Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 3 Feb 1911, p. 8

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IS If I Honestly Believe It say Mr Mills Oct For many years I suffered from the attacks were very and prevented me from doing my ordinary work I tried many rerhedie3 and physicians treatments but nothing do me touch good and I becoming very anxious for fear I would become per manent cripple from Rheumatism tried Fruitativcs and this entirely cured me and I honestly believe that a the greatest Cure in the world MILLS PM Kaowlton Que COR TO WuSTHT TO I Mr Robert of Maxwell is visiting with his mother Mrs Nel son f Miss Nellie Ballard is with friends at The sympathy of all is extended to Mr and Mrs J Kaake on the death of their infant son Howard aged nine months who died on Wed nesday The child bad been suffering from bronchitis which developed into what was thought to be infantile pa ralysis LINE KING They correct the result of errors and remove the cause of suffering They have tonic helpful action on the whole system They relieve nervousness headache backache dispel depression and suffering Mr John has bought a acre farm in Albion and will move to that place in the spring j John Chamberlain has bought the old homestead and will take posses- sympathy and help when they are attacked by weakness and suffering At times when Nature seems cruel and very hard when depressions and derangements come kind womanly friends When ailments occur the best natural help and correction is the safe and welltried family remedy i ft soon Mr John Mortiraore has rente not only to Mr J of Bolton and heals the but regulates lh5 Dowels improves the action of the kin and keeps the blood pure and rich and free from uric acid which causes the great fruit medi cine is sold by all dealers at a box for SO trial 25c or on receipt of price by Fruitativea Limited Ottawa for a term Mr Mortimore will leave these parts in the spring for where he intends farming on a larger scale Mr Davis is home from the West He intends to return in the spring and may be relied upon For Sure Relief For females are See with each box fW4 Everywhere In boxes in Uv- In Good to Houses for Sale location hi Town Apply ROBERTSON her year Mr Jones has rented Mr bridge Cemetery farm in Albion and will Geo and Price of out in the spring spent a few days under the form- Smith and bush whack- parental roof are at present filling out a con- of Leaskdale sold Mr and Mrs A Richardson Newmarket visited at Mr John Walkers Sunday last Our sympathy is extended to Mrs Horner in her recent bereavement in the Joss of her mother Miss Jean entertained a number of her school friends on Thursday evening at her birthday party Mr Matthew Williamson is still convalescent He bad a stroke of paralysis about New Years and has not yet had the use of one hand A number of people attend ed the at home at Mrs Browns Friday evening All report a good time The weather was fine and sleighing good The Foresters held a concert in the Hall on Thursday evening The pro gram consisted of piano solos mouth organ selections vocal solos read ing and speeches by leading Forest ers Miss Graham of Toronto gave several instrumental Lunch was provided for the entertainers Over was taken in at the door A carnival was held on trands Lake Saturday afternoon The ice was good and quite a large crowd gathered some to see the fancy costumes and watch the hockey match many came to skate We would like to know who got the prize for fancy and comic costumes played at hockey and the former team won by one The prize for fast skating was awarded to Miss I Scott of Banner I X Life is something girlie Than a span of grief and pain Something greater than the greatest Of the joys we Seek to From the world or sense and Pleasure From the world ol greed and gala Life is something more than living On the shelving shores of Time But the offspring of a moment lust a creature halfdivine Something more than merely toifiog On the narrow- shores of Time For Purebred Bulls at The Briars Sutton West tract of several hundred wood for Mr Ben Mr Fred Johnston grass visited at cords of of Yellow- Mr a load of hogs weigh ing lbs at a cwt last week The carnival here- on Wednesday was a grand success gate receipts House for 8ale Ob Street brick class domestic water good garden on GEO Newmarket Choice Building Lots Mr James Dennis of Toronto vis- amounting to Prizes with his uncle Mr Maurice j as follows Fancy dressed lady Sunday Mr Johnston and Mr Atkinson visited friends at Holland Landing Annie Cairns and her brother 1st MissM 2nd Mrs Law Best lady and gent skater 1st Miss M Kester and 2nd Miss and Geo iff is something more than raiment And this tenement of clay Knows but little of its meaning Passes with the passing day Rut the life that is eternal nothing of decay- Life itself child is eternal From the heart of it springs In our souls we feel its throbbing And the power that it brings Fills the lower life with glory With the wealth of higher things THE COUNTENANCE AND THE EMOTIONS attended the