Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 9 Jun 1911, p. 5

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J Robertson Barrister Notary Public Office Main St Newmarket- to loan on good curity Farm Frank Duncan AUCTIONE AND COLLECTOR Bolton practical Painter PaperHanger and House Decorator Niagara and Streets Newmarket Dr Clark DENTIST Main Street Newmarket Dr Wilkinson ST Office in Block Newmarket Excursion to Tuesday June 13under the aus pices of tbe North York Farmers In stitute See posters for particulars 3wl9 The Auto Craze There are 19 automobiles in town and vicinity now Mr Walter being the latest purchaser They would make quite a procession if all line mm Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Era Office Newmarket Office Private Papers issued at private resi dence Improvements Mr A Simpson is brickclading bis residence on Eagle street Domestic water was installed in four houses on Charles street last week one for Mr J Cane one for Mrs and two for Mr Geo Thompson V i if desired- NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones- car Call before ordering elsewhere Dr S J Boyd Graduate in medicine of Toronto University also Licentiate of the Royal College of Physician and mem ber of the Royal College of Surgeons of England Former clinical assistant oorfieWs Eye Hospital and College Ear Nose and Throat Hospital London England Cor Main and Timothy Newmarket- Telephone No Home My may be had at any of day or night by calling t or phone m r i Q T Time Card GOING NORTH Leave a p Toronto 217 705 Albdale r GOING SOUTH a in p u I Aft M Toronto ar Brief lets Saturday evening was delightful to be out and the result was tha there was a perfect jam on the streets down town till nearly ten oclock The newly painted flagstaff at the Primary School Grounds was raised on Friday evening so that the Jack could fly on Saturday The Coronation Coronation Day June 22nd has been proclaimed a public holiday to be observed as a day of general thanksgiving and rejoicing by all per sons throughout the Dominion Like the Kings it is op tional about its observance It comes too near the 1st of July to be general 9 New Station at A number of the propertyholders at Orchard Beach having promised to subscribe towards the erection of a passenger and freight station at Crossing the Metropolitan Railway have acceded to their re quest and put the contract into the hands if Mr Isaac Rose this week He expects to proceed with the work at once so as to have it ready for vacation traffic this season company have also agreed to put a switch at this point for the purpose of shipping logs to Canes Factory The logs will brought up the Trent anal and towed into the bay at Echo Hollow a SECURED of of hiring Uprt C7 UiVn lit j Furnace Work Plumbing Our Specialties Bee the Bathroom at the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS OSBORNE SOUS Next to Smiths Grocery SETTLERS TRAINS TO MANITOBA ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN LOW COLONIST RATES ft MfCUrt Li Regular let TUESDAY Drib AAIL PM Cobnut Ctri on all Traiai for Throopi Toronto to Winnipeg en j i oii ATKINSON Every Woman ShouW Have This Book lM vr i m4H4vi I write VALEJT irtitiJ horrid rash came out all over my ace and spread until it had covered his scalp It was and painful and caosed the bale one hours of suffering We tried soaps and powders and salves but he no better He refused his food got quite thin and worn and was reduced to a very serious condition I was advised to try and did so It was wonderful how it seemed to cool and ease the childs burning painful skin from the very commencement seemed to go right to the spot and the pimples and sores and the irritation grew less and less Within a few my babys was healed completely He has now not a trace of rash or eruption or or burning sore Not only so but cured of the tor menting skin trouble he has improved in general health is sold it ell stores and a box or post free from cV Co and forget ii A Schedule The following intermediate A schedule been agreed upon by Aurora and Newmarket Dis trict No 9 i Juno Aurora at Newmarket pm Juno 22 Newmarket at Aurora July Newmarket at Aurora July Aurora at Newmarket pm oo Town Council Regular meeting last Monday even- lug Present Mayor Pearson Reeve Keith Councillors Cane Hunter Vale and Barker Following Hills passed H Rinebart cleaning outhouse 1100 Globe Pig Co adv Debentures M Andrews lumber and coal Newmarket High School A special meeting of the Hoard was held at the King George Hotel on Thursday evening of last week when three the teachers applied for in crease in salaries In view of re- tattoos made Mr Kidds sal ary was increased to Mr I Freight Meter to and Miss to W00 Resolutions were passed authorizing the use of certain and requir ing of one in the commercial form as required by the Inspectors report place about A