Weeks what a on a Library Closed The public Library will be closed from July to Aug to give tbc- librarian holiday Wait For It The Christian and Friends Union Sunday School Excursion go to Island Grove Park a new situation on Late just opened up ear ly August County Minutes The copy or the June Session of the County Minutes was received on July 3rd and the printed Minutes were distributed from the or the of July a little different from the way the work has been done the past couple of years New Barn Cannon on the Gamble road east corner had a successful barn raising last Saturday The neighbors and friends out in large numbers Another Appointment The Council seems to be having some difficulty in filling the position vacated by Mr P J Anderson At the Council meetir last Monday the application of Mr Geo was favorably considered at a salary of Had this sum been offered to Mr Anderson we have no doubt he would have remained in Newmarket and being so conversant with the duties it would have been to the advantage of the town Oaf Toronto fc MU Miss Delia l after spend Farmers are cutting wheat in the Toronto southern part of York County Mr Hartman Jones of Toronto has Presbyterian Church The pastor expects preach here next Sunday morning and evening About attended the Sunday School picnic at Wilcox Lake last Friday The water was nice boat ing excellent the accomodation sat isfactory and everybody had a good time Methodist Church Owing to the extreme heat in the Town Hall in the afternoon the Sun day School will be held at a until the 1st of September The 10 oclock ClassMeeting will be held in the Temperance Hall until the Sunday School goes back to the afternoon hour The class charge of Mr J Bowman Baseball On Thursday evening last the Town and Canes Town won a score of It was a close game till the fourth inning when the Town took the lead win ning out by runs Umpire Mr Wagner On Monday evening one of the best games of the season was played Co and Davis Co came out victors by A score of It was close enough be very exciting all through s delivery was hit frequently by the Tannery boys but excellent support in the field accounts for the low and and and were the batteries- Bill Millinery at Reduced Prices At Mrs Hughes previous to removing to rooms over Hunters store lately occupied by Miss Simp son umpire All the teams are wonderfully im proved since the beg of the season and are now playing fast Plaved Davis Town Canes Co ff 500 The game scheduled for last night Thursday has been postponed till tonight on live picnic account of the week but the harvest Will be more general next week A motorist struck an Italian riding a bicycle on Sunday evening knocked him over and broke his collar bone The motorist stopped long enough to see that he did not Kill the bicycle man then hurried away A rough attack was made on a Jones Toronto has is sister Mrs John been visiting his sister Mrs John Clever Rev and Mrs and daughter are guests at Mr Pais leys The Christian and Methodist Sun day Schools held Union Picnic at Lake on Monday after noon Notwithstanding a few show- policeman last Sunday evening while which came the schools were he was making an arrest of a roudy well represented and ail enjoyed but by theaidof a street ear employe themselves boating and playing was overpowered and the was those who tried to rescue the prison er also were brought to book Samuel Keyman was mysteriously burned to death at the gas works on games Mr and Mrs Beech of spent Sunday at Mr Sages Mrs A Law spent a couple of days in Toronto Saturday morning Workmen found Mr and Mrs O and the body lying on top of one of the- Mrs spent the in Mark- retorts They were attracted by the ham League Last Monday evening the League had a social at The Cedars the beautiful of Mrs Scott A good musical program was given after which oldfashioned games were ending with refreshments The attendance was not as large as it should have been on account of the rain but those who were there thoroughly enjoyed themselves The meeting next Monday evening is to he in Charge of the Canadian Citizenship and a pro gram is being prepared Field Crop Competition There were eleven entries made with Newmarket Agricultural Society for the Field Grain Competition En bar ley Mr I ho the judge out by the Provincial Agricul tural Dept spent last Friday and Saturday- in this section awarded the prizes as follows lit Geo W Fetch score 2nd John If Proctor score J12 Richardson score no These three gentlemen are entitled to exhibit at Toronto in the Sheaf Grain Competition Two more prizes of ait yet to awarded Next Monday the 24th the date of St Johns Church Choir Harden Party on the Separate School Grounds This is their fourth annual and will doubt the best of them all Supper will be served from six oclock during