Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , April 7, 1911, p. 7

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j Spring Special Cm PI A worth League At the meeting last Monday even ing the pastor gave a interest ing account of the life- of- an eccen tric preacher Rev Peter Canadian home Circle Every member is requested to be present at the next meeting The founder of Order P Patterson Organizer with others of the Supreme are A Missionary Ejecting will I be held at of Mrs EI Manning Main street on Wednesday next April at 3 oclock pm An Easter tea will be served A regular communication of Tuscan Lodge No 99 will be held next Wednesday evening at the Room over the Era office cial visit is expected from who will take part in demonstrating the 3rd de- the Upper Canada Tract Society will visit Newmarket next Sunday in the interests of the work Jle dress the Friends Sunday School at I oclock preach in the Presbyter- Church at oclock address the Christian at oclock and preach in the Methodist Church at 111 lily- IP Seeds Seeds are giving- Seeds ttention this Spring our j special CLOVER ALFALFA LUCERNE TIMOTHY FIELD CORN ETC All Kinds of GARDEN iulk or Package and as far as ire can see or know the quality is No in every case We buy only from secure Seeds When Wanting Seeds Come and In spect Our Stock The Gravity Washer Come and see its working pies at Hardware i St Pauls Mens Association A meeting of the above will be held in the School on Tuesday the ol April at pm The subject for debate ris Resolved that Local Option is a benefit A pro gram will also be Everybody welcome Victoria Day Sports The Athletic Club of Newmarket is to be congratulated on securing the Championships Sports Ath letic Association of Ontario to be A Incendiary Miss Alice Knight informs us that it the opinion of a detective from the County Attorneys office and also the Fire Insurance Inspector that the cause of the which consumed her house on Ontario Street was not a defective stovepipe but there is evi dence to show that it was starteu in the cellar There was no insurance on the house but on the con tents The tenant is having some trouble about the insurance as some of the furniture was removed before the fire An Checkers On Good Friday afternoon and ev ening Mr Alfred of To ronto- champion draft player will give exhibition of play whale blindfolded in the Court House ad- J joining the King George Hotel He will also play six games j All interested in checkers are invited to call and see him play 1 fc Reliable Firms so as to pulled here on the of May the Best and Most Productive This is one of the big events of the IMPORTER OF STAPLE AND FANCY CHINA China Hall Grocery TO MAKE A Clean Sweep season in the Province and will bring together the best Canadian athletes and it should draw thousands of peo ple to our town for the day Last year these events took place in Wood- stock and were such a great success that the town made a strong pull to get it again There will be a splen did city band engaged and the public may anticipate a splendid day of sport Keep Dogs at Nome At the beginning of this week two dogs attacked a number of poultry on private premises One was a fair- sized black and the other a pugnos ed white animal It needs not sur prise the owners of these animals should they return home some day it a largesized scald on their Dogs given to chasing and poultry should be kept at Brief lets The boys are fishing for suckers again A transformer on Prospect Ave burnt out Monday and Tdcsday nights leaving some people in dark ness North York Reform Executive will meet in Newmarket tomorrow noon Dont miss the Firemens Concert by the BowWow in the Town Hall tonight Mr James is building a cottage at Orchard Beach Lake CALL AT backs home Baseball and Lacrosse Goods at lowest prices at Division Court His Honor Judge Morgan presided at the Division Court here on Wed nesday which was one of the small est on record Several judgment summonses were issued and the only case to be tried was entered by Washington Lewis against B- for digging a well Mr won the suit and then around and paid the man fur the work which was a rather unusual who themselves bear the circumstance causing a smile to pass over the faces in court Methodist Church Childrens Service last Sunday was quite a success The attendance was large and the talk by the pastor on Five Boys held the attention of all and was very practical In the evening the Young Ladies Service Was also largely attended and the sermon on Ruths Choice was excellent- The choir was com- posed entirely of young ladies and i was strengthened by Miss Rneta die and Miss Lillian There was a good Fellowship Meet- I last Sunday morning at ten o clock and at the suggestion of some members a fellowship meeting will he held at ten oclock every Sunday morning till the present building is vacated It is hoped that the mem- generally will make it point to be present and enjoy the spiritual uplift Next Sunday morning the pastor will preach in the interests or the Womens Missionary Society and in the evening the Secretary of the Up- per Canada Tract Society will give the address IVY AND GET A CAN OF A BROOM AND A FEW I Spring When the trees begin to blossom and the violets to bloom when the j New Police Magistrate bullfrog in the meadow warbles northward and out and when the T- Simp- 1 Premier Well wisher- Speaker satisfy your If you want the Suit in Canada select it from our superb range of FIT We Guarantee a perfect fit i We Guarantee perfection YOllVe Sure wear- satisfaction Youre Sure splendid tailoring and Neatest Patterns YOUre Sure inimitable value Doesnt matter what your shape or size we can fit you now here Tailor MadeSult hand tailored to measure if you prefer it Choose from our splendid range of samples BUT What We Say Well Do We Do Do Mr John A ft am en the County when ducks are flying j