Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 6 Jan 1911, p. 8

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AFTER ALL ELSE HAD FAILED UT y AND FRUITATIVES CURED MRS CADIEUX Jan 31st About March 1st I taken deathly sick with Stomach Trouble Backache and General Breakdown I failed from pounds down to pounds confined to bed for eight weeks and unable to eat or keep anything ray The doctors aaid they could do nothing for me and aa ft laat resort one doctor loId me to try if they not cure me nothing would I started taking at and Inside of ten days I was able to leare my bed My stomach got strong ftnd I could eat and retain my food I gained rapidly and soon had my usual The trustees of the Public School have failed to secure a teacher for the coming year as a result of Miss resignation On the evening of Dec a con cert was given in the ball here the pupils of the Public School assisted by the young people of this neighbor hood which was a grand success The pupils were well trained by their teacher Miss and the concert is said to be the best ever given in Mr occupied the chair to yon they do to everyone If you eat too fast do not masticate properly or take food that does not agree with yon digestive de rangements are almost sure to come and indigestion generally leads to very physical troubles J isfcilWIlffli King Township Sunday ScBool The 20th Convention of King Township Sunday School Association will take place at Laskay on Monday and Tuesday Jan and It is hoped that all schools in the Township will be well represented Follow ing is the program Monday Evening January 9th IN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Last Wednesday evening the mem bers of the Young Mens Bible Class went to the home of teacher Mrs J Davey and after reading good health back again and today I an address presented her with a veigh much ever pounds handsome mantel clock and a cut CADIEUX bonbon dish thus showing their appreciation of Mrs as Even the doctors realise that thews their teacher during the past year wonderful tableU made of fruit juices In responding Mrs heartily ill cure Stomach Troubles Indigestion thanked the members of her class Id ft box for trial At all dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Limited Ottawa for the beautiful gift that accompan ied it On Wednesday evening a meeting of the ministers and representative laymen of the different churches in TWO fOr town was held in the school room In Good location Town Apply fA Methodist Church for the pur pose of considering the advisability of holding a Laymens Missionary Banquet in the near future M was elected chairman and A secretary and a If waiting to buy call on M committee was appointed to ROBERTSON 14 Houses for Sale view the men of the various congre gations of and vicinity for the purpose of securing their cooper ation in carrying out the scheme For all modern vanleocea For further information apply to A J DAVIS tf16 Newmarket Farm lor Sale Special music- by Real Estate Agent New House for Sale On Timothy Street with furnace also bath and electric wiring connec tions made Possession immediate ly Apply to M COLLINS The anniversary services of the Box Newmarket Methodist Church will be conducted on Sunday Jan by the Rev J Sec of Toronto Conference of situated at and pm A freewill street Newmarket with offering and collection will be taken at both services the choir Mr and Mrs of Pine Orchard and Miss Josephine Wilson spent Christmas Monday with i Mr and Mrs A Weaver The hockey club has gone into training and the material Lot Cos King on hundred appearing will make it possible to teres more or leas all under cultiva- pick a winning team in the fctof Brick House Modern Barn with Good Young Orchard of Winter Apple Good and Cittern an everstanding pond to School PostOffice and Only three miles from J80J terms ap tly to J PO or premises near For Sale That valuable property oa Huron Newmarket known as The Kelman Homestead A beautiful home grand situation toll Fine Urge garden- fruit trees Fine lawn with shade trees hedges Flowing well Furnace aid Stable A Grand Home for any For tee J ft Executors of Estate WANTED NOW for NEWMARKET and roundffig country for the Fall Winter months a reliable to orders for Grown Stock Pay of beautiful outfit free- We guarantee strictly hardy stock in prime grow FallCelling told by oUrseJve on which there no ft to tell for a reliable firm Established SO ytarr Write for PORT Port Ontario Dr and Mrs Kay spent a few days with the doctors parents at Sutton over the Christmas holidays The Methodist Sunday School Christmas tree entertainment on Friday night was well attended the building being crowded to the doors I he program consisted of music drill etc The feature most appreciated was the childrens drill and songs under the guidance of Mrs 1 S Humphreys The proceeds were in aid of the Sunday School and were gratifying The nomination for