Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , April 7, 1911, p. 6

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The Hew Corner Store A Few 55Vf New best known to modem medtclna makes I A1tW5W the principle E 1 Best Granulated Sugar 21 for Best Yellow Sugar 22 lbs for Comfort Soap bars 25c Tea Red Rose and for 25c Card lb All Fancy Biscuits for pound Rolled and Side Bacon 15c a pound WOMENS INSTITUTE The next regular meeting of the Mount Albert branch of the North York Womens Institute will be held at the home of Mrs Terry on Thursday April at 3 oclock The usual program will be presented All ladies are cordially invited to at tend with Mr Dan was down bis ankle sprained Mr Geo Traviss has got last f PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Anniversary services will be held in the Presbyterian Church on the last Sabbath in April which is also the last day of the month The high class concert at which Miss Ramsden is to recite will take place on the night following that is to say on the of May Keep Mr and Mrs Andrew KESWICK Mr has- relumed to a spending a couple weeks with here covered to be able to take a business has purchased a Mrs Williams Front street returned home Miss Marion Howard has arrived back after two weeks visit- from a flying visit to friends on Second Wright is very ill She J pie TubuL His Bailey has returned after Mr and Mrs Will King of Mount w Visit out of town Albert were guests of Mr Dan Dow- b J Mr Woodcock late iii J market has taken ilp residence in Mr moved into i Mr Jesse house opposite pm str Mr Stephen Drapers Mr Wm who has been Millinery Openings so much better than ordinary physics While thoroughly effective they never- gripe purge or cause nausea and never lose their One of the i best of the line 25c a box If your druggist has not yet stocked them send and we will mall them 23 ltd CKcmical Co up in el Limited ling on Second Street last Sunday Mr Willie last Mrs Reid Lewis returned on these dates open Further purlieu- an extended visit in later Hillaby left for for about three weeks Man with Mr on to be out again RUBBERS We handle do FIRE to that are being made at Coles Mr Harry Martin of Shanty Bay Mrs A is visiting is Visiting Mr and Mrs Robert f the city i Miss Joy gave an excellent Miss and the Misses Os borne our uptodate milliners corn- Mr Isaac Marritt is we are pleas- their spring display on Sat ed to say recovering urdav last Wait till you see the stylish hats At Cost Price SHOES Mens Feu for Ladies Felt for reg for sell the GENUINE COUGH POWDER Stop That Cough Dr Snoops Cough Cure will do It Guaranteed FWSMITH OUR MOTTO Not to sell cheap goods but Good Goods Cheap Mew Bank Building The Metropolitan new bank which quite a wellappointed building is The house of Mr Arnold was Gray of Laurel on Sunday night o occupation burned on Tuesday forenoon while Victoria Col- Sunday the Missionary Com- lege Toronto spent the weekend at have charge Special music Literary Society Lecture the home of the latter J expected A lecture was given Dr Wallace The ice was splendid on Saturday The Ladies Aid of the Christian Toronto University at St James Mr Arnold was attending the mar ket in Mount Albert It is suppos ed that the chimney had been on fire for some time unnoticed and that the fire spread to the roof We un derstand most of the contents were saved The loss is partially covered by insurance VISIT TO ALBERT Dr W of College Street jToronto will he at T Lloyds store on Wednesday April to fix glasses Those requiring any optical attention should consult him without Satisfaction guaran teed with every case fitted On his next visit he will examine invalids at their if previous appointment is made personal- It is earnestly requested that every reader of this news paper see the Bliss PERSONALS Master Herbert entertained a number of his young friends last Wednesday evening in honor of birthday Miss Hodge was guest of the Misses Leek over weekend Mr Garnet has gone to Manitoba to see what fortune may have in store for him there His many friends wish him all success evening April 1st and a number of skaters enjoyed another evening oh the rink This has been perhaps longest skating season in the history of the rink there not being a single Saturday night since skating