CONSTIPATION Fnirt V i I ill Cures Tills A scientist Coast- or on tction of more deaths than all other disease combined Constipation inflames the Kidneys rains digestion lathe found ation of Rheumatism the blood Headaches and Insomnia Constipation is caused by a weak or alnggish Bile the only the body is secreted by the irhieh in tarn should poor oat Into the intestines sufficient bile to more the bowel Unless tbe liver is there cannot be enough Hie to more the bowels regularly and Constipation is the result 4 tbe famous fruit will always cure Constipation because it acts directly on the liver i relieves the congestion racreaaes the of bile and strengthens the bowel muscle a ben tor or trial size At all dealers or from limited Ottawa KING CITY Mr who recently pur chased Mr A store and business died very suddenly on Tuesday of apoplexy He spent Sun day and Monday with his family at Mr was a man of Stirling worth good business here and intended mov ing his family here in a And Take Mrs Ripleys r short 1 Two Houses for 8ale In Good locations in Town Apply to K ROBERTSON Lots of women axe suffering tortures with their backs whfp they need not do so Mrs Ripley frightful in her back that she could not do housework She tells bow she cured herself East I cannot refrain from writing you about the benefits I have recelvedfrom taking GIN PILLS I suffering dread- He was a a with it for twenty years tried every thing but got no relief until I bought GIN PILLS I have taken six boxes of GIN PILLS and now I have not the sign of an ache or pain In my back I am now years of age and feel as well I ever did in life- There Is nothing that can a place with GIN PILLS for curing Pain In The Back to which women are subject Mrs Miixanor P Try GIN PILLS at our expense Write for free sample box Dealers sell GIN PILLS at 50c a for and money refunded if they fail to cure National Drug and Chemical Co A Toronto The original Pills made by National Drug and Chemical Co of Canada Limited Toronto are sold only la this box AURORA Miss Lottie A daughter ox Mr John has left for Lash- burn where she has secured a situation as teacher in a public school This municipality spent over last year for oil for the streets and found it such a success that they are using it again this year It is less costly than water arid much better for keeping the dust down 2 Houses to Rent Roth brick on street Ap ply to Michael box Newmarket or to Ra ven shoe Brick Residence or Sale On Church Street most convenient part of the town Domestic water stable etc to Box New market TEMPERANCEVILLE Mr Art Wells had the misfortune to have one of his fingers badly mutilated as the results of an acci dent at the raising of Mr Geo Mc Donalds barn Mr recently sold his herd of fat cattle numbering twenty- three to Mr Knowles of Aurora We promise you that if your is and not lei it far can repair the damage already done by using Hair Tonic with persistency and regularity- for a reasonable length of time cleansing antiseptic germicidal that destroys microbes stimulates circulation around the hair roots promotes hair nour ishment removes dandruff and re- stores health as plea sant to use as pure water and it is delicately perfumed It is a toi let necessity We want you to try Hair Tonic with our promise that it will cost nothing unless you are perfectly satisfied with Us use It comes in two sizes prices 50c and Remember you can obtain Remedies in this community only at our store The Store J R last Tuesday evening on the eve her departure from our village Miss has been a consistent worker in the League and also in the Sunday school or several years in They were certainly a fine herd and fact since she became enough to consequently brought a good price nearly being realized for the LLOYDTOWN Newmarket Newmarket and Mrs To Rent A brick bouse with all modern Apply to RICHARDSON Prospect street New Brick House For Sale with all modern conveni ences also a number of choice build ing lots Apply to FOE SALE Fire in any form to suit the purchaser Must be sold The tim ber is on the farm Apply to 2U ARMSTRONG Farm for 8ale Consists of acres being lot Con King All under cultivation Good orchard Frame barn frame bouse Two Wells and a creek Ap ply to HENRY BROWN Newmarket Houses for Situate on corner Queen Street and Prospect Avenue- Situate on South tide Of street Apply to Solicitor For 8ale New Brick House corner Park Ave aas Elm St bouse on Elm St Apply to MRS SCOTT The Cedars House for 8ale Room and Bathroom Hot Wa ter Heating Electric also Orate- ft frontage For quick sale 12406 PHILIP MORGAN Prospect Ave Newmarket- Mr Oliver Wright of spent the in town Mr and Mrs Smith of were the guests of Mr Clark on the 21th Mrs Clark has a bible which formerly belonged to her father which is claimed t be 97 years old Mr Fred Perry of Winnipeg and Mrs J J D Ranting of and Mrs J J of Toronto are home on account of the illness of their father who is very low Mr Fred returned on Fri day from his trip to Oregon and oth er western points Mr Ah Widdifield and Miss Melissa Widdifield were the guests of Mr and Mrs Win over Sunday The friends and relatives of ilr and Mrs Caleb held family picnic on the