Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 24 Mar 1911, p. 1

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Watch Repairing GIVES SATISFACTION All Work Warranted WATSONS Jewelry in more home news every week than any two other papers in York combined and is acknowledged to be the Leading County Paper TBRHSll25 per annum it paid in advance to the United States No Paper sent outside of North York unless paid In advance I ii to SEE WINDOW TC JEWELRY STORE mm iA Minn JACKSON Editor and Proprietor JACKSON AssistiatEditor N O Friday March No Single Copies each in The Sap Season in on Do not delay lapping Get ail the fcage of the fi rat run Its possible you will need a few extra buckets or spiles pails skimmers etc Our Stock is complete West Goods Throughout Try a few of the Warner Sap Spouts made of Mai Iron tinned By actual test they run 3 drops to the old styles one BOILING PANS STRAIGHT TIN BUCKETS BUCKETS FACTORY MADE Oar Toronto Letter Quite a large percentage of acci dents from street cars colliding with teamsters rigs is the disposition of those in charge not to give heed to the gong Some of the teamster do the delay business Stray Sketches SPRING AGO out of pure A I THING PHONE H A PLUMBING NEWMARKET THE Assets Biases a specialty of col lecting Sale Notts if de sired will at lowest rate BRANCH FIELD MANAGER By Cress The Ides of mar a spe cial epoch of life in the country Then it is that the sun in his north- ward journey gains strength and to be punished instead of the the days lengthen and King motorman relents and the snow almost The Option bylaw election imperceptibly disappears south- in County of Middlesex slopes and at the base of trees was dismissed because it was hehl at mosses and litchens and withered a beyond that fixed by bylaw leaves and stems of flowers are and because only one notice was covered and with exuberant delight posted up instead of four of the welcomed these portents of ing d Lost through stupidity turning Spring with its wealth About postal cards haying fervid life its verdant grasses its more or less of the green tinge pass- lovely flowers and expanding foliage through the city postoffice on St Then a little later on with the still Patricks Day further lengthening of daylight and Action was brought to compel the when the fields were well nigh bore Metropolitan to doubletrack the line some bright sunny morning our out past the cemeteries The Muni- eyes and ears were gladdened by the Board reported they had no returning presence and full rich to make such an order The of Robins and Grass Linnets Company agreement with the County that girls and boys coun- allowed one track The try bred and living so much in Gods ty agreement stands great and beautiful outdoors very The Zoo is to have the much more appreciate the charms addition of two grizzly bears It and beauties of nature than those will cost to catch and bring circumscribed by limitations of bring them from Yellowstone Nation- City life and surroundings Park Wyoming Then came the time of sugar-mak- A woman about years of age tug and can hear the metallic carrying an infant less than two clear musical sound of the tapping weeks old and a valise entered the of the maples In earlier days there hotel at the corner of King and were no metal vessels for receiving Church streets on Tuesday evening the sap as it flowed from the trees- seeking accommodations for the night but instead wooden troughs hewn and Next morning when the maid opened fashioned from trunks of pint or tam- door the woman and valise had trees cleft in two How nearly disappeared hut the infant Was all these earlier substitutes and con- sleeping on the bed have been supplanted by On a charge of attempt to rob a modern innovation This utilitarian Chinaman and assault custom of sugar and syrup making Smith was arrested on Tuesday still survives to a limited extent and Something has gone wrong with here and there a maple grove has Big Ben in the City Mall Tower been spared How lovingly I recall passing wandering through the woods in quest of early Spring flowers and how often and often have I returned laden with bountiful bouquets of Trailing Arbutus and Violets and many a time have gathered these while banks of snow still lingered here and there in the early settler The electric car and telephone and free letter deliv ery are within the reach of measur able distance of every household and other luxuries of our modern civilization is fast becoming foe pos session of our people I often won der if we who inherit the results of the toil and privations yet splendid heroism and perseverance of our pro genitors hold them sufficiently in grateful remembrance For Falling Hair YOU RUN NO RISK WHEN YOU USE THIS REMEDY We promise you that if your hair is falling out and you have not let it go too far you can repair the damage already done by using 93 Hair Tonic with persistency and regularity for a reasonable length of time- It is a scientific cleansing antiseptic pre paration that destroys microbes stimulates good circulation around the hair roots promotes hair nourishment removes dandruff and restores hair health It is as pleas ant to use as pure water and it is delicately perfumed It is a real toilet necessity We want to try Hair Tonic with our promise- that it will cost you nothing unless you are perfectly satisfied with its use It comes in two sizes prices and Remember you can ob tain Remedies in this com munity