Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 24 Mar 1911, p. 5

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J Robertson Barrister Notary Newmarket to prank Dunoon AUCTIONEER AND Bolton Hewitt Practical Pooler Decorator Niagara andTecym- Newmarket Dr Clark DENTIST St Dr Wilkinson In Block Newmarket Talent Sale The Ladies Aid the Methodist Church jhad a splendid Talent Sale last Friday afternoon Every tiring provided was sold the proceeds amounting to over Being St Patricks Day green and much in evidence white were of the Sun this Year During the present year there will be two eclipses both of the sun The first of these occurs on April 28 and will be total This April eclipse will be visible in Canada and the United States It is scheduled to begin at half past five in the after noon and last just one hour The other eclipse of the sun for falls on October but will hot be visible in Canada Jackson MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Bill Newmarket Office Private Issued residence If NEWMARKET LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones- Elsewhere SO J Iris Wanted For Light Rubber Shoemaking Wages paid while learning Good wages Steady work The Maple Leaf Rubber Co Limited Port jwio Improvements Messrs Barker Bros have closed a contract with Mr Mortimer manager of the Telephone Exchange to build a new residence for him ad joining Mr A on the side street- A liberal application of paint and varnish has changed the interior of the CI R depot It has a neat and tidy appearance now will like the fine 1 L flavor of Red Rose Tea It has the cup goodness that comes only from Red Rose quality the reason why it holds first place if in thousands of Cana- homes Will you SOLO Grocer Will Recommend it Town Council The Dominion census to be taken this year according to an estimate Mr Archibald Blue will cost over one million dollars District com missioners will number 220 in all and their will be gazetted by tne end of the month ID Column FRIEND OF HUMANITY a The Kingston Standard seems to think one of the rules laid down by Hastings Torontos Medical Health Officer for resident the Isolation Hospital Is ra ther hard on the profession It is this Dont kiss a patient or allow a patient to kiss you The Stand ard says the rule is bard on the dent physicians especially if these are young and patients good vast majority of the farmers of the Dominion are more than- con vinced that reciprocity in natural products between Canada and the United States would be a good thing for them Sir James P Whitney and most of his following in the Le gislature have declared to the con trary The question now before On tario is whether Mr Whitney or the farmers themselves know best what is good for the farmers The answer will be given when the next appeal is made to the people CA88IDY A Important Resolution The AOUW Dp J Boyd Graduate In medicine of Toronto University Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians and of Royal College of Surgeons of England Former clinical assistant Eye Hospital and Uni versity College Ear and Throat Hospital London England Cor Main and Timothy Newmarket Telephone No Hours MO wrrioea may be had at any of the day or night by calling at the or phone Time Card GOING NORTH a Toronto Newmarket Ml at 10W Ml M March 1811 Council met Mayor in the chair Members present Reeve Keith and Messrs Cane Hunter Vale Barker and Eves following accounts were passed Pittsburg Coal Co coal freight A Yule duty Grand Lodge at its meeting in Toronto last week pass ed a resolution request iog the Pro vincial Ixrlrislature to appoint a Com mission to inquire into and take nc- Stringer unloading coal cessary action to place all fraternal a orders working under a Provincial Charter on a safe financial basis was elected District Deputy Grand Master for York While was paid for deaths of members in not a single claim was contested 530 GOING SOUTH The will of Bridget Hod gins of Newmarket disposes of giving the proper to her three daughters Mr J Robertson lias had both his house and office put on the tele- phone line Dont miss Mr Blizzards delivery on Saturday Owing to some mistakes in the Ab stract of Whitchurch Accounts it is published again this week Copies of the detailed accounts in boob form can now be obtained from the clerk I Rose fire alarm boxes A Thompson repairs Application for water services we re read from C Mortimer s side of Elm St to L Com to act Gardner J- Prospect to L Com to act Bell Tel Co Main St ref to L Corn to act James Horner Oak St ref to Com Friend humanity 1 chosen of God Sacred to us the paths thou hast bod Rest now sweetly