Peeks VBAT OS A Excursion to Quel ph Tuesday June is the J All subscribers t tfercitic Fund the Farmers Excursion to A re toe establishment of Pickering Advertising Newmarket Sundays World devoted the whole front page of the illustrated section to reproducing the Coronation Sports at Newmarket on the 24th of May The compliment was appreci ated by our boys Don t Forget The demonstration at Bennett Bros Newmarket on Sat urday June Womens Institute The North York Womens Institute will hold their annual District Meet ing at the home of Mrs Park Ave Newmarket on Fri day June at oclock for the purpose of electing district officers for the year All ladies made wel come St Johns Church Two Fathers will a mission in St Johns Church Sunday next The Mission will be continued dur ing the week and will close on Sun- bay evening the 18th There will be a scries of sermons preached every evening at oclock by these elo quent expounders of the Divine Word The public are cordially invited to attend Kill Them Off The season for the swatting of flies is here and one swat now is better than ten in August The fly never was a popular insect Time was however when the world was inclin ed to look upon him with a sort of interested tolerance Hut that time has passed Scientists all the world with one accord agree that as a distributer of diseases as a sower of epidemic and death the fly never has had an equal FreeJapaLac The first Housewives who call at Minns Hardware on Monday morn ing will receive a Free Sample of The special train leaves Newmarket at ami the tickets for the round trip are only each little more than onequarter the regular fare Any person who has not seen the Government Agricultural Farm at Guelph should not miss op portunity There will be Van or chestra on the train and free lunch given at the College It will likely be the largest excursion to the Col lege from North York ever held Agricultural Excursion By the 20th of June we are likely to have another hot spell and a breeze from the swelling waters of the Georgian Bay will be greatly ap preciated For that reason you should plan to take al Excursion to which pro mises be the most delightful re freshing and invigorating outing of the season Special train two fine boat trips and a good square meal in between What more could you desire the money See posters for particulars in who have not paid up ma J expect a final Callin a day or two The College has given us more than they promised even more than we could expect Please settle your obligations Having lost 20 fancy chicks Mr J Davis jr decided to put a trap in his chicken pen and was for tunate in catching a good big coon Snowball garden party next Wed nesday night Several school reports unavoidably crowded out 300 390 255 Sold Out Owing to the worry of obtaining satisfactory help since the death of his wife Mr Jos sold out bis grocery and restaurant business on Wednesday to Mr Geo A Cook of Thorn bury who with his wife to Newmarket highly recommended had considerable experience in a similar business and very desirable citizens During his residence amongst us for the past three years Mr Purdy has created a excellent trade arid made many friends He will remain in town a short time to settle Up his business affairs but has made do plans yet for the future Buggy Smashed Sunday morning Mrs and son of Whitchurch Town ship the latter between and years of attended Church service in Newmarket On returning home the horse became skittish in passing an automobile standing in front of the King George Hotel However the boy continued driving and it Quieted down going tip Water street hill dA they were not expecting any further trouble but going down street the horse increased its speed and weing that her son could not hold it Mrs attempted to snatch the lines After passing the bridge the horn- turned into the ditch upset the buggy smashing it to splinters and carrying away the shafts Somebody on be hill saw the horse running and headed it It turned in yard and tore around generally before being corner ed Mr- was considerably bruised but no bones were broken Automobile and C cle Supplies Patches tubes cement spark plugs batteries gasoline sponges grease and engine oils On ly the best grade at Bines Hardware Mrs Jacob Taylor has purchased new brick house on Timothy street erected by Mr Robert Howlett and taken possession We warmly wel come Mrs Taylor nee Miss Clara Manning back to her native town It is worth ones time to ride through the country these days and see the smile- that Nature wears The industrious man of thrifty ways his garden and the neighbors hens speedily a convention therein Excursion to Guelph next Tuesday No matter how hot the weather may become the sweet girl graduate and the June bride will remain cool and selfpossessed The scourge of dandelions is univer sal this year and remedies to pre vent its further spread and means for the extinction of the weed are be fog sought Mr Wilson is afflicted with carbuncles Vegetation Prolific Wonder if the circus came to town this week that the herds of might feed upon the superabundance of pasturage on all our roadsides What must be the impression of the many scores of tourists who pass thru the canalside town when they behold the luxuriant vegetation at either end of Main street and see the green pastures that flourish be side the granolithic walks from one end of the town to the other in strong contrast to the wellclipped lawns that lend a charm to our bet ter residential homes 600 Farm Produce There was a very large market last Saturday eggs and green vegetables were plentiful Live fowl