golden wedding anniver- ham Fancy dressed gentleman 1st For Sale on Lake North 5 minutes walk from Sunny- side stop on Metropolitan frontage and 275 feet depth 11- Apply to Geo of their uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Thomas Cairns of Quite a number attended the party at Mr M J Kehoes Coventry on Friday evening and report a good ft me Measles are prevalent in this dis trict Farm for Sale 9 being lot in the 7th con if North Good fcriok barn fences in good condition oil Living stream crosses turn 5009 half down Apply to GEO I Newmarket House and Lot for 8ale Good of- house fruits Reuben water good foundation acre good garden stable and henhouse small At North End Apply to Hot Mi Newmarket Mr Atkinson has moved out of our midst to the farm he recently bought south of Mount Albert We are very sorry they have gone as Mr Atkinson was a No farmer Mfss Mary Moulds was visiting at her Uncle Morgans out Sunday The young people are busy prepar ing for a big program for their oy ster supper on the of Feb What a pity the fire cant be lit a little earlier these mornings at Sun day School ft is not as bad for the young people they can run around and get warm but for old ladies they Just have to sit there and freeze Mrs F Far ham is visiting her parents Mr and Mrs If of I Inspector Moles 2nd Ross Ladys race 1st M Kester 2nd Arnold Mens race 1st I Shields 2nd Geo Raham Roys race 1st Main- prize 2nd A Cook The judges were Misses Kay J Meyers and Pickering who gave entire satis faction Quite an interesting meeting took place here in the Town Hall on Sat urday night Bain acted as chairman while Cooke bridge and Major Sam Sharpe p addressed the meeting Sain did his utmost to cheer up and enlighten the depositors and shareholders of the Farmers Hank Miss Meyer of Montreal is j spending a few weeks under the rental roof New for Sale On Timothy Street furnace also bath and electric wiring connec tions made Possession immediate ly Apply to COLLINS Hot Newmarket For 8ale situated on Karon Newmarket with first con- For further to A J DAVIS Farms for Sale acre lot con Fast Firstclass bouse barns end outbuildings 2 spring creeks acres timber I 50 acres un der cultivation in good order and fenced Holt P Watte IM Albert For vferoilre Runs Choice Boars Bows to Roar also Jersey Co ard Car stops at Farm Ho Fuji Rrownhfll Oh dear know just whether she will suit Ma or not but her pel AURORA The Council have accepted tenders for or yards of gravel to be delivered on the streets to build ce ment sidewalks next spring Public for this Riding who has severe The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is Catarrh Halls Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity Ca tarrh being a constitutional disease requires a constitutional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system thereby destroying the foundation of the disease and giving the patient strength by building up the constitu tion and assisting nature in doing its work The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure Send for list testimonials Address J CHENEY Co Toledo Sold by druggists Take Halls Familv Fills for con- o o o Mr James Hutchinson has rented his farm near and intends retiring A company of young people gathj If the veil which hangs between the at the bouse of Mr John J outer world and our hearts emotions been ill for sometime with a cold is now able be out The carnival on the rink here on Tuesday evening was a grand success There were about present Mr Case won the prize for bring ing the largest number in one load to the rink he having The election of one councilman and one Public Irustef for this municipality was held last Monday and resulted in the election of Mr John Steele for councilman with a majority of over Mr and Mr Joseph Watts with a majority of over Mr and over Mr Reynolds Yankee says Shes just the gal mine The I is doing fine now arc about twenty members Some of the hoys look in the hock ey match last Friday at Raid win Mr I Huntley while out skat ing one nfflffit last week got bis skate fast a crack In the ice and wrenched his leg bo badly that his toes became welded together Gee Wis The Farmers Rank shav ed 1 Chapel I so close that he says his top chin whisker on his upper lip dropped off Mr It on the sick list with a very bad cold Ve hope the people that got nearly frozen Sunday morning got thaw ed out at night The thaw has taken off about all the snow which makes the roads very icy Our blacksmith is very busy these days ZEPHYR There a banquet held under the Movements fori f people Zephyr Methodist I vicinity attended the banquet The emotions that thrill in the heart mark themselves in legible lines on the countenance This is a featurein the constitution of man and a useful feature it is The wisdom of our Maker may he seen in the degree of its development If there had been more of it or ess the processes of human life could not have gone so well If the hopes and fears that alternate in the were as completely hidden from the view an observer as the actions of the I