Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 24 Mar 1911, p. 4

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AT LAST A CURE A Forceful Amendment v Fnilafes Cured He Sajs Mrs Baiter I a helpless cripple from Rheu matism for nearly a year All down the right side the pain was dreadful and I could not move for the agony I was treated by two physicians without hdp I saw advertised The Telegram and decided to try them After I had taken one box I was much better When I had taken three boxes I could use my ann and the pain almost gone After taking five boxes I was entirely well again The cure of my case by was indeed splendid because all the doctors failed to even relieve me cured me Mrs LIZZIE BAXTER a Homx Place Toronto Dec m In the Ontario Legislature on Thursday of last week Hon A Opposition leader moved a striking amendment to Sir James P Whitneys resolution condemning the proposed reciprocity agreement between Canada and the United States His address on this occa sion covered a period of two hours and Toronto papers speak of it as be ing concise and logical presenting a clear insight into existing conditions With unmistakable distinctness he J swept the flood of sophistry Government members had been pour- upon the reciprocity treaty for a week and placed the issue minus Trimmings squarely bo- fore the House It was indeed a masterly and patriotic speech Hen fruit is worth something at BC The Cariboo Observer of March says Eggs are be- corning more plentiful They are now retailing at a dozen in the stores here Two weeks ago they were and SI 50 per dozen Evi dently eggs arc eggs in British Columbia The Only Thing That Will Relieve Neuralgia The piercing pains of Neuralgia which often follows bad cold or La Grippe are frequently almost un bearable and few medicines afford any relief to the sufferer I am a rural mail carrier and have been a user of the Dr Miles medicines for years Dr Miles AntiPain Pills cant be beaten They are the only thing I have found that will relieve my neuralgia and I have tried most everything besides medicine from the doctor I am willing to tell anyone what the AntiPain Pills did forme Charles Hilderbrandt Box Ohio If you like Mr Hilderbrandt have tried most everything in vain why not do as he did fight your aches and pains with Dr Miles AntiPain Pills Let the pills bear the brunt of the battle No matter how stubborn the con test they will come out victorious Dr Miles AntiPain Pills stand on their record which is a long list of cures extending back a Our Montreal generation In hundreds of other cases has given exactly the si me satis factory results because is the greatest blood purifying medicine in the world the famous fruit medicine regulates kidneys liver bowels and skin and prevents Hie accu mulation of uric arid which is the prime cause of Rheumatism will positively cure every case of Rheumatism when taken according to directions a box for or trial si At all dealers or from Limited Ottawa Druggist everywhere Mil them If package fails to btnefit your drug- will return your money WILES MEDICAL CO Toronto Can THE SCHOLAR their In I he Senate last week Sir stated that he had called the attention of the Govern ment to the suggestion thai Chinese women wives of Chinamen in essons hc morrow- da should be permitted to enter this he Country free but it had been as to extend the free list of Chinese admission at the a time pen 1 From our owe Spanning of Joins City to Mainland St Lawrence Route vs Georgian Bay Canal From Our Own Correspondent Montreal March IF the pick and shovel men work as hard when the time comes as the legislators have been doing lately the island of will history even to the present generation Bill after bill is being presented to the Legisla ture at Quebec and charter alter charter is being sought asking for power and authority to build bridges and tunnels across the St Lawrence and the Prairies from the mainland to the island of Montreal Of course the rivers will still be there but if the plans all mature the crossing of them from the island to the mainland will be like crossing the Seine from one district to another of Paris less than seven railways and companies want to get in to the city Two of them would tun nel the river the others would build bridges One of them has conceived the brilliant idea of tunnelling the whole passing under the streets from south to north under Mount Royal and out goodness knows where in one of the back par ishes The are working like marl to obtain the necessary con sent to start work Montreal needs more ways of communication with the mainland to the south of her but it is doubtful if she is- quite ready to go into bridge building