fair grounds on the Mr Kenneth Robinson and Miss Jessie Robinson of Newmarket were the guests of Miss Lou Walton on Sunday Miss Florence Pearson entertained a number of her to a lawn picnic at her home on the evening of the 2Mb of Ma Wilson of- the Friends preached impressive sermons on Sunday morning and afternoon at the halfyearly meeting at the Friends Church and a good sermon in the Methodist church in the evening He was a guest of Mr and Mrs Davis A sudden death occurred on Fridav morning to Mr Robert Roberta at the St Georges Hotel Deceased was apparently in good health on Thursday evening numerous persons having seen and had conversation with him He was young man who was well liked by all who knew him lb difference between the or dinary photograph the kind we make is doe to our equipment Every sitter is given individu al attention treatment and we produce portraits not mere ly photographs Let us our by for you the 1t portrait you have ever bad If you wish to have a photo of your borne or any work give us a Call IQO Photo Artist Im Newmarket Mr I Horner and her mother of Sutton Were the guests of Mr and Mrs Marshall last week Messrs and Smith have finished the foundation for J new house At the annual meeting the Sun day School Committee on Mr J Baker reelected Superin tendent with Miss black Secretary pearl organist Webster Treasurer and the same stall teachers an last year At the Quarterly Board Meeting resolution of hearty appreciation of the service of our pastor Rev in four years stay on this circuit was carried Mr and Mrs Roach have made themselves Justly popular In their association perform these duties which she al ways used tbe utmost pains to do her very best Alice was one Zephyrs most popular young ladies having won respect of all who knew her and we sorely regret the fact that she is about to leave us A sympathetic address was read on behalf of the society Mr and wife and Alice intend taking a trip to the Western coast spending some time visiting friends in Manitoba and Saskatche wan and on their return to Ontario will reside in Midland having purchas ed a beautiful home there Mr has been in business here for thirty years and during that time has been well known as honest and upright in every particular Cook loaded a car of lumber for Mr Armstrong of Newmarket last week Zephyr boasts of having the larg est and best exhibit of prize winning fowl at the Oxbridge fair Stephen Sellers bad varieties and won 2fl first prizes and seconds Mr Sel lers Brown cock beat Mr T champion was cer tainly a fine specimen and had beaten the bird that took first at Toronto and This gives Mr Sellers a record of which he may well feci proud BRADFORD The Misses Violet and Gertie Saint spent a lew days in Newmarket last week Miss Wesley of Newmarket Was the guest Mrs las A Wood last week A barn belonging to Mr Sam while resting on timbers alter being raised In order to put a foundation under it was blown over by the wind last week and several men had narrow escapes from serious Injury Fortunately however no one was hurt but the roof siding timbers were badly broken Mrs Sawyer and her daughter Mrs- Hand and Miss Sawyer experienced all the excitement a runaway one day last week without suffering very much of the usual damage or injury attendant on such an event They were driving up Mount Pleasant hill from the north when they met one of pests of the country road and their horse carjje frightened and backing over turned the buggy In ditch The were all thrown out and the horse ran away They were lucky to with some bruises and a severe shaking up The horse was caught by Mr who put thin- to rights and drove back for the party heap bread Is the result of a war the local bakers The price down to eight for a four- pound loaf Saturday afternoon the first game of the newly formed league was played here be tween Churchill and the home team which resulted in a victory for Brad- The Annual School Picnic will be held at Lake on the grounds of A Appleton on June See posters later Mr Joseph of Zephyr lather of- Mrs P Meyers of ville while out driving one day last wee met an auto and his horse be coming frightened he jumped out the rig and in doing so bis foot got fast in the lines causing the horse go around and upset the rig Mr had several of his ribs fractured and was otherwise so injured that he passed away on Sun day The Annual Conference of the Chris tian Church of Ontario will convene at the Church from June to June The public are welcome to any of the various sessions especially the even ing meetings when the following sub jects will be considered Wednesday evening June Ministerial In stitute in charge of Rev Hall Thursday evening June Christian and Sunday School Rally by and R English Fri day evening June Missionary Meeting All evening services at oclock Close on Saturday after noon June I71h with the annual meeting followed by a service at 230 pm The Sunday services on June will be supplied by visiting ministers Dr Burnett of Drayton Ohio will he present throughout the conference and his as speaker is well known in and vicinity A BUSINESS COLLEGE Toronto invites you to write for its handsome Catalogue No vacations