i THE CURSE OF E NATION IS CONSTIPATION Fniltatim Hone f Cures This A sdtatist states that Consti- no actios of the bowels more deaths than all other disease combined Constipation inflame the Sidneys ruins digestion la the found- Rheumatism poisons the blood causes Headaches Neuralgia and Insomnia Constipation is caused by a weak or liver Bile the only purgative of the body is secreted by the liver which in should pour out into the intestines sufficient bile to more the bowels Unless the liver is active there cannot be enough bile to move the bowels regularly and Constipation is the the famous me dicine will always cure Constipation it acts directly on the liver relieves the congestion increases the quantity of bile and strengthens the bowel muscles a for or trial size At all dealers or from Limited Ottawa wTDaVAWAXX TO Two Houses for In Good locations in Town Apply to ROBERTSON 14 New Brick House Far Sale with all also a number of choice build ing lots Apply to Si McCAULEY FOR SALE Fire Wood in any form to suit the purchaser Must be sold The tim ber is on the farm Apply to 2U A I For 8ale New Brick House corner Park Ave and Kim St house Elm St to MRS SCOTT 5t The Cedars i Program for the May 1 Literary and Social Open Tem perance Meeting A union meet ing with the Juniors Reader Geo Pearson Speaker Ella Milne 1 ZEPHYR The held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs Profit Wednesday April fen members present Some interesting readings were given on Temperance The next meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs Hay ward Zephyr on Wednesday May loth Press Program of the League May lessons from great lives Ruth Consecration Meeting Mr Sarah The Universal Duty of making Pledges 6158 Susie Brown AH Orowing into larger work Mark Mrs Ferguson 28 A Missionary Journey Around the World Acts Gertie Cook AURORA Margaret- aged years re lict of Peter died- at her home near Aurora last Friday afternoon Deceased was formerly Miss Margar et Smart and was born in Scotland She came to Canada about sixty years ago and was married in Ever since then she has lived on the farm near Aurora She is survived by one son Major Arthur at home Mrs was a member of Trinity Anglican Church Aurora The funeral from the residence to the cemetery at last Mon day The Kind Yob Havre Always Bought has borne the signature of Fletcher and has Been ade under his for aver years Alio no- one to yon in this Imitations and are hut and endanger the health of Children Experience against What Is it a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Paregoric and Berthing Syrup Pleasant It contains neither Opium nor other substance Its age is its guarantee It destroys Worms and allays It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieve Teething Troubles cures Constipation and flatulency It as similates the Food regulates the Stomach and Bowels giving healthy natural sleep The Childrens Panacea The Mothers Friend The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of would Seem that the famous healing balm we bear highly spoken everywhere par- useful in family circle A report sent by Mrs Columns- have been written teUrag lice Ave Winnipeg will of the part accident has played In this She says My little boy of three while playing from a high verandah to the ground cutting his forehead badly Instead of calling a doctor who would undoubted have put in a- number of stitche I bathed the wound well and applied The little fellow although suf fering keenly soon had relief from his pain In the course of three weeks by applying daily the wound was nicely healed Since then I have also used for a boil which came on my cheek and which proved very painful and looked unsightly ZamBuk soon drew boil to- a if then quickly banished it Another time my baby was ed on her left thigh and calf of leg with boiling water Direct it was In Use Years the field of investigation and discov ery Most frequently however the- accident has been secondary and In cidental The important factor has been some individual who was keen- eyed enough to see- and quick enough to comprehend when the socalled ac cident presented itself Thus of the- telescope was due to the fact- that two Dutch children while at play in their fathers work shop found that by placing different lenses in certain positions distant objects seemed to be brought nearer But all this might have occurred and no invention resulted it the father had not been thoughtful enough to follow the discovery to its wonderful possibility The virtues of Peruvian bark they tell us were discovered by a South American Indian who was done I thought to use and I speedily cured of illness quenching spreading some on lint I wrapped up his thirst at a pond into a the babys Next morning sb I tree had fallen Yet the rested much easier and I applied a ser of incidents leading to this fresh bandage with J discovery would have meant nothing kept this treatment up daily and had the quick mind of the Indian BRADFORD Mr and Mrs Eves of New market were guests at Lu- Miss Jordan of Pickering College Newmarket was tho guest of Miss Keren Lukes at l for the Caster Mr Spencer commenced his carp- was rewarded by seeing a great im provement each time I dressed the wound In a very short space of time the scalds were all nicely heal- ed I cannot recommend this wonder ful healing preparation too highly for iJPfJW tUrneri to aCCOUnt family use and have such great faith in its healing powers that my house is never without a box all skin injuries and diseases piles eczema salt rheum and face sores is absolutely un equalled box all druggists and storey or post free From catching