IDED i By Vegetable Compound roc to Que Without Vegetable Compound I would not be alive For five month I had painful and Stern of Toronto is J j spending a few days with Mrs John- i and the beat doc tors I must submit to an oper ation because I had a tumor I went back home much discouraged One of my cousins advised me to take your Compound as it had cured her I did to commenced to feel better and my appetite came back with the first bottle Now I feel no pain and am cored Your remedy is deserving of praise Mrs Emma Quebec An oilier Operation Avoided sonEgan Master Wells Archibald son of Mr Edward Archibald is laid up with Mr Allison is moving onto- Mr Mark farm A surprise party went to Mr p Fergusons last Friday and all joyed themselves till the wee sma nothing for j of the morning went to a hospital Mr Johnson a party to the young folks around in honour of Miss Stern All report haying a good time CLEARCUT AND CO CING SPEECH regular periods and inflammation of the I suf fered like a martyr and thought often of death I con sulted two doctors who could do FICIT OF 5533 machine in a large factory and got aj Mr George Sampson who has conducted a harness business here for some years sold out last Tues day Mr Arthur Snider met with a se vere accident on Friday last which will lay him up for some weeks He I run a sewing f skating on the rink when he fell rundown I had to give up work for I Continued from last week I Johnson of the line namely Loyalty is the last refuse of a scoundrel Of course such a remark would not apply to any honorable gentleman in this House but the statement is absolutely true Loyalty is too often dragged in as a cover or a cloak where and reasoning fail- May I be allowed Sir to address an ad to the Honorable the Provincial Treasurer Suppose he has a horse to sell and a purchaser for he British market offers A purehaer for the American market of fers Which will he accept extra his face by the buyer from the American market I venture to jay it will be a case of Now you see it and now you dont see it The larger price would be accepted I desire Sir to use could not stand the pains in my back The doctor said I needed an operation for womb trouble but Pink- hams Vegetable Compound did more me than the doctors did I have gained five pounds I hope that every one who suffering from female trouble nervousness and backache will the Compound I owe my thanks to MrsPintham She is the working girls friend for health and all women who suffer should write to her and take her advice Miss Thirty years of unparalleled success confirms the power of Vegetable Compound to cure female diseases New Houses fracturing his left leg just above the I MM illustration to make the point that by accepting the larger price the Honorable Provincial The last carnival of the season wouJ rid last Friday evening if he Our King hockey team went to defeat at on evening ale Enquire Bath in connection Prospect Ave OAK RIDGES I A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr and Mrs James Stewart and family Thursday evening the occasion being their Silver Wed ding About relatives and inti mate friends were present from To ronto Winnipeg Newmarket Aurora Richmond Hill and other places- Although the house was crowded there was no confusion and everybody was made to feel perfectly pre him from receiving the greater price Canny Sept thai he is he would be belter pleased to receive the larger price and let say Sir that con tentment with til a lot and ones en vironment produces nay twin sis ter to loyally and discontent with conditions iiicjuiftng trade relations produces disloyally nay is twin sis ter to disloyalty If a man is pros perous if In- satisfied with con ditions including trade relationa if he is satisfied thin they give fair play he will he contested and If contented he will not be contented with such conditions and trade relations but naturally contented with and loyal to the national flag that guaran tees him inch repeat Sir that relations help to mako a mans New Brick House Sale with all modern conveni ences also a number of choice build tag lots Apply to at home Members of the re ceived the guests little Miss Dorothy as- attended the door and Master be the more loyal Further then Two Houses for Sale In location in Town Apply to ROBERTSON House tor Sale New Brick on Millard Are Conveniences V ft Cape I All Box Mi Arthur Hutchinson showed the visit ors to the rooms A sumptuous supper of roast fowl and all the j seasonable delicacies was served in the spacious dining room after a toast to the Bride and Jroom was proposed by Mr Cane Mr Stewart responded in veil- chosen words extended a warm v to all and gave Hie freedom of the house Iter Walter Amos referred to the sterling poli ties of the host and hostess es teem in which every member of the family is held in the community