Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , July 21, 1911, p. 7

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CHINA Weeks THIS IS BARGAIN DAY WITH US 18 OB A Conservative PIcNlc Old Sol smiled very kindly on the Conservative Picnic at Jacksons Point yesterday The Metropolitan Railway gave special Overflow Personals The Misses visiting In Hazel Miss Kate Anderson of Newmarket also Mrs J- Miss Bess and- Mr Toronto are the guests of Mr T Cross at Camp Kennedy Point Mayor Pearson Mrs Pearson and daughter are summering at Glen- vice and no difficulty band- woodland Jacksons Point Mrs everything along the line The Millard and Miss Gertrude crowd- wa not so large as l year were also there last week and Misses and Hannell Mil- Industrial Home lard thfs week Warden met the Commissioners the Home last Saturday when Entrance Exams In North York the matter of better fire protection The success- was discussed It is proposed to j passing the recent Entrance a fire wall and place fire floors j in the Home No change will be made in the heating and ventilating system this year J Reducing Stock DINNER SETS CHIKA TEA SETS FANCY CHINA AT on held at centres named below For Honors per cent is required for Pass 60 per cent NEWMARKET HIGH SCHOOL Honors Louis Eric Walter Robinson Gordon Smith Pass Craig Gladys Morton Gordon Robinson Caroline Wesley Frank Improvements Mr West is putting a new front in his barbershop Mr has built anoth er story over the kitchen and made internal changes at his Excavating has commenced for another new house on the east side of Alien Ave i Hilda Leonard Black Brief lets Stella Brown I Recent showers have revived vcge- wonderfully The Pickers are selling red around town at pound Kershaw A meeting of the North York cense Commissioners was advertised Maw to take place at the King George SUTTON WEST Hotel on but no meeting Walter Webster Annie Bain Annie Brandon Clara Mildred Eva Myrtle Johns Marie Lemon Willie Marshall Florence Murphy was held there DIRECT IMPORTER OF STAPLE AND FANCY CHINA David Cross I Donald Ego I Isaac King Percy Working This Way Maude The steam dredge on the Lottie Spraguc Dora Styles Canal which commenced work six Lulu Shcppard Helen weeks ago at the first lock north of Ernest Taylor Perry Winch Newmarket is very to the cor- China Hall Grocery oration limits being just north of the Davis tannery It is a wonderful machine and keeps a small loconio- live busy with dump cars It is worth while our citizens seeing it in operation LISTEN If you give us a trial when you we Camping or out for a Pic nic A Guarantee Satisfaction can furnish you with dainties Canned Meats Olives Pickles etc Mary Harold Gordon Violet Morton Shaw Dons Stephens Terry MOUNT ALBERT Martha Bain Howard Brooks Percy Eileen Marj Hansford ho Jennie Mainprise Kellington Albert Olive Ross Will Probated The estate of the late John Snod- den of Township who died Sept- Consists of a mort gage valued The estate passes to his widow Sarah Ann Cash in band and money secured mortgage totalling make up the estate the late Florence of East The j passing the fifth Class or Lulu Flanagan receives the estate Or FIFTH CLASS Public School Graduation Ex- animation ffhkA will you enjoy the outing very much more than if you bad to worry over the preparing of a lurch Store Close on Wednesday noons during July and August The Leading Reliable Sick at Some three or four weeks ago Mr William Perrin went to Gait to visit John I of but during the I extremely hot spell he ill Mr Walter bis son went last week to bring him home but he was too ill to be removed Weakness seems to be the only trouble Mr Elgin Perrin and Mrs Waller rin left on Wednesday to see him and the report yesterday was that be was no better As Mr is getting up in years fears are entertained for his recovery Prompt Delivery Phone CORNER OP Main Timothy 8treets SYSTEM Howling The first of the series of cornpe titi on for the up came oil on Monday night between the fol lowing rinks The following pupils were il in passing the Fifth Cfai lie School Graduation Examination No KING Through Tourist From Toronto or pm July ttd 2S Aug via Chicago St Paul Minneapolis low rates Winnipeg Exhibition July The Popular Route TO of Bays MusVoka Lakes Algonquin Bark French River River Georgian pay Ufa etc Low Round Trip Tourist Hates Anna Baldwin Mary Flossie Ross Annie Sturdy KLEINBURG p John McFayden Humphreys SUTTON P Mary Katie Kay No WHITCHURCH Smith Canada will not be Annexed to States Detroit Mich July There was a rude awakening from the dreams of a union of the States with Canada in which Governor arid others of the speakers of the Opening session of the National Edi torial Convention indulged today when the Hon Sutherland of Toronto Judge of the High Court Justice for the Province of Ontario arose at the afternoon session and said References have been made by previous speakers to the ques tion of the possibility annexation Canada by the United states It is not milted to a Judge of Cana da to discuss political questions The question of the proponed reciprocity surrogate Court arrangements between the two give bequeath to my beloved I tries has become in a political wife Mary Ann Gray the use and question and consequently I cannot occupation of the three best rooms in land not discuss or express any my dwelling house in which I personal views of my own of its reide to have her choice