rest Earths cares and burdens all laid down f Welcomed with joy thy stargemmed crown Oh i victor thou art blest We can but mourn the worlds great loss But heaven has gained a spirit choice Then let us dry our tears Soon may we hope to meet in love And clasp glad hands in realms above Through all the eternal years Emily A Tut tie Mt Conn THE SCANDAL OF KANSAS Whats the Matter with Kansas After Mrs Carrie Nation had founded a home for drunkards wives In Kansas City on the Kansas side the least the town could do as a sim ple matter of gratitude was to keep it filled with women whose husbands had succumbed to the Demon hum She had a right to expect that much as a return for her charitable But whether it was because town au thorities failed to provide the proper opportunities for hard drinking or the people themselves for want of civic pride in the institution practis ed undue selfrestraint the property is to be thrown back on Mrs Na tions hands by the Associated Chari ties- for the reason that there are not enough drunkards wives to keep it going How is an awful example to he held up to vice when such things are pos sible How is intemperance to be made abhorrent in the eyes of the community a certain number of worthless men do not offer their ser vices to philanthropy as town drunk ards How are their wives to be When the MPP for North York cared for in the Nation home if the voted in the against the husbands do not squander their earn reciprocity agreement did in liquor and abuse their NEWMARKET HARDWARE STORE I r LIGHT FIXTUR You Can Save Money By Buying From Us In response to a letter from the Associated Charities and the Council of Women of Toronto Sir Alan Aylesworth has written them that he will be pleased to meet a deputation from said Societies the next time he is in Toronto It ap pears those seeking an interview with the Minister of Justice are desirous of securing a change in the Criminal that the failure of a hus band to support his wife and family shall be made a criminal offence It I is about time the line was drawn a little tighter as to the duty of a man towards his household Paints Oils Glass Etc A W ALLAN G0MPA NEWMARKET applications for electric current Bell Tel Co Card- r Mrs Elizabeth Brown J a will they allow Barker Bros Main Leave Toronto p lW Farm Experiments The members of the Ontario Agri cultural and Union arc pleased to state that for 1011 they are prepared to distribute into every to Oct 1st Township of Ontario material of high I retaking quality for experiments with grains An ace was fodder crops roots grasses and clovl Woodcock re from Brimson and St granted A communication was read from the Bell Tel Co asking permission to open up Main St to carry their under the street their Cen tral Office The matter was referred to the and Bridge Committee Jackson Sec of the Trustee Board Methodist Church asked for a price rent Town Hall for reli gious services from about the 1st of May for some months morning af ternoon and evening every Sunday voice the opinion of the farmers of the Biding Will they stand for and condone this action The is an important one to his con stituents Farmers tell us tliat to will mean of from nun acre auow themselves to he sacrificed and misrepresented for the sake of party by men who dont care a button them after getting their votes lies There is no way to reform a town of that kind New York World THE TRIBUTE s All Winter Lines A ap- Keenest granted per Sunday up and the town to do Hit VffrTUdl the l who realise ft i DA Furnace Work Any person in Ontario may ap ply The material will be furnished in the order in which the I lions are received while the supply lasts All material will he furnish ed entirely free charge to each applicant and the product will of course become the property of the person who conducts tire experiment prcsenleh from expenses in lunatic committed to the goal amounting to and was on mo tion referred to Finance Committee A communication was read from The Toronto News accuses Mr Rob incite of turning a summersault I because he now favors reciprocity while a few months ago he said to the United States- Knock a few of the top rails of the fence before we talk to you The Toronto Star comments thereon as follows The United States have done more knock a few of the top rails oft the fence In tlw case of important farm produce they remove the fence In other cases the top rails arc removed and the fence brought down to Canadian level The j lion demanded by Mr last November more than by soul sped up from the shades of ear tli To the great white light above And a host of angels following Bore tokens of earthly love