and expressed his regret that iiey arc leaving the old home although SALE Wood in any form to suit the purchaser Must be Bold I he Um bel the Parly farm Apply to W ARMSTRONG For Sale After a rt- in music New Brick louse corner Ave an Kim St also house oo Kim St to MBS SCOTT The Cedars have new House for Sale in Strict brick room domestic water good jfarden on easy terms New House for Sale Timothy Street with furnace also bath electric connec tions made Possession immediate ly Apply to COLLINS Box Newmarket Home oh Main For Sale ihf late A House soft and tic lot garden with lot of small Iron Apply W or If A IVaOcci To- House for Sale street The On a roughcast with barn with fctoi fciable- hard wA wft water of of planted with fruit trees apply adjoining L Engines for I Wanted Second Mill Apply to St moving only a few miles few remarks Mr an old friend of the tired to the drawing room pleasant evening was spent games and social I he host and were the reioents of many beautiful and useful prevJiH Liberal AURORA Three cases of scarlet fevir been reported in and the lies have been quarantined Mr has Thorn is gelling material on the ground for his house on Temperance street south Asa and Mrs Cor don- of Ottawa an Conducting evan gelistic in the church The Aurora an oyster in the Town on Wednesday evening A good pro gram of and was A number of Mr I friends gave him a pleasant surprise in the shape of a parti Friday evening last Mr has confined hi home for the pa two- weeks a broken ankle by a hale hay falling on it and his friends dropped cheer him up Mr Aaron lark of place re ceived die very sad Ills son Arthur lark who accl- killed by a train in March lie was llngfor the Art Firm of Hamilton Arthur Clark was form erly this place and will be brought here for burial evening I Hell and another got loaded and going down street vithoui any voca tion struck a causing to Immediately Constable place them arrest when a followed tiny lodged in tle cell The latter who has not allowed later by hie Monday lie Justices and and let go on payment of was of being under the Influence liquor while ard of assaulting a while duty fhe latter an Indictable ofhie he was com mitted to appear at the Session A happy took place on WRITE TO- DAY for our of our art tow WOO each We place large of in good positions every us educate for better WE HOW all year Hot BUSINESS Alexander Jitt TORONTO A Mew Dump March at the home of Mr and Mrs William when their daughter Theresa wax united in marriage to Mr Charles Government en of Manitoba The ceremony was performed by Monro- of the Christian Church t Christ- The who wore a handsome gown of overlaid with and carried a large boo net of bridal row Man giwn by father After thcceremony and tUrs a collation was served at the close of which MpeeCftes toasts I be happy couple were indulged In Amid showers of rice Confetti j the bridal part departed or the fcouth bound car the bride wearing a blue tailored travelling suit Then- in the last analysis ihe ideation of a reciprocal agreement cornea down to a Straight queation of business pure and dimple If Sir trade with our Amer ican cousins tended to make Cana dians and to make Old Glory float over this whole continent wonder Sir that we did not long ago become disloyal and that Old Glory not already Hying over Can ada Look at the of our with the United States For the year ending March we hjppl in value time- many horse to j the United States a we did to Britain of as many of poultry about many of twenty per nlore of oats a greater quantity about GO per cent more and so on with a list of produce that might be named if then trie argument of the honorable gentleman true our farm- era nay our dairymen who worth of enam last year by time have their pretty well It not fair to any man in Canada it is an insult to his intel ligence to tli him that it will make him disloyal if he follow that law Implanted in him by God and nature which it part of the warp and woof of hio very existence namely that he has a right to bell in the dearest and buy in the cheapest rnarketThis fcr ih a law of the human race and it is an insult to the intelligence of any or any people to prac tically tell them they are disloyal if they to follow that law Ah well at once argue that if a man a horse across the line he must ship hit nationality with it Generally pea king the parties that are loudest in preaching he doctrine that every mans loyalty he affected if lwel to trade with his neighbors will be found at- a matter of fact be directly or indirectly Interested In trading with that very neighbor have already clearly Kir that both political parties from lime to time lines I860 down to the prent date endeavored to make better trade relation with our neighbors to the A and yet no truer were ever in IhlH than the two leader of the who secure trade