com missioners was held on Monday night in Simpsons hall Those nominated for office were George Skinner At StonehouJe Clark AH Mawer John Thompson and Jos Kitchen resigned The meet ing was fairly well attended r relieve and cure indigestion They have a quick and tonic action on the stomach and its nerves and so they give direct aid to digestion They carry away also the indi gestible matter With their use dyspepsia hiccoughs bad taste unpleasant breath and flatulence disappear You should be careful and remember Pills I Sold In convenient boxes 25c Song Service Opening and Devotional Exercises conducted by Rev J Simpson Address The Modern S Vision Rev J Glassford Field Prov SS Toronto Discussion 930 Announcements Collection Closing Tuesday Morning January i A IN METHODIST CHURCH Devotional Services conducted by Rev Mr Keam King Reading Minutes Round Table Conference to be opened and conducted bv J M Glassford Appointment of Committees Announcements Collection and Closing Tuesday Afternoon Devotional Exercises conducted by 2 DRUNK FROM British doctors are all worked up over the growing intemperance among women The weight of medical ion is against the liquor trade Ad dressing a big North of England dem onstration Dr James Johnson of Salford rejoiced that- the grape crop this year was a failure everywhere in Europe He pointed to statistics to show that imbecile children are born in great numbers after seasons in which the vintages are good Tim schools very enjoyable entertainment was Switzerland and Austria full en 0ak school Miss Bur ton was ably assisted by the young Rev Mr King Reading Minutes 220 Address Advantages of Organized Classes Rev Halpenny Toronto 300 Discussion 315 Treasurers Report and Financial Appeal Address Our New County and Townshjp Standards Rev J Toronto Report of- Nominating Committee Collection and Music Announcements and Tuesday Evening Song Service 800 Devotional Exercises conducted by Rev Mr McLean Reading Minutes Address of retiring President and Introduction of elect 835 Address Is it Worth While Wilson Toronto- Collection and Report of Resolution Committee Closing God be with us tilt we meet again OAK RIDGES On Wednesday evening Dec a Doubled Joys Shes clever and all that Ill ad mit and shes as pretty as a picture he said of children born after vintage festivals From that he warned British wo men that their drunken habits are be coming a national reproach their of the program American and other visitors arc con- hitch reflected great cred- commenting on the number of teacher A flag drill by women thronging the liquor saloons eisrit little girls in white was reported cases of child- charming After the in the slums of Edinburgh and by Santa Claus Miss but somehow she takes all the flavor Williamson of who sang a solo The well trained children who George H of Robertson St Fort William a C P R fireman says The water gauge of my locomotive burst and scalded the whole left side of my face terribly I had a box of ZamBuk in my pocket which I was using for a sore on my lip and when I had recovered from the first shock of the accident I produced the balm and had it applied freely to the scalded parts I was suffering acute agony but within a wonderfully short time ZamBuk gave rne ease I was able to continue my journey and upon reaching home I obtained more ZamBuk and continued the treatment ZamBuk acted wonderfully well and In a few days had the wound nicely healing I dont know anything so fine as ZamBuk as a healer of burns scalds cuts and similar injuries which workers are so liable to and In my pinion a box of Zam- Buk should be kept handy In every workers home will also bo found a cure for cold chapped hands frost bit ulcere bloodpoison tores ringw inflamed patches babies and chapped place cuts burns bruises and skin rally- All druggists and stores sell at box or post from Co Toronto upon receipt of price FREE BOX and a lc at trap to Bait Co and trial of will mailed you does The girl in question was pretty with a delightful way all her own of telling a story The five other girls who shared the table in the big boardinghouse diningroom all agreed on these two points but as the one girl friend confided in the other the dearest cousins wedding the cousin whom everyone loved and admired the pretty girl marred the pleasure by an unpleasant recollection Oh yes Thats th girl isnt it Mildred who was suspended from boarding school the year we were there together She led them all a pretty dance I can tell you The cousins schoolgirl pranks had long been forgotten in the sweet womanly development of which per- flavor out of things for another girl Rather double her joy by being joyful with her Stranger What do you value your white cow at Farmer Furrow She aint worth over Taxing cows this year Stranger am not the assessor I am an official of the Quick Time Railroad Your cow was killed this morning Heres the HO Good day Exchange haps that