Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 17 Mar 1911, p. 4

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AT DEATHS DOOR from KIDNEY DISEASE I SAVED FRUITAJIVES I Two years ago the doctor made fortyfour calls on me and then said he had done all he could for me I was Buffering with intense Kidney Trouble and Inflammation had set in Two other doctors were consulted and agreed that nothing could he done to help me On the recommendation of a neighbor I took and they cured Today I take my only medicine I am in excellent health and is the medicine that cured me after I had been Deaths Door for months I am glad to be able to give you testimonial It may benefit some woman Buffering as I suffered believe that I would not be alive No Sunday Cars CLAUSE IN BILL DROPPED -A- i had I not used P WEBBER Fruitattves by its marvel I o action on the kidneys completed restores these vital organs to their It general satisfac tion the clause in the York Ra dial Railway Companys allow ing Sunday cars to on their lines including the Metropolitan from To ronto to Sutton West has been drawn the measure came before the Committee of Lennox MPP for had charge of the a speech settling the of his ftiyM clause three should be Whereupon Manager deference to the Mr Lennox and his const it- Company withdraw the as withdrawn Telegram says of the Committee Following is third of series of articles Reciprocity from the Canadian- Century Magazine of Montreal Ccrnip use CORN AND TOBACCO Year Chicago Montreal 1907 J 1999 864 a box for trial size Limited Ottawa WANTED NOW lor and sur rounding country for the Fall and Winter months a reliable AGENT to take orders for Northern Grown Nursery Stock Pay weekly Use of beautiful outfit freo We guarantee strictly hardy stock delivered in prime condition We grow Special ties sold only by ourselves on which there no competition It to sell for a reliable firm Established years- Write for particulars PORT ELGIN NURSERY Port Elgin Ontario All the same it was finally decided to redraft the en tire bill not only OB account of re moving the Sunday clause but be f representation of Mr Drayton City Corporation who on behalf of Toronto stoutly insisted that tin bill give the Company no new rights on the Citys streets- The people of North York and es pecially summer residents on Lake will rejoice to learn that their quiet Sabbaths will lie main tained We are glad to learn that Mr and Manager Moore pro perly gauged public opinion in regard to this Sunday ear question lie the business of raising hogs if the Reciprocity Agreement is adopted From The Canadian Century The average price of hogs in agu sni Montroal for five years It will be remembered at ending December was- as one time quite an extensive area follows of Southwestern Ontario was de voted to growing corn The duty on corn coming into Canada from United States was removed and the Canadian market was immedi ately so flooded with importa tions of corn from the United States that corn growing had to be almost completely abandoned by October live hogs Canadian farmers About the same Chicago low as per time additional projection was giv- against per cut at the came en to Canadian tobacco growers in Montreal and the result was that tobacco During the same period prices crops took the place of corn crops of hogs have averaged lower in in that part of Ontario formerly Buffalo than in Toronto Occasion- most noted for its corn price goes higher in Buf falo but commonly it is lower What Is The Matter With Maine The- farmer of the Southwestern States has a longer season than the The farmers of the State of Canadian farmer Ho not only has Maine have all the advantages cheap corn but he is to grow that reciprocity could bring to the several of alfalfa and Maritime Provinces of Canada and enables him to produce hogs very none of the disadvantages They cheaply have to the much-talk- Canadian packinghouses market of ninety millions to bo crowded out of business and cannot be shut out of it jy the Importations of hog by a vote of Congress as ducts from the big Chicago pack- Canadian farmers might be at any in houses so that the Canadian time under the Reciprocity Agree- will have no home rcenl Thoy are nearer to the markets of Boston and New York There is no Winter There IS MADE WITH WED and III the severe Canadian sense there is no winter in Australia New Zealand and the Argentine Republic Cattle can live than any part of the Maritime Pro vinces and yet the farmers Of Maine are no more prosperous than those of Now Brunswick Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island They have no dreams about the value of the market of ninety doors throughout tho year so the million people They know that farmers of those countries do not the cost of railway haul shuts them have the- expense of winter from most of the markets of and winter feeding the United States although there consequently able to produce but- no la f to keej them out The cheese eggs and meats much percentage on increase in cheaply than Canadian farm- llationis less in Maine than in the p can- No part of New Zealand Provinces is far from the ocean and while There are said to be many Australia has avast interior King George be Crown- and of acres of abandoned farms farms of Australia are all near the in Maine New Hampshire and Ver- coast so that the railway Many of these farms were haul to ocean ports is not great In J occupied for generations but the spite of tho fact that they are young people moved to the cities Very much farther from the British or to the Western States and the market than Canada is immense old folks died quantities of food from those countries are sold in the United Now the Price of Hogs as a result of the Reciprocity Canadian farmers may as well and we get nothing in make- up their to give up return Emperor of India A Canadian press despatch trim London dated March fur nishes particulars of striking innova