relatione the unbias ed historian comes writ the history of Canada and when through the lapse of time he will have a better perspective he will give an outstand ing place two Premiers thin Dom inion both of whom sought wider arid trade relation with the great nation the south of us and both of whom were to the cor- The names of two goat stand distinctly out two men who by different methods means did much to make and eon- two men who ought in a similar way endeavor it was to Obtain larger markets for the of l soil to make a more more profperou- a morn Contented people her- two names none other than those of lata Hon John A and the lion Wilfrid luurferf The British Preference ihe anxiety of honor able gentlemen opposite to the loy alty of their Is in strange contrast to the cry that was heard wiisii a preference was granted by the present at Ottawa ti British goods entering an- ttJa Then one heard frequently Ihe pro back to he state men I so much the for connection Canadian knows that in lb of the Dom inion Canada nothing else that any j statement there war no quid quo arjd occasionally a barking that preference should be Increased from pr to say per cent I fear they will speedily and in no unmistakable terms bear from their manufacturing friends some of whom regardless of party but ever mindful of their own pocket and properly o are at present apparently extremely apprehensive as to the of their neighbor- Does Trade Follow the Flag The old slogan been sounded in this debate that trade follows the flag That may be true in the ex perimental stage when any empire s policy but is j of nations generally it is a distinct heresy What constitutes the trade of one country with another An empire per does not trade with another empire per The indi viduals of one empire or nation trade or nation so with partnerships so with companies corporations and the total of trade between these in dividuals partnerships And corporation- constitute what We calf the total trade between these two empires or nations That individual men partnerships companies and corporations will sell in the dearest market ami buy in the cheapest without saying They do this abso lutely regardless the Hag there fore to say that the flag rule trade is simply to give utterance to an economic heresy that no sane business man believes Take Sir a striking illustration of the disproof of this economic heresy the trade between Great and Germany Everybody knows that for the ten yearn prior to the year 1900 the last year for which wi have returns that these empires looked somewhat READ THIS LETTER An Talcs- i ev Lots of women are suffering tortures with their backs when they Weed not do Mrs had such frightful In her back that she could not do She tells bow she cured herself Kasy I cannot refrain from writing yon about the benefits Ihave received from taking GIN PILLS I suffering with my back and have suffered with it for twenty years tried every thing but got no relief until I bought GIN PILLS I have taken six boxes of GIN PILLS and now I have not the sign of an ache or pain in my back I ant now years of age and feel as well as I ever did in life There Is nothing that can hold a place with GIN PILLS for curing Pain In The Back to which women are subject Mrs P Try GIN PILLS at our expense Write for free sample box Dealers sell GIN PILLS at for and money refunded if they fail to cure National Drag and Chemical Co A Toronto rendered Mr Ed mast be congratulated upon his efficiency as In With Back Backache resulting from w Mr Albert Williams spent last Thursday and Friday visiting his uncle Mr John Williams in Sutton West VV Mr Abrarri of Old is filling a car with farm utensils furniture etc for the The family have taken up land at Kinder- They were good neigh- will be greatly missed from this place kidneys a bad cold or other cause usually renders the sufferer unfit for work and often results in per manent disability North Council Regular meeting held at Feb- members all present Mr Hirst Minutes of pre vious meeting and confirmed The- auditors report of ac counts was finally aiiditod and copies ordered to be printed for distribution J McKay- was given the contract of printing and Duncan King contract for tile 12 inch and 16 inch Albert Watson was charged 750 for to culverts by traction engine The following amounts wore- 1 McKay special printing for Local Option 1318 John Hamilton auditor John Marritt auditor Sutton village townships share of hall court room for A new road division was formed at Keswick from north to bridge and poorer house east to Statute labor to be expended in cement sidewalks but Rir during those very years there increase of trade between the two empires in the year of the war scare in largest figures ever ob tained between these two empires In German exports- to amounted to while British The AYPA of Lloyd