merits or the sole judge toe ones Let me say however as knows the feeling Is part of the will of the i pretty well that neither the late Edward farmer of Whit- j of reciprocity any other church died July Te car have any significance in clause continues annexation of Canada If my wife desires her board and lh states is concerned J Willis Harry Barry Fred Doyle skip skip Hunters and Bedfords rinks play on Wednesday and Liv on Friday night and Pullman Sleepers on Monday night jui ford and Doyle on Wednesday July WiNNIPEO AND K0MOKTOM anhounce- was Saturday that Field Marshall Viscount Kitchener Khartoum been appointed in Egypt He suc ceeds Sir who died July It is stated on good authority the government contemplates raising the status of the British Agent to Egypt with a more important title case a higher salary will be attached to the position The command of the British troops in the Mediterranean heretofore held by a general at Malta will be trans ferred to heme country expects him to crush with a j strong hand- the growing tion of the natives of Sir successor will be a man of action who will not hesitate to punish crimes lite the murder of and suppress the agitation of Egyptian nationalists when it is plainly seditious and dan gerous Rumors the Khedives dislike of Kitchener are exaggerated Egypt will be governed hereafter with a stronger hand Lord Kitcheners connection with Egypt dates from the days Gener al Gordon in the early In to he served as cavalry in the Soudan ami and was in the Nile expedition of 188488 mentioned in despatches and obtaining the rank oi lieutenantgen eral of Egyptian in ami Sirdar in In he commanded the expedition ary force and was promoted to ma- 1 and created In he commanded the celebrated Khartoum expedition where he played Ms great powers as an or ganizer and strategist He smashed the power of the followers of the Mnhdi at retook Khartoum and as a reward was rais ed to he peerage as Baron Kitchen er of Khartoum and awarded a grant of H Starving to Death Mexico City July 18 Members of the Red Cross organization who have just returned from the district be tween Lagos and in the State of Jalisco and San Francisco and Leon in the state of tell a pitiful tale of hunger and misery among the people are desitiute on account of the recent floods Their homes were swept away and a wide territory was devastated It is estimated that more than five thousand people arc suffering from hunger- Several have died from star vation Boy Shot Companion Canso July What may prove a fatal shooting accident hap pened hereon Saturday A- number of boys were swimming near the flax store of William when one of them named Willie Horn about ten years old went into the store and finding a gun lying on a table picked it up and pointed it out of the at the boys coming out the water ft went ofi discharging the whole load in the face of Jason Smith Shattering the chin and lower jaw and passing through the neck The hoy did not know it was loaded The gun was left In the store by William on his return from gunning because he could a shell that had got He laid it up a he thought out reach until he had time to extract the shell There is some hope for the Smith boys recovery Committed for Trial Thereis no letter to Dress than special care in selection o Footwear INVICTUS Footwear is made to roeet the precise demands of Shoe Wise Dressers who arevery particu lar and exacting in their buying The Particular Buyer who is not satisfied to wear any old shoe will fully appreciate the fit style and worth put into The Men Main St West North Bay July are entertained for the safety of the Hudson Ray post of Fort Matache- The last word corning out by Indian runners from the factor Steve was that the fire was coming across both sides of the river and was all about the post and that the Indians were leav ing but that he would stay until the last stick was burned or the lire had passed over Lafricandcr is man well up in years and has been with the Hudson Bay Company many years and is and has many friends throughout the north country He is one of the most interesting personalities in the north having been in many climes my wise her noara rninU7ancerrom my said- on Kd Wjhave he Is to board to annex have and her ar1 supply her ambitions and A firewovd ready for the would you do omj The entire Is Valued at proposed to annex the United if4 consisting farm lands states i It would your notions of nationality With wry feeling of Convenient Train Service full foformatfoni the remainder from agent or ad- sonalty The widow receives dress A Union property and an annuity of Station Toronto I less three of lhc suggestion pro each to going to the same feeling In vh J Depot i It A Toronto invites you write for Its handsome Catalogue Ho vacations Bummer Term from July 3rd Honored J Vo Clip the following from the lorvard to Juno the American Bible University the Rev- s Foe street A Church and of Cornwall July At the conclusion of the police court enquiry Into the Bridge Sat urday McUae reeve of Lan caster Township wan committed to Jail to stand his trial for the murder of William Shaw on July I Magistrate Ban Is in making known this decision said that be would have liked to have changed the charge to manslaughter the Crown would ab sent There was no doubt hut that bad been by bul let but the conduct ol Dr party In Invading the home- stead had sbarneful arid in