were scarce Following were the ruling prices per do 1 Mutter per lb l730c Dressed Chickens per lie Apples per basket Potatoes per bag Live Chickens per Old Hens per lb Live Ducks per lb J Live Geese per lb Live Turkeys per lb 101 2c Pigeons per pair Live Pigs Hide per lb Call Skins per It 1012c Hornhides Sheepskins Tallow Spinage per basket Rhubarb per bunch Lettuce per bunch Cabbage plants per box Celery plants per box Tomato plants per box Christian Church Last Sunday the Congregation Wor shipped in the auditorium of the reno vated church and at both services good were present The pastor spoke on Selling our right The choir rendered No Shadows Yonder from City Sunday School was held upstairs also with special music and ad dresses by Campbell of Manitoba and Mr James Hounds of Toronto was carried into an and the pastor gave a chemical ser mon on Power He showed the difference between right and wrong power illustrating his remarks by the power of gas steam and electri ze es or- Milk The marriage was solemnized in Broadway Tabernacle Toronto Wed nesday afternoon at halfpast one of Miss Emily Mary Miller the soprano soloist of the church Mr Walter Eby of Lindsay Rev Dr officiated and the bride was given in marriage- by her brother Mr Miller She wore a lovely gown of white embroidered lace and over satin with large white bat with willow plumes and carried a shower of roses and lilies of the valley There were no bridal at tendants A wedding breakfast at the Queens followed the ceremony and later Mr and Mrs left for New York and West Virginia The going away costume was of ap ricot broadcloth with emerald green hat On their return in September they will reside in Lindsay Methodist Conference The Toronto Conference of the Methodist Church is now in session in the Rim Street Methodist church Toronto Following is the first draft of the Stationing Committee so far as this part of the Conference is concerned Newmarket It I Simpson Geo Coulter Schomberg 1 Humphrey Aurora Scott Temperanceville W II Learoyd King Keam Stouflvilk P A Lernonville W Walker Mt Albert Sand ford and Zephyr G Lawrence Sutton West A Sinclair They above Council met at Tem perance Hall on Satur day May Members all present Minutes of last meeting read- and approved The following bills were passed and ordered to be paid Joseph Billings months pay St Wellington Maw road 5013 Harry Graham removing grader Jaa Garbutt removing stone off road repairs to culvert Luke Gibbons blasting stone John Wells attending of meeting J Jenkins office disburse ment J Davis removing stone off road v John Archibald operating grader Morley Proctor feet i blacksmith bill Oliver Patton team on grader Walter operating grader V Hamilton Machine Co reps to grader repairs to culvert J McCallum work on grad er James Newton road work Toronto Western Hospital re board and- care of John Carter Dr Wesley re attendance of J Carter George Case 8 yds gravel Stephens removing stone oft road John White cleaning gravel Pit WellsDeacon That the follow ing sheep claims be paid Harry Graham Joseph Kenton WellsDeacon That Phillips -v- j HOUSE Hemp Carpets from- up Union Carpets- from 25c up Wool Carpets at Tapestry Carpets from up Tapestry and Union Squares In sizes and ail prices Stair Carpets and Stair Oil Cloth In all widths and qualities Floor Oil Cloths from one yard and a half yards wide mm Linoleum from two yards to four yards wide Lace Curtains from 30c to j Curtain Muslins Bungalow Net Madras Muslins Art Muslins Art Sateens Damasks and Cretonnes in endless variety It pays to buy your Shoes where the wear of every pair Is guaranteed This month Special Sale Ladies Slippers and Oxfords 300 200 Grocery Dept Ask us to call for your order Phone 32 W A or 685 CEDAR CORNERS Well most of the hard work is ov er for a while Potato planting is all the go now Mr Allen spent Sunday in Albert Great show on this week at the Mansion Mr Jesse has bought new MasseyHarris grain thresher and a new horsepower to drive- it Hope Jesse will have good luck Mr and 1 are looking fine on the bean farm and Lemon be appointed to view Mrs Allen and daughter are the road re ditch opposite lot expected from Owen Sound the Ask to See our lAf I I STANDARD NEW SPRING LiUnUI PATTERNS A CORSETS The Ladies Store of Newmarket SNAPPY SUMMER MILLINERY of the week Many of the folks took in the circus on Tuesday last at New market Miss Daisy Moulds of Toronto is spending few dais at home Miss Hazel Cameron of Toronto Levi con 3 Old Survey Phillips- WellsThat the Clerk notify the different telephone com panies operating in King to re move the brush they have scatter ed along the side the road PhillipsWells That the follow ing changes be made in the path- masters John in lieu of I spent a few days at Mr Israel Wm Haines in lieu fields last week of Henry Webb Bryan in lieu of Ernest Glass in lieu of ThoB Albert Marshall in lieu Jos J P Wells in lieu of A Wells Malcolm Cairns in lieu of Wm McCabe in lieu or Neil Fall Wheat per bush of Wheat per bush W Ham- J- and McCallum be b paid per day as operators of Per hush grader and that man and team be paid per day Toronto Markets June SO 82 75- no no 18 25 25 15 Hay per ton Butter per lb That per do re equalizing Potatoes per hag King and Whitchurch Chickens per lb Phillips- That luni and W assessors each be paid being balance- Newmarket Markets WellaHeacon That the Clerk be hereby luatructea to a bylaw to Offerings for Summer Long Lisle Gloves in white or black 21 inch lengths and as sorted sizes to A special 50 and 75c cents pair Plaincolored Lisle Thread Hosiery in all colorswhite sky pink Alice blue