Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 5 May 1911, p. 8

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a- S 5 jGe v FOR e the Hub Siuw i I All I M pay their rent taxes and FOR YEARS j HE m Will facia Of Sanfo- Sarku Ont Feb have been a sufferer for the past years Constipation Indigestion and Catarrh of The Stomach I tried many remedies and many doctors but derived no benefit whatever Finally I read an advertisement of I decided to give a trial and found they did exactly what was claimed for them I have now taken for some months and find that they are the only remedy that does me good I have recommended to a great many of friends and I cannot praise these fruit tablets too highly PAUL J JONES I I A I j to tonight may mean suffering to morrow but not if your stomach liver and bowels are helped to do their natural work by Thousands now use Proitstives Thousands more will try after reading the above fetter It proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that at last there is a cure Constipation and Stomach Troubles is Natures cure for these diseases being made of fruit juices and valuable tonics a box for trial size At dealers or sent on receipt of price by Limited Ottawa Alter a protracted illness ab scesses Mr of passed away April 27th- in his year On account of the auditorium of the Christian Church being repapered arid painted a short service was last Sunday in the schoolroom im mediately after the SabbathSchool SCHOMBERG The gentlemen of held an athome in the town hall on Wed nesday evening Dancing was chief amusement Mr Wheel ton who was the popu lar principal of the public school last summer has again ac cepted the same position He arriv ed in town on Saturday evening KINO CITY The May meeting of the Womens Institute King East Branch will be postponed till Friday May 12th in order to have with us Miss a graduate of Institute who comes as demonstrator for the Quaker Oats Company of As this is the annual business meeting of the Institute it Is desired that all members be pres ent at Halls Hall King on the ahave mentioned date at 230 oclock and bring your friends Ercryrrhtr In a ft mm a legal question T Tnere has beep some discussion as to whether or not a hotel keeper has a- right to refuse to sell liquor to citizens during permitted hours A definite position has been taken concerning this matter by Ma gistrate Trane a colored man was refused a drink The harden the brain tissue soften and weaken summons against the County Officers are Busy of and and pay their rent taxes- and luxuries for them order to get a few pennies and license out of the many dollars which they filch from the pockets of indus try Does it Pay to employ to teach the children the ef- and accept shortcount of alcohol upon the human sys tem and at the same time w li cense men to sell alcoholic L v I A f The choir of the Methodist Church rendered the musical part of service here on Sunday evening last to a well filled house The selections being nearly all new were very much appreciated by the IMora people The choir was in good voice The parts were well taken throughout A duet sung by Mrs Harry Brethour and Miss Bunt is deserving of special mention The A brick house with all modern con- organist Mrs who by Two Houses for 8ale In Good locations in Town Apply to ROBERTSON To Rent Apply to RICHARDSON Prospect street To Rent A and acres of land on Second Street one from town I Good stable and good water Apply to Newmarket the way is a former organist here her part in her usual graceful manner 000 in Prizes CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBI TION PRIZE LIST TOR IS OUT New Brick House Far Sale with all moderi also a number build- rag Apply to S FOE SALE in form to suit tie purchaser Must be sold The tim ber Is the farm Apply to 2tf ARMSTRONG For 8ale New Brick House comer Park Ave Elm St also house St Apply to MRS SCOTT The New House for 8ale Timothy Street aleo bath and electric wiring Posteaaioa Immediate ly Apply to COLLINS Box 1 11 1 ii House for 8ale Rooms and Bathroom Hot Wa ter Heating Electric also Orate Lot It frontage 175 tfeep For quick Bale MORGAN Prospect Ae Newmarket The prize list of the Canadian Na tional Exhibition August 2th to September 1 1 In which is being shows that the prizes have been increased in nearly every de partment till the grand total reaches As no prizes are given for- manufac tures the whole Ol this amount goes to live stock dairy products culture womans work educational exhibits and similar lines of Cana dian Industry The Increase in the amount given to live Stock is particularly notice able Nearly 5000 has been added to the horses alone while special prizes of each for the best ani mal in the and Shorthorn classes Show that the cattle have not been neglected poultry also gets an additional womens and childrens work and educational exhibits new classes are been added and In short every furnace shows the exhibition is keeping pace with Its wonderful In crease in tendance The prize can be had by Manager I City Hall Toronto That the management fully expect to reach the million mark this year evidenced by the that the Spectacular attraction be The Festival of Empire a repro duction of the glories of the corona- Another budding horse thief who sought to prey upon the unprotected state of the York County farmers horse stables has came to an ending and for the clever work done Constable the well- known York County officer is en titled to all the credit and it hap pened in this wise J J On March a horse was stolen out of the stable of William a farmer living on the