Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , April 7, 1911, p. 1

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tf3f fZ SET EMBLEM and- I STORE New Rings w tf sent outside York unless In advance WITH YOUR BYES We can fit your eyes PROPER GLASSES All the Newest Styles WATSONS Matchmaker and Graduate Optician 4 US G JACKSON Editor and Proprietor JACKSON I Newmarket Ont Friday April 1 12 Single Copies 3 each Sap Season is on Do not tapping Get all the advan- tage of the first run Its possible you will need a few extra buckets or spiles pails skimmers etc Our Stock is complete Best Goods Throughout Try a few of the Warner Sap Spouts made of Mai Iron tinned By actual test they run drops to the old styles one BOILING PANS STRAIGHT TIN BUCKETS GALYANIZEI BUCKETS J FACTORY MADE 10 QTi A I T I N PHONE HARDWARE PLUMBING NEWMARKET ONT THE nkpToron Assets litis Hank wakes a of Col lecting Sale Motes if sired will them at lowest rates NEWMARKET BRANCH FIELD MANAGER Oar Toronto Letter Toronto Liberals have invited Hon Mr Fielding Minister of Finance to address a mass meeting in Hail On April 17 or Hon Geo Graham Minister of Railways J has also promised to speak Friday in Association Hall three Liberal will give ad dresses on reciprocity and other ques tionsMessrs Ralph Smith of Brit ish Columbia F I Fowke South Ontario and Hugh Guthrie South Wellington Carrying the war into Africa By the grace of Sir James P Whitney members of the Ontario legislature received about per week last session It is called in demnity You must be sorry too that we sold our farm No Im not I am glad This little dialogue took place on Thursday of last week at Weston between Geo Robertson and his wife just before the farmer went out in the woodshed and shot him self Robertson was worried over a business deal and hod grown de spondent He leaves a widow and four children According to lie- evidence brought out by the investigation in the Pub lic Board methods of doing its work there will likely he changes in its membership next election An organization to make public the advantages of Toronto as a man ufacturing center tourist rcsortand convention city was started on Thursday night last It will he call ed the Toronto Publicity League The Hoard of Trade President expressed opinion that from to should be expended on aggres sive work Customs- receipts at the port of Toronto for the past year are about in excess of It- has been decided to hold all meetings of the Supreme Court and Executive Council of the Independent Order of Foresters in this City here after It is expected the new Presbyterian Church at iVychwood will be ready for occupancy about the middle of May The Directors of the Ontario Plow mens Association I Dominion Government for a gram of to each af the Provinces for plowmens Fancy asking an Our Montreal Letter Montreal April new era of construction that bids fair to make this an entirely- new city with in the next quarter of a centurv well under way Montreal is now spending annually on the erection of new build ings nearly enough money to build the Georgian Hay canal and is using the catohinetails added to it was paid per cent on half a million pronounced by His Lordship the dollars in day He also was good enough to Calgary will have power yet A warn all wifebeaters that if any of company which is installing a power ever appeared before him they plant on- the How River at Horse would catch the same punishment Shoe Falls has agreed to deliver YEARS AGO From Era April 12 1861 i Our Manitoba Letter horsepower for city users of lately from Glasgow er within a month The price is Gotland announces that he has leas ed at per horsepower per year the premises lately occupied by Burns and Co are to open a McKay street and Man Vnril At country j continue the hlacksmi thing and during the same period enough build- for TS ft material to construct at least stock raising and there is a I I and Gale announce the three pyramids equal in size to the n 1 opening of a new millinery trade in great pyramid of Cheops be- a eavin the fore in the history of Canada has fountain House and Miss Fleming there been any approach to the I ord of expansion which figures just does Alberta Central and in Newmarket collected have brought to light here business is brisk sympathy I New suburbs towns in themselves with the certain and early approach are springing into being almost every of spring All kinds business is moving strongly and the new people marks gentle reminders of Maison- who are in at tfie rate of a of thousand a day are being absorbed Montreal disappear in a night and without congestion Sturdy girders reaching to the spring movement in real estate the take the place the squat continues to be the biggest vet Over on both roads is to he kept at con cert pitch this summer timeworn stone walls Burglars Caught 1 Niagara Falls March A clever capture of the two house bur glars was made today one at Bulla a million dollars worth of Winnipeg 1 he was in the act of put tin Up to dale Montreal has had thc real estate was sold last week and unenviable reputation of