only at our store The Store Drug Store Ontario lie South End Lumber Yard HIM FULL WQH It refuses to sound forth the hours One day last week George White refused to respond to the call of a summons as a witness in Chief Jus tice court but a bench war- rent soon hustled the delinquent to the Court House White said he was not served The man who presented shaded places the summons told the Court that Then too there was the Spring White refused to take the paper and a perennial source of he laid it on a sofa near him Sir every recurring season thereupon lined White 110 the temperature rose for contempt of court or ten days in jail White then gave his evidence and did so fully and clearly that the Judge remitted floe but gave trim a good dose of caution for fu ture guidance The Assize fury awarded Mrs ice for damages in her action against Street- Railway Co She received injuries by thrown from a moving ear the ice in c I tea the streams became swollen and the fields gradually dried and operations for Spring seeding began What country boy is there that has not pressed into service these roadside rivulets for turning miniature waterwheels and tiny mills with wooden saws I am in cline to doubt if our people hall the charm recurrent seasons 1 Craig P W YOUR YARD GETS MUDDY PEARSON SOLI- AGENTS Phone RfKKSFRKD BOWSER AMD BISHOP OUR NEW SPRING GOODS try of mm folk gbt material fust now Right Materials for Just Now it a Mf want it to tailor will faultless Al call Is WILLIS PHONE 160 NEWMARKET WAIN Mr gus was chosen Master last week During the past week tile first gold bar from the Porcupine Gold Mine Co was placid on exhibition in Mic keys window street It weighs about lbs 11 os and is valued at Last week a fire i on and variety of our Perhaps of the of Mir- four seasons Spring is most fondly of the anticipated With the shortening days of autumn and life stealthy advance of the long winter with its continued cold and snow and storm with leafless trees and snowclad Held and forest with all vegetation hyhcrnaling with no 1 of bird it is not singular we look forward to the coming St north did about spring with peculiar pleasure damage to the home Frank Spring is not alone for the that of Hut changeless warmth flowering were In many yf r Rough Lumber and Inside Trim JArjUinfj for Trim GOAL I merit and full appreciation youth for both old and young revel in its expanding life and eternal charm It was my privilege to spend a winter In Southern California In the midst of orange lemon olive and almond gloves and with the perennial bloom of flowers and fadeless respects charming- yet to me accus tomed to these higher latitudes it was to monotonous and so I return ed to my be love Canada with great er admiration and appreciation of round of seasons rtvl til their cold and heat Spring and Summer Autumn and Winter Spring work began In real earnest when the time arrived for sowing grain ami planting root Crops Primitive farm implements were in evidence In the days of early Kelt lenient A yoke of oxen was a great treasure horses coming later and on yoke would perform killed by autocars I he- Spring work of a number of set tlers On new soil ploughing was dispensed with the first season all being done by a crude harrow fashioned from the triangular of a tree Hut with all these and privations progress was made and a sturdy race men and women plodded along with relent- evangelistic campaign with energy and laid the foundation of Christ Ave Strong and reliant community the way Tory papers are which today is widening out Into a punching Howell and vigorous and splendid nationhood guess hey Aftr the Seeding and planting were must think one of these gentlemen another strip may possrlly he selected as successor attacked for clearing to the Minister of Justice when he ready for the next seasons Sttps down and out vividly recall huge heaps of A very decided panic was created on a crowded car on Street near the jail by the falling of trie overhead trolley wire and the con sequent burning out of the car motor The Sputtering obstructions caused a wild scramble for the car door One child was considerably hurt by falling from the car Abbott has missing some days from his home in dale A reward of 1 Is offered for information to where he may he found Typhoid ir Causing home alarm Water is bad Toronto had cases of typhoid in February and the first half of March About wild squirrels have Men turned looe in Central Park the of Mrs A i Smith were captured down in he past fc our years more than squirrels In Park Mrs Smith is a lover of squirrels and regular feeds them TWO hundred people vent on Saturday on I hi bowlers excursion I he wellknown evangelist Mr I Campbell from Detroit Mich hah secured for a two weeks of forest was and making ready fry r A W H EVES If IM tXiM OWL piled at convenient Ontario Governments majority retfdy for the firing consumed In the legislature on a resolution millions upon millions of feet of against reciprocity Was eleven less prime lumber and were It available than the normal Government today would far the clear- Jed land from which it was taken Hut at that time there was no mar ket or In fact demand for lumber and the Inexorable exigencies of the set tlers forced him to cut and burn the limber so that the cleared land could be Used for crops Many Springs have merged Into Summer Hummers Into Autumn and Autumn Into Winter the days of these happenings The rude log dwellings have