of Winnipeg is visiting his mother Mrs Henry Clark Park Ave Viola Vernon spent two weeks with her uncle Mr Walter Rogers Park Ave Miss Gertrude Butler of To ronto is spending some time with Miss Louise Clark Miss Gladys and Miss Mc- Bride of Alliston were visiting friends in Town last week Thirtyfive years ago last Wed nesday Mr Roche started business in Newmarket Mr and Mrs John Roadway left last Tuesday for two months visit to their son in Manitoba Mrs Cameron and son of Toronto visited Mrs and Miss Clark on Park Ave last week Mr A Thompson and family left last Saturday to spend a month or two near Bala Falls Muskok Mr and Mrs M Brown and their daughter Miss Stella spent Civic Holiday with relatives at Whitby Mrs Win of Winnipeg and Mrs Win Atkinson of Medicine Hat are visiting at Mr Amos Mrs I Wright and family left for Toronto on Monday where they expect to make their- homeIn future Alderman ft If Barker and his mother are taking a holiday trip in- eluding Toronto and Mt Albert Alderman and wife al so her mother are expected home this week from a trip down to Montreal and Quebec In Town last Friday and took a run up Orchard Reach with Dr Wes ley In his auto Rev W of Kingston Was Mrs Moore and children West Kim Street have returned from Bee- ton where they were visiting her par ents for a month Mrs Harry lance is visiting at Niagara Falls and will visit friends at Buffalo and Rochester be fore returning home Laves at the I It depot strained his arm while unloading baggage and has been forc ed to lake some holidays Rev W Ramsay of Iowa who with his are visiting Mr at Sharon gave us a pleasant Call on Tuesday Mayor Pearson and Town Clerk represented Newmarket Odd- Fellows at the Convocation at -Nla- the Lake this week Mr Ran and Mr Travis left on Friday evening last fur West and Mr Roy prill leaves to night for sixty day Dr and Mrs Scott motored to Trenton on Monday returning home next day accompanied by the lattcrs parents who will visit hero day Mr J Webb his wife and two Detroit are visiting his Mr and Mrs Webb a couple weeks Dr Fortune left on Thurs day on a trip to the Coast During his absence 1 practice will be by Dr Walker Mrs Cane Is spending a month With her parents at hurst Mr Howard Cane has the weekend at- that pro gressive town Mr week packing Up and shipping his ef fects to Toronto The family left with him on Saturday They will lie missed In Newmarket Miss Hazel of Winnipeg and Mist Lillian Holborn of Sutton West Mr Fred Sharks of Ham ilton spent over holiday with Mils Mr Walter T Smith of Can adian Bank of Commerce Toronto with bis Mr W Owens of tjc Standard Bank spent the with Parents Mr and Mr Vrn Timothy Street We have received our Fall and Winter samples for madetomeasure gar ments and they are a veritable treat every man who appreciates good clothes Styled to the minute bench tailored by the greatest aggregation of expert tailors in Canada and cut from the newest cloths fresh from the looms of the old land TWENTY HEW SUIT STYLES TWENTYTHREE HEW OVERCOAT STYLES FOUR HUNDRED DIFFERENT CLOTHS TO CHOOSE FROM Made to your measure in seven days fit and workmanship guaranteed to be the finest in the land Montreal Aug Wilfrid workman in the Angus shops was killed today when his hand was caught in the milling machine and was drawn into the machinery THE LEADING Pnrniture Undertaking House You can your Fnrnitnre Cheap For Cash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at residence John H Millard Phones and IF YOU ARE NEEDING TUB CRADLE CAIN At the End Newmar ket on Aug to Mr and Mrs W J Cain a daughter DRAPER In Mount Albert on Aug 3rd Hill to Mr and Mrs Wal ter Draper a daughter In Newmarket on Wednesday Aug to Mr Mrs Smith a daughter en Newmarket Sunday July to Mr Mrs J Wright a daughter TUB ALTAR Cal gary Alberta July Rev Vs MA tor of the Church Calgary 1 McKcsfack Duncan Winnipeg Manitoba to daughter of Mr and Mrs It I en denning OR You cannot do Better than Buy them from COOKED AN SMOKED MEATS sliced to suit you Oiir Phone No Use it and get your goods Deliver ed promptly Tit TOM It FOR RAMSAY On ful7th Annie Marie daughter of the late Rob ert and Amy Wed del of last and wife of of House town Inland years months days DAVIS At Industrial Home New market on Aug 2nd Rich ard Davis formerly of llubury aged about years In original Packages To BAYLY In Newmarket on Aug Maria Bayly In her Morgan was in Town last J year NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE House Phono No 161 All Calls cheerfully AtUndcd to At on Aug Win ol Newmarket in bin fiVth year J DDdrtakiDg NORTH All will receive and Prompt AttnWon BOOHS you the thing you want to and la simple a thai you slitna Our wilt be free all or llocjie Stud wo hero popular book on operation of ud union and work and pattern ARCHIVES OF power a engine in t irinarniaiuf winding ending elementary and and control and and ainuiiwenti etc etc Ho or for If llaet that will and hit you and need today for and CompUlt popular prk Hit J DRAKE I Slit An I A r sieisx