concession of East away up in North York When no trace of the animal could be found Mr made known his loss thru- the medium of an advertisemnt giving a descrip tion of the animal Constable who was brought Tip in the country and knows all the good and bad points about horses in gen eral spied an anfnial in the street that corresponded with the descrip tion given He kept close tab and at once got in touch with Mr Taiti who came down and identified the animal and thereupon the officer gathered in one Frank at his home out on outside the city limits HofTer was brought before Magistrate and re manded until next Tuesday o For Falling Hair YOU RUN NO RISK WHEN YOU USE THIS REMEDY We promise you that if your hair is falling out and you have not let it go too far you can repair the damage already done by using with persistency and regularity for a reasonable length of time It is a scientific cleansing antiseptic germical pre paration that destroys microbes stimulates good circulation around the hair roots promotes hair nourishment removes dandrufl and restores hair health It is as pleas ant to use as pure water and it is delicately perfumed It is a real toilet necessity We want to try Hair Tonic with our promise that it will cost you nothing unless you are perfectly satisfied with its use It comes in two sizes prices and Remember you can ob tain Rexall Remedies in this com munity only at our store The all Store Drug Store re fused bis request The Magistrate expressed the view- that a had a right to decline to sell li quor at any time to any person arid refused to issue the summons -a- A CHANGE the- blood vessels impoverish the blood overwork the heart retard the elimination matter dim the- eye dull the hearing disease the throat lungs kidneys liver nerves and muscles the demand for which is wholly artificial- and when sup plied serves no good purpose Does it Pay to call ministers to preach the gospel of love charity forgiveness arid redemption and license other men to engage in a traffic which fosters hate engenders strife breeds dishonesty impurity f J- L i- A few days ago a convention of bartenders was held at Euclid Beach Park one of the very few dry pleasure resorts in Cleveland There were several hundred of the liquor dispensers present An attache of JOT the park being afflicted with t0 asked one of them Why did you fellows pick out l Sold in aU parts of the World Beach sort for Park a temperance rc- your convention The reply was Because you are up against the bums every working day of our lives and when we take a day off we want to get clear of the crowd Any man who can read English can see the moral in that reply without having it pointed out to him Cleve land Press send missionaries to the heathen to point out the way of salvation and from the same port and oiten in the same send FIGHT ON Stalwarts of the Temperance Army Men of valour men love See the clouds are slowly passing Soon the star will shine above- Star of hope to lead you onward As it did in days of old To the peaceful shepherds watching Oer their flocks within the fold Not alone you fight the battle Not alone the trials endure Oer you still Cods banner Victory for the right is sure Stalwart men and noble women Onward press toward the goal Men are falling every moment vessel liquid damnation Does it Pay to build a palace for the brewer servants and buy silks for bis wife and dress your own wife in rags make her take in washing to support the family and finally send her to the poorhouse and bury her in the potters field Does it Pay to levy a tax to sup port orphans and widows and license the murder of husbands and fathers Docs it pay to license a thing which is always and everywhere known to be the enemy of everything sacred to pod and man Docs it Pay to listen to the sophis tries and falsehoods of passion pre judice ignorance appetite and greed and close your ears to the voice of conscience reason judgment suffer ing religion and Cod Does it- Pay to do that which will the cheeks with fear and make you dumb with terror when at last you stand in the presence of the I judge of the quick and the dead Presbyterian Leaflet MONEY Canadas Mo Brilliant Representative It has proved its superiority over scores of other makes and has won popularity solely on its merits Its good for your shoes THE F F DALLEY CO Limited HAMILTON Ont BUFFALO N Y and LONDON En I Precious is the human soul Stalwart men and noble women To the Cause be ever true Let your failures be the stairway To the heights you have in view For the gates of heaven will open And the Master say Well done When the mighty strife is over And the Temperance cause has won lames Templar Taylor in the flood WHISKEY STOLEN Bad Railway Wreck Philadelphia April A Dela ware Lackawanna Western train of five cars carrying or more school teachers from and oth er towns of Northern New York State was wrecked at three oclock this afternoon at Martins Creek eight miles north of on the tracks road Scan ton of the Pennsylvania Kong April A despatch received by the authorities here that Li Taot of Canton and the rebel are MariLg the city Fear is lor hundred of foreign Inhabitants there who likely would be massacred should rebels gain entrance into the city the gatei have beet closed and barricaded and heiog pre pared or Horse stealing in York County becoming of too common occurrence It Is opinion Of many constable bat must be given the ofleoderi caught Last week Moore liveryman of bis place bad a bond rig taken and It only after long expensive good luck combined i7vivork that constables fcri recovered outfit and the thief