Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , April 7, 1911, p. 5

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It mm THE ERA RobePtsbb Notary Public c office Main St Newmarket to loan on good Farm Se curity- Weeks prank Duncan AND COLLECTOR Bolton practical Painter PaperHanger and House Decorator RESIDENCE Cornet Niagara and Streets Newmarket Dp Clark DENTIST Main Street Newmarket Dr Wilkinson DENTIST Office in field Block Newmarket The Right Thing One of the amendments to the pub lic School lAct made by the Ontario Legislature is a uniform school term for rural as well as town and schools giving the former the last two weeks August as additional holidays future all schools will open on September V Town Council Brleflets Next Friday is a holiday What has become of Newmarket Board of Trade Spring is evidently here at last Millinery openings arc now all the rage as the time approaches for the new Easter hats The pussy willows are now in evi dence Jackson Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES A I the Era Office Newmarket Office Private Papers issued at private if desired SO Qrls Wanted For Light Rubber Shoemaking Wages paid while learning Good wages Steady work The Maple Leaf Rubber Co Limited Port NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones- before ordering elsewhere LUIvSBV Low Rates for Easter Via Grand Trunk Railway System Return tickets at single fare with minimum charge of cents between jail stations in Canada also to Niag ara Falls and Detroit and Port Huron Mich Good going April 15 lb Return limit Wednesday April Full particulars and tickets from any Grand Trunk Agent or address I A Duff District Passenger Agent Toronto Dr S J Boyd Graduate in medicine of Toronto University also Licentiate of the Royal College of Physician and of the Royal College of Surgeons of England Former clinical assistant Jo Eye Hospital and College Ear Nose and Throat London England Office Cor Main and Timothy Sts Newmarket Telephone No Cogitation Hours fc10 My may be had at any of the day or night by calling at the office or phone rime Card GOING NORTH a p Toronto 180 545 Newmarket 247 ar 340 1051 Write Brandon Land Co Ninth Street Brandon Man regarding Farm Lands in the West years experience West of Winni peg Farm Produce At the market here on Saturday eggs dropped to per dozen One of the nonresident buyers is a dyed- Tory and he told the farmers and their wives as be made a bid for henfruit that reciprocity has caused the declension in price People laughed aj him for his utter ances but he kept right on in the repetition of his reciprocity declama tion until people laughed him to Will Probated Probate of the will of the late Francis of the Township disposes of an estate of GOING SOUTH a Toronto valued at Of this sum was- cash in bank and cash on hand Heal estate consists of Part of lot con 7 acres Scott Townshipstogether at 5800 The will leaves 0 the widow the farm pro perty to the sons John ami Francis white kix daughters get each v valued- i PROMPTLY SECURED tU MBmtlli Ike who Ike ftdrtftM n Ckirvjt Anyone Should write Co They have hundreds of propositions In I Farm hands Furnace Work Plumbing J owed I by Machine duns Regular meeting last- Monday even ing AH members present Mr was heard to starting a hospital in the Royal Hotel asking free light and water also exemption from taxation The matter was referred to the Fi nance Com Mr Bacon was beard re License on Moving Picture Shows and the By- Law Com was authorized to the ByLaw reducing the license from to Mr Sanders and Mr Winger were heard regarding a sidewalk on An drew St referred to B Com to report Mr Hess and others representing the Athletic Association were heard asking the town to assist financially the Champion Athletic Meet in New market on the of May Following bills passed Bell Tel Co chiefs house Bell Tel Co WW 1000 Bell Tel Co clerks office Pittsburg Coal Co coal York Had on coal 8167 A Yule duty 1855 Stringer unloading coal 350 M Andrews coal Jesse Hughes cleaning crossings Ref to Roads Bridges Applications for domestic water from Elizabeth Rogers St Huron St Albert Lydia St Albert Elm St referred to Fire Light Com Applications for water from Lyons Timothy St and two houses for A J street granted Hon J Davis was heard in ref erence to a fixed assessment on their manufacturing concerns A special committee was appointed consisting of Messrs Roadhouse Keith and the mayor to interview the Davis Leather Co and the Cane Sons Co and report Application of IV Collins for light on Timothy street granted Application of Public Library Board for grant of for granted Letter from Barber Young re sewerage for the town