tions at the approaching coronation ceremonies King George is now seen daily in Rotten Row cantering with equerries He needs the bracing effect of exer cise in the nipping air for he is ov erwhelmed with the details of various ceremonial i of what be the bus iest year of his reign The prece dents of the last coronation are fol lowed closely except he minor point of boys as the Queens trainbearers but a new question has been raised as to the Delhi ceremonial and the the investiture of the Prince of Wales COD LIVER OIL is more than a medicine us it is a decided nu tritive agent so that it may be considered a food medicine it having the peculiar advantage of readily the system and easily assimilated it may be employed with results in almost all chronic cases in which there is impartial assimilation and malnutrition Store Canadian Company I Phone Baggage to and from trains handled with despatch TORONTO LETTER An elderly lady who had evidently Kingston March While receiving money in the Money Order Department of the here Buried in Snow March With a fi Vesuvius Changes Ships Home March The shape of known death list of eight a property I Mount Vesuvius which it will be rc- of half a million dollars called was changed by the last mincrs idle and the mills and mines has been altered again by the or Silver Peak collapse of a huge spur of lava The Lucky Hoy Fair view Won- latest change- is ascribed to earth der and Millers closed down because disturbances The rim of the now much lower than it at Carnarvon since tradition and re- is south western Nevada is in the grip of a which during the last Tr- Name Wanted NGOLD A St Catharines Toronto Hay Co desire a name for the now being built for TorontoPort Dalhousie Route storm in this cent practice do not cover them Lord Curon and other Viceroys have been consulted respecting the function and the decision has been readied destructively than that it must not be as a re- Ii crowning the King already consc- According to telephone advices an crated at Westminster Abbey but as Avalanche of snow earth and rock I a separate crowning as down on the plant of the Power Company at Jot was and is truncated in appearance The Funicular Halt way was badly down about the market shopping on Monday evening ust after a street car was seized with an -4- Deceased bed Hep tic fit and expired before she I hours has raged more fiercely and damaged A party tourists were A thousand novel details connected With regalia and costumes and lit- Mental pageantry need to he deter mined The in vesture is as owing Welsh snsitiveness to ascend by the railway when the shock occurred 4ooo- dan fourteen miles from and jusl across lie line in California killing of men who gathered in tin building for shelter Cure The snow has drifted in some places We offer One Hundred Dollars He- ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh 1 CHENEY CO To- feet deep A force Of line men trying to electric lines clear Duke ol who is llw Kings closest adviser has v iiiWj Clued not to accept another military j com ma ml He may become Vice roy of India after a short term Ottawa in White Mountains compelled to fight off the add ro- r Town Wiped Out an Explosion v will io June 15 1911 and will give to the person sug gesting most suitable name IN GOLD the sjggiuing the name choice will receive a Chicago March The big plant of the I upon To located tins little town of Pleasant Prairie just across the line from sixty OF coinfo- I Names must he Im rot be longer than tvo words -i- j Must not be same as any Wisconsin near Kenosha arid miles from Chicago blew up night with terrible force shock was frlt for many mfJes around Chicago many large in the loop shaken Th- store- or- of the- plate glass win were and fell on passing in tie street below Your Hair Wiii Grow J It HAS TONIC THAT THE IN OR HACK low la hair We the undersigned have known J Cheney for the last fifteen years and him perfectly hon orable in all business transactions explosion and and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm Walding ft Marvin Wholesale Druggists Toledo Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the Testimonials sent free Prices per bottle Sold by all Druggists Take Halls family Pills for con stipation Swept Over Dam Prairie Is entire w DCM or Canadian Marine Register decision rests entirely with officials of the com pany Coupon must be sent to JOHN General Agent Catharines out and not a building remains once prosperous town One 4 kltOWfi to hist but up to the time ft in impossible Say Just how many more commu nication has been cut off and nothing the meagre report that the town v been off the map can be asccclalned The properly loss is estimated at Paid Visit to his Stomach Year Without the time to take care of Dont wait until it to thin out It do It will not he I long until you are bald tons Hair Tonic in the remedy Known for faIlfng hair It prepared from the prescription of one of the greatest medical authorities In Canada and Is considered to be the best nourishment for the hair as well a deadly foe to dandruff We have such firm confidence In this tonic we will refund the price of same to any one who Is not per fectly satisfied With it after use men were drowned late afternoon in the Credit at and fr their have not recovered although dragging operations have been carried since the accident The victims ate Henry A Brown a mill owner and South tt farmer appears that the men started out pilept could he got to the Hospital The woman was about GO years of age This week one of the oldest down town buildings situate between Vonge and Bay is being torn down make way for a new building to be occupied by the Quebec Hank On his way borne from a meeting in Hall on Thursday night of last week a ma chinist fell into an area in the rear of the Merchants Hank at IallCS and and in about minutes after being pull ed out He leaves a widow and four children An order has been sent to Kingston