began in December that the ice was not in good condition for skaters Mr Hill moved into his new place of abode formerly known as the farm on Tuesday and Mr Williams will temporary occupy the house lately vacated by Mr Hill The funeral of the late Miss of Toronto sister of Messrs Church are having a tea in the Tern- Hall on Thursday evening Match Hall tonight Friday which under the auspices of the Sutton take the form of a reception to Society- The subject was their new pastor Rev Percy Hamlet A good number were Fletcher who takes charge of the present and Dr Wallaces lecture was work here on Sunday next Every- much There was a body invited short musical program The many friends of Isaac Mar- Society intend to hold a social Esq will be pleased to hear evening in the near future that lie is recovering from his attack of la grippe hut he is still confined to bis bed We are prepared to AH your wants with what is best in Clover and Grass Seeds With TIMOTHY so rices are of you Call before buying The Seed is Government Standard and the PRICES ARE RIGHT high and scarce Our Pri the utmost importance to and see what we have Seed is Onvemmont John Morton of Toronto is visit ing relatives here this week He is not in very good health at present and is having a rest On Tuesday forenoon the barn of i OddFellows Society The have arranged to hold their annual church parade on Sun day morning April at The members will march to the Metho dist Church Sutton the Rev A BOOTS At this time of it is ESSEN TIAL that your FEET be KEPT DRV To have dry feet You must have GOOD SOLID LEATHER HOOTS WE SELL THAT KIND The kind of Strong Serviceable Hoots that have been steadily build ing up our Hoot Trade for years The ROOT TESTED and TRIED Remember we stand be hind every pair of them Let us FIT YOU that you may know what HOOT SATISFACTION IS his the the GUILD SOCIAL As a promoter of mirth and good fellowship the St Patrick social was agent at once and get a success Sprays of Sham a box of the reliable rock or badges of green ribbon were jrnuch in evidence and with the of these emblems every one seemed to have also donned that spirit of merry humor for which the natives of the Emerald Isle are pro verbial The proceedings were large ly an informal nature but there a brief program The girls and Win took place on Monday interment being made in I Mrs Friend Morton who lives about consented to preach Cemetery miles north of here was burned orm The Epworth League meeting was J to the ground The stock was all a helpful one on Monday evening saved but about bushels of grain Council Meeting Mr las Wright read a paper- on was burned Origin of fire is Council met in the pub- Joshuas life and various Biblical known understand that there is on Monday night tracts were read by the League mem- insurance j April 3rd All the members were and explained and commented upon by the president Mr Cody Miss Kellaroguve a reading and Miss Cain and Mr Walter Wright contributed a duet Mr las Wright was appointed Secretary un til the annual election of officers in Miss Olive is back home present Mr J Trcloar after a two weeks visit with pointed collector place of the late friends at Bradford and other places There is special music at the Meth odist Sunday School nearly every Sunday which adds to the interest the place of Mr Henry Clark who in the school we regret has been obliged to sever Sunday Miss Winnie is his connection with the League on to sing next account changing place of John The next meeting of the Council will be on Monday Mav 1st dence Miss Lulu Rose of Toronto is the Bliss Native Herbs the best Spring med icine the good herb blood purifier for the entire family Personal experi ence has proved that it will regulate the liver give new life to the system and strengthen the kid neys It will make rich red blood tablets dollar back promptly if not ben efited quickly and surely Apply av once to the Guild choir sang Come Hack Erin and the boys Sang Eyes of Irish Master Lyle Stokes gave a sketch of the life of St Pat rick Mis Gould contributed a and Miss IV Peters recounted Trials Among Yankees Then there a Conversation game similar to the one a the last social only Ills time the topics wtu characteristic I St Patrick 2 How the Saint Cleared Ireland of Snakes J Why I