offering to make plans and estimates for Letter from Aird Murray offer ing to make plans etc for Letter from Mr Carnegies secre tary stating that he was willing to grant provided the Council will provide site and expend a year towards reading matter and maintenance Referred to special conirhjtte com posed of Messrs Vale Cane and Pearson to report at next meeting The Property Committee recom mended repairs to engineers residency at estimated cost of Property- Committee also reported that the Band Was disorganized and I the instruments and other property returned a special committee composed of Reeve Keith and Councillors Hunter Cane was appointed to confer with the Band and endeavor to re organize the same The Clerk was instructed to have all coal for the corporation weighed by customs official at the line The Road and Bridge Committee was authorized to employ Murray to prepare plans and esti mates of sewerage system for the cost not to exceed Council adjourned Bought- over United States La and Large Quantities China Canada imported dozen eggs The statement of prices prepared is during the fiscal- year ending March for the month of January 1911 and 31 From the United States the result of the enquiry is shown in alone dozen eggs came to Canada China sent us 87075 dozen and Hong Kong dozen while small quantities came from Great Britain France and Japan Our eggexports amounted to dozen but only 39917 dozen went from Canada to the United States so that we bought from the Ameri cans dozen more eggs than we sold to them Canada sold 465 dozen eggs to Great Britain dozen to Newfoundland to Bermuda to British West Indies doz to Cuba 12- to St Pierre and a few dozen to British Guiana Mexico and China Deducting our total exports of eggs from our total imports of eggs it will found that Canadians con sumed dozen more eggs than the total production of eggs in Can ada the following table 36 I 40 NY 30 Wholesale Place Price per I Buffalo Toronto Lancaster 27 Que 32 Burlington Vt 27 Montreal Que 35 Bangor Me 30 Calais Me 28 Me 26 St Stephen 33 It will be noted that the prices in Canada were considerably higher than in the United States NEWMARKET HARDWARE STORE SEE Reciprocity will give Canadian far mers the privilege of selling their in the United States at lower The duty on eggs coming into Can- thev can get for them in is three cents per dozen nd j Agreement goes 1 Un and this duty will he removed and twdvc counlrJes he importations of eggs mil great- increase- A board of tariff experts recently appointed by the United States The report of the United States I Government to compare Canadian Government experts also deals with and American prices has reported on the two countries The Canadian the price of eggs at Buffalo Toronto Century will publish the Agues in fu- Montreal Lancas- tures issues and those who read them Sherbrookc Que be convinced that Canadian far- burg Prescott Bangor have nothing to gain Reci- and Calais in Maine and procitv with the United States St Stephen You Can Money By Buying From Us IA Rev Dr Hunter Dead DKATH SUDDENLY An old and wellknown Methodist minister was removed on Saturday in the death of Rev Dr Hunter Death followed a stroke of paralysis at his late home Gerrard street east Toronto f The late Br Hunter was superan nuated a number of years ago but re mained in service until the last lie was to have preached in Sunday and was packing his bag to leave when overcome Death oc cur red a few hours later in the after noon Dr Hunter served the Methodist Familiarity breeds contempt Half a dozen cases if bubonic plague in San Francisco led to the most strenuous and persistent efforts on the part of the- health authorities to a thorough system of quarantine and to the destruction of hundreds of thousands of rats A single case in New York city would send a tremor of dread through- a million people and fill columns in the metropolitan pa pers for weeks But in India the na tives pay little attention to bu bonic plague than the New Jersey people pay to mosquitoes They re gard It as a necessary and ever pres ent evil and even resent the govern ments efforts to lessen it The dis ease has become such a fixture that Church in Canada for years He we hear little of it excerpt through occasional official statistics though its ravages arc frightfully fatal Last month the number of deaths from plague in India was eightyeight thousand four hundred ami nine- It is probably no to say that the plague victims of the British empire approximate a million a year The British do all they can to fight the disease but the religion and the Cus tom of the natives render their forts of little effect This Our Spring Stock I ft