being a fire- the season be one or re- trap city and this reputation has markable business been deserved for the citys loss by fire has far exceeded annually the usual losses sustained by cities a similar in the United States and With the rebuilding that is going on an effort is being made to remedy this slate of affairs The Ore one that is to say the area in which none hut fireproof building may up part of the swag in a pawn shop in that city the other this evening in the bar of Hotel Savoy this city about oclock Chief Green of St Catharines went to Buffalo and with the assist- South End Lumber Yard RANGE GOAL Pea Coal at 6 a Ton P W PEARSON i Phone BOWSER AND BISHOP J OUR NEW SPRING GOODS Aaft tin of Our uM of men foil- material for Juht you Right Materials for Just Nov kr a fart or Wt to Am Call any man who WanU it manner that will be fan It lei a F WILLIS VOW TAILOR PHONE MAIN ST some of the Provinces are so much larger than others both in extent and population A fast driving chauffeur had the I blocks to him in the police Court court on the Will Ult First he got a tin line being drunk driving an and then for fast driving and crashing into a cab In case Toronto celebrates the Will ing coronation of King and Queen Mary lUchard of Del aware is prepared to over to the corporation an lriglifch oak sapling or planting in one of city parks to commemorate the event The oaks are symbols greatness Fiftyfive claSMs of school Children unci daily ill base ments and would not tolerate a The came leant log Into the harbor from Hamilton on Thurs day of last week villi lying from bow apt Henderson Will gel the harbor masters plug hat For allowing hones to remain hours in cars wflhouf food or fine without Costs I Imposed week in Court against the CI It The of fence was committed by a I A penalty two days with out or water would almost a deserved for lie Another skyAcraper fttorfeft high to he erected upon site of the old Ho tel It Is Intended to make it the finest hotel In the city The Toronio Canadian held Joint with Building at even pace with real estate transactions The big gest thing in recent announcements is a building for Main street anc of a detective in that city Portage avenue This will be bated his men The two men stories higher than the highest in this city last evening between business block at present and will and oclock registered as 11 cost a million dollars A British Chad wick and P Thompson syndicate is said to be hackers of the ton and were assigned to room IK been greatly extended new block retired early They had three ami in the older portions of the city The Winnipeg Industrial Bureau will I well filled suit cases After narrow streets networks of establish the largest permanent fast they left for Buffalo this oNerhead wires and obsolete buildings in Canada using the city evening- Thompson returned alone his make excellent conditions for a large building for the purpose The having got into the toils ol the Buffalo police and just before Chief Green brought Chad wick back into Canada Chief Kimmin of this city had Thompson apprehended and be hind the bars The Buffalo police secured a por tion of the booty at Buffalo and more of it was found by the Niagara Falls pojice at the room in the hotel here In suit cases was a portion of the swag stolen from house of Mr J Hawkins St Catharines In all about 300 worth of goods of the Potter House was recovered The men gave their names as Chad wick of Newmarket Out ami Curry Toronto to the police In their grips were ragged suits as worn by tramps full dress suits- and col lapsiblesilk opera hats announces new spring goods at his stole in Sharon The allabsorbing question of Rep by Pop has been djscussed for three- days in the Legislature this week The County Ag Society in union with King Township Society an nounce a Spring ploughing match and show of entire horses and hulls on on the farm of loci Whitchurch Township Spring Show takes place on the 2Kb on farm of Mr Israel Clubine lot in the con- The question of a share ii the Clergy Reserve Fund of Fast liinbury is agitating Holland Land ing conflagration it is proposed to erect building is to be remodelled so as to reproof walls of asbestos Some of Contain offices and demonstration these walls will of necessity have to quarters for the municipal power and be over a hundred feel high and will light plant There will he requirc an immense amount of mate- exhibits of Winnipeg riai nub a view of placing a ten- Hires and western resources and large tative plan before the authorities offices for the Industrial Bureau The Mr J Forbes the manager of plan is under consideration by thc the Black Asbestos City Council Asbestos has just com- Additions to he made to the a round trip of all the leading school in this city will asbestos manufacturers in the United make It the largest school building States to get their views He found Western Canada It will contain that the American mines were class rooms a big manual train- overtime to nil immediate room and an assembly Hall The ive asked the output has Winnipeg school hoard have asked