lengthy discussion took concerning uncompleted work the school and grounds and a mil tee was appointed to deal the matter Entrance Exams The Departmental Examinations will commence on June and will be held in this riding at Aurora Newmarket Richmond Hill and Mount Albert The total number of candidates who will write on the various examinations in North York is HI distributed as follows Aurora Richmond Hill and Mount Albert The pre siding examiners at each place are as fellows Newmarket Principal Fer guson of Aurora and principal Da vidson Richmond Hill Aurora Inspector Mulloj and Mr Newmarket Richmond Hill Principal Merritt of Newmarket Mount Al bert Mr Newmar ket High School The timetable is as follows Monday June 26 PM Reading Instruction Horn po I t ion Tuesday June AM Arithmetic PM examination paper Wed ay June AM 00I20- Writing PM 1 Court of Revision ii first session of the Court of Re vision for the Newmarket lk last Friday The following mdltrs and the office vfst Messrs Pearson Hunter and On motion the Mayor appoint The laid the Court the of appeals which were taken up and as follows of Miss Millard on to Park Avenue was reduced the sum of The assessment Miss Millard on bar side of Queen St was re- to The assessment of 1 Court was reduced to The of onlots I Ontario to The appeal against assessment of If- Huntley on lot Charlotte not entertained The appeal the assessment Of the Kin property sustained and re- Pike Co flags for Hall Express on same Canada Foundry supplies las Robertson Co- supplies Express on same 35 York Radial on same freight JJO 45 Pay Sheet No Applications for water service from Homer 0 Wright J Davis Collins If Morton and J all Communication from Athletic Club asking payment of grant of 1100 to wards May expenses referred to Finance Committee Applications from A T Cuyler and Oscar Stephens for position Town Collector The latter appointed at a salary a month and the Finance Corn to arrange about com mencement of work Mr arrived and took his The Property Committee reported recommending reorganlzing the Fire Council went Into Committee on report and after some discussion Committee row and asked leave to sit again at next meeting of Coun cil I Speed motor cycles running hi town awl also running small down the hill on sidewalks to the annoyance of pedestrians was talked over as well the Hoard of Health Inspection and these will all have the attention the new Chief Constable Council adjourned Peterboro June George Cook a veterinary surgeon dead in bis bed this morning at his resi dence deceased was in good yesterday and locked after his busi ness as usual He was year age and leaves a widow and three sons Montreal June Patriotism costs money moneytalks This time money- Is asking questions Last winter the Bill of the Long Sault Development Company seeking pow er to the St Laurence river at tbe Long Rapids near wall came up before the Committee of Rivers and Harbors of the United States Congress for hearing Mr J Wesley Allison of Onta rio went to Washington it was understood here to oppose it from the standpoint of a patriotic Cana dian citizen looking after the inter ests of his country it now appears that Mr Allisons little trip cost sptnething like fifteen thousand dol lars and he is asking reimbursement from certain citizens of Montreal for his patriotic motives Some days ago a meeting of the Board of Trade was held at which the question was brought up One member asked if fifteen thousand dol lars was not rather a large amount for so short trip It also appear ed to be the impression of the Board of Trade that Mr Allison had under taken the journey on his own respon sibility and had not made any sug gestion as to reimbursement prior to his departure for the American capital It has also transpired since that Mr Allison is interested in a small water power development at which would not be worth developing were the Long plans to go through It was therefore decided to oiler Mr Alli son five hundred dollars as Montreals share of the fifteen thousand and in the future fight their own battles It is not likely that there will be any more opposition to the Long from Montreal anyway as upon investigation it has been found that the proposition will benefit rather than damage the port on Montreal A Province There is a gloom among the men hers of the ancient if not royal order of tramps for plans are now under way to make Quebec the first tramp- less province in the country to change it from the paradise pan handlers which it now is to a ter ritory to be shunned by every pro fessional hobo Of tbe tramps in the whole country figures show that about of this army special parasites are always to be found in this state and about in this city alone More than a year is spent for the main tenance of this army jails and other institutions while the cost of the damage to property and crime committed