Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 9 Jun 1911, p. 1

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FOR WEDDING GIFTS See our Stock WATSONS JEWELRY STORE si i as The Era is acknowledged to be tbe Best Leading County well as being the Oldest in York County mm will per annum If paid in advance to the United States No A imikV ii JACKSON Editor and Proprietor JACKSON AssistantEditor Newmarket Ont Friday June Km No Paper sent outside of North York unless paid in advance THE LATEST I EYEGLASSES and SPECTACLES YOUR Eyes properly Fitted T0WATSON Matchmaker and Graduate Optician i STOVES LXNo 21 Single Copies eta each THE NEW PERFECTION O I Is the best stove for the hot weath er No smoke nor smell Call at A and see them demon strated A HARDWARE The place to buy your Paints Varnishes Etc TINSMITH AND PLUMBING WIRING PHONE NEWMARKET ONT TheBankoToronto Joint Deposit Accounts Many of our customers are facing Joint Savings Accounts very The money can be withdrawn by either of the parties at any time without delay or by Survivor should one die Interest is paid from the day the money is deposited and continue to the day it is withdrawn NEWMARKET BRANCH F FIELD MANAGER South End Lumber Yard L PEARSON Cor Church and BOWSER AND BISHOP OUR NEW SPRING GOODS Avail the of Out it Competed of material for lost now Right Materials for Just Now Then Is a bece for man who wants it We irt tailor a that will be faultless Ad wrlr call Is solicited PHONE NEWMARKET MAIN Rough Lumber and Inside Trim w Kiwi for Trim I- 1 Try a Cord of vjr fiborf at a cord Paid for or W H EVES or carers John Trent ft Boyd Oar Toronto Letter twenty kegs of gold arrived by express at one of the city banks last week The value was and the express charges thereon totalled One day last week the grain mer chants presented Mr John of the Maple Leaf Milling Company with a grandfathers clock on the occasion of his marriage The nup tial knot was tied in the Metropoli tan Church The date of the next Laymens Mis sionary Convention to be held in the city has been fixed for November Two bicyclists collided on Adelaide Street a few days ago and as a re sult one of them nearly lost an ear A resolution requesting Chairman Levee of the Board of Education to resign was lost on a division of for and against By an the Ontario Government has recently reduced the licenses on moving picture shows from a yearly fee of one hundred dollars to fiftj dollars The license fee last year was An explosion occurred last week in the factory of the Canadian Auto matic Gas Company street John was severely burned about the chest arms and limbs He was taken to the Hospital Cause of explosion unknown At meeting o the Womans For eign Missionary Society of the Meth odist Church last week Mrs J was elected president Mrs J Shelton Recording Secretary and Mrs Treasurer The Dominion Alliance is making a departure this summer in sending missionaries into Northern Ontario The first four men left Toronto last week for Fort William where they will open a weeks mission The ironworkers who went out on strike for a minimum wage of an hour returned to work last week Nothing was gained by the Messrs W J Gage Cock- and Henry Brock have been selected to represent the Toronto Board of Trade at the annual meet ing of the British Imperial Council of Commerce to be held in London either just previous to or to the Coronation Reform Gathering v ty of all Canadians for the head the British Empire The Minister then turned his uppermost in the minds of i his hearers referring first to the loy- Sir A B Sominated With T C KC as Alternate he continued when having elected me you say you are willing to elect me again when I Last Saturday was an auspicious Administration of Sir Wilfrid Lau- day in Newmarket Not only was may be still further advanced it a large market day and the Kings and promoted Birtnda with evidences cf loyally throughout the town but farmers and business men from all parts the riding know you will do it if I agree I do assure you that it is a wrench to say no But I must tell you exact- A resolution was moved by Dr how the land lies Sir Alan J of and seconded l explain that when were here to attend the by Mr A Haines of Whitchurch Liberal MassMeeting in the Town es confidence in the in the afternoon when the hall at ment would sweep the country from the Atlantic to the Pacific Pro longed applause The meeting closed with cheers for the Kjng for Ajlesworth and Lauri- 50 YEARS AGO A 1 in From Fyle June premium On the platform were President of Mr the The editor has been in luck this week Rev Ramsay kindly sent him a basket of excellent as paragus Mr forwarded a string of speckled trout and some body unknown left a leg of veal at the office It is with pleasure tha the editor nated in he had declared that if his hearing did not improve he would not again be a candidate A ending was at Moved Mr Cane of SSSSfSaMS market and seconded by Mr Me- I feel he said that my good North thT y pIcdgcd to men My notices that an Mr York Reform Association who deling has not changed I never Ilenoni have passed their on the occasion I nomnates the Hon cannot realizevhat a sided on the occasion Mr J Minister handicap deafness is a JUSUCe aS to refuse the i Part5 Wch now tendered