Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 3 Feb 1911, p. 6

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fife The New Corner Store I I i Few Snaps i Best Granulated Sugar lbs for Best Sugar for Comfort Soap bars Tea Red Rose Liptons and 30c for 25c Lard lb AH Fancy Biscuits for pound Rolled Smoked and Side Bacon a pound RUBBERS f At Cost Price conds We handle no se- V 9 SHOES Mens Felt for Ladies Kelt for for 9 vJ Vie sell the GENUINE MACKIES POWDER Stop That Cough Dr Snoops Cough Cure will do it Guaranteed FWSMITH Queensville MANAGER are Two Solid Months of Winter Yet J ana we might just as well be comfortable when it will cost you so MOTTO Not to sell cheap goods hut Good Goods Cheap PRESBYTERIAN The Presbyterian Sabbath School will hold a concert in the near future Look out for- date and further par ticulars Dont forget the Young Peoples Day service next Sabbath evening OYSTER SUPPER An oyster supper and entertainment under the auspices of the Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian Church Brown- hill will be held in Crittendens ball on Friday Feb Oysters serv ed in the hail from to pm and the entertainment will follow in the Church All cordially invited See bills for particulars MOUNT ALBERT METHODIST CHURCH A series of evangeJistic services will begin in the Methodist Church next Sunday and are expected to con tinue about two weeks The pastor will be assisted by Rev A A Kelly and Mr Mr is expected to preach next Sunday at both services These evangelists have been very successful in other places PERSONAL Miss Edna Madiil has returned home after a couple of weeks visit with friends at and Kes wick Mr J Unity is visiting at the home of his cousin Mr M Miss Mabel Johnston spent a few days with Miss Edna Mrs Swain of is vis iting her mother Mrs Harrison Miss Love spent last week with friends in Toronto Of Proceedings The Fortieth Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders The Annual General Meeting or The Dominion Bank was held at the House of the Institution Toronto on Wednesday Janu ary f Among those present were noticed Matthews Hon J J It Brock A Austin It J Christie A Bogert Jeffrey Port Perry Wilcox Whitby J CawthraMuIock 3 Warded J Dr OReilly David Hamilton James Matthews F Dingle Covering Coldwater w E Booth Reynolds Crocker Geo Pirn Ross Port Perry J Montreal Dr John Captain Andrew Semple J Morrow Richard Brown J Cecil Lee Dr Lee Harvey Dr J Graze It David Smith Winnipeg BALDWIN Johnston has recovered and is around again Another of our neighbors was the victim of a nasby tumble- Ben linson was putting down feed for his stock the barn above the sta bles after dark In the darkness he made a misstep and fell through the manhole to the hard floor below For some days he was laid up but is now improving According to announcement a hock ey match and Baldwin was played here on Friday night be fore a large assemblage of thorough ly interested spectators It result ed in a decisive victory for the vis itors though our boys claim that played their senior team contrary to League agreement They are a appearing lot of young I- little following is Just a of the I I V r Dr J Graze David Smith Walker J T Small Samuel Benjamin London England W V Carey Cars well Jacob Edward Burns fellows and consequently it afforded W Gibson J SttAart Peter A H Campbell J Baldwin Andrew Foulds J Harris Hamilton J W Walsh Martin Hamilton Mr and Mrs John Stephens of spent Sunday in the with Mrs Stephens Rev A McNeil was in Toronto week attending the Alexa rider meetings and with Mr Eves President of branch of the Day Alliance formed part of the deputation on Premier Whitney regarding the run ning of Sunday cars on the Metropo litan division the Toronto and York A number of Queensville young people enjoyed the fancy dress Car nival at Keswick ring Myrtle home after a Carman Man Mrs Will son on Tuesday eve- West has prolonged stay in Irs sues this Is the v ill in of Winnipeg and of Toronto are the Of their sister Mrs week Mr Brocfc Tilt of visiting Mr If u and Mrs Jacob Smith Saturday in city Although on of the Lords be dispensed at Hope Church usual two services will be held the Methodist Church Queensville pastor Rev A McNeil the pulpit in the evening end J the assistant pastor in the morning Dr George was unfortunate enough to have his office building destroyed in the recent fire The contents were partially burned but Or will Continue his practice in temporary quarters Until Ms office ran be rebuilt coming home from his Hol land Landing appointment on- ivning Rev horse took frlgM the cutter leaving Mr follow On foot As a result Of the run away cutler was badly damaged Mr ha- been confined to the all vtek to his In jured limb Last week Mr a bought a number of general purprse dorses on pC landing Mi is attending the in Toronto this Last Monday evening the service was in charge of the Literary De partment The following subject was debated Resolved that Women Should Have Votes The affirma tive was taken by Mr Scott Crone Miss Lilian Terry and Mr Byron and the negative by Mr Roy Clancy Mr Donald Shields and Mrs I It was an exception ally able debate on both sides and the judges had considerable difficul ty in arriving at their verdict but gave it in favor the affirmative To assist in developing debating ta lent in the Public Schools the pu pils of No Scott hereby chal lenge the pupils of any surrounding public school to a debate on sub ject Resolved That Financial Standing is Superior to Character in Attaining Success En Life The school accepting such to be given choice of sides provided an agree ment to a return debate to take place before be given and the same privilege granted Acceptance of the above to be sent the undersigned on or before February IHli When ar rangement of details will be made Howard Brooks Mount Albert Col Sir Henry M McCarthy J J S J M Gray Victor Cawthra Wm Mulock Brown Edwards J J Maclennan Rev Baldwin J A Begs and others It was moved by Mr R J Christie seconded Mr Wilcox that Mr Matthews do take the and that Mr A Bogert do act as Secretary Messrs Gibson and A Campbell were appointed scrutineers The Secretary read report of the Directors to the Shareholders and submitted the Annual Statement of the affairs of the Bank which is as follows To the Shareholders The Directors beg to present the following Statement of the result of the business of the Bank for the year ending December Balance of Profit and Loss Account December Profit tor year ending December after deducting charges of management etc and making provision for bad and doubtful debts I Making a total of Which has been disponed of as follows Dividend percent paid 1st April 1910 1120000 Dividend per cent paid 2nd July Dividend 3 per cent paid 1st October Dividend per rent payable 3rd January 1911 Written off Bank Premises Balance Of Profit and carried forward 305067 56 St Valentines Day the I lib is a date which must be remembered not only because ft is St Valentines Day but it also the day of the Knox Choir Concert The practices are well and each member of the in showing an enthusiastic spirit which argues well for the success the concert music which be rendered by the choir is essentially and by such wellknown com posers as Gounod Leslie and others In addition to the distinguished Miss Mildred Walker of Toronto Mr lien ba ritone soloist has been to assist Mr lias but to be heard to be appreciated Posters have been displayed and tickets can be had from any member of the choir Plan of the hall where reserved seats Your Directors in submitting the Annual Statement of the affairs of the Rank as on the December with the result of years business beg to report that there has been a general substantial growth In every direc tion A considerable Increase In the net profits will be noted owing to the en Its factory conditions which have prevailed throughout and the steady demand for banking accommodation from till districts where we are established For some time past the Board has had under serious consideration the ne cessity for the enlargement of our Head Office premises which have become inadequate to meet the present needs of the Bank without having regard to the ordinary expansion of our business which may he expected In the future Were made to secure adjoining lots but without success In an opportunity arose for the acquisition of the land and at the north east corner of King and Yonge directs SI feet on King street by feet on after due deliberation the purchase was completed It Is not purpose to hold both properties any longer than la necessary and when a policy for building Is decided on your Directors have every reason to believe that our present premises can he disposed of for an amount which will prac tically offset the recent outlay In addition suitable buildings were erected last year for Moose Jaw and Notre Dame avenue Winnipeg branches These various disbursements have caused a considerable increase la Bank Premises Account but following ihe usual policy a substantial amount bus been written off J A lot was purchased at Saskatoon and It Is proposed to erect a at this point and at during the current year With the completion of these buildings your Directors are of opinion ilmt no further Immediate for our Western Branches will be necessary It Is the Intention to erect offices this year In Toronto At the corner of Dovercourt road and street corner of avenue and Queen street cor ner of HI venue and Vaughan road and the corner tit and streets where we are already established In temporary premlsea A of the Bank opened In February last at the corner of St boulevard and Prince Arthur street Montreal The offices opened In are making satisfactory progress and already Justify their establishment In accordance with the Bylaw passed by the Shareholders at our Annual Meeting In January last the par value of the shares of the Bank was on Sep tember the 1st changed from to The Directors following their usual custom have examined and verified the General Balance Sheet of the Bank as on the of December checked and found to be correct the cash assets securities and Invest ments shown therein They have In addition given careful scrutiny to all borrowing accounts The Branches of the Bank have been Inspected In the usual thorough manner during the year President The Report was adopted The thanks of the Shareholders were tendered to the President Vlce-Presl- dint and Directors for their Services during the year arid to the General and Other Officers of the Bank for the efficient performance of their re spective duties following gentlemen were duly elected Directors for the ensuing year Messrs A Austin It Brock James J Christie J J J Toy Matthews A Osier At a subsequent meeting of the Directors Mr II Urns elected President arid Mr Matthews VicePresident for the ensuing term GENERAL STATEMENT LIABILITIES I me much pleasure to meet them most particularly Messrs Moore Milne and Smith sons of my old and much esteemed friends J Moore Peter Milne and British John Smith I took a special interest in young Moore as he apparently has inherit ed much of the jolly humorous na ture of his pop and also possesses some of the good qualities of his splendid mother whom I long ago de cided as one model women I see the boys arc interest ed Breeze readers I observed the visitors looking with admiring eyes on our local belles and vice versa Mrs Geo Crittenden prepared supper for the party and pronounces thcin gentlemen They promise to come again The Sutton Juniors came down and administered another coat of white wash to our rising young men on Saturday This took all the snap out of them and left them without a leg to stand upon Arthur has a little fam ily of collie puppies that are the ob ject of much admiration Theyre real beauties The mother is a won derfully intelligent collie and a num ber one watch dog I wish I had space at my command to give in stances of her marvellous sagacity The puppies will go like hot cakes Although not down on the bill the carnival here on Sunday afternoon was a special success Many skaters were present and a- most enjoyable time reported although right under the shadow of the church where di vine service was going on There would seem to be an urgent demand for some Home Mission work here the temptation was too we are giving J FOR THE NEXT 10 DAY Mens best quality Jersey Cloth Overshoes and S3 going tor Mens Heavy Felt Boots going for Mens Heavy Mackinaw Sox reg and going for Mens Extra Heavy Tweed Pants going for Mens Corduroy Caps reg going for Mens Heavy Sweaters to 175 for Mens and Boys Moccasins to 150 going for Boys Heavy Toques going for Womens Heavy Wool Clouds Mitts regular10c going for going for Womens Pelt Boots leather sole and heel going for Womens Long Heavy Wool Mitts regular going to Womens and Childrens Underwear going for cost price Comforters good quality good size reg for Balance of Mens Heavy Rubbers for per pair J QUEENSVILLE j Not- in Circulation not iiinrtnic to a other In Kb tarn rtufc to in foreign countrlcM 9 the up Score your ticket seats early a I can and hooked your Mi- who has been we some better made a Hying seriously the past art pleased to say Is Marsh jrip the city Au fthfelds aiA Tuesday the Iit- burs ted a steari pipe On d blew out of the cab Mar escaped without a scratch but a scald ed Mr of Knox yave a very Interesting discourse on Mr Banna will be Total paid of carried forward us January teiier for on He 1 I 994 I 9 050C7 nt or 9 21 20 Of I 9 Dominion of Ml In due r 9ft 9 9 9 9 held program m Mr has leased the sun by Vord received here Monday A the death at prince Albert I fiye flaak He In a on The remains are here on Friday or Mr Webb V with grippe this of Button a few day with Mr lav Bell has a Couple week borne Intends returning to Detroit or day tlvimitVtii ha a of da sent next ihe up In their meetings In Both Interest shown arid number present Miss Whitman ban the subject next Saturday evening The Saturday evening was well attended with V Woodcock In the chair Mrs Woodcock gave a very Interesting paper on Home Missions The annual Oyster Supper the Presbyterian Church will Municipal and iiriiiAh or or Public than l tall way and mil on Cell b if i on A will be provided by Ihe Everybody come iblrtv- ftupper and entertain- Skating on the river baa been in ar4 Current with Dominion for Mote to other in Canada overdue provided for other Bank Other Included of r 9 2 IT J a a 1 resistible and then you see the young raters and the elders could fix It all up and kirk in the evening hear a goodly sermon and drop a bawbee on the plate our dames are lamenting that Jack bitten their house plants hut observe that Will Taylor and Dicky nave everblooming Roses and 1 am led to believe one ol our young men has conceived the unique idea transplanting a Lily into this neighborhood Im Moving time is drawing on apace and it promises to be a great move in this neighborhood The list is too lengthy or record here and be sides some dont want their move ments noticed often no doubt heard dies making pets of polly parrots but our ladies are quite original and have made a pet of The Owl and of course like all pets he is a spoil ed Owl almost kill him with kindness They treat him to pie and cake till they almost spoil his appe tite for good bread-ami- butter Im sorry I cant repay their kindness Theyre pretty good sisters sure Our hockey team propose going to on Friday eve The plans of mice and men gang aft The weather Is not very dependable Yes Im pleased to sen that ions Corners have a new house old too which bid adieu was erected Just forty years ago Time for a new one Tho skating and fancy dress carni val advertised for Monday night was unavoidably postponed on account of the weather Its next Monday even ing The storm king kicked up such a riunrSus that nobody dared stick their nose outside of the door Our young folks were not badly disap pointed they had a big time on Sunday Our hockey buys go to for a return match on Friday night But theres luck about the 1 bo Mrs Lizzie Burrows has sold her farm In Swamp to the Grand Trunk UK for three thousand five hundred dollars A very handsome price for a gravel knoll This Is sufficient to contradict the idle ru mors lying about that the T It It had Sutton branch to Metropolitan It The policy Is what we have we hold and get more if we CAPITAL PAID UP J RESERVED AD UNDIVIDED PROFITS S DEPOSITS BY THE PUBLIC TOTAL ASSETS Branches and Agencies throughout Canada and the United States 8AVING8 DEPARTMENT Current Rates of interest allowed Bale Notes collected Blank Forms supplied free of charge MOUNT BRANCH TERRY SCO i to present days with a large element of danger about them The war be tween the north and south in which was a star WW whats the old goose gabbling about now youll say Ill make it clear The combatants were boys from the north versus boys from south of school premises the weapons were snowballs and most mighty hard ones too you bet Though numerically the lesser us hoys from the south I victorious foe we were- an uncommon hardy and gritty lot Our slogan was Never yield to the foe Oh such a tide of- memory rises before me I write no more Queen St boys do you too re- member The blizzard on Monday was on record in Hicks Almanac and was a fitting windup to a storm period in a Mercury disturbance More like it will follow within the next ten days No old goods in that store What buy there Is FUKSli and live him a call when you want Good roods P F MILNE Phone No WE BUY ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE A for the year yzjlattyrJC B o r by lately the has Several our people Attend ed the Zephyr Carnival A good Unfit reported f if report that Mr J in vtty poor at present Mr has a of la grippe Hope It that that the hog Mr Atkinson ha purchased Mr looses near Albert and Is there will have a very deprettJflJE on some of the fellows know Jim Messrs Allan and Fred Shaw Sunday evening at Mr Herbert A went here to a Halls party held at Mr Bur rows and MISS Hughes Is apending a report a good time few days In Toronto Mr and Mrs Kay of pleasant- Vic are glad to hear that Mr A fcprt Sunday with Mr Arthur VilBon la Improving after a Illness Mr Hilton QtOtt Is back from the A few of the young people here after flve spent a very pleasant evening on Tuesday at Mr Arthur Halls Mr Harry Haines of Snowball la John Talt has bought a house Spending a few with his sister and lot more In the centre of the Mrs fames village which he moving Into would hardly know Mr coon Haines In his new coon coat We are glad to see Mr Gordon HISS Lynn Storey from King is Bailey out again after a few weeks at- her fathers tor a lew sickness days Mr Grose Is hauling gray- Miss vlslUng at el with which he Intends- flooring his Mr Herbert Halls for a lew week stable next summer r can it Mrs Thomas Is offering her house and lot In Baldwin for gate at a very low figure which no doubt will be quickly snapped up Schoolboy days years ago when ransacking around amongHt the mus ty tombs ol my noddle I often hap pen on some pleasant Jottings in the hook of memory The other evening I unearthed mental portraits of two of the sweetest girls I ever did sec- old schoolmates of mine They were Johanna sister of exMayor Cane and Miss Mary The memory of them Is as a pleasant dream What lovable mothers there vere in days Mrs Vrn Mrs Jos Mrs Wright Mrs John Mrs Alex Milne and dozens more never to be forgot ten And i remember the good old master Mr Geo Rose what a kind ly indulgent patient man he was and I recall games so ENTIRELY NEW IN EVERY LINE Dry Goods Rubbers STOCK Winter Underwear Hats and Caps Wool Knit Goods Coat Sweaters Dishes Kino Rubbers Tor Men Ladies and Children Mens Heavy Winter Rub bers A Shoes for Everybody Fancy Designs In Old Willow Pattern- Clover Leat Plain White Toilet Sots Groceries at Lowest Prices WE SOLICIT YOUR TRADE AND PROMISE TO USE YOU SQUARE BELHAVEN NORMAN S J

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