and tunnelling wholesale There is something be hind all this activity and excitement which the public as yet- has not been able to fathom COP LIVER OIL is more than a medicine as it is a decided nu tritive agent so that it may be considered a food medicine it haying he peculiar advantage of readily entering into the system and assimilated And a clothes herself she softly chatters Four and two and six ten WANTED NOW for NEWMARKET and sur rounding country for the Fall and Winter months a reliable AGENT to take orders for northern Stock Pay weekly of beautiful outfit free We guarantee strictly hardy stock delivered in prime condition We grow FallSelling Special ties only by ourselves on which there no It to cell for a reliable firm Established years- Write for particulars PORT ELGIN NURSERY Port Elgin Ontario nyT tons of being the United States How she pores tons land it Germany and Which are just now I The real fact is that the Then the beelike droning The Pittsburg Dispatch rises to re- mark In the world produced J In her quiet little corner studious frown above those pages down Toning ceases WW tons credited to the United I beg little wren States is the product of Canadian For a kiss get this answer mines but was refined in the States Four and two and six and ten Ontario ought to have a refln- I cry is busy playmate- Pussy looks with blinking eyes The Minister of Agriculture will I in the corner much to his surprise Agriculture will comply with the views expressed tin Associated Pairs Association and Then she holds the Though he mews book before a protest then l is teaching puss the lesson he alien- an two and si and t than en s introduce a bill in the Legislature to insure fall fairs where dance has been much usual through rainy weatherthat is Jin the tranquil hush of bedtime the happens before p When the goodnight kisses fall on any play and the receipts have From her lonely little corner been less than the average for the My wee scholar then call previous three years the Society will And I how much she loves me be entitled to receive a grant equal Press her sweet lips onCe to onehalf the difference provided Then she hugs me while she this does not exceed Mr losrph registrar of York Surrogate Court passed away at an early hour on Saturday morning jn his lie was a member Four and two and six and f- ten of the City Council in and in was as one of the three h TO NEW ire of Toronto to the Ontario House He was appointed Registrar of the Surrogate Court years ago Deceased was a of the Central The Surrogate Registrar is an of the ludicjal County York and as a city man held it last it is only right that the new Registrar should AMoxr in he course of his thirteen years as a missionary in the Fiji Islands the Rev Joseph learned a good about even somr- of his colleagues kill ed ami eaten It Is a common Greenhouses 8t J For St Patricks Day SHAMROCK the real thing nice pots cents lie a fount man with the Mr Lennox Whats the mat- lake io think that these men eat of Newmarket of lie says Cannibalism is their rehVJoii The ovens of ihe temple where they Ward Four cook their sacrifices are never held an enthusiastic meeting last or any oilier Monday night were tl rapture of a while by Messrs Robinetlc was surrounds bound hand Kc Kerr w 1 OReilly fool dragged along to flic laeob MPP others he was dashed with Mr commenced his address fore against the altar Thru reading the message was pushed inside the while the arranged as to the from Sir flirty not will We have Carnations the farmer and the consumer When they Sweet Peas the time comes we will sweep An I Primrose Primula- Blocks J country from the Atlantic to the Pa- acintht Per etc Funerals arid Wedding work a specialty 135 I hurt the manufacturer and we of body and began war not do We have benefitted hideous was dance lie call ft makes sea d the Vila rids said The speaker thought this if message from Sir Wilfrid was not ex- dance ft look aggeratcd Quebec and the of him time provinces were firm Alberta u uc supreme and wvr solid The ftVOld among savages My colleague Liberals would win in and lie would- be was murdered cooked and more than surprised 111 For cleaning boot a strip of car- if Impression wen not made in fit pet 0ued to piece wood will rt Ontario The two stock move mud from lots very quickly the he saldlt Wj and without slightest injur annexation and let j A the bather and Is much better thairNell alone had lftl such as potato I leaves should at th back ftps ity burn well and Have coal if your table found to he damp mix a cornflour run the course A couple Provincial constables made an important discovery at Kelso wain days ago respecting method of liquors the mining