Mr Graham a Pickering farmer also bad two stolen frarn his barn day and yet ha not recovered hit property ceremonies in which per formers will take part while fa mous Coldstream Guards Hand musi cians to the Royal Household will Ix the feature The Globe Lightning Rod Company Hamilton begs to tbe pjbllc la no bit Joint of company by a capital of ffclt eldest rod la give a guarantee for good for five with each order with this rod OQ by or if iry hy without we It of sixty ftu wd I of tocorpocated by it Address ail orders Id rod to Virea Vis Oat Collingwood Drops All Its Police Force April 28 The whole police force of has been for their resignation and understood that these are now in the hands of the Council and will take ef fect at the end of this month This Seems to be the upshot of late attempt of the local option managers In town to obtain convictions against the arid blind pigs In town Claiming that they did not get the desired amount A help from the police force In tf early part of the year cases were laid five of the hotels one and two alleged blind pigs and after about two months being In Investigating these the temperance party were able to get only two convictions and one they on one appeal County fudge from the magistrates decision No conviction was record ed the hotels and now comes sequel Chief Wild has In that tor many Police Consta ble Black has tad good experience Police Constable Smith twenty Ave years service on the Lon don police sad draws hand some pension body Montreal April Vitally destroyed the new Mountain View Apartment House the furniture of seventeen apartment holders and water badly damaged two bouses adjacent it and did some injury to Mount Royal Apartments on otter side between am and Oclock this morning fte dam age Is estimated it approximately Pa April Lackawan na Railroad officials at halfpast four reported word received ol fifteen dead and forty Injured In the wreck at Martins Creek The whole train was derailed and ditched the cars broken into bits and the wreckage taking fire from the engines added to the horror of the disaster and to the difficulty in rescuing the excur sionists caught in the wreckage Hasten Pa April Three per sons lost their lives eight are miss ing arid believed to be dead and half a hundred others were injured Satur day afternoon at Martins In a wreck of an excursion train carrying 170 school teachers and friends from and Syracuse and vicinity to Washington for a weeks outing ooo Montreal April Mr Justice yesterday afternoon sentenced to pay Miss Rose damages for losses in curred through breach of promise of marriage and an additional exemplary damages for unsupported attacks upon the girls reputation A WOMANS ADVICE TO GIN PO received Sample of ud ftr them I felt to I a box my and now m taking The across my back Snd a entirely gone and am letter than I been for a vrtat from but It all me I strongly all Women who suffer from In The and Vcak lo try mm Harris Thousands of right here In their health their and vigor And they know that will cure the Kidney and Bladder Troubles with women suffer Do aa Mm did firt write for a free box of and them Then If they do good the regular joe at yosuf dealers Your money if Ill I to give relief and Chexolcal When the law made it illegal for a dealer to send Into a Scott county the practice of opening such package and stealing part their contents quickly sprang up along the line the idea being that the owners of the contraband would not dare to complain One Chatham hoteldeeper determined to accept no more goods of this kind until he made an examination opened a case at the station and on finding that two bottles were missing refused to accept the package It was nailed up and put aside for orders from headquarters and our friend bragged lutlly Of his sharpness in escaping the railway rothers Hut he wanted the whiskey very badly next day his reserve Stock having run out and de cided die would swallow his just re sentment and accept the short count package he had refused He gave his man the money to pay the charges of the case and it was brought to him He Opened it and every bottle the whiskey was missing Chatham World A DAILY THOUGHT To we must give to accu mulate we must scatter to make ourselves happy we must make oth ers happy and in order to become spiritually vigorous we must seek tin spiritual good of others Praying girds human weakness with divine Strength turns human folly in to heavenly wisdom and gives to troubled mortals the peace of Odd The making of money is the com mon lot and thought rough and harsh find severe it for the most part blessedly healthy stiffening widening and enriching and it pro vides the common foundations Indis pensable to all characterbuilding foundations on which some of the loveliest types of man and woman hood the world has seen have been erected And that is not Money is a handmaid of virtue and under Its softening influence many a man has developed strange beauteous fragrant forms of character which neither he nor the world ever dream ed he had in him Money Is a great elevator of Ignorance j Coarseness and stupidity Money is l wonderful giving a new delicacy and gentleness and produc ing a high susceptibility to sympa thetic impulses Money Is a great civiliser a great a great educator a great inventor in fact a mighty earthly saviour Oh if we only knew If we only under stood If our power to use money were only equal to Us abundance what a paradise could we bring again to this earth What wrongs could lie righted what misery and pain and darkness done away and how soon might this weary strug