been replaced by beautiful hornet trolling forms clean and well- filled are In the piste of former Stump and rough field of The four yearold son of Frank Steele of wan drowned In a swiftly flowing creek on his fathers farm On Monday the hoy WAS Crossing to the barn when broke under him the Strong cur rent carried him under The body wan found by his mother and grand father about an hour later Mr A bill to enable Hospitals to compel outside munici palities to pay for indigent patients which they send has been given the goby for this year The bill the Toronto Suburban Railway so far as the extension of their line to Hamilton Hespeler and Gait is concerned has been with drawn As passed by Railway Com mittee the bill authorizes extensions from to Milton and Acton only Mr Duff has presented a bill before the Legislature authorizing County Councils to pass bylaws for acquir ing lands for purposes for planting land so acyruired and pro tecting the same and for issuing de bentures for the purchase of such lands to the amount of The bylaw must have the sanction of the Minister of Agriculture Hon Mr has a bill before the House to amend the Public Health Act It provides for sani tary precautions to be taken at Sum mer Resorts and upon boats plying upon inland waters of Ontario Sew erage or water supply of Health or Summer Resorts must have the ap proval of the Provincial Board of Health Local Boards of Health to puissances at expense of occu pants or owners where they neglect to do so YEARS AGO From Mar 29 Tne firm of Simpson and Trent fig ure largely among the new advertis ers this week Whitchurch Township Ag Society announces Spring Show and Plow ing Match on the 24th of April The P for North York has a bill before the Legislature providing for the continuation of a survey In the Township King County Board of Magistrates at its last meeting passed a resolu tion as follows That it is essen tially necessary for the interests of the United Counties of York and Peel that they should at once be separat ed from the City of Toronto for judi cial purposes as the present- union entails a heavy unequal burthen on these United Counties The separ ation has not yet taken place but the same unequal burthens con tinue Ed Samuel was appointed Assessor in place of Stephen Webster the latter being disqualified A special tax of per annum was placed upon dogs at the last meeting of Council A J mm ia Laurier on Reciprocity We shall go on with our policy Our policy is to advance and if it be wrong we shall submit willingly to the judgment of the Canadian peo ple and to the punishment which ought to be given every man who brings in a wrong policy But this is our policy Our policy has been is and will be so long as the Cana dian people continue to place in us the confidence they have shown us during fifteen years to seek markets wherever markets are to be found We arc above all an agricultural peo ple our chief wealth is the growth of those products of the temperate Zone fruits cereals and vegetables and it is our boast but a boast founded on actual experience that in cereals vegetables and fruits we can without exaggeration beat the world Cheers At the northern extremity ol the temperate zone our cereals have more strength our fruit has Utter Savor our vegetables have more delicacy than similar pro ductions from other parts of world and under free competition not barred in any way by tariff legis lation they will displace all other products on the tables of the wealthy Our object today i- to open the door of the American market to op en the door of a nation no 000 which has been closed to us for the last fifty years and when we an now on the eve of reaching that lotig- object we are met by objec tions after objection we are deluged by a plethora Of sophism we are told that if such an arrangement is to go Into effect and Canadian vegetables cereal and fruits can cross the boundary line and be eaten free 1 Hon Mr has a hill- prohibiting the sale of certain weapons such as bowieknives dirks daggers metal knuckles skullcrackers slugshots revolvers pistols or airguns to any person other than one holding a cer tificate issued under section of the Criminal Code or being under years of age Peace officers are also empowered to search for prohibited weapons- One case Why Do Children Like Z am- Buk A CHAT WITH MOTHERS Whenever my children any sore places cuts or skin troubles they ask for They can al ways depend upon it doing what is needed So says Mrs A Alee of Chat ham Street Montreal A missionary writing from West Coast of Africa says boy who was treated for a bad of ulcer came back recently and said I best that green medicine The green medicine was Sow why should children all the world over how such a marked preference for Children like am because as soon as applied to a burn cut or a sore it stops the pain and then gradually hut surely it heals As Soon as the pain of a wound or sore is relieved a child can go On with its play and leave to finish oil the healing Mothers might look more deeply into the action of First it is highly antiseptic As soon as applied it stops all danger of of festering bloodpoisoning and 25 YEARS AGO From March A bill was presented to the Onta rio House this week to place frogs on the protected game and fish list but the House would not stand for it Holland Landing protested Mr Sep Nash was in Town this week an a visit to his father who Ik slowly recovering from his