sharp had been Smoking nay not hurt some real beginning Hut at the reference Mildreds own pretty face Hushed vous man like my husband You know its the in tobacco that makes it so injurious with something other than delight as she silently finished her dinner Dont be the one who takes the York who were born drunk Thou- atmosphere that she sometimes create sands of British babies imbibed rj a thc hoi from birth Firstborn children an were often feebleminded because ft thoroughly satisfied honeymoon intemperance Toronto and corvinc- w somc dramatic talent is i hidden in our community HOW HE Father Mathew the Irish advocate Some homes might taken for deaf and dumb institutions no temperance often had to listen to which did not greetings in the mornings penitent KOdmghts when day closes The meals are eaten in silence There personal experiences sound bo tragic as the meant them to be One evening says the Rev in Heroes arc no fireside chats over thc events the day and children are never Modern Crusades an old oi had been explaining a audience how he had been given to concerning the Borne life ttopt cares -V- AURORA Mr William an old resi dent of King Township died late residence Snowball Monday aged years 2 and days Mr carried on blacksmltbfng at sever al Mr Retchs little boy about three year while voting his grandparents here Mr and Mrs A Retch down at the re- SSI long sprees Well said he od course kind a thought I couldnt go on without bringing roe and the poor wife and to sup sorrow first drank my own clothes Into pawn then I drank the wifes cloak OH her back then I drank her flannel and her gown then drank cups and saucers out of the cupboard then I drank the pot and the kettle the fire then I drank the bed clothes from the bed and the bed from under and me wife Well what brought mi- to me senses at was the cold flurc and the poor crying Daddy were BO hungry I remember the last night me there wasnt a hi to rat or sup tortaste for the pour little things and the big boy said Poor of children Send the BRA to absent friends ed thoughtlessly it might have been for her table friends did not exact ly harmonize with the loveliness of her face The girl at the foot of the table who glorified In her pretty gowns lost much of her delight in her new mauve waist when the pretty girls opinion volunteered thc day after thc firstappearance of the dainty waist was I cant abide mauve can you It was certainly made for old ladies I have a dream of a mauve scarf that has been lying my box for years until Im ancient enough to wear it And the next time the girl at the end of the tabic her mauve waist she wondered if she looked very old When thc little girl at lie left cor ner of the table was brimming over with joy In anticipation of her very to Eat Does fear of indigestion spoil enjoyment of your meals It neednt Just take i and you wont know you have a stomach They will see to it that your food is properly digested They arc among the best of NADRUCO preparations compounded by expert chemists and guaranteed by the largest wholesale druggists in Canada 50c box If your druggist has not stocked them yet send us and we will mail you a box NATIONAL CHEMICAL CO Of CANADA LIMITED MONTREAL Free to tocfc and Poultry Raisers We will send absolutely free for the postpaid one of our largo thirtytwopage booklets on the common diseases of stock and poultry Tells you how to fattd all kinds of heavy and light horses colts and mares milch cows calves and fattening steers also how to keep and feed poultry so that they will lay just as well in winter as in summer No farmer should be without it a of only of ft fjnt a per Anlmul toy ill Animal worth per cenls more In any form suit the Watt be The It ttrm Apply to 3 Engines for 8ale of Mr A v steel oh Tues day and broke arm just above the elbow wan called In who netting the broken bone had the child taken to the Hick MM- rent Toronto On Tuesday afternoon Constable rreted a man by the name of for being drunk and disorderly and locked him up Lat er a brother of tollands ar retted on a charge and Iftd up Borne time during Iuevlay night or early Wednesday morning I some person or persons broke Into the lockup liberated the Hol lands On Wednesday afternoon one of the lands was rearrested didnt eat a bit all day she Any Specific all she bad to and Hilly Daddy I cant go to sleep I so Purple will tho Kays the boy win and Clod our Unnatural Mobility d rundown WkisV lo Ill make ye It will the three to Willi that Saving your pound row lay from two- to rid I KOCS over to the erayebers and ili of Sticks one Into one j J- I to certify that I 1 it avi tried Purple mock and another of the i fined him WXKi and costs or Hi 1 market if Vs V mm mwptiu of feel to Ms out of to ttfc for Hick Children I the On evening of it 1 discovered that the moulding shop at foundry on I an alarm v and the I firemen were soon on hand The fire bad started in the around the cupola