together with general con tributions brings the total up to 5- While the plan by which it is proposed to wipe out this Main Street vas sustained two The against the assessment of Scott on lots and Main and Ontario not Court adjourned tar Send the to absent I Suffered Years With My Back resulting from weak kidneys a bad cold or other cauic usually renders the unfit for work and often results in per manent disability I suffered for years with back or kidney trouble and have tried a number of remedies from different physicians More than a one of our local druggist induced mc to try Dr Miles AntiPain Pills aid after using them tome three months I found a decided improve ment in my kidneys and I am glad to say that I hope soon to be fully restored to health J P ExJudge City Court Glasgow As long pain present in any part of the body rest is impossible and the system becoming weakened is exposed to of disease to the sufferer be inclined Dr Mites Pills by steadying the irritated nerve centers make refreshing sleep pos sible thereby enabling the body to recover lost strength As a remedy for pain any description Miles AntiPain Pills are pasted fisld all a return of If CO Toronto Can wasteful exptnditure and at the same time eliminate the tramp pro blem has never been tried in this country it has proven so successful abroad that there is no doubt to its efficiency here It proposes to establish somewhere in the country a tramp farm colony to which vag rants can be sent and where the products of their labor will he towards their maintenance The professional hobo for whom work has no attractions will doubtless give the province wide berth while those sent to the farm will be given an op portunity become useful citizens The most successful these colonies abroad actually makes money it is believed that a similar result be accomplished here The matter is now before he Legislature in tin- form a Mil providing for the ac quirement of the necessary land and within about one minute after its passage there certain to occur the greatest tramp exodus ever known Seventeen Year Locusts The seventeen year locust promises to live up to his reputation for re gularity and his song is soon to be heard In the land at least in this yfciiii for those much talked and seldom seen insects have been found in the ground in such a state of advanced development as to make it seem certain that within a week or ten days they will make their first appearance hereabouts Their advent is not regarded with such apprehension former years however sine scientists say that the amount of damage which they do is comparatively slight and that their notoriety is chiefly due to their re habit of appearing only once In seventeen years Should the locust give up this peculiarity and become regular yearly visitor it I held that he would soon sink into oblivion comparison to many other annual pests which do far more dam age without achieving particular notice Nevertheless lots of people hereabouts are prophesying that the seventeenyear locust will not leave a single or shrub l this city a prophesy which would be very if it only happened to he IrUe The HydroElectric Commissioners have struck aerate for electric light consumers about 13 per cent low er than those of the Toronto Electric Light Co The East Toronto intake is broken The Citys troubles with its intake pipes are never done George- Coulter aged 19 had a nar row escape from on Monday when he fell from a steel beam a distance of two storeys at the rear of a building in Victoria street When a westbound Line car took an open switch at the corner of Church street last Monday night and collided Miss May Robinson a young lady who has been staying at the Palmer was thrown violently to the pave ment and sustained a dislocated knee The girl was given medical attention and taken to her home Tbe damage to the cars was slight The announcement is made that Mr Robert Edgar is to succeed the late Mr John Armstrong as Secre tary of the Ontario Bureau of Labor Thomas aged is still lying unconscious at Grace Hospital as a result of falling downstairs at his boarding house at Queen street on Saturday night He has since died Fire broke out in a suspicious man ner Monday in a shed owned by A Bradley and occupied by Dun ning at the rear of street The fire brigade was called and ex tinguished the blaze and Detective Levitt was detailed to investigate the cause Chief Justice Meredith has awarded Mrs Helen McCully judgement for against her husband whom she sued on an agreement male at the time of their marriage on Feb Mrs McCully set forth the fact that Dr deserted her in and went to live in Dallas Texas where she claims he is still living with another woman When the Boy Scouts return from the Old Country after Coronation there will be no holding tbern Word has been received by the Provincial Secretary that the Toronto