operations in earnest Toronto for price Try by catching weight of the j D too Only tablet finny tribe on Tuesday and lbs on Wednesday This fine catch led to an additional order on the factory I Three Drowned asked for tne reason back of his cure And so it is in every realm of life The tram of circumstances the opportunity come They mean much or little something or nothing ac cordingly as they are noticed Not long since a scientist in the employ of the Smithsonian Institu tion visited a locality in the West in search of specimens for the great museum One day a boy from the town where the man of science was stopping while looking through the latter portfolio of drawings and specimens in the hotel office sudden ly pointed to the colored picture of a gigantic moth There are lots of these up on the hills he said for a couple hundred more boxes for shipping purposes and thus one industry helps another New House for ly- Apply to COLLINS Newmarket House for 8aie Mr fames has commenced Timothy Street with furnace excavating the foundation for the also bath and electric wiring con nee- addition to Floury made Possession Work The building is to he ft and 120 ft long two stones high with a basement Mr It Roberts sold his farm lot con Whitchurch miles south this place on Vonge street to Mr of Toronto for the bum of Mr Roberts gives possession May 1st The Clutch and Pulley Works Limited ask the Council to guarantee them a loan of for a period of years exemption of tares on their Id lugs and plant except school tax for a period of ten years and free wafer for drink ing purposes only for the same 7 Rooms and Bathroom tor Heating Electric also Orate ft frontage For quick PHILIP Prospect Ave For 8ale of Kail far Hard soft tic water lot good garden lot r fruit Apply to or If A Walker ATeue Eggs for Hatching Prom following siag at rail fairs White leghorns Leghorns Black the late A J Street House In consideration of the above purchase a IU in the company will a Aurora upon which they will erect a building or buildings covering a space of or more square feet and machinery for the manu facture of clutches pulleys etc Security for the loan the Company will give a first mortgage On their building and plant They further guarantee to employ t it I than bands the firht year the second arid 75 thereafter In order to guarantee the loan and exemption from taxes the council are submit- Minorca Silver Spangled ting bylaw to be voted on by the White Hocks Plymouth Pocks White Huff Those varieties J per setting Spanish Golden Silver White Black Salmon especially strain The above at Cochins Light OoWee Sebright at Ducks at per eggs AUo for the Peerless lot one of the best machines on the will be at home all even- j after air Careful 1 to packing ad Aipiag BOX Newmarket Ontario Hay April John P Mit chell charged with lb theft of twen tyfive of clothes a trunk belonging the York Tailors Limited Toronto was Magistrate months in the Central Colony April According to the latest esti mated thirtytwo persons were killd in the wreck of a passenger train on tall way it plunged to destruction Into a gorge feet deep through the Collapse of the bridge yeter4ay In addition many were injured of them fatally It Was M palling wreck In the history of railways The Globe Lightning Rod Company Hamilton Inform the that but Joint proprietor of the- company by a capital of This la oldest lighting rod firm In We a for good for five wiA each fAr 11 rod on gets burned hy lightning or if damage done hy Without we days his Is the company i by tie Address all orders In the rod electors on Monday May 15 Mrs Davis attended the wed ding of Hiss Florence to Mr Marshall of Toronto Mr and Br nest Pearson and Miss Pearson were guests friend In Newmarket last week Mr A Weaver spent Sunday at Pine Orchard MfSS Dell has resigned her position at principal of the school Mr Duncan removed from to on Mr John J of Pennsyl vania Was home this week owing to the death ol his father Mr Grant Pearson Pickering College Newmarket Spent Saturday and Sunday with parents The house occupied by Mr Norman Walton been sold to Mr Stephen v- ill occupy it in the fail Mr will erect a new house for Mr Walton Mr John will be ac companied his brother Samuel of Toronto on trip to London Eng land to Witness Coronation They will tail on the steam er Km press of Britain on May Building operations are now on here and will soon have a ftOnvbtC Of additional fine Mr building a fine brick reidene for Mr at thai north end of the village ard It fa that bouses a large skating rink will he erected at the end ol the village this summer he at St Mary Magdalene Church on very and Inspiring The solo by Mrw was moat and beautifully rendered ihe sermon by Mr Abbott was a touch ing oca on the death and resurrec tion Christ The singing was Mr Marchant the faithful organist is always ready to do her past Mr Lyman is building two nice cottages at Musselmana Lake Mr and Mrs Hen spent at Newmarket There was a very large gathering of liberals in the Auditorium on Thursday evening last to hear able and interesting speeches hy and KC on Reciprocity After an ahle discussion or the question a reso lution was carried unanimously en dorsing the action of the Government in the matter The chair was ably filled by Mr A Bruce of A meeting of the joint Hoards of the Methodist Church and parsonage was held at the church Monday last The treasurer Mr A Sil vester reported having received the sum of one hundred dollars being the amount of a legacy left to church by the late Hodgson The committee on improvements present ed its report which was adopted the trustees expressing themselves a