accident Mr Vance left on Mon- for Maine accepting a pastoral call from that State This makes the sixth son of Rev C the Rev Conducted the funeral service at the obsequies of fate Mrs Reuben Robinson last Friday The pallbearers were Hughes A I Jackson and J Pearson Recently Mrs Morton of was made the recipient of a handsome set of china prewnt- by Mr Jos Two conductors on the railway arc aid oft this week Messrs pirn and Wallace owing l illness Messrs Bennett and have taken their places Miss of King is visit ing with Mrs Joseph lift week Miss Alice Knight of Toronto was Visiting in town week Mr Fred of Detroit is visit ing relatives here at present S a I A Shocking Accident duty of the American people It will he all over with the Canadian Con federation and even the British will reel and rock upon its foundations Cheers Sir Wilfrid in House of Commons Fire in March An explosion In the cellar of Mr J hardware store at oclock this af ternoon was responsible for a 117- fire Mr Hamhly nephew of the pro prietor was very badly burned about the head by the explosion Thcrei Ik insurance on Stock and on the building The latter will cover damage hut the loss on stock Is 1 mated at mation Second it Is soothing It cools the wound or sore allays the irritation stops the pain and smart ing Then thirdly it stimulates the cells beneath the injured part to healthy action and causes the speedy creation of new healthy tissues Just try for cuts or or cold sores or eczema ul cers rashes bad leg piles varicose Ulcers or any condition of tin Seldom has the community been shocked as it was by the awfully sud den death of Mr William Dunn a resident of for sixtythree years He had been building a house for Dr Porter of dur ing the winter and came to town on Friday morning with the intention of looking into some proposed alter ations at the Asylum During the day he called upon several old jquaintences He was looking parti cularly well and was in excellent spirits evidently enjoying to the full opportunity of a day off amidst the scenes and faces After eight oclock in the evening he left the drug store of his brotherinlaw Ml I I inflamed jo diseased I saying that hi skin Its effect will Proposed returning to WaubaiishciK the satisfy you All druggists and stores box or free from Buk Co Toronto for price Refuse harmful imitations and Cheap worth less substitutes a KNKW You Take No Risk OUR REPUTATION AM MONEY IS HACK OF THIS We pay for all the medicine used during the trial if our remedy fails to completely relieve you of constipa tion We take all till risk Vou arc- not obligated to US in any way what ever If you accept our offer Could anything be more fair for you Is there any reason why you hesitate to put our claims to a prac tical test The most scientific commonsense treatment is Orderlies which are eaten like candy They are very pronounced gentle and pleasant In and particularly agreeable In every way They do not diarrhoea nausea flatulence griping or any inconvenience whatever Rex Orderlies are particularly good for children aged and delicate per sons We urge you to try Orderlies at our Two sizes and Remember you can get Retail Re medies In this community on at our store The Rexall Store tons Drug Store A Highlander who lived not very far from Balmoral tent two beautiful collies us a present lo Victoria itainedOriilaPacket who knew him well having by tlH nine oclock train A short time after he was carried into the same place unconscious breathed a few times and was dead He had gone upstairs in the Mulcahy block for what purpose is not presently known and in the darkness had fall en from the top to the bottom alighting on 1 pavement The of the skull behind the right ear was fractured his left arm broken in three places and other injuries driven past his house and once or twice Stopped to speak to him and his wife The Queen not Collies hut lefld the donor that if he ever found his way to London when was at Windsor he was to call and sec her As It happened ho had to go to London soon after So ho went and asked John Brown whom he and who had heard what the Queen said to him John Brown let tho Queen know that Highland friend of collies Was waiting and was told to bring him in Parisian Sage WILL GROW MORI- HAIR Parisian Sage will stop falling hair In two weekscure dandrufl in the same time and stop scalp itch at once It makes the hair soft silky and luxuriant AS A IJAIR Parisian Sage is without peer It contains nothing that can harm the hair it Is not sticky oily or greasy I and prevents as well as cures diseases to speak Mm and madam He to post him In the i to be told Mm not Wornon and children by the thou- until the spoke to to be sure always to say n MONKV BACK IP IT FAILS The Highlander was then ushered Druggists and stores everywhere Into tho presence of the Queen guarantee Parisian Sage and will rtxvived Mm kindly and asked fund your money ifit falls Ask drug- about family But when she bo- gist J Patterson what he thinks to the collies and say what of It He sells it at per large favorites they had become and bottle or you can secure it by mail kind of htm It to send them to postpaid from Manufacturing her tie delighted mountaineer forgot Co Fort Erie See that the his instructions and exclaimed heart- j Girl with the Auburn Hair is on each My Toots woman package Sold and guaranteed by collies you and I I J Patterson its C mm Am uiwtrc

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