Boy Scouts will lead the Scout Contin gent at the Coronation over the lads from various parts of the Empire It is said that in this city at the present time about different lan guages arc spoken and about people speaking these foreign lan guages Of course some of these lan guages are mere dialects from differ ent parts of the countries that ad join each other Of Hebrews To ronto has a population of some Italians come next with 8000 and Germans Out of 531 men on the police force there arc Ca nadians 117 Irish 111 English and Scotch tbe remaining members are of various nationalities John Boyle who formerly con ducted the Jersey Hotel and the ho tel at King and Streets died at his home in livens street He was about years of age and leaves a widow A service in remembrance of the late Archbishop MeKvay in the church of Our Lady of last Sunday was attended by about 300 of the Knights of Columbus Hon Dr Minister of Pub lic Works accompanied by Mr It M McLean Good Roads Engineer are away on a tour of the good roads counties in Western Ontario to make their annual inspection Toronto may locate its Isolation Hospital on a fifty acre farm north of the city A laborer injured in Mirnico Rail way yards died In the Hospital on Monday rh ten year old hoy named fas McLelland died on Thursday at his home on the oast side of the own as result of injuries received a short time ago The lad vas struck in the lower part of the stomach by a baseball and as result the blow abscess formed Last week bis condition became serious and the medical men advised that he be taken to the hospital and an operation per formed this being the only hope of caving the boys life His mother Objected however claiming that she had doctored all the rest of her peo ple and would be able to look after him Her hopes were rudely shat tered on Thursday night when amid great agony the boy died The fam ily came here from the Old Land on ly a time ago and the lad wan the youngest of a large family and a bright hoy Midland Argun Children FOR FLETCHERS RIA Fortress Blown Up San Juan del Nicaragua June The fortress on Hill Man- ague was blown up at 1 pm yes terday afternoon One hundred and fifty soldiers in the explosion All ammunition in the fortress was destroyed The cause of the explosion Is as yet unknown Intense Interest In the explosion was displayed by the State Depart ment officials who are anxiously awaiting details giving its cause Since the resignation of President Estrada and the assumption of pow er by VicePresident Diaz the De partment has received no advices in dicating discontent in the republic Besides the destruction of fort ress Itself Government palace other nearby buildings were dam aged by the upheaval Conditions at Managua have been In a state of unrest since the revolu tion which overthrew and then exiled A plot directed against his suc cessor Estrada and the barracks lo cated near the palace were blown up last February A number of sentries were killed at the time A state siege was declared and many oppon ents of Estrada regime were im prisoned Decently Estrada left Manague turning over the reins of government to who was succeeded by President Diaz The latest explosion with Its heavy death list appears to he the result of these recent poljtfcal conflicts The fortress of stands on highest point of ground near Man- ague known as Hill giving It a Commanding sweep over the country The Presidential stands alongside the fortress and other government buildings are not far away June Percy Steaey aged fifteen years son Hotter a wellknown Lanrdowne farmer- was operating roller this afternoon when the horses became frightened and ran away The young man was thrown from the seat and the roller hacked over Mm He lived only four hours r a 9 it J TRIG LIGHT FIXTUR You Can Save Money By Buying From Us Full Line of- Electric Light a Paints Oils Glass Etc MARK f Our Spring Stock THIS SEASON IS VERY COMPLETE AND PRICES RIGHT Toronto Jobbing House I 1 If- I Ea CAPITAL ALL PAID UP 1 UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS titi It i lltft- at all Important In Cod n4 1q London Eg New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Every a Banking ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former cuelomers the Bank will be aeconc4l at heretofore NEWMARKET BRANCH ROSS a I n lit We have twelve different In also white- Just mix powder with hot water and let cool and then apply with a whitewash brush Gives a beautiful velvet finish that will not rub off Martin Honours Floor Paints for their lustre and wear ing qualities In on iw And Get It At Hardware i Newmarket PHONE XZ of a tooth la unnoooaeary undir our Wo rtmove four and five est If at by YEARS Trade Marks DcaioNsV C aKrtaJoijr lQTtQtVQ If no for teCUUMt tujou tftah Untax Scientific nv7 an for 4 try wo New York I k R

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