Summer Term from July 3rd W Shaw President streets Toronto Many highclass department stores are miking laudable efforts to pro tect and benefit their women em ployees In New York all the larg er department stores follow general plan The lundarnental rules and hours are about the same and the system of fines is identical Money received from fines is turned over to the Employees Benefit Fund which is a feature common in the larger shops Luncheon rooms where clerks may buy food at cost have been very generally established the morning following payday in store a conspicuous figure in the luncheon rooms is the Penny Provi dent Bank Collector When payday comes the girls are more inclined to wards thrift and the collect ar is up on the scene at the psychological moment to provide against the later temptation to spend money foolishly Employees in at least one store in New York are allowed fifteen minutes every afternoon in which to go to the pretty restroom and make a cup of tea- Another firm main tains an emergency hospital with no charges for the services of the resi dent physician or for modicines The same firm has a beautiful vacation home for its women clerks at the sea shore Sixty girls go down each week during the summer for seven days of rest and pleasure They are at no expense even the trans portation is provided but no wages are paid during the vacation Year by year the tendency to pay due regard to the physical mental and moral Keltbeing of their work ing people is becoming stronger with the best business firms Apart from the good advertising and the spirit of harmony which such treatment in sures there is a genuine wish t make their employees happy and contented RAVENSHOE Rev J preached his farewell sermon on Sunday He in tends leaving for Alberta in a few days Mr Conn el I of Keswick visited his sister Mrs W Sunday A number from here attended the wedding of Miss Vina Cole on Wed nesday More particulars later The Ladies Aid will meet at Whites on Thursday June Everybody welcome Mr Allan spent Sunday at home with all Classes of people on the J fcC The band delighted a large giving an openair program A Silence cloth for dining table can be made with a double of white laid with soft tide on Inside and on machine edge with a of tape The Globe Lightning Rod Company Hamilton Jenkins begs to Worm tt public he is no agent but Joint proprietor of the company which by a capital of oldest lighting in We a guawntee for good for five with cult Page Kerry raised a barn for Rich Harrison on Monday of this week barn Was partly and parti new so was one of those slow kind of raisings that does not permit race However under the direction I of Mr togeth er well and no accident occurred af ter which Mrs and Miss Ha Ikon showed their appreciation of the gen erous help the neighbor by fur nishing a most sumptuous supper of the beat that Canadas produces serv ed in the daintiest and mm forms known the art This part of the program being fully complete boys look a lively at a foot ball tilt Sorry have order It any building rod 1 on get by or if as by lightning without it the only rod of by ail with rod to have the death Am owing to an accident J V and party oftbre report catch fish all kinds at Beat that If you can Joe Mitchell a traveler of the firm he repretentcl had a short hut lively on the street which resulted In a victory for Joe be Zephyr Kpwortb League visit ed Kiss Alice at her home On Holland street on Saturday night The weather had brought out one their verandahs and all enjoyed the music to the full driving into church Mr Vm togeth er wjth bis wife and daughter escaped a bad accident When Just- In front of Methodist par- a wheel came the buggy almost upsetting it and dragging It some distance before the horse was topped The bowling Mason was opened on Victoria day four rinks playing dur ing afternoon on the lawn of Chestnut Villa and two In the even ing on Mr Holts lawn Since the regular club gomes are being held on the club lawn and everybody In getting down to work A large number of new members Joined this year believe the club will also lie reorganized this week SHARON Miss Maude has returned from a visit to sister Mrs Or Ruchanan of Gait Mr Richard Wayling has pur chased Mr Goods property and intends pulling down the house and building a now one Mr Tate Is painting his house Last Friday evening the boys of the- neighborhood presented Mr Hall with a reeking chair as a token of their good wishes Mr Hall has recently become a bene dict A number of the ladles were present and provided the lunch AH enjoyed a pleasant evening Mrs Collins and daughter of Toronto are vUltlng her par ents Mr and Mrs nines Mr and Mrs John Robinson have been spending a few days with Mr Jid Mrs Boyd Mm Long of is visiting Mrs It Boyd Kettles may be thoroughly cleansed by boiling a few potatopeelings in them New Service to Lake of Bays An important feature that will be inaugurated during the corning sea son will be a new train service to the Lake of Rays district A standard Grand Trunk passenger train will leave Toronto with through coaches parlor cars and din ing cars at the morn ing daily except Sunday for ville reaching the