no doubt from a spark from the Iron while melting spread to the celling of the shop and burnt through skylight Fort unately the fireman toon bad the under control with two streams of water Had the fire occurred in the night the entire works might nave been The amount some or fcix hundred dollars ft fully covered by It the repairs will be by the of the week and work returned Thursday ft first to knowledge to we are ferarit Ohildrea presence ladles I takes me breeches His no matter I tell an I tr Into the other and buttons tin waistband round their necks and for their life not to sneeze be cockcrow In the morning Hilly who was a mighty airly bird out Daddy daddy Whats the matter want to get Up daddy he get up and bad scran- to ye says I cant says the shaver cant ye ye cur says Me and Tommys In the breeches says he sadly out of It Daddy dont ye rcmlmbtr Were buttoned up says the chap smart as ye please up I got and unbuttoned the crarchers and says to rbeseU twas a burning shame that the of a Christian man should he buttoned up yonder instead of lying In a da- bed So I slips the breeches on shank- concluded the penitent and I got to your and takes the pledge and twas the piece that your ye into the me ml that set up ayain in this world milk J richer than over the iiinii her milk 17 pounds I noticed a llr or an wan on extra weight of milk on flOth I bin giving Order M I contlder It I have rood Stock rood Mum Will not If nothing woro ao thiols jou grow on your own farm it lb not food your fliiiwtolnff to Ihftlr from ho food Ho Hint will nil or round to to Ahd In and And It builds Clin former kml vigor of stocks In little or no very llino to thin Con- the food properly a fid prevent llni or floahs 50 per cents Cheaer of Royal Animal Thin a of a per day Most In hut f0 daya and aro 12060 a day Hut Royal Is day CO A contolnlrig four amount of day It only to give onto each a ay of making worth its What will that to you Mr Owner I It liana lay In Winter well as In Summer aayi Dear ftlnvTliln to certify that I UBOd two of your Poultry for my They laid no well While feeding It to them I won dered If you would mind sending mo word how or where I winter I bought It from your In hi winter I had iJ henis and I got two down a day in February and March while feeding them tho Purple Poultry Specific moulting nod permanently every poultry It bright and keepa always In prime condition It your Poultry worth more thnn llicy could without It on Package will doye Or a Tall will do Is morn material at only three times Very we a description your remarked the the man had Just misted Ills cashier and sum money how tall bet Pretty tall was the reply hut what wAcfeArje best on the time Not a Stock Food WrpU a Htock Food nor a It a It not nor firm products for It contain Hope or Injurious not merely temporarily Mont or the Animal- It and etreng tbeon Wo other known Purple It Im at 10 Purple thin AoluaU ft Hoyal Iorplo an for and helps nature to digest and turn It Into fleeh and muscle a Hog Purple no Never Off Feed Pan nay a I have In leodlng Kcl on Circuit aod iltnry Winters brother Alton winner 80000 la trotting In have never off their I J will have It If Cough Powder work wajflo For Poultry ijrl oar I for Poultry not or toek STOCK POULTRY SPECIFICS Make This Test A in Royal Dick of Purple and Poultry la ftiiltcd To prove that Purple no wo want you to thin let Feed Purple 10 anyone of your Animals for four week And the feed any other preparation to any other Animal In condition Jurplo not to you by actual that It It test you vcr used nell return your money And well no question make no You will not an It Wo to It know that la it on market If you are aitor you dont low anything do you Fob 10 A Out We purple Poultry nnl Block the llirro must ly He two milking they have Jo fa iftlr milk The ore marked tills Wo have CO laying ego we feeding getting five- day In Iho last bvo ihc inn flock of hens laid almost day five have been cohlcat this Vow rculti In I wo or after th- of Royal pur ple end i poultry have I lie nod now In sum mer time With conn poultry am UalflK exactly sail before lo fd When with It will have d inland all foody on combined truly IflCKS Auk A Miff Co Last Poll In young wore to Clou ton Of feed her bran on irnniiil violent scouring to become and tte your St and llo After wring it fnd animal soft feed without her actually took link- WO pain tlini heartily your Slock Trainer tho Adam Bee- not f wiim Hill I Mint lid I We also j j Royal Purple Cough Cure Our Cough CUM will any ordinary cough in our day and will break up and euro distemper in tea to twolvoday If your dealer cannot supply vOU our Brands will suppy you upon receipt of a paid for poultry or or you want any Gall Cure Cough Powder we will It by mall postpaid upon receipt of price if ONTARIO arid Poultry and Booklets can bo obtained from Feed and lum

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