town Church has had a splendid program of work for the winter and summer Up to the present the new executive have worked well meeting Iras been a success The first rally night held at the home of Mr was everything that could be desired for the enjoyment and eleva tion of all desirous of both Two weeks from that there was a sleigh- ride to the home of Mr and Mrs Byron near Rich Hill where all en- joyed the hospitality of Mr and Mrs Byron and their estimable son and daughter in their beautiful home The next meeting was held in the church where a lantern lecture was given by Mr of To ronto on the subject Around the world with the Bible women and col porteurs of the Bible Society This meeting was well attend and in structive The- proceeds were de voted to the Society Next was an evening with Mr and Mrs AIL Lloyd and daughter of this place This was a splendid gather ing symbolical of the great gather ing in the mansions of the eternity where all denominations will be one In the fore pari of the evening a skating party was held and through kindness of Mrs and I suffered for years with back or kidney trouble and have tried a number of remedies from different physicians More than a year ago one of our local druggist induced me to try Dr Miles AntiPain Pi and after using them some three months I found a decided improve ment in my kidneys and I am glad to say that I hope soon to be fully restored to health J P ExJudge City Court Glasgow As long as pain is present in any part of the body rest is impossible and the system becoming weakened is exposed to any form of disease to which the sufferer may be inclined Dr Miles AntiPain Pills by steadying the irritated nerve centers make refreshing sleep pos sible thereby enabling the body to recover lost strength As a remedy for pain of any description Dr Miles AntiPain Pills arc unsur passed Cold by all druggists under a guar antee the return of the of the tint box If no benefit results MILES MEDICAL CO Toronto Ca the A bylaw was appointing overseers of- highways pound- J keepers and fence- viewers and council to meet again May as court of ro vision and other business A special meeting was called at I gathering was indeed credit I Feb to try and ef- that our sincere thanks and daughter Myrtle were entertained at their home was provid er Singing music anil speeches were listened to and heartily en joyed Mr in a very able talk said it was quite a nniqiie af fairan Anglican Society meeting in a Methodist home He was greatly impressed with the fact that unity was in the work of the two uniting forces and symbolical of the on earth good will towards men Mr heartily endorsed Mr Marthauls address ami such a and best exports to amounted to feet a in a suit now wishes should go out to Mr and Mrs the same year German ponding as to the- right of the and their daughter who takes exports to tin- British colonies towriship to cortain quarter amounted while exportation road across lot con 2 of the colonic to Germany amounted known as Arad fiUr society of which she is a to grand total being A settlement was finally ar- member After the president or the atf estate to pay to figure ever reached in the history township cash llmi singing They are Jolly dor their claim and David Ham- Fellows and hearty applause to a ft right of way along liner between jots and from tho lane- south of Wardens property oast toj road said to bo a public highway and also road loading to Morton Park until RUch time as the now road may be No Reason for Doubt of the two empire This Sir is but one of many triking illustrations that riven showing bow little tin flags to do with trade These large flgures are at not on account of friendliness of the ha of the people of both following what may be termed natural Instinct of r- very man that Ihe desire sell in lea rest and buy in the cheapest mar kets utterly refpirdlesfl of fact as to whether the Map- were or IT I WAT OK ACTS rtACK- Amendment to plan- our position and J A thai of the in eon and I move Reconded by Mr Clark That all the word of motion the word That struck if nt This House regret that the merit irtfillcd by Hie Honorable Provincial and Inasmuch as when current and ore by Provincial Treasurer in of difjit Inlt and Mr Lloyd aide address responded with an Land Titles Act IN TUB MATTER OK that parcel of land in the Township of North in the County of York known as and also as being part of lot in the second concession of the Township NOTICE is hereby given that Alexander Warden and Hamilton as sets both of the city of Toronto am Robert Andrew and Freder ick Wilson both of the city of Montreal have applied to me or a certificate of Title to the above mentioned property under the Land Titles Act whereof they claim to be the owners in fee free from all in cumbrances and declaring the said land to be free from any public high