gling heartbroken race of man go swinging in his planet through space the happiest thing that God has made DOES IT PAY Charles Does which it Pay to lessens the Co A I Toronto Si The original Girt Pills roads by National and Chemical Co of Canada Limited Toronto cold only In boa license a traffic demand for the helpful things of life which increases their cost and dlmlshes the ability to pay for them DOCS It Pay to license a traffic which makes men less skilful lean steady leys reliable which lessens endurance lessens Be If- respect and the respect others lessens confi dence lessens credit lessens the de mand for food clothing and shelter and tools with which to work town it Pay to license a traffic which breeds Idiots paupers crimi nals lunatics epileptics and casts them Upon society to be supported by decent honest Industrious peo ple Does it Pay to license a traffic which Increases taxes by creating a necessity for penltentiarlea asylums hospitals almshouses reformatories police and criminal courts Does It Pay to license a which decreases a mans Industrial ef ficiency so that the Government re ports show that per cent of agri culturists discriminate against Mm for using it and that per cent of manufacturers per cent of trades men and per cent of railroad of ficials do the same Does it Pay to maintain a nation al quarantine against criminal and dependent classes from abroad and li cense thousands of saloonkeepers to manufacture such products at home Fly happy sails and bear the press Ply happy with the mission of the cross Knit land to land and blowing heavenward the markets of the Golden Year o TACT Gardner The primary mental clement tact fa the capacity to conceal motives or inclinations In In the the real hope of more certainly Obtaining ones desires naturally stimulating a curiosity to discover the motives and Intentions and capacities of the per son are In contact Committing ones self in word and deed ft he weapon defence used by the weaker the stronger for there Is not the same necessity for Its exercise by on in the stronger position There are certain simple rules to be first Ob served In cultivating this valuable ac complishment The first to suggest itself Is the effort to control and conceal ones temper and annoyance and to remain silent under provoca tion or impulse until the strong feel ings and emotions subsided suf ficiently to allow time for reflection and Judgment To do this It Is only necessary to control the desire to Speak at the slightest provocation It then become a good and fixed ha bit We are all aware of the errors of others in talking too much before they have time to think and where they land themselves but do wc always try to correct the fault In ourselves Therefore the old ma xim- Silence is golden and to Count six before speaking and six times six before action Is worth remembering Tre art of looking at ones self from anothers point of view and encouraging their criticism Is a valuable method for gaining knowledge for selfImprovement One soon learns that If you have an for speaking at all It Is beat to Come to the point quickly with as few words and mannerisms as possi ble and to he always ready to listen to others and cultivate the mind to concentrate Itaelf on what they are Haying be quick to note their faults We Have on Hand a Large Stock of White Pine Norway Hemlock etc to Order Special lining TO Doors Sash Flooring and AH Kinds of work Ash and Georgia Pine Run to Order sm Dressing Sticking Turning and AU Such Work mpmtnt Notice Having the premises now occupied by the BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY Builders St Wish to announce that they are opening up a fully equipped and Modern Real Estate and Insurance Office Parties having Houses to Rent or For Sale Farms to Heat or For Sale Properties tacy wish Insured Or MONEY TO LOAN a Will find It to their advantage to communicate with th above MAIN STREET NEWMARKET and weaknesses and try to avoid them yourself while ready to admire their good qualities and Imitate the best of them controlling Impul sive and selfish thoughts and words your action will reflect keen and well balanced judgment enabling you to Influence others to respect your ad vice It Is an excellent sign that the farmer who pays strict attention to business and keeps up with the pro gress of the times Is sure to prove a winner Organ Many a woman with a voice like a bell soon makes you wish the clap per had been omitted For Kale In good condition large alto with several stops Would do excellent service In a Sabbath school will bo sold at a bargain Time giv en on satisfactory security Apply at the Era Office 2w EDUCATION Such as you obtain under the very best con ditions at the Central Business College of To ronto is a sure pass port to success Thous ands have proved it Why not Investigate for your self Our free catalogue explains Write for it W SHAW Principal p 3 Engines for Sale a p Porta Wasted Second band Clover Mill and Apply to Seco at SILVER LACED WINNERS of firsts seconds at Newmarket first second 2 thirds at Toronto firsts seconds thirds Special at North Toronto Eggs for Hatching from Grand Layers Write for my matlngs OEORQE PECK Mount Dennis Ont Eggs for Hatching From Zephyr Poultry and Fruit Farm From winners of nearly 300 prLe3 In Brown and Buff leghorns Anconai Dorkings Qolden But and White Barred Rocks Rhode Island Rods Bud SC Black Minoroas and Rouen Bantams and other varieties per sotting or settings for Satisfaction guaranteed STEPHEN SELLERS Zephyr Phone V 5S3- A iiKiaoEiawKEiii

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