dis tricts up north made it to locate the contraband I to kin himself therefore he to kin and act accordingly Chicago with it you fill the cellars you 1 My Man report says and Powell were making HK WAS AN AfrmilBT In the course of her first call upon of her husbands of Phase of Waterways Pro jects Heretofore Montreal has been look ed upon as a unanimous champion of the Georgian Ray canal project so that it was with some surprise that the plans outlined by Mr Henry the for the de velopment of Canadas waterways were received so heartily Mr gate asserts that if the present St Lawrence route were improved as it would bo quite possible- to im prove It it would prove so much su perior to the Georgian Hay Canal route as to render the consideration of that vast project entirely super fluous For many years said Mr the Improvement of the St Lawrence canal system has been dis cussed but not in such a way as to produce definite conclusions No com prehensive estimates and surveys hare been made so as to determine the practicability of increasing the capa city of this route to Montreal on such a scale as for the Georgian Hay anal with locks MO ft long It wide and a minimum of feet of water on the sill I think he time has come when such a study of the St should be made and this before we commit ourselves In heavy expenditures on existing route Mr made incidental references to the proposed develop- merit of power at Long Rapids saying that the idea of canalising the river maintaining the naviga tion channel in the river and erect- arid i dams below the Various rapids had tin- of engineers for many years ON BOOM Despite the that reciprocity does not stand a of being settled one or the other for Some time to Come Canadian Indus- i tries are booming and there is a of the utmost confidence the atmosphere breathed by how who have money up in Cana dian industrial securities The se vere depressions which have prevail ed during the past twelve mouths in such staples cement iron and are now lilting and legitimate business Is getting back to a normal basis The Amalgamated Asbestos Corporation for instance whose an nual meeting was held last week give good times by an nouncing that although the out put front the mills during the past sea- was large with a lessening of the cost ol production this year due to the adoption of newer methods and with more activity in the trade this coming season ofwhich signs are now apparent the results of the com ing year will show great improve ment An syndicate has pur chased Treasury this company So that the corpora tion now has the same working cap ital as at the commencement its operations Shareholders in this and other Industrial companies have great It may be employed with good results in almost all chronic cases in which there is impartial assimilation and malnutrition Hits Br RBI Bias sag gil Canadian Express Company Baggage to and from trains handled with despatch i7jseijibu9agai3aitisgggi m The Joy of Salvation While nature was sinking in silence to rest The last of daylight shone dim in the west Oer fields by pale moonbeams in lovely retreat In deep meditation there wandered feet While passing garden I paused for to hear A voice faint and faltering from one that was near The Voice of the stranger affected my heart While pleading in anguish the poor sinners part- I wept to behold him and asked his name He answered iis Jesus heaven I came am the Redeemer for thee I die The cup is most hitter hut cannot pass by The cause of his trouble to hear him repeat Affected my heart and I fell at his feet He smiled when he saw me and said to me Live Thy sins which are many I freely forgive Hi the moment he hid I was happy rejoice Ills smiles oh how pleasant how charming his voice Hew from the garden to spread it abroad Shouted Salvation oh to I hat WOMANS MICE TO WOMEN TAKE PO your A them I felt lrtUr I at 1 fcx I km better have been for I a ft left I stronyadvitt all who rA try PHL5 MM of ilyhl here in owe health their tad Vigor MUX will care Kidney izA Trouble DO i write lot i itt of d them do Use regular bom it to Relief ffauonal Drue young Mrs dray spoke his generous Spirit enquiries at the Kelso station and M lmay I she said proudly J he an altruist said hos tess with mild surprise from the probably Co A Toronto slatted examining some frxpremv par Kf eels which were being shipped to the j country They came across a hotter box and When they tried to lift It became on account of its weight I hey shook it but hear no liquor rattling Inside the oil they were surprised to w that It con tittr Hut it felt too for butter They took and found that butter was la three Inches thick Th- bottles were nicely packed In the