much pleased with the change that had- been affected in the si arid gen eral appearance of the choir loft The next report was that of the committee on lighting which was re ceived and the committee authorized to go on with the changes contem plated the lighting of the church Fire at Celebration Rome April The celebrations here in connection with the Jubilee exhibition ended with illuminations and pyrotechnic displays from the top of Monte Marato last night Thous ands witnessed the display Suddenly flames and smoke were seen through the trees adorning the ridge of the mountains The people at first believed this was a part A the fireworks display but as the flames began spreading it- was seen that a rocket had set fire to the woods Inhabitants of the nearby villas made their from the do miciles in alarm while from all quarters the town A rem en and troops rushed to the spot In an en deavor to circumscribe the fire Their work expected to continue throughout the night At the pres ent time It lu not believed then has been any fatalities as a result of the fire FATHER ANT DAUGHTERS PER- WHEN THRIR BOAT CAPSIZED The professors eyes opened very In Lake widely for the insect was an rare one and his department had long sought specimens of It Are you sure they arc like this butterfly he asked Tell me about them And them to his surprise the hoy Belle April Swamped to give a description ol the in an overcrowded boat Fred fepard Color rt habits and manner of years old a laborer and two indicated his daughters aged and 10 years study and observation were victims of a triple drowning rio vou thc in Lake on Saturday a reward of two hundred evening John Ma tee also an dollars for a welldeveloped and of the boat managed to escape fin of this butterfly for a feci specimen of this butterfly the scientist ft was thc hoys turn now to open his eyes widely Do you mean Ill get the money if 1 bring you the butterfly he accident occurred The boat eagerly fairly starting or when they were within yards of the shore and the two children were thrown clean into water hut managed to cling to the boat with his life The party of four crossed to Roachs Point in a small skiff about in the afternoon and on Ihe return trip two hours later when the his question was an- door before I mean more than that replied the professor If you will help me to locate tho insect and assist me young father who was an ex- n capturing a specimen I will see swimmer made a desperate at warded effort to save thc little girls and A trip into hills with the hoy when his body was recovered it was Proved that the observation erect In seven feet of wafer about was not at fault At the end of three rods from land The bodies week the scientist had added to his of the children were found floating collection three individuals of the and futile efforts were made at re- insect and In due time the clung to the investigator received the prom- boat for half an hour until it drift- reward In addition to that to shore lie managed to wade was so impressed with the intelligence and hatits of in to land and fell exhausted The drowned man leaves a widow and two children aged eight months and two years Ottawa Dot April 22 Word was received today of a bad fire near in the Tcmiskamfng district In which nearly worth of sup plies I Government parly were hurried vestigatlon that he ottered him a po sition as lahratory and field assis tant where the education commenced so humbly could be carried on amid more favorable surroundings In these practical days the world is full of opportunities for the youth has learned the habit of going about Wlthihls eyes open and who seconds observation with ready thinking The demand today is for results and lie who can these is quite sure of his rc- Eight hundred million dollars in round numbers was expended in It Britain and Ireland last year mi in- S a western city recently a firm Hugh Belmont Town ship was sentenced at Peterboro to life imprisonment for slaying his wife Miltons bylav guaranteeing bonds for Williams Son on condition of their settling there with their show factory wan carried last week by to A- EVERY WOMAN SHOULD READ THIS LETTER Fire at destroyed the Town Wall with all the equipment and the Public Library And Mrs Of Wpnen suffering tortures with their they need not do so Mrs such frightful In her could not do housework fihe tells bow she cured Hast refrsJu from writing you about the I have receive from suffering dread- fully with my have suffered wila it for twenty years I tried but got no relief until I bought I have six now I have not the of an srhc or pain In my back I am now years of sge and feel u well I ever dtd in life There nothing that can hold a with curing Palp In The Back to women subject Mm P a Try OIK our tor free sample to sell Of st jr a for and money refunded If they fall to cure Chemical Co e increase over the figures before St Louis Mo April 22 Pour persons are dead four are dying and many others are injured re sult an explosion this morning at the plant of the Hell HI Co in North St Louis Part of the build ing fell on the electric wires and the poles were ignited by the burning oil HI wen- set on fire The property loss Is not more than hiHtlce Middle stated at goode flail that until the par tie he- hind the petition to quash the local option in put up 2Mj for Costs further proceeding will he stayed The Court uttered strictures on the prac tice putting up men of straw In proceedings of this kind a bartend er named in this case being the applicant No Reason for Doubt A OF FACTS A Toronto Ve complete rllef to all sufferers from constipation In every case where we fail