and eection to te tea Explaining the situation with re- J president and sec- lhe Federal House of the Toronto Liberal Club o Minister of at Toronto University with honors gentlemen were pupils of A Marling Esq at Newmar ket Grammar School An unoccupied building on Huron Street belonging to Mr was In the event to himself Sir Alan spoke of Pies South Toronto justice not being the physical disability mentioning discovered on fire last the it involved that Paring UKerr North Toronto As- Action that ttie was a deliberate assembly Division of held by his former decision their annual festival last Saturday ears ago If I was put The day was fine and the attendance say to me now as satisfactory Aurora Hand was en- we want your gaged for I cannot Strath West Ward Club Mr worth be made unanimous and was Isa of Messrs received with rousing cheers He Graham and Lapp of North spoke of the Kings Birthday as he- Mayor Baldwin of Aurora Mayor ing a signal day for North York and Pearson ami Rev Father Whitney of he hoPlit would be the beginning Newmarket and other prominent gen- of long lease of power and from Toronto and elsewhere the Liberal part and the In opening meeting the chair- Minister of Justice great man referred to the extended inter- question before the people of Canada est over Reciprocity Agreement at this time said Mr was and the widespread sentiment pre- national in its conception throughout the riding that arguments of the Conservative Sir Alan should continue Party regarding reciprocity a said as representative and in view of that after Mr Borden came back from his feeling manifested at the proposed tour after being bombard- Meeting just held he was glad to be by the farmers he would say let able to announce that Sir Alan was pass The West is in occasion and speeches were delivered by Rev and Rev Ross ooo 25 YEARS AGO From Era Fyle June Current all farm f About W5 laborers mostly Italians went on strike for higher wages on the grade separation works near the Dumber one day last week They were told to gfit and would now he glad to return Next winter these are the fellows who will want char ity Judge has ruled that a cigar is not a drug and now the Sun day cigar store will go out of busi ness In the eastern section of the city there is trouble over the poison ivy which grows on the road side Sev eral children have been injured from coming in contact it The weed is now being destroyed The homegrown strawberry arrive last week and had a welcome The fruit lasted all right and sumers got more in a box than in the Imported A warm May made ibis possible The clerk in the tax office at the City Hall presented patrolman Nolan with a handsome pipe when he left for a short Vacation last week nt rumor has It that the i may be located near Rich mond An Option been cured on a farm for fames president of tire defunct Farmers Rank was by fudge Winchester last week Mr John floss of the Telegram has been reelected presi dent Canadian Absixrlakd press The new Deer Park Presbyterian Church now in course of erection Ik to be a Stone structure capable accommodating worshlppets and will cost It has been decided have the old western channel to the harbor and the city dock dredged at once The annual Inspection of the twelve cadet companies of toe Toronto pub lic schools will held on June at 2 oclock in The school bugle band will play According to a statement given out by the curator after paying- creditors of the defunct Farmers Hank the depositor will receive between and per cent on their deposits A Clark of this city haw donated for a library at Victoria Industrial School tbe books comprising most the standard authors Fortytwo little tots from the Kin dergarten of the Italian provided amusement and music for the delegates to the vo- meeting week It3 inded was the warmest May The mean which Is than the average The high est registration for the month was on It Is out that In the Carlton street Methodist church In sold proceeds will be devoted to the amelioration of conditions in the downtown district By the bursting of the water main On Jamleion avenue a hole was the width of the roadway favor of it anticipating an election He advised thorough organization in the riding As this will be the har vest time in the fields so let it be the harvest time for the Liberal par- inclined to amend bis declared inten tion to retiro and would assist the Liberal cause wherever possible Mr who was men tioned as a possible candidate Mr said thoroughly endorsed j ty He thanked them for tendering that state of affairs the alternate nomination which he The resolutions were then hoped he would not have to accept proposed and carried unanimously preferrmg the able representation of That with reference to Reciprocity the minister of justice was endorsed by a standing vote Mr A lark MP tor South and also the resolution j addressed the Convention with I j nominations of Mr A Ayles- acceptance It was his first worth ami Mr T Robinette with visit to Newmarket and his curiosity was aroused see the much I a Iked of Canal Some criti- cheers decision here and now change my mind and I will have to say no it must not be Rut white that is so am willing to modify it to a little extent Sir Alan ex pressed absolute confidence in Sir