and in otter to keep them from rattling they were packed in lard the- Investigation to the of another box Identically similar containing eleven bottles of j whiskey Another seizure also was I made A barrel of apples felt With 1 OH ard there sure enough apples fin the lower cover was and applet still were there Bui when if officers took a fctavc barrel four1 several IMtlea of nicely the centre of the barrel covered with straw canvas I thought lone of Irs voice he wan a A Woman Beautiful llnlr A hair will it and teed by Today every radiant hair Why Is ever on Wjc alert to chase the Band ruff germ Tonic fcure and certain death to the Is the reliable will lb There Is no why any should fall to take advantage of this Offer have confidence In that are pre pared to refund the Cost of name fifty to wy oca not with It A large for 0 cents at Store and your money if it does give is rolling The day of bright glory around descending the trumpet shall sound My soul then in rapture in glory shall And dwell with that Saviour with unclouded eyes To remove iron rust wet spots with salt and lemon juice hold the I material over the steam ol a teaket tle and then pub out in sun Carles Barry an employee of the Tanning Co met with a serious accident on Thursday while operating a machine used for taking hair from the hides His right arm wins caught in machinery and was mangled so that the limb had to be taken off at the shoulder castor A For The Ym Photographs Newmarket I confident In the future no matter what the political atpct may be On the whole Industrial stocks and bonds have never been looked upon more favorably than now The I Burns I id of Calgary the great and packers of the West have Just made a million dollar bond Issue through Dominion liew They are being snapped up In record time even beating the old record by thin same firm a year or so ago for disponing of Its The Bell Telephone Is another In dustrial making a new bond and Company of Boston and Securities Corporation Limited of Montreal have purchased 1250 000 five per cent of this company Like of the Bell Telephone are dud An t of the company which according to the last annual report were Home tiling over rcventm million dollars Such an Ik looked upon by the banks and Insurance com panic a about an nearly gilt edged an can be and art quickly taken up The proceed of this it Ik will bo Used for the growth and extortion of the com panys business generally fiend the BRA to abteot Children FOR FLETCHERS R I A because Psychine SitCeen ment Read is its own this offer best advertise- 1 l I r a V You know the Sua- of the body We undoubtedly buy and of everybody and everything germ of that trlbcte in manner or They well at one time In to the body thousand- of bottles their career then they to come A third of a century ago to a rail stop was compounded of certain And we do that to show our entire Juat of that unhappy Since that time it has cured ban- confidence in this wonderful prep- trust that that won for them of thousand ration I iut l Ihce- A that has been based on every one distrust and dislike them herbs that science now builds our years experience with toll Now youre not a up and strengthens the white splendid preparation with a know- Only about one per cent of the people of the blood the Phagocytes ledge of the hundreds of thousands of are feel sure that you have an open receptive mind one that Is anxious to learn more to advance And to you we nay that you owe It to your own best Judgment to- try If you have any of these ailments dont be a knowitall It wont pay you something at our expense fill Out the Coupon and mall to It has made now then corn to a certain epoch Id medicine when think advance or lav Throat A Mil ndlKtitlon KiMpiMWpU Trouble Coughs Weak Weak Voire loiii Sweats of PISUIW possible Then some one cornea along and the whole school of medicine Is overturned new and apparently Indisputable theor ies all good all progressive the progress of medicine we some- times discover new values In old Wk t ask you to our vord for the tremendously beneficial of Kill out coupon tain I J tain herbs to euro disease for And reason they cure Is that him regular retail for a they increase and strengthen the white bottle of to be corpuscles of the blood the you free of coat COUPON No 7 To Dr T A Ave I offer to irj W of Btkeen at I have I- a r lvio my to deliver tome My Town fltreet Mr and coupon not for Wc bottle of If presented to It must be Kent us we then buy the Wo bottle of from jour and direct to deliver It to you This offer may bo withdrawn any time without notice Bend ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO

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