for Kraut for trie fiscal year of lint ahead he great walls of China Will Summer sports opened their season probably hold their reputation for a Saturday March 25 Baseball golf equal amounttoeacbProviiee when longer football players were out in False Hair Carries numbers and got into their several Stories which have been circulated months at different time of terrible diseases caught from the wearing of false hair are being brought pretty close to borne at the present moment Or J is of the Provincial Hoard of Ilea I Mi is about to Issue a statement to the there is danger that the plague which is cans- such frightful suffering death Mi China may be brought into Cana da by false hair The officers of the health department are making in- the local hair stores In or der discover what proportion of j tin- switches sold by local dealers from China The men who conduct the state that import the bulk goods from Germany hut add that Chinese hair Is also on sale here It is claimed most of the corpses taken If the morgues hi Mm- plaguestricken districts of are minus pigtails and the reason is hat the hair has been y agents of the hair companies Cold and Dross ft look Montreal a long time to Wake up and Cast a sleepy I er Porcupine Developments Wade the world slaie have going far a good up there Riflemen went to the ranges and had a preliminary shoot Geese and crows have come Reports from indicate the usual spring rush of men money and goods northward heavily Increased over previous years A special train of fifty- WO cars of settlers arid heir effects cane over the Line one day last week Tin quarantine barns and freight yards are lull up with the rush Portage la Prairie Masons have new cm pie and bought land lor a will built once has Increased Its limits from three square miles to thirteen This will bring the new Parliament build ings within the city limits and will has Can and broke Rough Lumber and Inside Trim Doom Sub tad of all tor Trim COAL Club last Friday through all The result Was a marked success tin- hall was lull with ladled Two from ladies given of more than ordinary Interest a lawyer with of fice in the Son federal Ion IT and a lav Black arrested on for forgery and perjury The offence Is said to have In a mortgage transaction All named Hotohklss was arrested on Friday charged with forging the name of another to a money order or The charge Is admitted The new headquarters of the Ttr to be built on street near will be known an larI Hall In memory of the MIA Frances The new will col 150000 tjnfurnish- of Which has already been subscribed give space for expansion that been much needed for some time The Saskatchewan Department of Agriculture has issued a valuable pamphlet on Ian culture High for flaxseed have encouraged flax planting throughout the West There are splendid prospects that the straw won will he used for making fabric and twine in a factory to opened at Winnipeg I Spring seeding has m has gone crazy over il Saskatchewan and a few Montreal until days ago slept of warm weather will on In peace and bliss make it general throughout the pro Porcupine as a camp is 1 VIW acreage is reported wily good one ma believe the hat ol last year by at united word of the scores- of Iwentyfive per cent engineers expert and otherwise who Alberta The Globe Lightning Hod Company Hamilton W If fenklnsbcgs to inform the public that he is no agent hut Joint proprietor of the company which is backed by a capital of This is the oldest lightning rod firm In Canada We give a guarantee for good for five years with each order If any building this rod on gets burned by lightning or if any damage is done by lightning without burning we repair it inside of sixty- days This Is only lightning rod company know of Incorporated by the Address all orders and communica tions ft connection with the light ling rod business to Warren Newmarket YEARS AGO From April fudge Morgan presided the Divi sion Court last Friday There was quite an array of legal talent on hand the local bar the courtroom was graced with the pres ence of Mark of Robinson Aurora and Mr of There were It suits on the docket A year ago last Sunday our brave volunteers of the York Rangers weresnowbound on the CPR A service will be held in Temperance Hall next Sunday to commemorate the death of the great temperance reformer John lough Mr is turning his at- the eggpacking first lot went into pickle yester day A room has been opened by the Womens Christian Temperance Colon in the premises lately oc cupied as an office by fudge Morgan Rooks papers games and coffee are the attractions Marriage On the March by Rev 1 w Savage Mr Tons J Spaulding both of Whitchurch Died In Fast on he 2nd Inst lane wife of fcremiah aged 7I years months and days I In Sharon Items we find the follow ing The armers in and around Sharon are in the midst of work begun by the Do minion Government summer the Saskatchewan will be pushed Ios Angeles has not lacked forti tude in tackling the big water sup ply problem and Will obtain pure water Rom Sources in J lie Sierras nearly two hundred miles away One big incidental