coronation blue high grade dyes and finish sizes 8Ato A special 25 and 50c pair Ladies white cotton Vests in sleeveless short sleeves made from good quality fine cotton yarns 10 20 and 10c Summer wash Belts embroidery designs and assorted patterns Pearl buckles all sizes special 25c Fancy and white Parasols rust proof frames different designs of handles full assortment of patterns special 25 to Ask to see our line of pretty Summer Muslins and Voiles Mar quisette Foulards Mulls lines in white Empire green black ami white hello pink sky grey and white rose etc prepare j repeal the bylaw Wheat per bush JO JO and bonus ro wire fence j Oats per bush erected along the highway in Barley per bush cordance with a resolution per hush Sale THURSDAY June 22Mr P 1 An derson will have sale of furniture and other household effects at his resilience St at sharp Terms cash Duncan auctioneer o and tenderly cared for medical at once obtained Tbe boy wry little Kurt A report was afternoon that 9 and You Loose Much More I we do by not buying and a new Perfection oil stove try guaranteed of Fire At meeting the Property Com in a report city He spoke Gods power Satans In the evening the sermon was mi recornmendin on from J My People doth not Consider The choir rendered God loved the World from Cruci fixion and Through the day Thy Us by the I- Will Childrens Day and do with I vie holiday formerly to fitimen lr future to be day the firt Monday in each proposition before the he yearly hi MO 2nd i I look o a ladder Co to have Met the foreman and to held Before You Buy Diamonds lit lore you even atari out to them you ought to decide to them I which fcill a of li 11 practice Pri1 which has prop ill in In A to on the if In the I private of Imw to Hi ebaMal ue of the Fire where fcure and This ad tell you that i fech a place Weve an extra nice iiV run prices from MM to stones if them all mounted June received here this three children aged years were burned to death St Martins County this morn ing fire broke out In the house occupied by Leon Mrs liu and her 20year son were h badly And it came to pass that he bad advertised hip goods there came unto him great multitudes from all the regions round about and did buy of him And when his competitors saw It they marveled among them selves saying How he it that thin man busy while we loaf idly about our doors And he spake unto them In this fast age of push and rustle it is easier for a camel to en ter the eye of a needle than for man to flourish without advertising passed bar this council PhillinaWeils That all the members he a committee to meet the members of Vaughan Council at the between King and Vaughan the con on Thurs day June 1st at I oclock Bran per ton Shorts per ton Hay per ton per do Butter per It Potatoes per bag show you CO Joyelere P ft Ticket Issuer of That Black Chickens per to and bo paid each and be paid to services fenceviewers the Clerk be instructed to notify to have the lumber and logs removed immediately from the side- of the road in front of lot eon Phillips-Lemon- Thai the follow ing road grants bo given on sideroad between lots and oast and con Archl- bald commissioner on sifle- lots 30 and eon Owens and Cannon com- on sideroad be tween lots and con Gibbons commissioner on fiideline between lots and con i Hugh Archibald cornmU- on con opposite lot Angus Campbell commis sioner on sideroad between lots 0 and A Prank Bur- I J ling and as commission- J between lots arid end eon John commissioner on bl doroad between lots and f J coin 7 Andy McClure iV00 on con lots and Mount commissioner on con lot John commfsslorier on road eon com- on con south of road Joseph Hill commissioner on townline J North Isaac er on sideroad between J lots and in I and con Hall Tho a list of the 4J disposed of by the Court 4 of It o vision- 1st Jonathan Terry assessment changed as follows Jonathan Perry con tin acres land assessed at buildings eon Of acres Hand 2000 buildings total 6000 David con n nor acres land assessed buildings total 2nd Johnson lot con i too high assessment 4 4 3rd- Idward Johnson lot eon J should bo flSSCBBtd to C John- CO 24 25 it 0 19 0 KESWICK members has been organized A pleasant feature of tbe meeting and Keswick held a very sue- one not often seen was the presence cessful Concert in the Hall on even- of wo of the Public School teachers of May in aid of the Build- By request of president Mrs McCoi- Fund of Frances Hall dick repeated part of her talk that Toronto A good program was ten- bearing on Hygiene and Morality in by home and outside talent and School Children and How Teachers an enjoyable evening spent The sub- Can Inculcate Such The regular executive of the York and reel meeting will be held in Temperance ties met at the home of Hall Keswick on Wednesday June Mrs Irwin Toronto on May I at 230 Press and arranged for annual Convert- tlon which will be held at Richmond Hill early in October Mrs dick County visited Port childrens Day will he observed at Credit Branch on June and re- Sabbath School on inc ports a good meeting well- attended pm The program will and great interest displayed in the gi children and also an work there- A of about fifty Mr Hope or Pine Or chard Visitors welcome- A fc AT J Hole for Hon apjfeal granted Case assessed too high reduced Knight has no business assessment appeal sustained Mb Daniel lots arid eon to bo assessed to Mr I and reduced Canada Co No action taken A number of appeals asking dofs struck off the toll were i Court sine die Council adjourned to meet at 4 4 4 4 4 4 4J 4 fiuttoift Hotel on Sat- Juno 21th ion in a I 5 Ik I I I ill Yi i V Wff