Wilfrid Lau rler and said if the elec tion which now seems imminent were deferred until year he would serve out his term but if elec tion were forced before this he would is attending Confer- like to defer the answer II the lhis week at Brampton structive tactics of the Opposition at Reeve Jackson and DeputyReeve Ottawa force an appeal to the 1 left on Tuesday to attend try this fall Sir Alan Council will in all probability again in Mr wife and daughter the fight leading the Liberals ol left for on Tuesday North York He discussed the pre- Webster of King with sent political situation he declared brotherinlaw Mr Jacob himself emphatically in favor of Draytbn left for a three months closure as a means of putting an end Kngland this week to obstruction and professed his At public meeting this week readiness to vote for ft and to stay Newmarket decided to have grand in the House and put closure through demonstration on Dominion He placed the emus for thc holding here will be a military review of up of public business upon the should- ln York Rangers and presen ce of the Opposition and made of North West medals by clear that if an election was forced Robinson of Toronto in upon the Country before redistribution Presence of the York County Council given the West its rightful Committee is coin- presentation Mr L Borden tanc Widdifield uncontrolled it and Moved by Mr John of Holt and seconded by Jf That this Mass Meet- l tn of Liberals of Nor Hi York meet ing as we do on the birthday of King v wish to extend to his Majesty our best wishes for many happy returns of the day joining with It our ardent hope that he may be spared many Cars to reign over the British in health prosperity and peace and that the same content loyalty and devotion to the Crown will come from every quarter that emanates from the heart of every his wild men would accept responsibility The Minister explained that uncontrollable the the Mulock and Canadian Citizen Moved by Mr If S Cane of New market and seconded by Mr Luke Gibbons Ol King That we extend to Sir Wilfrd Laurier the dist shed and esteemed Premier our greetings wish ing him health and pleasure during bis Journey to to be presont at the be loved Sovereign King V In his official capacity as the First Minister of the Crown In Canada His grate eloquence statesmanship and patriotism- command the admira tion of every Canadian Without re gard to party race or creed and all honor him as will on this supreme and historic occasion honor the land of his nativity our common country We wish him and his colleagues a safe return and many years of service the of Stale Moved by Mr of Mt Albert and seconded Mr M Blackburn of ve tin Liberals of North York take this opportunity of again endorsing the principles of the great Liberal party and expressing our approval of tire administration of Sir Wilfrid and the various policies ad vanced for the welfare Of the Coun try We are proud to have been able to send him such talented ad visors of the- first rank of statesmen as Sir Win Mulock and Sir Alan both of whom nave achieved great and enduring ad vantages for the Dominion and the Km pi re and have placed their names high In the annals of the nation We Will In the future continue our efforts to send as representatives ol this historic of high char acter ability and motive and true to the spirit and principles of Liber alism to uphold clean fair and pro gressive government under his leader ship Moved by Mayor p Pearson and seconded by Reeve T of King That we the Liberals of North York heartily approve of the Reciprocity Agreement now under consideration in the House of Com mons and believing It to be In the best Interests ol the people urge Its speedy adoption SO that the unex ampled prosperity we now enjoy and which ban been ushered In under lh to ment as Sir William and Sir Alan was entitled to get anything It asked for It would DC a great loss if Sir Alan went out of public life He did not think it II Wrn Jackson Roses in bloom this week but there was a white frost on Tuesday- A quotation is given from the Bra dated January IXjJ stating that Joseph Hart man MPP had just was now being made and held a political meeting at Sharon to fact that the census for I AC j ft an election fair to would be western Provinces necessary with the they had given evidence of their loyalty to Liberalism Discussing r the record of the administra tion Mr Clark declared that those who claimed that the finance minister was a failure had better first explain the Unexampled prosperity of the country The policy of the Liberal parly had been expansion of trade and having regard to that policy re ciprocity was the capstone of the triumphs of the government With reference to Immigration Mr Clark emphasized the strength of the governments policy which was working to All the west with settlers of a high class who found Canadian Institutions better than those of the country they left Discussing the trade agreements Mr Clark affirmed that reciprocity had always been a fixed feature of Canadas fiscal policy He asked when Canada was making trade treaties with distant nations to provide new markets for national products why she should neglect the the great market which was so close He Instanced the reversion of