These said they are the sym- hols By which are he worthy known The goodly honor of mankind The harvest of love long sown Toronto Jobbing House i of Our Specialties Bathroom Outfit at the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS R SONS Write Land Co M Street Brandon regarding Farm Lauds in yirs experience West of pee- Man West Mr Mortimer asking to have a side walk laid on south side of Kim St Referred to St Bridge Com The Mayor and Treasurer were au thorized to carry an overdraft up to at the Bank of Montreal and a similar overdraft at the Bank of Toronto Council adjourned the agreement There were roses and costly lilies From the noblest in the land And blessing and prayers and praises Filled each celestial hand well said the Father kindly Then from out the shining host He beckoned angel Who brought on his lips no boast Now what are these gleaming jewels with modest fears And the angel softly smiling said Lo these arc the childrens tears 4 r SETTLERS TRAINS TO MANITOBA ALBERTA Excursions To Western Canada via Chicago including certain points on Trunk Railway April May 2nd With June July 22nd September Winnipeg and return and re turn MI Tickets good for days Proportionate rates to points in Sas katchewan and Alberta excursion tickets will also Ia on on certain dates via and Jhc Northern Navigation j Company Secure tickets and literature from any Grand Agent or address A Duff District Passenger Agent Toronto The Globe Lightning Rod I Company Hamilton a guarantee for j years with each SASKATCHEWAN only COLONIST RATES I It Special Trains TUESDAY Kites ma KM ItUvf A A Train Cn on fall Train Trains Toronto Jo Vinniptz and West v M Ua Your Evening Methodise Church I act tins pastor complying with the discipline the church preached the annual and it an excellent one- paid a compli ment tut Town in saying was best local option town he had resided In and Ik the third and he believed it was the question of accommodation had been so efficiently settled by the citizens of the place in providing a firstclass temperance hotel m evening was evangelis tic and Very effective Miss and Mr Darker contri buted solos Next morning the pastor exchanges with iuv Alex of toe Christian Church In afternoon there will ie an open session of the In the main auditorium when a and program will Comprising Songs primary exercises recitations public are cordially This prthly last open ses sion of the school In if- present church edifice and It is hoped there be a large attendance March Social Canadian tffneld enklns begs to inform the public that he Is no agent but join I proprietor of the company which Ik backed by a capital of This in the oldest lightning rod firm in Canada We give good for five order If any building with this rod on gets burned by lightning or if any damage is done by lightning without burning we repair ft inside of days This is the only lightning rod company I know of incorporated by the Government Address all orders and communica tions In connection with the lightning rod business to Warren If Jenkins Newmarket TORONTO Seven Rons of Scottish farmers each with to capital arrived in Toronto last week They are looking over the prospects before At an early hour on Friday morn- lasl after a debate extending lover two days the Commons nega tived a resolution moved by the mem ber for a decisive vote of to calling for the appointment of a Royal Commission to investi gate the circumstances surrounding the origin operation and end of the Farmers Hank The member for North pointed out with much force that the Opposition the case against tin- Treasury Hoard all reasonable limits especially when an Investigation was still pending before the courts Then the harps heaven trembled And burst through its arches broad A great white sea of radiant light From the welcoming smile of Alice Martin A IDEAL I write thee upon the 1817 UP CAPITAL ALL PAID REST UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS it I 1114400000 f I Branches at all Important In Canada an London Eag Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description of a Banking INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers the Ontario Bank Branch will be accommodaSs ai heretofore NEWMARKET BRANCH ROSS Ontario tarry on It Is farming taking up land In their Intention to on a large scale It stated that one thousand peo ple were turned on the evening of St Patricks Day from Hall when the Ancient Order Hibernians held their annual con cert Cliff was the guest of the Toronto Press at dinner on the evening of the and delivered an entertaining address After months of labor the Joint Committee of the Methodist