sulting and had the reSOTOd to arms at that time he believed might have The evidence given at the I rial was much the name as at tliclrutfjcst he intention of allowingany now feature however was the of a handcuffs by stable who claimed that were what had been mistaken for a revolver Me had taken them along t handcuff if while Br searched the prem ises The mistook the hand cuffs lor a revolver He said he rfld not them At the he had made no- mention cuffs when charged with drawing a years oi age and courtesy toward you as citizens ol lbs United fttates let me should not a country With such an territory as Canada with population it resources and such Canadian do looX forward And PC TSUOC Ac Wilt Scientific A iWt IM I i frf fcAM KM It Portugal Monarchists Lisbon July the frontier reported that Attn the Island of where all the Portugese monarchists have Joined the Portugese royalists in Spain are now awaiting a large consignment of and ammunition from Belgium t replace those seized recently The says that the honor having I continues to be the est divinity in the gift Noting Proud I the country atlo- Mission to the of Doctor of The granting to this degree largely due to the fact that Mr Defoe has taken five In two universities of the United states and received the Academic diplomas of and lit friends eLtewhee Will extend Dr ho minted Mitt StejJt- sister of Messrs and Oscar Stopheoi of town- jfcST Seed the to fctteot friends voa LlanhoKo a religious cession ended in violent collisions between and Republicans finally Intervened and restored order The priests throughout the vbole of Northern Portugal have related the offered by the l roent r THINK Be watchful of haying no too quickly Do not make up your that you cannot and you will not accommodate without being that necessary And on the other hand do not be too with your yea People who make many promises without stopping to think are pretty sure to break some them The two little words that hind US a course of action art but before fclther there should be some hard thinking Thoughtlessness In responsible for quit half the cruelty in the world and for the other half He in happy whoso suit temper But ie is happier who can suit bis temper to any Hume Department of Railways and Canals TRENT CANAL Locks and Valve Holland River Division Scaled tenders addressed to the un dersigned and endorsed Tender for and Valve dates Hol land Division will be receiv ed at this office until sixteen oclock on Friday August Plans specifications and form of contract to be entered into can be seen on and after this date at the office of Hie Chief the Department of Railways and Canals I Ottawa and at the office of the Superintending of the Tent anal Peterborough at which places form of tender may be ob tained Barf Its tendering will be required to accept the fair wages schedule pre pared or to bo prepared the De partment of Labour which schedule will form part lhc contract Contractors are requested to near in mind that lenders will not be con- made strictly in COrdanCC With the printed forms and in the case of firms unless there are attached the actual signature the na ture of the occupation and place residence of each member the Arm An accepted bank cheque for of made payable to the order of the Railways and Canals must accompany each tender which sum will be forfeited i the party tendering declines enter ing Into contract for the work at the rates stated in the offer submit ted The thus sent In will be returned the respective Contract ors whose tenders are not accepted The of the successful tender er will be as security or part security for the due fulfilment the contract to be entered Into- The lowest or any tender not neces sarily accepted By Order K IONICS TREADEASY Empress Trcadeasy Cushion Sole Shoe keeps your feet dry saves them from exhaustion and prevents head aches or injury to the sensitive nerves of the foot We arc AgenU WHI T Newmarkets Exclusive Shoe Dealer ft neatly and promptly done i Newmarket Real Estate Insurance Office Brick Veneer House on Prospect Street attached All modern conveniences r with kitchen I Frame House rooms location with every mod- convenience and good garden and lawn This Is a moat Jeslr- property at a reasonable prion LOTS WANT son or about Prospect or streets I on or about Niagara or On Carlo- west of Main 1 about Central We have three applications from parties wishing to lease far If you have a farm for sale let us know you have anything in the above let uh know Remember business done with us Is strictly confidential You let us know what your wants and we once get you In touch with parties having what you need In no will wc run people- over your property without Prat getting consent of owner m Try our Heaver Brand Hardwood Flooring Manufactured by Kent of for the Hardwood Floor you want D i Builders and Contractors Newmarket Ottawa July 17Immlgratlon into exceeds those of Canada from the United States dor- year Another Increase is Secretary MM year it Is expected J particularly view the Von margin For the first heavy advertising campaign which is rib lht a entered into to secure the nc Newspapers Inserting advertise- Dei inKrung mint without authority from the part men will be paid for it considerable failing oft as compared to harvest the western with but for six months I HIV lifc ending June the number of crop

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