THIS SEASON IS VERY COMPLETE AND PRICES RIGHT Toronto Jobbing House of Our Specialties the Bathroom Outfit at the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS SONS Next to Grocery SETTLERS TRAINS Africa April i Two officers and twelve privates were and lv0 non commissioned officers and fourteen privates were wounded during an en- gagemcnlon Thursday between two companies of a French expedition and natives led by tin Sultan of bra The French forces were enter ing the Village capital of the Sultan to arrest as he has been active in instigating hostilities against the French authorities because of their endeavors to suppress slavery when they were ambushed and fired upon The natives were armed with repeat ing rifles- After a brisk skirmish the French occupied the village The Sultan wan wounded but escaped A price has been placed on bis head Governor Guy of the French accompanied the expedition After the surprise the French brought their machine guns Into fic tion and did frightful execution on the field Low Round Trip Rates To Ninety North West Points S TO MANITOBA ALBERTA l Is The only through LOW COLONIST RATES Exceptionally low rates to princi pal points in Western Canada on Can adian Pacific ICxcur- leaving Toronto Tuesday ril at pm and Sec ond during the summer Tickets are good for sixty days liberal stopOler privileges Special trains are the fastest and most direct route avoiding an Change of Cars and possible delays Berths In tourist sleeping car can he secured at a small additional cost Full particulars given in Homeseek- pamphlet of which may he obtained from any agent or direct from It Thompson Dis trict Passenger Agent To ronto t ificcnU was struck by at Keewatfn Special KM lit I nebular Traits WilHam if Murphy train on a bridge rled over the bridge and killed Ottawa April thou sand dollars worth of opium Just destroyed In furnace of CflfJ on all Train for Toronto to Went block on Parliament hill lhtt opium had been the last fe months at Canadian custom ports In It two burn the whole amount For the most part It done up In cans of sheet copper the conflagration wait carried out under the charge of two customs detectives A Womans licautif Hair lllg Strike of Miners April Nearly ten thousand miners are on strike In the coal mines if Alberta and British Co lumbia Most of them threw down I their tools at six oclock and walked out agreement with Iho strike de cision They did so before a Concili ation Hoard had been appointed and In ideflanCCOf the Act The Michel and locals all took the same action This men hero The tie up appears to he pretty complete unless a compromise Speedily the price ol coal certain to and some industries may to shut down The has already contracted for a million tons coal from the United Over hundred miners at Alberta went out last night At meeting lasting over three hours the whole body Voted solidly to uphold the stride decision Many local miners fere leaving the city was born in Quebec and entered the ministry in when only years old Since that time he had service in a score and more of churches- Among the more prominent ones of which lie had had charge were the old Richmond Street Church Toronto Queens Av enue Church at London Centenary and Wesley at Hamilton Queen street Central and Carlton Toron to SI lames and Dominion Square Churches at Ottawa the Dom inion Church Montreal Deceased came of a family of cler gymen Ills father was a member of the ministry and also two brothers the late 1 Hunter and Hunter of Greenville Texas fie is survived by a widow daughter of the late Isaac ol and four children Mrs Marshall widow of I he late Marshall Mrs Mary Powter Hunter and Herman A Hun ter Two sisters also survive Mrs Williams Munns and Mrs- On having the body exhumed of their aunt wlio died four months ago two York girls found themselves heirs to worth of bank de posits and real estate deeds found hidden in her clothes Oalt March The Up setting of a lamp by a twoyear old child caused the destruction last night by fire of the home of Herbert Rowley on the West River near the I own line The lire depart ment were called but as there was no water Within reach- they were of little service The family escaped In safety but very little of the furni ture was saved Marie Ont March a fire at tailor shop this afternoon through ifie explosion a as 1817 We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure f CO To ledo We the undersigned have known 1 Cheney for the last fifteen years and believe him perfectly hon orable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his Kinnan Marvin Wholesale Druggists Toledo flails Catarrh Cure is taken inter- acting directly upon the and