feeling In favor of reciprocity In his own riding against what It was when the details of the agreement were first announced With climate and natur al conditions equal It would not ad mit that Canadians were lacking In intelligence to fully compete with the people of the republic He ridi culed the attempt on the part op ponents of the agreement to raise the disloyalty cry In his own constitu ency which was right on the border they traded freely with the people on the other side of the river and yet would give place to no other county In Its loyalty Applause There was a very pleasing interrup tion In Mr Clarks speech when w he no Ion not membcrs they now fie declared that It would be Impossible to bring down a redistri bution bill before October which would mean December before It through the House The question Is simply this continued the Government has Intention of bringing on an elect at the present time This Is going to happen take it from me less business of this country Is so obstructed that it cannot be car- on by the men you sent to- Ot tawa to do It If his Majestys ley- J opposition want an election they can have It They know how to get it I to them here and now If they to take It In this manner as Coming from me on your election a you like and we shall not turn our backs We willing to meet you you too When this House meets again af ter the adjournment If the Opposi tion members wish to talk recipro city untl the cows come home they are perfectly at llhcrt to do so We have said our say The country Is fully of tin two sides We are ready to vote for It resumes They will have It all to themselves because I do not think they will find any more talk coming from our side If they chooSu they can talk on man after man they can repeat their same speeches how after hour and there Is nothing to prevent It If they de liberately take the course of refusing to permit the necessary money to be voted to carry on the business if this country upon their heads bo It They can force us to advise the Gov ernment to dissolve the House he- cause It Is not doing the business for manifestly unl discuss the Clergy Reserve question which before the meeting closed an the meeting closed an inter esting address was read from the pen of David Wilson founder of the Children of Peace at Sharon Ten head of line cattle were shipped on Monday purchased by Messrs Bond and Wilson from Mr Uriah Marsh A promenade concert Is announced to be held on the lawn of Mr Ash- worth next Wednesday evening A Committer of ladles have the ar rangements in charge Mr Thos Porter of is Warden of York Count this year is suffering from rheumatism this week Mr Wm and family arc moving to Toronto Mr John Hen not returned from a few days ago Ho says the Ladys Friend is the only are perfectly People in- that part of yes and heat lh country Karly last week during a storm of Port Perry had cat tle killed by lightning on ids ranch near Manchester Ottawa June Nixon the daughter of the day this city died today as re sult of burns received at noon on Sunday while In St Thomas Roman Catholic Church a su burb of Ottawa The girl was visit ing friends near the church and with others entered the edifice to place some lighted candles before one of the altars There was a row of lighted candles on the altar steps and passing too close to these her clothing caught fire She rushed from the church to the street hut by the time she got outside her cloth ing was almost burned off about members of the Aylesworth I S3 Club of King City marched Into the That is e Hall decorated with the badge of the club and were received with rou J SBS Mr Whether or not cheers A campaign song by Mr Williams of Toronto then brought down the house and ho gra ciously responded to encore The Minister of Justice Speaks Sir Alan Aylesworth was then Introduced by the chairman and when Sir Alan stepped forward every man In the hall Jumped to his feet cheer ing and It was some time before he could speak He expressed hi pleas ure at being among his old friend of North York again and referring to the fact that the convention had happily been called for the Kings birthday spoke of the interne loyal i There mfnclng matters Whether language Is parliamentary speak I spoke before as a Minister of the Crown and say that I pre pared give advice that this House of Commons about Its busi ness It It wont do the work the peo ple rent It to Ottawa to do The Minister spent some time dis cussing the reciprocity Issue he described fts the best thing farmers of the country had had of fared them since the treaty of a statement which the farmers who filled the hall vigorously endorsed He closed by predicting that upon the of reciprocity Hair Beautltlen WORLD REPINED WOMEN THE OVER USE IT Every woman knows that there Is nothing so good for hair and trouble as Parisian Sage Pari sian used three times a week it will keep the scalp nice and clean and remove dandruff It makes the hair lustrous and flufly and keeps it from falling out We urge every woman who loves radiant and fascinating hair to go to J Pattersons Drug Store today and a Urge cent bottle of Pa risian Sage He guarantees to euro dandruff falling hair and itching scalp or back ad i

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