will supply the medicine free Orderlies are ft if dependable and safe bowel regulator strengthener and tonic They reestablish natures functions in a quiet easy way They do not cause any Inconvenience or nausea They are so pleasant to take and work so easily that they may be taken by anyone at any time They thoroughly tone up whole system to healthy Orderlies are unsurpassable and Ideal for the use of children old folks and delicate persons We can not too highly recommend them to all sufferers from any form of con stipation and Its attendant evils Two stes end Remember you can obtain Remedies In this community only at our store The Resell 9tore tons Drug of year contractors were engaged in mak ing an for a building Among the employees was a lad sixteen whose duties were to carry for the men to rim errands and do other light Jobs as his ser vices were needed In intervals of his employment he sat watching the progress of his work One day Ihe boy went to one of the partners the firm who was stationed in the temporary office nearby- Dont you think thy teams and men lose a lot of time he Asked abruptly and a little enigmatically Who so asked the employer In turn waiting for an explanation they spend so much time Waiting answered the lad lust watch and youll see Looking out the man saw that a teamster with an empty wagon bad Just driven up and halted outside the excavation lie low a loaded wagon was Just starting out and the empty vehicle must wait until this wan out of the way Then when loaded wagon had gone with Us burden the empty one must be backed Into place to receive its load And during all this time the gang of men in the ex cavation remained Idly leaning on their shovels It had been the loss of one time It would not have mattered so much Hut when the contractor reflected that meant the loss time of a dozen men he saw Importance of the question that confronted him The wonder was that it had not occur red to himself and foreman before this went on the boy when he saw his employer Understood what he that most of sicknesses of life come from inactive from unhealthy condition of the organs of digestion If your digestive Is not working right your food does not nourish you poor blood and weakness follow if your bowels are inactive waste matter poisons the system and serious sickness sure to- follow take promptly j I te to save- yourself trouble and expense Gentle but quick- safe but thorough they enable the bowels to carry away waste matter naturally and tone up the whole digestive system They will not injure the most delicate They help you to get your bowels and your digestive organs in that condition when they can- take good care of themselves and of you Naturally L Far Pill art Mc Set r m LicCllhlre Sold crcrjvbeie S Amerlci I boxes J I meant why cant right aide he levelled down a little and some planks put there for the empty wag- to come down on Then a waggon can J rive and be ready to load just as soon an tho One ahead Is out of the way We adopted the suggestion said the contractor afterward in telling Incident and the result was that we removed two hundred loads a day where we had only removed I He Have on Hand a Large of White Pine Norway Hemlock etc to Order Special Doors Sash Flooring Moulding All Kinds of Ash and Georgia Pine Run to Order Dressing Sticking Work Notice I Having Leased the premises now occupied TELEPHONE COMPANY Builders Contractors Wish to announce that they opening up a fully- and Modern Real Estate and Insurance to Rent or Farms to or For Properties wish Ihjucl I- Or MOMKY TO LOAN Will And It to their aommunloaU with the above MAIN NEWMARKET a hundred and twentylive before We gave that hoy a place in the office he added and I shouldnt be surpris ed if he were one of the partners some day EVERY YEAR figures collected go to show the longeo you stay in school and are faithful the greater la the A famous merchant of a past geiu- earning capacity Out of sixteen was once asked to give what hundred young men it was found he regarded us the secret his sue- that all who left dayschool I always tried to run u the book bad been work thinking machine he answered la- InR an average five and one bait conlcally I do not think I possess- years and were earning an average ed greater ability than others a Those who went on but I have always tried to after the third or fourth year In concentrate my entire attention upon hlxh school bad been at work two what I for time had before and fourteenoiehundrcdths years This I believe has been my greatest and were earning The high power school boys- were earning more after And it Is a power that comes from two years experience than those a that each may form but the who had dropped out after five years young man who learned to think of employment for himself and thus prepared to SOUNDS IRISH act with readiness decision will An Irish provincial paper recently find that new ways open printed the following notice before him as ho goes along and Whereas Patrick OConnor lately that problems that confront him leit his lodgings thia Is to give no- gradually become more easy that if he does not return at as tho years go by nco and pay for the same he will bo advertised marble mantels with benzine I 1 Paste to ecp half a pint of Do not Wse soap as that takes on floUf ft the be careful that there are no Try dredging flour over the lumps In it When Cool add ten cake before Icing to prevent the Icing drops ol oil of cloves and put In running widemouthed bottle Ifor use are and entirely different from They Ihetr vrithout the rest of the thereto the Ideal for mother as the net the chad expert If 2KcasWx If them f I ft I J