surfaces of the Testimonials sent free Prices i6c per bottle Sold by all Druggists Take Halls Family Pills for con- CAPITAL PAID UP REST UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSBTB ft I 15832 I at all important centres In Canada and In London Eng York Chicago Mexico and Newfoundland Every dcEcriptlon of a Banking business transacted INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers of the Ontario Hank Branch will he heretofore NEWMARKET BRANCH 9 A w A that will make it luxurious by J woman has ryJUit hair Because she Is ever on alert to chase tie Hair Tonic carries certain death to the germ It rellle reYieoy that will eradicate It There any Should fill to ttli offer as have confidence In Halt tut to cost of cents to ft A bottle for cents at Store your It not to work in mines outside the strike zone There have been no No trouble Is expected here for the present the operators will moke no attempt to use non union men till effort to Set tle the matter by arbitration Is made he cause ol the Strike was the ex- ration of the old agreement and re fusal of operators to agree to the closed snop Under the old agree ment the Crows Neat recognized the dosed shop the other companies did not do so In Montreal during the coming season there will be spirit on street the sum of a million dol lars and on permanent sidewalks half a million dollars gasoline stove the property badly damaged and P the proprietor lies at the General Hospital suffering from burns which although not fatal will disfigure htm for life the stove exploded anCOX It up and threw It into the backyard and then plunged headlong Into the snow hank in en deavoring to extinguish flames which were consuming his clothes Dont Be Bald MAY A OF We have a remedy that has a re cord of growing hair and curing baldness in out of every cases where used according to directions for a reasonable length of time I hat may seem like a strong statement It is and we mean It to be and no one should doubt it until they have put our to an actual test We are SO certain Rex all 03 Hair Tonic will cure dandruff prevent stimulate the and hair roots stop falling hair and grow new hair that we personally our positive guarantee to refund ev ery penny paid us for it In every In stance where it does not give en tire satisfaction to the user Hair Tonic Is as pleas ant to use as clear spring water It Is delightfully perfumed and docs not grease or gum the hair Two sizes With our guarantee it you certainly take no rlskf Sold only at our store The Drug Store My lit Inle hoy is eight years old He goes to school each day He doesnt mind IJiC tasks they set- They him but play lie heads his class at raffia work And also takes the lead At making dinky boats But I wish he Could read l teach him physiology And It chills our Marts To hear our prattling innocent Mix up his inward parts He also learns astronomy And names the stars by course hes uptodate lint I wish that he could write I hey teach things They teach him how to draw He bibles mythology And gravitations law Thus sciences discoveries With him are quite a fad They tell me hes a boy I wish that he could add Martin Senour Floor Paint Is jiA the paint you need to paint floors you are thixkifig painting It wears on the floor not off Try Wall Tints On those walls that need touching up We sell it In eight different also white It will not rub oft when dry lbs for 25c Use Laquerette On your old furniture It will make it look like new One Coat of Elastic Floor Finish Applied Spring and Kail will keep your Linoleum as good si sew tor years I We have sole agency the famous Guarantee HO pc pure II It does not give perfect satisfaction whea applied according to directions bring back your empty Cans and have your money refunded wf Broadview March early destroyed A Cal houns elevator containing bushels of grain Ias who lives the bay from Peuttang went through ice on Monday while returning home and was drowned Bask March which broke out early this- morning In the Armstrong Smyth and Down- well Block on Street caused a loss of fully Insured The water twill let out the Cornwall canal to permit the build ing of a new weir ft v Ill close the Toronto Paper Mfg Co land Ex press Rolling mill for a month A cat chased a mouse under a loot stool In the home of Henry Fort Plain last week and then Stuck Its paw Into a hole to try for her prey When she drew the foot out a bill was sticking to claw Later was taken from the stool represents the hoard by Karg when she died suddenly on February Hardware Newmarket P1IONK CO YEARS mm IP Trade Marks Ac iDTfcOt a Newmarket AS raOHBRR entitle DlQOls I I

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