latter point about three oclock thei afternoon con necting with the steamers for points in the of Rays district and affording passengers the opportunity of reaching their destination in time for dinner The Sunday evening boat service from Wawa Hotel Point Ideal Portage and other important calling ports on Lake of Rays to will be run on same schedule as for season dur ing the months of July and August and which will be boon to week enders desiring to return to the city for business on Mondays A GUILTY CONSCIENCE He was a quiet bashful sort or young man He was calling on a young lady one evening not long ago says a writer in the Post when her father came into the room with his watch in his hand It was about At that moment the young man was standing on a chair straightening a picture on the wall The had asked him to fix It As he turned the old gentleman a gruff stout man said Young man you know what time it Is bashful youth got off the chair nervously Yes sir he replied I was just going He went into the hall without any delay and took his hat and coat The girls lather followed him As the caller reached for the doorknob the old gentleman again asked If he knew what the time was Yes sir was the youths reply And he left without waiting to put his coat on After the door had Closed the old gentleman turned to the girl Whats the matter with that fel low be asked My watch ran down this afternoon and I wanted him to tell me the time so I could set It For Infants an1 The Kind You Always Bought of EXCURSIONS TO Arm it to juke JULY nut I a- feu n LOW ROUNDTRIP RATES m I f 1 to JU CARS pltcUon ASK Mi C PR L K0 OF ATKINSON Agent When beating egg for a pudding add the sugar to them and hot the other Ingredients 9 A Strong resolution condemning the decree was passed by the London Conference John McOllllvray an electrician Lindsay was killed by a a live wire A Prince county farmer was lined I2 coats for refusing to answer the questions of the cen sus enumerator Four hundred men con nected with the building trades are on strike In Vancouver June Matthew Rey nold a Light and Power lineman was Instantly killed here today by coming contact with live wire Reynolds was years of age and single He lived at vllle with sister Prof of the Agricultur al College Rays Protein the formation flesh muscle Wood milk etc One of Dried lirewers trains contains as much Protein ai of or ton of and costs leas one ton of either Price Bros the big dairy men a Just bought a car load They know Feed Dried Brewers Grains and your milk How In crease and cattle Improve A valu able feed cheap Write Farmers A Feed Co Ltd To price the mis takes we commit without thinking of consequences These sfcknesses may be slight at first but they hinder work prevent advancement or bring depression and spoil enjoyment What is worse they lead to serious physical disorders if not checked in time but you CAN check them easily and quickly They will I j suchasafejSimplereliablefamilyremedyasBeechams Pills In every household where this famous and unequalled medicine is known the whole aspect of life is changed the better Be ready to help yourself and your family to overcome trouble and to regain and keep good condition by having on hand for immediate use art iptclalhi Su flA Eoiliod Sold Id Ctnada nd S AT NEWMARKET The Century Preparation for Refinishing Old Furniture Linoleums Oil Cloth New and Old Floors RE MEMBER Varnish Stains are History Beautiful Free Souvenirs to Each Lady Doll House or DrawingBook for Each Child- Visit the Big Free Demonstration Berlin lime discov eries of diamonds have been made in German Bast Africa original discovery was made by a German colonist who formerly jived at Kim- berley and was with soli in which diamonds are found in Brit ish South Africa lie and his friends immediately staked out claims and It Is stated that intend to found a company for the complete exploit ation of the new diamond which are situated around Montreal June Fifty men the Cameron Highlanders Winnipeg arrived In Montreal this evening on their wa to the Coronation festivi ties where ihey are being sent at the expense of the commander LieutCol M Thomp son The detachment was a line of most of them over six feet tall They were met at the Windsor Station by Major Buchanan and a detachment of Royal Highlanders with their pipe hand and escorted to the Highlanders Ar mories Later they were given the freedom of Dominion Park and at a late hour boarded the sail ing at daybreak tomorrow for Eng land Children FOR FLETCHERS A Attend the Best IT PAYS ELLIOTT has a national re putation for superior work Open all year Enter now Catalogue -r- WANTED NOW for NEWMARKET and sur rounding country a reliable AGENT bo taks orders for Northern Grown Trees Pay weekly Van of beautiful outfit free Wo guarantee- strictly flrstclaas hardy stock delivered In prime condition WE SPECIALTIES sold only by ourselves on which there is no competlttoa It pays to sell for a reliable Arm M yer Writ for particulars ELOIN NURSERY Port Elgin Ontario J W Have Hand a Large of White Pine Norway Hemlock to Order Special Oat Door 8Mb Flooring Moulding All Klada of work to Ortcr Dressing Sticking and Such- Work r A