time a High lass Grama phone from Toronto render some choice se lections The Aurora vill give of their uptodate con certs Pro v Cummer will give a few select ions on the pipe or gan At the close of the Garden Party a handsome oak rocker will be given away to the person holding the lucky ticket The chair can he seen in Mr Roadhouses window The great demand for tickets and the Interest taken in the chair con- This Years Wheat Crop Will He the Largest the History of Canada 50000 Men For the Harvest The wheat crop of is the larg est ever known the history of the country a low estimate or the crop of Manitoba Saskatchewan and Al berta being at least two hundred mil lion bushels and the Government of the respective provinces state that fifty thousand men will be required for tire harvest this year These will have to lit principally recruited from Ontario and the prosperity of Canada depends upon uecurrng them promptly The Canadian Pacific whom will practically fall the en tire task of transporting the men to the West is already making special arrangements for this year from Ontario points to Mani toba Saskatchewan and Alberta ill fit run at the same rates and con ditions as last year and special trains from Toronto and Ontario points through to Winnipeg and the Wirst will be run making the trip in practically thirty six hours avoid ing any change of cars or transfer this will be a day shorter than any other route pates of the excur sions will he announced as as possible and all agents can supply full information concerning years excursion Kings Irish Message is a Wire sign that this will the biggest the season heat Garden Party Hurrah lor Beach Next Wednesday is date of the Methodist Sunday School Excursion to the greatest pleasure resort In the Province of Ontario cars on the Si York Radial Dublin July The King gave a state banquet at Dublin Castle last night the royal plate being specially brought from for the occasion The distinguished guests the Mayor of Dublin Afterwards the King held a chapter of the ol St Patrick at which the Shaftesbury and Field Marshall Lord Kitchener were invested as knights companion Replying generally to the numerous addresses King said tender you all my thanks for the affectionate welcome you have given the queen myself I Notice with MM and pleasure that In almost one of addresses reference is made to my father en tertained for your country and to the Influence he exerted to secure Its ad vancement and prosperity It Is my desire do assure you to my fathers footsteps in- the same di rection and do everything that lies within my power to promote the sad general wellbeing the Irish people 1 pray that odor of burning flesh On four charges of forgery Brown was arrested on Saturday The forgeries a said to be good imitations The Toronto News Fresh Air Fund to enable poor children of the city to enjoy few days in the country dur ing the months of July and August has now passed the mark from voluntary contributors A friend of the little folks residing Aurora sent last week to aid this fund Sweeny was on his way hack- to Scotland when he filched from the purse of He was sent to jail for three days while deporta tion papers are being prepared to the land of Scotia a sad der if not a wiser man Mr and Mrs C Mulock have taken a cottage at Jacksons Point The Jews of Toronto are planning to establish a summer resort was chosen for the avia- tion meet next month Mrs Andrew of Wilton Ave lost both her husband and broth er at South in the forest fires returned to the city last week from where her brothers Joseph and John Flynnate recover ing from injuries received in the fire An alleged burglar was arrested on Saturday named loaded revolvers and hunters dirk were found on his person which are said t have been stolen Mr Fitzgerald sporting wlitor of the Telegram saved two ladies from drowning who were in bathing at the island last Sunday The ladies who made no outcry would been drowned within fifty yards of a wharf not Mr Fitz gerald happened along at the time and fully dressed plunged in and res cued them The City postman Robert Mitchell who dropped dead during the lacrosse match on the Island last Saturday leaves a widow and four children the eldest only twelve years of age Violet of street fell down stairs on Sunday and broke her collar bone She was taken to Hospital in an unconscious con dition hut is now improving A broken high voltage wire partial ly electrified the street bridge on Saturday and many pedestrians were shocked before repairs were made Just borne from the Coronation and smilingly new title Sir Lyman Jones of the Co on proceeding to his office on Monday morning the big fac tory whistle Was blown and em ployees assembled in the court yard and gave the president and general manager a warm reception Kennedy