guest of her sister Mrs Hill this week Miss with a trained went to Toronto General Hospital on Wednesday and will undergo an Mr James Cattle moved out the house he has occupied for a number of years He has rented a house on the 1th Con from Jesse Council Esq Mr Thomas Mann from the Con is moving into the house vacated by Mr attic Houses In Keswick are not left va- Is Coming The has commented its work in this neighborhood and on Monday and Tuesday of this week its busy ring could he heard on the farm of Mr Donald MacDonald Man About Town Peabody Smocks ft Overalls J For the Spring work I Jet a jar of our Table Syrup on draught and see how much nicer it is than what you buy in tins lb A A operation hope for a speedy All Miss friends cant long if some enterprising man successful operation and would a few houses there they recovery tii i Ihe Irish are fond of Potatoes Tom Moor- Irish Poet Stories about Pat and Mike Refreshments consisting of potato Chas W served were then IONS Those in I who look My but March was cold month lir came in and went out rough Mr Greenwood of Whitchurch IIosb Erie Hay- spent Friday last with her Wrolliy Hilrsk Mrs Cole Morrow Mr and Mrs King of Mount Dike ler Dike and Albert Sunday at Mr Murray Hay Ward Wis are very to hat Mr May Kennedy A Cole is laid up with ting John to liear Mr laid up with a foot Some youh people went ov er to eighth to Sunday meeting on Sunday J have good to the meetings here the week Hjii ill he meeting litre next morning and evening Join to and sirs on March 9JI a standing We are to Albert Morrow Col aau j a few people of tfe over here to church Sj- I Evelyn lien Manners lowing Is report In order to obtain perfect standing a must not have absent more ban two flay ad have had King no J wired It marks Those at least tent of the total are given honor Stevenson per dii Mr King returned from on Thursday last Sorry to hear that Mr Washington Winch is thinking selling his place The are returning from tin South The received a cold We hope the weather will mod- crate the fee breaks up Mr Norman Vorke made a visit to Newmarket over Sunday The is noted or its girls the whitefailed broncho School Reports for March Hon for Division Names in or der Senior I San- Hay Wail Mary land Junior Me- J Hi IngHwina Alma Mary Maries I Junior ill- Pearson blay absence ox a mi Roy Cody Junior Division Pub lic School If Watson Hillary Wright 20 Hill otherwlu- f Wellwood Ross am re con here to see Leila Wood- Alice Honor Erie Arthur Alice Flora den Mil a Dike iiy Dorothy Mildred Dike Stanley Lunnan Vllmot The Reliable Store KESWICK have the CttCy Ii known In the vifinfty time In Dearer and Toronto which with her natural taste jrive us confidence in the public the very rtzAy erhiUt ber any on Wednesday April W COLE i are to hear that fccfiool started here again It he in held at Mr Mitchells house A number young people who gathered at Mr Dan were a game Called haw Quaker While running around the ring Mr Will fell down and severely Injured hit lex- He way Under the doctors care but he Is prorlng Mr Albert Maries while corning happened with s accident The horse Stumbled Miss jump ed ler ol the and escaped horse bad both badly Mrs Hugh Milne was the guest ol brother Mr Watson at Joker Ih all the around here Will Dan fowling being Mr iohn Oxford Voter MM no Kathleen Moore Wlllio Myron Hill Floyd Ralph Hill First lass Do a no Anvils Mario Watson Prim or Jean Hobs Wright Marjory Gordon iiolK ban Alice Smith Junior Primer Cecil Arthur Smith Jill Class Jean MaeNollL for March No Fifth Burrows Fourth Class Jr Fourth Class Br Third Jr Third Class Turnery Br Second Class Jr Second Class If Burrows How and V And rows First Class- fl VIlllaws Teacher would soon be occupied and it would be a good investment as well Mr of Toronto who holds a second mortgage on the ho tel property here was up on day looking over with a view to taking the property and spending a few hundred dollars upon if with I be intention of making it a first- summer boading house and a house of the whole year He thinks it can be very profitably conducted on the above plan We think so too the right man gets hold of the busi ness Maple syrup is very scarce In this neighborhood so far Fall heat is looking very brown Mr and Mrs Knap nee Miss