for a number of pontoons to 1m- used in raising the waterworks intake pipe and towing it to shore Last Monday night Mrs aged was burned to death at her home Kenilworth Ave Her husband who arrived home shortly before she expired had his anus and hands badly burned while trying to extinguish the flames coal nil to start a fire caused an saturated Mrs Me Ar thurs clothing with oil which was speedily all ablaze Firemen put out the blaze Mrs 1 and mother Oil Avenue were strut by street car and seriously injured Monday af ternoon They attempted to cross the track and did not think car was so near to them Martin Kennedy attempted to pass in front of a Vonge Street ear when heel of his hoe Call gilt In the fender and thus threw him to the pavement He received a severe scalp wound CASTOR I A For and Kind You Haw Always Bought Bear of positions in various fraternal orders A widow six daughters and four sons survive Arnprior Out March William Murphy residing near here was fatally burned on Friday night The deceased who was a cripple and years of age was smoking in bed After lighting his pipe he accidental ly let the lighted match Jail The ices- quickly caught fire and expired unfortunate man was enveloped ir flames He was so badly burned that lie died an hour or two later HI GO Photographer Newmarket Price cento at Drug Store Newmarket A Plucky Hank Teller Greenhouses St Patricks Day SHAMROCK tr nice pot cents Philadelphia P March of Card ton Alberta Canada paid a friendly call on his stomach at the American Stomach Hospital here Yea ald Mr hadnt wen It for a year True It gave mo lot of trouble while had have got along well enough line then you know had a per tonal Interest in my stomach and wanted to nee It In a bottle If had kept Iff would have dead long ago Wyoming March 12 As ft the teller of the Hank of hen his room over the bank at an early hour yes terday morning on his return from party he was confronted by a mask- shortly before five the af ternoon lo lec from the mill dam It being feared that the crush would carry the dam away No one saw the accident and tho first inti mation of the fatality was the re turn to tin- village of the horse and buggy the men had driven out In It Is supposed that they were swept lover darn while at work and hat their bodies were carried down the river under the ice Friends dragged for the bodies all Friday night was sent for at Toronto He worked Saturday and all day yester day hut without Brown We Have on Hand a Large White Pine Norway Hemlock etc to Order Special Doors Sash Flooring Moulding All Kinds of work Ash and Georgia to Order Dressing ReaawlBg Sticking Turning and All Work CO HI years of and leaves a widow ed man who with a revolver unmarried He bad only a it AU While re me upon htm to throw up his hands i L 1 years of age and unmarried weaver lumped at the man wrench- J nit it I working Tor Mr mown pub ling his revolver from him and after ft Costs You Nothing to Test Psychine Well buy a 50c bottle from your druggist and give it you free to prove la hopeless cold world to And herb from which CO cent bottle of Is made beneficial to the body be- to you of coat truth cause they Increase the number and will undoubtedly buy and dh strength of while corpuscles or i this manner hundreds of the blood or the which thousands of these bottles of devour bvcry germ or dlscano that finds to the body many A of tearfi In suffering sorrow And slckncfl Is the cause of the misery Nov a good as very of most iCyft Thar why cum where In that to be Ml W And we do that to show our wonderful a wrestling bout succeeded In throw ing him A companion of the hold up roan sprang to the rescue After vainly endeavoring to secure from Weaver the combination the couple of weeks be continued today j wilt Ottawa March Carnations j Primrose etc and Vetoing work a it iiki til J return the robbers fled Veavnr Small or- Augusta nothing resided In a room a visitation iiw B S A confidence that ban been based or They may make attempts for the third a century Thats years experience with to curt themselves but they don get wby afford to buy Wld give with a full Sway hundreds of thousands of n of thousands of well Now we want such hopeless to bottles i me spring to raise more wheat and A to once again enjoy life we Among things that Mr W bakwi tnjoys are three square meal- a da He my an thing that any one weald eat and over felt bet ter in til iff- but he doesnt the secret either will the JciaU on Mill for some day found lying the floor of net was an expert for some years em the courts MIhs cars who brother been on dressed and reporter let us buy for them a bottle of from their druggist which well give them free of charge to I hem Know that there In at least one preparation that la hope for the hope- lens that will surely them been making and selling for the third of ft century hart sold many million of bottles In that time has cured many hundreds of thousands ot hopeless cases have received hundreds of thou sands of unsolicited testimonials has Itself to the remarkable preparation for the cure of disease trip Now Psychine Is Indicated In following diseases this list carefully and then nil out and tho Coupon without delay cures It has made Hot Throat A in I rli PoorAppetUs Trouble Weak Voice v Kwly of ObfUnatoCoosb ftbd of How we dont ask you to tako our word for the tremendously beneficial Now power cornea from effect of Pill out the coupon Its Ingredients below mall It to us and well give Psychine Is made from herb your druggist an order for which we satures own remedies him regular retail price for a COUPON No To Dr A Lid 193195 Spadina Ave Toronto offer try a fiflr or at tout not or plan Kindly my lo deliver ihlnbotUotoine My Name Town and Number Number Thin Is not good for a fioc bottle of to it 1111 bo we will boy Wo bottle from your and direct him This may bo at toy Utile without Bead p I I

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