way any right of way water course or right of water or other Wherefore any other person or pretending to have any title to or interest in the said property or any part thereof is required on or March 1 to file a statement of his claim in my office at Osgoode Hall in the city To ronto and to serve a Copy on and 1ft Wellington at west Toronto So licitors for the applicants arid in de fault every such claim will be bar red and the Title of the said Save the King The meeting closed by canl absolute and inKintf Lang and feasible at Law and Equity sub ject only to the reservations men tioned in Sections It and of the said Act except as above mentioned Dated fit Toronto this Fourth of March AI lftli SCOTT Master of Titles Children FOR FLETCHERS if- safe bowel and tonic n functions not or i a Aid rvcogiilxing the fact that our of revenif up mi tin- I he adoption of a nroprr of rind re in order bat this A rcviou- may abiding Till that tin- Honorable Mfulrtcr f tlucatitn the nor the of any whatever t the 111 rural and the rolt of fin made by ha to iiicriiiC cos I of III tin- by at fifty per cent and to ii p-r- of hiild cbolof perOUJ with ithrr if This House further regret Mint this lllienjly aiding in that lend to tin- profriois taken no i of the practical to establish a of and the province in which the mechanic and may Induing to practical framing In work- lion Mom fact that We guarantee complete relief to all sufferers from constipation In every ease where we fail we will supply the medicine free Orderlies are a fective dependable and regulator reeslablish quiet easy way They do cause any Inconvenience griping nausea Tiny are so pleasant to lake and work so easily that they may be taken by anyone at any time They thoroughly tone hole to Orderlies are payable and ideal use of children rid folks and delicate persons We too highly recommend them to all from any form of con and its attendant evils Two fife and Remember you can obtain Remedies in this community mil at our store The Store liroilglitonft Store fr goalh our re our hockey team piled up on Wednesday night galtiht m team from Toronto No one dare east a rfllccllon Upon the and appreciative- CANADA LANDS LAIUJK LIST OK AND FARMS 0 SALE NOTHING BETTER THAN A FARM IN THE WEST warn- I f BRANDON LAND CO 30 Ninth Street Brandon Man a further lint Lot lid up i in North Ma to in flOt only for John Hull bell but before all Con know ion then by fir how A nal dealt with but that hu or he A Halloo a Nation A lo Throne in my Mother But In my Own- ftf open of it you will to clow ArW J by Mother Our Lady of the Honorable who loyalty that frttiC Intact- honor unity Hi vopuhjlion it no hi fit thi I hi- strongly of a vigor ous acb North- Oritur And it IiIIIicMh the of and no to pi oncer niinrr or i lib jrrowinK i on purl w of to rlo and of MliilaWra and thvir to that relations pud the If tin mated will to Canada and tin- Tliii defeated on a parly vol- f SVhiinliciij assertion out in a striking manner an which illati on Friday when the men and people were IreAl- an skating pari In lite rink followed an Ho in the town hall About eighty peojlc look advantage ol the treat After the Mr Marchant I ami on l lady in the entertain- Hunt by expression a few wordw Inspired by appreciation of the time provided by the ladlen each one expressed himself as highly complimented by the invitation ex tended Dr Kay was appointed to toast the ladles and during remarks dropped a hint that per haps there wan an ulterior motive behind all this Considering fact the millinery war frig near although In own mind he would not be guilty of connecting I Mich a motive to the present event loner land two seres up ami Mr Hallo well being called on to respond Wade haste to sot any mind at rest It Ik evident that Mr enjoys the confidence ladles to a remarkable decree United KlriKlrn mors trade Union member than any other WVAirtxcxA or he slated explicitly that this I function Was spontaneous in ap preciation pleasant times pro- for their amusement the young gentlemen ol So 1 here favored with a Splendid recitation Mr contributed an amusing well MEDICAL INSTITUTE- AMERICA OWNED AND OCCUPIED BY K YOUNG OR MIDD1XAGED MEN of why yyur in of your money aonhleu titi you irui I from im iMjl for MM viva yrur InMirnUo you a If you to calloiourorncocor wo 111 Mnd a yur Hit for to Ml tip wo can you whether you arc of wo wjl for your CMC you at hOm Wo no all remedy Hint at most tut wo rem- for caw to MnplOta a ro- wotitlcrful ihfft rail I for Booklet CURES OR HO PAY Uuaraotoa to i- Vuico Vsjlni DImsimi COMSULTATION FREE If Mr A for If oca Tftfctmtjcit Cor Michigan Ave and Detroit Mich our Canaqfan eat In Windsor If you- desire to I in Detroit as we personally cull at our Medics fa office -which- ftlKeSfflKlSSS for only all letter Follow- KENNEDY KENNEDY Ont Vrlt for ojf Mfes I t