Jo hanna Cunningham of Saskatche wan are visiting at her mothers Mrs John Cunningham Rev McNeil will preach in the Methodist Church Sunday when it Is expected a of new will received There were nine or ten received I wo weeks pre vious Mr It left for I he Tuesday with a half carload belonging it himself and Mr Win Da foe who lives in mid who has jus flown up fathers business and who Ik returning to he With him The value of the rural telephone was demonstrated in the case of the On- at Mrs Mortons this telephoning to for miles around here were boom a largeuum- men he and a pi pin within fir the Ira rn wan saved which Would have been hurned Mr and Mrs John King were rnado happy on Sunday by the- of a Wo that Mr J agent has purchased Mrs Burrows here on the Street have arranged for annual church on Sunday April at to the Methodist Church Mr Sinclair has kindly consented preach them a sermon A was In the Lib rary on Thursday evening March for the purpose organis ing an Improvement Society In the village of Sutton and it was de cided to call it Civic Society Mr a Dixon was chosen chairman Mr K vaB elected Presid ent and A Dixon Secretary Treasurer Committee Over- end Mrs Dolby Mrs McKay Mr Dolby ami Mr McKay with pow er their number Mr spoke strongly in favor of forming the society and promised lo do all he could jo help it along A commlUee moot ing wmi held on Saturday oven- MINION CAPITAL PAID UP 400000000 AND UNDIVIDED PRO ITS S 530000000 DEPOSITS THE PUBLIC TOTAL ASSETS Branches and Agencies Canada and the United States SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Current Rates of interest allowed Sale Notes collected Blank Forms supplied free of charge MOUNT BRANCH I TERRY MANAGER I WESTERN CANADA LANDS Mr of efforts a prize list was made out a printed copy of which will be soul to householder village In few days f Distressing Headache the result J LARGE List ok improved AM UNIMPROVED FARMS NOTHING BETTER an a- J A I be fouryearold daughter Rev Levlft by street ear at a The Farmers line has now about phones on their system Every body simuli have one It might you hundreds of dollars In a ease f- thin kind April Pith at LW pm at the home of Mrs A Mor ton Everyone welcome Full at- rifpieKfed Press Sale Register April liMesirs Doughty and Cain lot con v ill dispose of cattle and Implements at one o clock on sums over tut v April farm farm stock and Implements belong ing to the the late Enoch York lot con at one oclock 1 KesUr Auct For Immediate New Cement House together with two lots flood water Fenc ing and York It Station Keswick and Cooks Kay Lake on main road to Lake Convenient to stores and post office As owner Is going west will consider reason able offer If taken at once- Apply to J Keswick Headaches are lareh disordered kidneys Mrs Hall Flora SI ret St Thomas says I Ktiflered for years with headaches of a most nature They would come fn me suddenly and would last for days at a lime These were usually pa fifed by dizziness that leave me unable to attend any House duUcs FARM IN THE WEST BRANDON LAND CO Ninth Street Brandon Man My back was weak and caused much suffer- the had doctored for years hut all no and my condi tion was gradually I leannTdof Kidney Pills One box Rave me a complete lasting cure I have not had a headache or spell fllnco and I feel like a new person J llooths Kidney Pills are sold by all box under a guar antee refund your money if they fail to relieve any disease having Its origin In the kidneys or bladder Postpaid T QUEENSVILLE Ltd Fort guaranteed by PrlC Ont Sold and Pattersons drug store I Kleven Ottawa citizens subscribed hundred dollars each towards a convalescent home for typhoid fever patients For a constable in discharge of his duty the Osbawa police magistrate last week sent a man to Jail for three months Ottawa April House ftjHnt the greater part ol today In Committee Supply upon the esti mates of the Marine and j There a unani mous expression from both sides of the I louse in of deepening the St Lawrence channel to feet from Montreal to tea A J F The Tailoring Company Now Ik time to order your Spring Suits All the latest Shades and Colorings to choose A good fit guaranteed Phone No P F MILNE QUEENSVILLE J I I i f I

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