work has just been completed was the boring of a tunnel through the sierra Madrc mountains live miles long hronl cere coltV houlb ccnii Buttle in Mexico Mr Win Ronnie has from Is recent Illness o resume bis duties again While alighting from the train at last week Mrs slipped and sprained her ankle 1 1 Hunter was in town last Friday calling on old friends Ml Jacob Johnson returned from last for a sfhirt Oll Notice is given in the official he of Mr loin Dunn as Col lee lor of Customs at Sutton West All the boys except Fred thai attended the Military College last have rcloncd to town Mr Alex Williams of Sutton reported to be ill Paso TeVas March The bloodies battle of the Mexican re volution is ragfllg around have walked right in and turned around and walked right out again all saw enough to satisfy them that pay ore In targe was i the purpose of making th lraditlont 0 III IIIOtlllT come Willi pro- Hie r ho VMiiMm dcennim The I w at ll helpful t lo al lumbermen lor Ihcni ok tiki Albcrt Colliery a v ami vigorous this Reason This work is he Iowa Stale of Snora One thousand ale said be dead public navigable or vessels of at has fallen Into the bands the least six feet draft from revolutionists and the nearby Eczema was Spreading IM I I I I IT tow This a translation of a letter written in French April Mr Dan Cap I had been siillcring with iver loose is are the money Is put be taken out have stood the Try of Our cord for or W EVES pnopt Ottawa April Miller an employee at Cardboard Mill was drawn Into the rollers of the mill on Saturday and crushed to death in the calendaring machine All hut his head wan taken In before the power could be out off An inquest will be held The deceased was years of age and leaves a wife and inn such If money may these latter time Coventor ol Coming A Canadian wide missionary CM will shortly be announced by the Missionary Movement Meetings will be held in almost town and city from the Atlantic to the some time next autumn The dates have not yet been definite ly fired but the gathering will likely lake place at Vancouver about the middle of October Kir Andrew Fraser late Lieutenant bring In more its plant at St Albert to So far he dally shipping capacity up test of tons Ninety new townships have been thrown open in the dis- Uriel fand there a big rush set tlers On The record of home stead entries in will be broken to have perished men I ol the in The battle which started on Monday when the rebels marched upon I res has been in pro gress ever since the federals making several attacks In attempts to recap ture the town after It fell The trapped of Bengal will be the chief M and there is the town I of San Itnfacl has been sacked and island destroyed The federals are led several who did not dome any good The disease was spread ing and I was most uncomfortable thought I would go crazy All un friends were telling me I would my hands unless I found the right treatment One day I read in the Messenger about your I treatment asked for a sample it did me so much good that I immediately order ed two large bottles It took eight bottles altogether to cure of this terrible disease I Khali never be without a bottle of I In my home The records of ten years of com plete cures thousands- of the most cases show that I I I today as the absolutely reli able eczema cure Write today for free trial bottle I lour youngchildren speaker at the conventions and In the Western Provinces be will be by Mr John It Mott Lash for Wife Beaters Any man who has the habit of boat ing his better half will alter ibis get taste of his own If he Calgarys municipal street railway happens to be hailed before fudge has paid so well that the will in the Court of be doubled in size miles For first time In many years track Is to laid and new rolling sentence with the additional sting of stock purchased The railway Is to be very active In in the municipal building they monlon this summer Among other then poured a galling fire Into the big building will be the structure killing all them The large wd Trunk regulars fought gallantly to their hotel one of a chain five ho- death to be built by the across My forced marchesthe Insurrcctos Canada surprised the regular troops and a Calgary business Is booming hand to hand battle In the streets of ensued indication that the In the march upon Crcs the rebels made last year will be broken attacked the town of San Rafael by at least a million a large portion of it looting The city Is to spend stores and public building carrying Improvements water mains sewers away a large quantity of foodstuffs sidewalks pavement schools and and arms and ammunition street railway extensions cry ord Children dry FOR AS TORIA to the I I I Laboratories to St Toronto It will give you Instant relief For sale by all Druggists Cbiiar Johnston of Thorold was fined fur Illegal sale of liquor and for illegal sale of drugs A Quebec tanning company was fined for pollution of water by products from the mill ad A li KSkPCWS ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO

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