vital organs within the body in- tercourse between man and man would be far less kindly than it now is How blank would the aspect the world be if no image of a mans thot could ever be seen glancing in his countenance Our walk through would be like a solitary thru a gallery of statues as cold as marble and not nearly as beautiful On the other hand if all the mean ing of the soul could he read in the countenance the inconvenience would be so great as to bring the machinery of life almost to a standstill So ciety could not go on if either all the minds thoughts or none were legible on the countenance That medium which actually exists in the present constitution of humanity is obviously the best You have some power of concealing your emotions and your neighbor has some power of observing them He who made us countenance beauty It is the best of is pleasant to look upon in the springtime and does not with er in the winter of age Laws from Heaven for Life on Earth Children Cry FOR FLETCHERS A son Jan Among the guests were Miss Leigh of Hawks town Mr and Mrs After spending a very pleasant evening and partaking of a sumptuous lunch they retired in the early hours of the morning Mr James Ferguson has sold his farm lot in the third concession of King and intends retiring He has rented a dwelling and acres of ground at KingCity and will reside there EVERY DAY A NEW ONE Here is a pretty bit of optimistic philosophy inspired by so ordinary an occurrence as the daily sunrising Did you know the sun rose every morning There arc many persons who do not know this Important has done all things well Great pur- fact or if they do know they do posesin providence are served by not act accordingly These arrangement sons carry yesterdays burdens and successes around with them today They would he better off if they car ried only todays burdens and suc cesses and failures The failures of yesterday should he forgotten he- cause they dishearten for today The successes of yesterday should not he remembered because they will weigh against the larger possible successes of today The burdens of yesterday should have been buried yesterday That is one meaning of the It shuts oil yestcr- were altogether opaque we would be too much isolated from our neigh bors if it were perfectly translucent wo would be too much in their power The soul within is a burn ing light sometimes bright and sometimes lurid the countenance is a shade through which the coat and coloring of the inner thought can be seen but not its articulate details A happy heart beaming through a guileless bright and new this morning as though it had not risen anew every morning of these six thousand years It brings a new day with new op- portunities new duties and new pos sibilities Yesterday is shut from today by the curtain of the night and the sun rises in the mora- ing to usher in the new day There are men in this town who are gray with the burdens of they might be buoyant with the brightness of todays dawn They have forgotten that the sun has risen Sir William Mackenzie is report ed to have been robbed by his car porter of one thousand dollars at Ot tawa The man was followed to Windsor where he gave and was- let go up the mom- day The sun rises as fair and stops couehs cores ohJ and FOE SALS Fir Wood form to suit he sold The Is on the farm Apply to It ARMSTRONG r Missionary Movements Missions in the Zephyr Church evening Jany evening Jan About pne hundred were entertained 1 Farm for Sale from Town Sau fcat4faean South I fall Beet West quarter Sect Township Acres cultivation acres wader fallow acres addresses were given by Rev J G Mr J If Gundy of Toronto Mr f A and It McDonald Instrumental Interspersed with song com posed for by Mr J Goulson and Mr Myers Menu provided by the ladies of the Wo mens MivMonary Society ft was certainly a enjoyable evening A sleigh load from Zephyr went to a hockey mated last Friday they spent an enjoyable even ing Mrs R Rail and Mr Jas shipped a car load of potatoes from Oak Ridges this week under stand the price paid was Ml cents per bag regret to report the recent out break of scarlet fever in our midst As a result two of our most prominent families have been quarantined that of Mr and Mr T but ViK are pleased to learn they arc improving very favorably rojn this On Richmond and Plowmens Association among whom were Messrs Roy and ArthurWellK the two young gentle men who won honors at the plowing match in November I he annual meeting of the King Telephone Co wan held in the Town Hall Temperanceville on Jan and was attended by the share holders of the Company Business of very important nature was transact The directors and offi cers for the 1911 were elected as follows President Mr Free to tock ottltry Raisers We will absolutely free for the asking postpaid one of our largo thirtytwopage booklets on the common diseases of stock and poultry Tells you how to feed all kinds of heavy and light horses colts and mares milch cows calves and fattening steers also how to keep and feed poultry so that they will lay just a well in