extended congratulations and Sir Lyman very feelingly replied Premier Whitney has returned from his Coronation trip to the Old Coun try Last Monday Magistrate fined a man residing in WOOI in tin country for digging a well on Sunday Ills days work him The beginning of this week no less than women and girls and 30 men and youths were publicly baptised in Ontario at of delivered address Ten thousand dollars from the re lief fund subscribed in this city for the fire sufferers wan forwarded to tho burnt district the beginning of this week Twentyseven excursion parties left Mr John Lemon is spending a month at Cold water LEMON IE Yards Fancy Ginghams at 10c a yard This is one cent below the manufacturers price so come early and secure a bargain SKG FT This department is always up-to- date The Newest Goods at tha Lowest Prices and Every Pair Guar anteed Mens Shirts Short Sleeves Regular for 35c iT w Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather on Sunday evening tbera was good attendance a the We advise the buying of Sugar now as the market Is very and prices sure to advance We shall be pleased to call for your Grocery i Order if you ask us A BRUNTON It is reported that the Grand odist Church The pastor Rev Cle- purchased a large occupied the pulpit His sub- 1 land for was Prayer Mr and Mrs J Croft have re turned to their home in Buffalo after spending a very pleasant two weeks vacation at the home of Mrs Crofts mother Mrs A Mahan- Mr Mrs Sid and railway yards Live Stock Market daughter Ruth of Buffalo also Miss In Toronto this week export cattle sold from GO to per cwt Choice cattle from to Velma Mahan and Miss and Medium to Master of Toronto are common cattle to feeders guests with Mrs to SI to Miss and Miss Choice Milkers to of Toronto are guests at Mrs Tay- Veal calves from to per cwt Sheep are scarce Ewes command The Ladies Aid which Was held on from to spring Iambs Thursday afternoon last at the home from to of Mrs Ralph Baker was Another sharp advance in hogs On tended and pleasant and profitable in Toronto heavies time was spent J ess quoted at points Mr and Mrs I far wood and children of Toronto are guests at Mr J Mrs Miss Winter- stein and Miss oft Sand ford were guests of Mrs for a few days last week Mr M visited his sister in M Island for a week and reports a wry pleasant time C A CORSETS The Ladies Store of Newmarket SNAPPY SUMMER MILLINERY FOR JUNE Children Cry FOR FLETCHERS R I A Newmarket Markets Stripe Ginghams and Cotton Delaines regular Dainty Muslins fin quality pretty floral patterns regular for Linen Rajahs and Repps in shades of Mauve Tan Pink Old Rose Reseda Alice Blue just the weight for Summer Suit ings regular 25c and for 19c Hosiery Bargains Navy and White Spots Black and White Spots in all sizes regular for 19c Fancy Lisle Hose all shades regular for 35c Just a few of the Bargains for June Call and see our stock f Julv20th Kali Wheat per hush ftlft Shorts per ton Hay per ton per do Contract Signed for 550 Mile Barley per bush Contracts for ConstrueJon of Port Arthur to Sudbury t0n ion of Canadian Northern Rail way tho greatest link in the transcontinental not yet flutter per lb built wore signed yesterday The hair wo k be dene conl by Brothers of St Paul and Northern Corn- of Winnipeg who start at once jutting four and thousand men in the Mold It will not bo possible to 20h ariivo at exact coot of the Fall Wheat per bush SO until it is well Goose Wheat per bush 0 0 work is to be paid for O per hush CO IS- 00 It IS- Toronto Markets Peas per hush Barley per bash at so much per yard of blasting and mile of tracklay but a rough guess places ton it at about average per mile J for entire distance of miles from Port Arthur to June- ion present terminus of the I per hag Canadian Northern Ontario a thickens per IK miles northwest of Sudbury fiO- 17 25 0 23- 0 00 0 20 CAPITAL ALL PAID UP REST UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS Mil On Branches at all Important centre In Canada la London Eog New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description ol a Banking trandioted- INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers ol the Ontario Bank Branch will be as heretofore NEWMARKET BRANCH ROSS I ing by J accord- The tie- Canadian Northern by and If and for Pastor an this city on Tuesday by steamers am Raiivay v ill leave Newmarket follows Two cars at One car at pm car at pm cars have been engag ed lair exterior Co to meet lles North To- Ifoeridatlon a direct to Beacfi excursionists will be admitted to the grounds free oil and they also have to hot cold water tables bathing privileges etc In addition l at Is there will I a Band Concert both and Returning the earn will leave at pm Three Cars a ill leave North Toronto at j for ard for fence of Wish to remain In the