Clerk and for many years High butterflies are j stable of York county has been robins go house- 1 pointed Police Magistrate for the keeping in the broken waterspouts County when grass hoppers are hopping and black bats come at night and The appointment of Mr will prove a popular one York Its Selected Valencia Raisins venture your bedroom by j The new Magistrate is one of Its Selected Valencia Seedless when fly down the most thoroughly liked men in Rafslns Cluster Table Raisins Malta Vita Corn Flakes pint felly size tor Try our 25c M 40c and They are the Best the the ex- to fill I he position Previous to being appointed High Constable hi was Warden of the county and a land you may on it j of the Peace The appointment for certain sweet spring is near at was made at the request of the York chimney and hens the door and is well qualified by beetles hold cfnventions in the centre of the door when the mud oer your shoetops as you cross the new- hand The leading Reliable Council Prompt Phone 43 CORNER OF A Town Hospital Last Monday evening the town Council was requested to grant fret light and also exemption from taxation to the Royal Hotel proper- ly to lit used as a hospital To our mind the location for a purpose is very undesirable Such a building should be in a quiet Iso lated position with pleasant cheery Medical assistance was oh tallied from Newmarket and later in the day A Case of Despondency A man named Carter residing on the 3rd of King with his wife and two sons attempted to take his own life with a razor at an early hour last Saturday morning and but for the- intervention of his wins lie would I probably have inflicted serious injury upon his wife Proclamation I Methodist Missionary Parliament First Session House will be convened on Wednes day evening April 1011 in the Methodist His Excellency the Hon Davis GovernorGeneral will open the House at pm The following arc the members elect Hon R 1 son His Worship Pearson Sir John Wesley Brooks O Minister of Finance Hon Wr If Minister of Hon William Pitt Kent P A Minister of Interior Sir Hilary John Newman would cost practical- White Plymouth Rock RS Minister the actual increase of Pure Perfection Strain bred by J Hon Cur- hv Londonbeauties winners ry Sec to Indians properties all Western Ontario Shows Hon the in In size comh and color Prices rea- Mr HerhcrtS pmaO on the Member for to make the purchase and if NOW The Men Main J cumseth Street now and the pur chase of the mere library site as For Sale Mr Francis ROtfiwel suited all Menher for Vision by this much needed street ex surroundings uch as trees and flow- Main Timothy win produce it Ik the very o- to the SPRINCTERM April merged into Sum mer Session from July and affords continuous opportunity for bright young people to ify for good buslnesa positions Our Central College of Toronto largest and equipped Canada invites your con elder ation Catalogue mailed on re quest Shaw Principal and to hope the fare of the town and we Council will not entertain position This building would make an cellent factory or post office Customs Offices the I and iU best wait finish at Hardware he was arrested Constable Dun- Can and taken to the Hospital in Toronto where he is slowly recover ing All investigation was held Col Lloyd on Wednesday afternoon After taking the evidence of the sons it was adjourned till next Saturday af ternoon In all colors Bream Bread We are handling loaves each week of this bread and lien we are sold out ever day by live oclock Next week we will Increase our or der Prosper The Central William MI Member for Zeal town Mr Gordon MI Mem fur Opportunity Ray Col Harvey Kitchener I Mem Willing Harbor Mr John Norman Wright Member for optimistic Valley Opposition Sir George Washington Marker of Opposition Mr Alfred Austin Harris I Member for Mr Mem for WortgageburghP Sir fames P Whitney KN Mem for Blind Valley Carol I us James Mem for lease Augustus Frederick Sherwood A tension would hold up their hands one and all and say Co ahead at once This matter will he essen tial absolutely so in another five years why not undertake now and secure a library site Indisputably the best in town Wonder if action will be taken along the line of this proposal We still remember the pc pol icy that said No We will not lower the water mains when years or so ago our Council son able Eggs for hatching Si 50 per setting J S W SCOTT Main Street Newmarket RAILWAY SYSTEM Eggs for Hatching From Zephyr Poultry and Fruit Farm From winners of nearly prizes in S White Brown and Buff Leghorns Anconas Dorkings Golden Run and White Wy andottes Barred Rocks Rhode Island Reds Run Mfnorcas and Rouen Ducks Bantams and other varieties per setting or settings for Satisfaction guaranteed eight was approached by the Metropolitan Rail- No Missions to Main Street hill threut ft That of course Is beyond any possibility now hut any kind of forethought had been used by authorities at the lime in question look what the j present and the future would have EASTER RATES Phone Zephyr PO Out 8wl2 lord en Wire Fencing to VriUi A ULRICA BY The minutes of the January and I Special County were distributed to ftw clerks of the various municipalities the beginning of his week and may be Model Schools Hon Dr on Tuesday an nounced that to meet the situation Mem for day but also tor the long tomorrow HoJS Han and sekct its site acc J Mem Hit George Ross Arm If age HI mackintosh wash it J3 Mem for NoInterest wUh and Never Roche really dirty as it will be Eggs From following prizewinners win ning prizes at the fall fairs White Leghorns S Dull Leghorns Mfnorcas R Mfnorcas Silver Spangled Houdans White Rocks Hatred Plymouth Rocks White dottcs and Buff Those varieties per Spanish Golden Wyandottes Silver White Crested Black FARM for ROUND TRIP With minimum charge of twentyfive cents Between all stations in Canada also to Niagara Falls and Buffalo