winter as in summer No fanner should be without it At a of of A day per Animal Kloclc fiOffa vorth cent- more any and Awl It up former rundown in or It Art lay KggB iKo Hummer In You or A for Basement hold iO bead stock Two in fttsA4i condition Hood Price 120 acre hall cash arranged of gaie Post lit- thaw on Hooded the Manager Mi a Wells so badly the boys Mr Wrec- AiMcCallmn Mr Ink S For Sal property Huron street wwi w The Homestead lawn sfcadi sad well Pomace see J in of tax the the at or Jan Mm r disappointed when they drove in from to have a services starting Jan 2d will all week at the will the Mr Henry been Under tare for the past weeV are to learn lie Mr barles had hand badly cut with a while making Unit to hear that h Ik Improving Born to Mr Mrs lire Jan tb a son Mr and Mrs- on Jan a of Winnipeg spent a week her- on many friends Kay and attended the at ton of Webb of on at tors f flu re Mr McDonald a Mr Beaver- Harry of the meeting the nounccfnent that the Company would nay it shareholders a dividend of cent on all stock Infested In the Company The annual was held In the Methodist church on Thursday awning Jan when the following officers were elected Mr 1 Snpt Brown Bee Librarian Herbert I Walter A bit III Cope Ad waM decided that the Hun- llkcwif will the Hot Colic Wormy J 1 1 run tlovn to and Vigor It will the to five day Iron to It Ibo rfebar than before Mil of Oat I certify that I Hoy I for wA on cow On I vtlgiud milk I sifter or wan an Weight of On I a re fully U Ilk I an for a I it ti I Food will not do this Food to more or a which yourwrlf on your own It In food a to their all IK from they KtflIK Ho that will fatten all the round Mt to to euro nail to in of all the Wot a Stock Food not a Food nor It I ft contain Oran nor farm Nor It Contain or 1 i not bloat the Vnlinali It and It iriflnfctly Ho otter known fith It wiVaold ai aro at wkr naturally fat The very tlioo to UK Con ditioner Is NOW hard food lcoirly and aniMialn J and or 50 per cent Cheaper of Royal wilt OHO Animal furores a over twothird of a cent per day Moat Pood In Pack- but and given a Purple I only a and SO longer A SIGO four timet amooot of the Package Ho MO It only to glvo pacific day think of Animal worth per coat I win you Mr Stock owner I MRS Wit Dear Sirs This certify that I uwd two of your Poultry for They laid well while feeding It to thorn I won dered if you oulit mind word how or Where I could thin Winter It from your lost winter J had 2 and days I two a In and while then Royal Purple Poultry Specific proventa losing at moulting and curve every poultry dlaeaAe It makes their bright and Iftepa always In It make yuir Poultry worth than they could over hi It Yet package will lithe Or a Htm days Is mora material at only cost all wilt do four times times Feb 7 A Co London We have been and for reiki and it Hot are remarkable A to ding the Stock Specific twi milking rows ami they have per cent In their milk Poultry results are than this hens laying ago Wlwn wo commenced fivu nix eggs a and In I pat five day the Bain Hock of hens laid almost an of i 1 each dy and coldest You results plainly In or alter the of plp and poultry have and appearance now In the sum- time With poultry am exactly reed and care to feed When and Atockuion got ac quainted with Purple It will hive a greater demand than all other tonics and stock on the market combined Yours truly f ANDltKW HICKS Purple creates an and nature to dlgct and It Into and As a fattener Royal Purple no Never Off Feed I In 2AU wlnnr art pacer on Grand Circuit ard IJJ and Henry ol Alltn Winters IroUlnj atakeo la their feed I I will always It In my Your Cough work STOCK POULTRY SPECIFICS Make This Test of Poultry la W A Jenkins Mfg Co London Last Kali mil In our a young bolOnglog to of Montreal We could not ftcd her any On account violent consequently her to become and thin con using your Purple Stock end tho results wonderful After using It three Weeks wo found could feed the animal or any soft feed without her and took on In this time twentyfivu pounds of flesh wo working her at the same time through hunt I end heartily recommend your TOM Trainer for Hon Adam We Purple killer purple Cure 25c purplo Liniment Purple Cough Cure Our Cough Cure will cure any ordinary In four days and will break up You will be the Judge not us and cure Id ten to twelve day i For Poultry To prove ha no equal we waxrt you to make lost to of your lor four And at tin tlm feed any other preparation to any other In Iha aamo If prove to you by actual It you ever return your And well no tttks no Ihll a yea Poultry is our It la for Poultry not for It to It V know that on If you not after testing It you anything do you If your dealer cannot you villi our Royal wo Will you receipt of a pall pre paid for cither poultry or atock or If you want any Cura or wo will and It by mall upon receipt of price a Join in the fay in every Barker Purplo Stock and Poultry Specifics and free can bo obtainod from N Dick H Eves Feed and Lu j SM i to

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