city till liter hour J- car will leave Toronto at Am tickets it the round trip v Beach return are only aM it for people in thin section to visit frij- in lh frU Is likely the moU eatOOi Plan to enjoy It The children never bad such an opportunity for a yard days to them baa hot mitt ol a 1 Messing may attend all y all your labor for health and happiness Ireland silent tetA absent lielps ar- Weal gilts for the and many novel tUCful arti cles of this nature may be at Fern pots Bowls Candlesticks Cut Clocks Pie These axe a among many otters CO Jays1fef and P of Marriage nearly people men women and chidrc are visiting and enjoying an along the short- of Lake On tario The water in the city harbor Ik be coming lower an the days go by It is with difficulty the large freight steamers can make a landing A lame racoon got Into a chicken house of a near neighbor to the Owner and eight hens W resull was a division court case In which the man who lost the ihlckenfl made a demand for J as he failed to prove the coon belonged to man he sued he had tin COStS to pay ft IS more than likely that if had asked a reasonable price lor hlH the money would been paid Because a number Conservatives In the fart of the Count have decided support the pact a city paper calls them of October to terms of eontrao in siffned by Sir William and Sir Mann for T Northern Construction Com pany by Messrs A Mann Sir Donalds brother and Arch Kojizio who by the is not re lated to Kir William The ronto of the line Is a Wide curve penetrating the plateau of the height of land about a hundred mile at farthest from the shore of Lake Superior and descending again close tho water at the P line la or closely Into POT It Arthur The greatest part of the work to be done la through clay belt formations and describ ed by Mr Hurry chief survey engineer as very or dinary construction Interesting Mr in In the last miles into Port Arthur which Includes sloe hill work In rock and an tunnel along shotre of River Is ho diverted and a costly bridge la to cross It and the Blende Valley In our Cool Basement where Fruits will in Good Condition From 10 P delivered home on Monday if required to be ill lorries The which side their city mosstacked know on Is buttered I lie Asylum and properties are likely tobe sold the by a viaduct of feet The other important rivers to ho crossed Include the Trout able Morrison and Black Stur- location Is said to afford easiest gradients of any Of the three transcontinental lines A- galnst Westbound trains tho max imum grade Is to be six St bound trains but this will be In very few Instances much of lino being perfectly flat heaviest curvature few exception Is six degrees and our degrees Is the rule for of miles on the interior plateau Keiliers Hartleys Central Prison L The bylaw to extend electric power plant at was carried by the ratepayers A big Company lag formed In manufac ture and Wagons for the West July rains In litre at pm with every Indication of continuing for many hours With the rain which seems to he general following the big this afternoon crop will le as good a they could posshVly be The will ample for some Farmer Gored to Death July and by an infuriated bull the body of John bachelor farmer of Township was dis covered In a btdd on his farm last night by a hired man following a protracted search In which his broth er who liven on a neighboring farm Joined A shattered club with hlch he had evidently made a flght for life lay not far from him Ap parently he had tried to drive the animal into another field or to the farm and this angered It the deceased was about fortyfive years of age and a wellknown and respected resident of the district Bend the to absent friends Granulated Sugar for Comfort Soap Tiger Salmon Torn Starch He Coronation Te 25c Shaker Salt Lea k Worst Sauce 10c Tomato Catsup Marmalade H Sauce Olives Choice Cherries Imported Lime Juice imported Raspberry Vinegar Christies Macaroons Christies School Cake Inc Aunt Sally Buckwheat Flour Mopneys ream SluS Food 12Jc Barley Flakes Sodas 20c Jersey Cream Sodas Tin Box 25c Matches tc Canned Pumpkin fcc Baked Beans He Herring In Olive Oil Sardines Kippered Herring Kin nan Fresh Shrimps Savoy Pork Beans Baked Beans with Tomato Sauce Canned Tomato Catsup Japan Tea Uptons Pickles 1210 fine 75c B5c Selected Dates Bakers Cocoa IOC Canada Flake Kitchen Molasses Crosse Pure Malt Vin egar Stuffed Olives Crosse Blackwells Pure Ixicca Oil Uptons Marmalade Keens Oxford Blue Crown Fruit Jars- I III tT S I Quarts Gal Uptons Table Jelly Coxs Gelatine Gold Coffee Toy Gusto Dustbano Ay mer Boned Turkey Ay Boned ICngllsh Bawn flc Bird Seed Tabic tin Mince Meat Feathers lb Ilvrrons Poultry Dressing LilacHose Glycerine Soap tin Pure Honey Diamond Brand Syrup ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO