Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 3 Feb 1911, p. 5

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a Thos J fttiett Newmarket to loan on Farm prank AUCTIONEER AND Bolton Painter Pip in and House Decorator Comer Niagara and Tecum Newmarket DENTIST Main St Wilkinson Office In MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Era Papers at If NEWMARKET MARBLE HENEWMAKKET FItIDAY Weeks V y Probated J- tbe Township East was filed for probate and disposes of an estate valued at It con sists wholly of farming property and passes to his widow Mr of Mount Albert- is now occupying his new house on the north end Alain Street The increased attendance at the Christian Sunday School shows that the change of hour from morning to afternoon is beneficial r roses from the trustees of the Methodist Church by the following letter was greatly appreciated To Mr and Mrs Hy Ricbardsoni Dear Friends this tie occa sion of the 50th anniversary of your weddings the trustee Board of the the Newmarket Methodist Church crave your pardon for intruding for a few moments in order tc extendi their sincerest good wishes- on- this occasion We congratulate you on having been spared to each other and to your Womens Institute The Newmarket Branch of the North York Womens Institute will be held home of Mrs Clubine Yonge Street South and not at Mrs Two excellent papers are to be given by two capable mem bers All ladies are requested to go prepared to answer to the Roil Call February Curling The final match in the first round for the Shield was played on Thursday evening of last week be tween the rinks of Mr Luke Doyle and Mr Art The former won by a score of to though Mr rink had previously won three matches LATEST DE3I0NB IN Monuments and Head Stones schools Call IfforeOrderlnirBlsewDere CAS8IDY A S J Boyd The Central Business College of Toronto and its branches The Cen tral Telegraph and Railroad School and the Shaw Correspondence School Toronto are all operated under the Graduate In medicine of Toronto Presidency of Mr Shaw and University also Licentiate of the a commonly known as Shaws Royal College of Physicians and mem- Schools These institutions are of the Royal College Surgeons a great work for the young England Former clinical assistant Canada in particular hut Eye HorpiUI and Soy the attendance and patronage of reraity College Ear Nose and Throat Hospital London England Office Cor Main and Timothy Newmarket- Telephone No Consultation Hours My be had at any students from many other countries A Dad Fall A week ago last Saturday evening Mrs had occasion to go into the had yard and unfortunately yT on As she was fc unable office or phone to fa lhc her collar bone was broken besides several small bruises She was under the doctors care for jeral days but is getting around again as usual Time Card GOING NORTH Leave a p Toronto Newmarket 340 1060 GOING SOUTH MJ J You have pro- -4- The Premier strong courage sometimes and one of these intimated that the Legislature ought to smile on the Provincial Treasurer for his carefulness in hot- depositing more than the Farmers Bank for Travers to play with been in tending Ho Red Rose Tea for some ato JAncijurdy- nearly Rose Tea for sometime but from force of habit have just kept on using another tea Break the Habit and buy Red Rose next time family for so many years The pro verbial threescore and ten has been j reached and passed- but we are cer- tain that the lengthened span life j has not in your case been producj tive merely of labor and sorrow but of Godly contentment and ripen ed character We congratulate you also on the possession of a well developed Chris tian experience Early in life you sought and found the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and God has generously added thereto many tokens of his favor Daily and hour ly many times no doubt under try ing circumstances you have depended on the friendship of the one who sticketh closeth than a brother j and the darkened hours of pain and sorrow were made tolerable only through your having sweet commu nion and fellowship with the Heaven ly Father We rejoice also in the fact that amid the many and varied duties of your busy life you both found time Governor Brady of Idaho in an ar- give of your service to the King- tide in the Columbian Magazine of Christ and to the Church of I gives some interesting information your choice Mr Richardson having concerning the voting of Women in served for a number of years on the Idaho He says Trustee Board Our men and women in the main And now dear friends as the day and take a large life draws near its end and tej teres in State and local sun is about to set we would once affairs There is no doubt in my more lovingly commend you to God mind the mcrc and to the Word of His Grace which arc permitted to and do vote has SOLD IN BULK Your Grocer Will It S3 HOW VOTE is able to build us up and to give us tremendous eflect for good the at last a home among the sanctifi- Election of party candidates and in the passage needed laws Not only May the remaining years be full of woman vote always cast on peace for you both the right Hide in contests where mo- Signed on behalf of the Trustee i stake but the fact Board that they are permitted to vote en- it J SIMPSON them to bring influence to bear I JACKSON Pastor j 0 ways It has been Secretary pointed out that women vote in Jan 28 1911 tional elections with their husbands A purse of in gold conveyed land fathers and that they are apt the esteem and well wishes of the to he swayed by prejudice in local relatives to the aged couple that elections but there never been a they had assembled to honor The time in my experience when I have groom wore his wedding waistcoat A sumptuous dinner was served at Toronto a to p AND WEST by the Direct Canadian Route Only Through Car LiRe DAILY of carrying through standard and tourist cars for all points la Western Canada Look Ahead Andrew Carnegie is trying hard to get rid of some of his wealth before he dies Other people are trying hard to get enough wealth to live on till the time comes for them to die I And there are still others who arc I not satisfied till they spend what money they have never thinking there may be a rainy day ahead- of them If people could only barn to taVe car of what they get and use a reasonable share of judgment in their outlay a large amount of human would be avoided A dollar isnt much but a dollar a Week means fiftytwo dollars a year and in a I few years together with accrued in terest would make a nice little nest egg that would come in handy iu la- I The thoughtful man who watches the ruthless extravagance of present day youngsters cannot fail to picture in his minds eve an old ay of want and povvrty market Is not the lice where boys are starting jut for the poor house clock The place cards the women advocating any I sure which would not bear the light of day made of Mrs Richardsons wedding In Idaho we have women in dress Five waited lip- and State offices Our State tbe presided over by Mayor Public Instruction for Pearson of Newmarket a nephew a number of years has been a woman Impromptu speeches and music in almost every city some of the ot- and the company separated about ten oclock having spent- a most delightful afternoon and even ing rehearsing events and reminis cences of early days The aged couple injoyed it though Mr iMchardsori quite feeble For tickets and Sleepers apply to L Atkinson Age Newmarket fflOMPTLY SECURED who fat Furnace Work Plumbing Our Specialties Be Bathroom Outfit at A Hamilton paper has the follow ing account the marriage of Mr formerly of Newmarket and who was for sonic years employee of this office to Miss I Ha May eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs of Ontario The scene of the happyevent was the home of the brides parents The ceremony was conducted Rev Boyd of Bronte The house was beautifully decorated pink and white carnations The bride who was unattended was given away by her father and wore a gown of trimmed vith satin ribbon and seed pearls and carried a bouquet of white and The wedding march was played by Mrs JMcard of the groom only he immediate two families were present After the ceremony guests partook fit the dejeuner when toasts were proposed to the popular bride and groom who are widely known have the best wishes of all cough cures cold- heats ccois LAWS AND MOUAiS Von cant make people moral by lav Of course not Neither can you make them healthy law but this is no argument against law Laws are not designed to make men either ficcs arc held by women and In near ly every county the county superin tendent or county treasurer is a wo man and she is making an excellent public servant ho- And after all the argument for is against the proposition of man suffrage is heard it seems to that every fairminded person ought to be willing to accord his wife mother or sister in whom he reposes great confidence in every other mat ter of mind or heart the same lege ol approval or disapproval men and laws If the laws are good they prosper to the same extent as the men if they are had they sutler to the same extent If other question of right and wrong could lie decided hy the majority of the women of Our country there would he no question about the sale- our institutions I am PROFOUND moral or healthy but protect in of the right of them in person and property in their women vote homes and in their interests Doing this they promote morality by pun ishing evil doers and restraining those who do evil They also establish conditions favorable to morality and health A purefood lav may not compel a man to eat healthful food hut it pre vents men selling him under false labels what is unheal I A law against cigarettes does not take away a boys appetite- for them but it prevents men selling them to him and So protects boys from tempta tion It protects others from the I formation of the appetite A law against saloons may not make drink- keeper men temperate but it creates an Why It was in school The children were studying the stationers table Twentyfour Sheets one quire Twenty quires one ream The teacher asked Who can tell what a stationer Two little boys raised their hands John said the teacher A stationer is a man who keeps a station said John confidently Frank tell what you think I think a stationer Is a hotel he declared confidently do you think so Frank environment favorable to temperance I asked the teacher curiously A law against Sunday trade and Because I dont know anyone else sport will not convert a Sabbath who would have twentyfour sheets breaker hut it does save many from seven days of weekly I toil and It tones Up the moral and spiritual life of all The he- feud VfSITINO OSBGRHE SONS to Smiths Grocery and Mrs on a trip to and other eastern place Upon their return they will reside in Greenhouses The groom Mr O the youngest son of Mr and Mrs J Flummerfelt Bronte and a grandson of Mr Jackson of On Monday evening of last week the class of Mrs A O i me felt presetted her with a three piece carving set In a beautiful case a a token of esteem and good wishes The address accompanying the presentation Is ten hoys of her class The Host Now Freddy what part of the turkey will you have Freddy Ill take the neck Waterloo temperance workers some white meat oil the breast have decided to submit local option drumstick the giard and some bylaws In all the available Ma tow not to ask lor a In the county j second Robert was burned lodcath tm In a collision at Two cars were burned and the station was saved with difficulty Bald Heads Carnations Sniilax I COM FUNERAL BRIDAL BOUQUETS Golden Wtddlng A happy time spent it thft home Mr and Mrs last Saturday afternoon It being the anniversary I wedding day About id relatives fcrd frier gathered on the occasion thote from a distance being Dr Col lins of Pearson Mr J J Collins Mr Mrs of Toronto The Utter was the present who attended the original wedding half a century the bride and groom Ire with and roses everywhere of a profusion and a beautiful EVERY WOMAN SHOULD READ THIS LETTER And of Suffering with they do Mrs ha1 such frightful In her back that not Va Ill- how sh cannot wIUng you the benefits have receive frcn I fully hack and have Buffered with it for twenty yean I iriA but got no relief until I bought I now I have not the of he or pain In my back I DOW t and feel well I ever did In life There tothln can hold a place with In The Back which women sre subject Mm P our for free sample box sell PILLS to end money if they fail to cure Co unity only at Our store The Toronto jail Drug A TRKATMONT THAT COSTS THING IT KAILS ve want you to try three large bottles of 1KJ Tonic on our guarantee that the will not cost you a penny if It docs not give you absolute Thais proof In our faith In remedy and It Should undisputably demonstrate that we know what we are talking about when we say that Hair Tonic will grow hair on bald heads except where has been of SUCh long dura tion that the root of the hair are entirely dead the follicles Closed and grown over and the In glared Remember we are basing our state ments upon what has already been accomplished by the of Hair Tonic and have the right to assume that what It has done for thousands of others it will do lor you In any event you can not lose anything by giving It a trial on our liberal guarantee Two sizes Wb and you can obtain Remedies n this nearly achieved the wondrous feat of lying from United States soil to CubS a distance of HO miles A des patch says he had made the even hun dred miles when something went wrong and he fell into the sea and was rescued It to thing A Sir James P Whitney Premie of Ontario has- publicly- de nied the rumored early retirement from his Cabinet of Hon J He is not suffering from illhealth and will continue to boss the busi ness at the AttorneyGenerals De partment at Queens Park even if Dr and other mani pulators of the Farmers Bank did give him the slip What seems to- strike as strange is that our fiscal policy is to be reversed when the country is at the flood tide of prosperity the thought of the Montreal Star From which we infer that Hon Mr Fieldings notion of desirable trade relations for Canada with the Amer ican Republic has taken all the out of the Montreal Star Great minds sometimes The member for Lincoln Mr Lan caster on Monday last presented a motion in the Commons having for Its object the abolition of the Domin ion Senate Although the House did not concur in the motion from the general tenor of the debate including the remarks of the Premier the House favored some measure of re form in the Senate The Govern ment will likely formulate forae scheme next session j ill The desirability of a change in the date of municipal elections in Onta rio is being discussed by the Provin cial press Kingston wants the date changed to the first Monday- in Feb ruary but so far as we have observ ed the date suggested in these col umns for the nomination to take place on the second Monday in De cember and polling one week later so that all will be over before the Christmas holidays and thus allow existing Councils to wind up their municipal year as at present seems to meet with pretty general appro val is very desirable that the same date be selected for all During Thursday and Friday of last week the presented hills to the Legislature to amend the Power Commission Act and the Ontario Railway Act of AttorneyGen eral also introduced a bill re specting compensation for accidents respecting desertion of wives by their husbands relating to and others also the solemnization marriages accidental fires simplify ing titles to facilitate the sale and transfer of land trustees and execu tors in the administration of estates and conditional sale goods Hon Dr likewise presented a bill re specting chartered accountants and another respecting architects The legal mill can now get to work A Copy bill respecting Trustees and Executors and the Administra tion of Estates have been received at this office The Canadian Practitioner and Re view a leading medical journal has an interesting article on the Recent observations on the use I of Radium It gocfj on say It has been abundantly proven that radium has a distinct place In thera peutics and moreover place which it seems probable will be gradually extended fco as to Include many con ditions which formerly seemed beyond its scope The medical profession will be interested to know that the histological changes In the cancer cells following the application of the radium rays are peculiar to them selves and quite Unlike those follow ing the use of Xrays light and other agents It Is true that some cases can be treated with good results by excision the use of arsenical i pastes or xray hut we have had Cases which after all methods have proven inefficient have healed readily after short application of radium rays Yes the world moves All Winter Lines 1AT Toronto Jobbing iff m Established CAPITAL ALL PAID UP aVIifcJ fitt UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS v OS at all sentres In Canada and la London New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description of a Banking transacted- INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former the OnUrio Bank Branch will be as NEWMARKET BRANCH ROSS Manning teJildlng decorating a Is a most fascinating occupa tion Every home builder grasps at every suggestion that may glne new Ideas or better ways To those and to all Who appreciate the charm of well arranged houses the February number Canadian Home Jour nal will give the greatest pleasure With wide experience and exact knowledge Mr Paul the associate editor for this Com bines a very attractive manner of writing The special headings are suggestive Houses that the surroundings for different styles The Heart of the House all about fireplaces Building a Home sug gestions from experience There arc suggestions for Household Decora tion as selection of harmoni ous shade hanging and wall papers with Stencilling designs for the home makers who enjoy the personal work In their homes To any of our readers who arc looking for a home magazine we suggest they write to the publishers for a sample copy- EARLY AND EXCESSES HAVE UNDER- MINED YOUR j flip control nil of body hat filing weaken oil Exctises have rulnulthouumlivf 1 their thy inaohowl How you Arc you and wlf and eye with dark under weiik bock kidney palpitation of the JcMItitlrB ln ami MfJImeOt In urine hollow lfelcu lack and atrenxlhi momlogii change TnU Mlhod Trcmnt GUARANTEED TO CURE have of for nlmmt a and cot have to experiment FREE OF CHARGE wo will tell you you curable or not of NERVOUS VARICOSE VEJN3 BLOOD AND SKIM DISEASES BLADDER AND COMPLAINTS on of Mn If to call of Mn for Ml QUESTION UST FOR HOME TREATMENT Cor Michigan Ave and St Detroit Mich NOTICE All letters from Canada mast be addressed to our in Windsor Out It you desire fic us personally cull our Medical Institute In Detroit we see And treat patients in our which are or Correspondence and S5 ffffetfw for all lcitcrB KENNEDY Windior VrtU for M follows WE CASTOR I A Kind You Always Bought Boars BOOKS THAT REALLY TEA OH you iL you to In ikal ikM you Oar cilalctot will tent yea tokvoa all Mcchiolcal Bookt for priced ton Of fc4tUtioo practical of rachiQdtfQiof power Ut lrkawlflnrawitursVdDirijiinfiinrd7nmoto4Inf lure plucnbiiif a palatini niuMnieui etc tic milter your for be KOI Uf I a that will and IMonottlon that need Weil u4pcpuluprlcaliiU DRAKE CO a SSt21

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