Detroit and Port Huron Mich NO 15 10 ish Salmon Favrils especially 240 17TH egg strain The above at RICTURN LIMIT APRIL 0th 1011 Partridge Cochins Light Sebright Bantams at per setting Ducks at t Regular service withdrawn extremely to restore it to a next week on account of Mock Par- good color again I lament There will be a at the door proceeds In aid of Norman Mission Fund on application A carload of need were distri buted in this section last week by an man Ihe arranging to put a new bridge over the river at othv St crowing Mr refer Brown has moved to Mr A Rogers farm east the Steel Wire Co I and Is taking full charge of the tee Quality Bet prices farm We understand there is going For By J A A D High to be a new bani built this coming caused by the lack a sufficient number of school teacher several ad ditional model schools will be estab lished during the present half year During the recent session of the legislature opposition members made persistent demands that the model school which has been passing out of existence by degrees be restored to its old status that teaching Mr In for a tred stock firemens Concert coming Greenhouses the pfoipecta are that the ban win Vie will have a of be packed to bear them Remem ber these are and the limits rjIbVi0til mm Toronto and elsewhere In- the- program Will be Easter Lilies I I ji old time early and make of yours We have fc of Choice for We cut them dally are sjre of getting ones a rtRftiH fresh MitakJng a Bible for a fcocfc from of in wot a J through Rome like to go witK we a floutbetn tide putting Jokes jby end wen WnpertonitttoD monologue and corning the efforts of Mrs Cane who fa making this ef fort WmU ttretoen of whom the proceeds be at Indication of appreciation fit the citizens for protect our property and on the government hide Joined In and apparently Or took notice Toronto World As under the old Newmar ket boasted of the most success Model In Ontario and in View of county preeminence that this town undoubtedly holds as an educational centre when our Public Hoard in another year v- ill have to face the problem of the a larger West of Main Street should not Im mediate efforts be made to ascertain If this new building could not be de signed end built for Model School purposes Much has been done by personal elf fort In the few yearn along the Mint- of educational advancement in Newmarket Now who going to take a hold of this new problem and at a Vigorous effort to fees where North York stands regarding this New Model School problem Arid more especially just where Newmarket in particular stands being the selected for that Energy and effort have much the past dtA get watciword Library Site Now that a Carnegie Library for Newmarket iff almost assured the question of a ftc the most serious consideration Without any regard to the fitness I Of IhhigS the lightest thought an to its proper environment all sorts of corners accessible and remote sightly and unsightly arc suggested Squeezed into home cramped corner on our Main Street or pushed off on some vacant lot that happens to be on hide street hollow might ho an easy way to quickly dispose of the matter when of course a proper Main Street corner Kite would bo unquestionably preferable With a moments thought such could be quickly acquired provided were Insi keeping our civic legislators were alert enough to open Street o right through to Main Street purchase the lot fronting on Main Street and put the library bulb thereon That Spot In fact is ally the Centre of Main Street The lot Immediately west of this and running back to Metropolitan track on which one or two Inexpen sive dwellings should also be pur chased and when this acquisition were properly levelled and graded it would take but little to Induce the ratepayers the future to continue the acquisition of the remaining pro perty between the Metropolitan and street Thus in less than a generation the town would have ac quired situated exactly in its cen tre on Main Street and immediately convenient to the trolley line a tasteful little public square that would Increase property values In the immediate vicinity sixty per cent In fact the running through of fe- Kifteen hundred gallons of toma to catsup was emptied unto Hustons being condemned for food by US deputy marshalls Three hundred pounds of candy found In New York IpUBh carts was condemned by health officers have started a crusade against traffic The damages secured by the wireless operator tfgalnst the moving picture people have been reduced In the New York Supreme Court from to April Which broke out early this morning In the hardware store of Denmark and caused a total loss A few afternoons ago upwards fj thirty baby carriages were counted In front moving picture shows at St Thomas Mothers and babies A TO THIS WEST nearest CI rand Trunk Agent about llomcseekeni Colonist and Settlers or ad dress a Duff Toronto Pull particulars and tickets from J Depot A per eggs Also agent for the Peerless Incuba tor one ot the best machines on the market I will be at homo all even ings after six oclock Careful atten tion given to packing and shipping BOX Newmarket Ontario Kant for March Iftll Sctt lucid Florence Tansley Scott Alice Tansley Gordon Tansley Nellie Herman Harry Smith Jr Norman McKelvey t H Alex Christina I Edna Smith Clara Crowder Bertha Hall Harry P Collins teacher To Rent A brick house with all modern con veniences Apply to If Prospect street Having Leased the premises now occupied by the TEfcEKIIOXB COMPANY rker uilders Wish to announce that they ate opening up a fully equipped and Modern Real Estate and Insurance Office Parties having Houses to Kent or For Sale Farms to Kent or For Sale Properties wish Insured Or MONEY TO LOAN Will find it to their advantage to with the ffiiJi I ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO

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