Presby terian and Congregational hurches Of Canada has decided upon a coop erative plan to prevent to a large extent overlapping In mission work Mr T died at home on Heath street on Fri day night Headaches Quit lion Mr Provincial somehow or other turns the Cold shoulder when It comes handling dollars and cents Most of the bill he stands sponsor for to regulate Halls Theatres and Cinema tographs Is all right but when hi comes to imposing penalties for vio lations of the Act he makes- a grab for the almighty dollar Sec All penalties recovered under this Act shall he paid to the Trea surer of the Province of Ontario for the use of said Province while at the Same time by another section makes it the duty of local muni cipal officers to enforce- the regula tion Town or officials are to prosecute and the corpora tion has to provide accommodation for holding the Investigation and it appears lo us only natural that said local municipality should have the benefit of the fines hut Mr does nob appear to he built that way bowels condition stomach liver and are in the good in which they prompt use of In CftSf of fire a wet ftllk handker chief tied oyer the nose and mouth is a compete against from smoke In 20c SUFFERED YEARS Till Dr Morses Indian Root hit Kidney Trouble s ore few that cause more acute lofftrinr than Kidney Trouble sad A Thomas of Sudbury Is one of those who know It He writes over three years I from kidney dbeae First thought I had hack for suddenly the pain ijj cmlcTi of my would be Impossible for me to straighten up for minutes dull ie- the always toy urine was thkk and cloudy and It caused a burning scalding fcTrleI but they failed advised to Morses Indian as they had cured my before A few affected t compute cure now enjoy the rood health which Is to this Dont neglect kidney trouble its too as well as too painful That family remedy Morses Indian Root has cured said will cure you It Is effective la constipation indigestion and sick nd In the blood iZc a box at your 10 My motto skits Thy letters a blaze of golden stars They play round thy they gleam in thy crown And no sin nor sorrow thy beauty mars They glow In thy hear of purest gold in Splendor that earth knows not tell of miracles long ago They whisper of wonders that still are wrought My motto up in that orb of light Set with jewels so bright and rare Tonight through a mist of tears I behold thee passing wondrous fair And I long ah I long but to feel thee here lose to my heart In a warm em brace To know that the Clod who hath placed thee there Hath granted me perfect blissful grace Martin Senour Floor Paint Is junk the paint you need to paint those floors you are It on the floor not Try Wall Tints On those that need touching up We tell It in eight different also white It will not rub ofl when dry lbs for 25c To tell thee I know thee and love thee and watch From our dewyClad earth as the day to night fair form dim at first creaslngly bright 1 thou forth in light Thy hut radi- I All thou softly not of the earth must first reach thy height if I wish to behold thy beauty and grace or possess half the glow Where thy message speak In sym bols of gold So upward Ill climb through the dust of the day With thy form In my heart on rny lips thy words given And there where I win thee and feel half thy grace And beauty and power I know it Is heaven Thank morning when you get up that you have something to do that day which must he done whe ther you like It or not llelng forced to work and forced to do your best will breed In you a hundred virtues Which I never know diaries Klngsley frying anything deep have sifter of flour han dy if the fat catches Are sprinkle thickly with Mr save disaster Use On your old furniture ft will make it look like new One Coat of Elastic Floor Finish Applied Spring and Kail will keep yopr Linoleum as good j yeais We have sole agency far the famous Mew It pure If It docs not give perfect sailstootl applied to directions bring back your empty cans and have money refunded I Hardware Newmarket PHONE mm mm ilS Tenders Wanted Scaled tenders will be received Che undersigned up to oclock noon on day of March to supply the Industrial Home for County of York one year with Groceries and Dry Goods Contracts to commence 1st of April Parties to tender for any of the above supplies can obtain blank forms at the homo and got necessary Information in reference to what Is required Parties with whom contracts are to deliver supplies at the Home No lender necessarily accepted J Inspector YEARS JW ST Ar Trade DEsiaua Ac a MCM4 K Wis tot GSrSff st trfi j ARCHIVES OF

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