Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 6 Jan 1911, p. 6

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six v THE ERA FRIDAY Fa S Albert Telephone MUST SELL OUT MANAGER Positively Selling at Wholesale Prices GROCERIES J Granulated Sugar Ban Comfort Soap 25c a Com Meal 25c Corn Flakes 4 or 30c Corn Starch for a pack age Star Ammonia for 25c Tea regular 30c for regular for Rice regular 5c Ik for Coffee regular for 30c lb Washing Soda lbs for 5c Sulphur regular ft lbs for pot Barley regular 5c for Jelly Powders regular pack age or for Epsom Salts regular It for 2c Raking Powder regular for Silent Parlor Matches a box Coal Oil 20c a gallon PERSONAL Sir and Mrs and Mrs Joel- Thompson were visiting at home Mrs Jones after an absence of years Mr and Mrs J Hamilton and family and Mr and Mrs Ira Morton and family spent Christmas at the home of Mrs A Jones Miss Green of Toronto is visiting at the home of Mrs Geo Mr and Mrs Norman Cunningham of Jackson Mich vere at the home of Mr Thos Cunningham for Christ mas Mr Martin of Detroit spent the Christmas week with his father in town Mn and Mrs Geo of Zephyr were visitors at the of Mr M Messrs Merle and Howe Jennings were in town for the Christmas holi days BRIEFLETS In future business places in Mount BALDWIN BREEZES January the Well the old year died hard It has been a rum old winter so fair a real oldfashioned one Some say the winter of thirtytwo years ago was almost precisely similar- I have en joyed lit have you Mr If so nod your head It has been menagerie week here A bear cub was in town to amuse and edify and instruct our juveniles Then a young Wolf arrived on Tuesday and I observed a number of tbe pleasureseekers making tracks for Sutton to see the on mas eve Of course our Hebrew friends do not celebrate festivities but nev ertheless Harry Wolf came near get ting a Christmas A baby boy a real little Israelite arrived at the Wolf household on the 27tb Har ry was so oerjoyed he lost his appe but recovered it by noon The Owl savs its name shall be Moses down and give them a few sharp pointers on how to do it Just to drive home the conviction that he was a hard-shell- cracker he came home loaded with four geese and a turkey the chief winner Other Baldwin sports were there Dr Charlie Noble saved Suttons rep by getting two geese I am very pleased to see that Mr Wood is going to take up his pen again and commence Writing another book entitled Two fusions The one is the SUTTON A farewell supper was tender ed to- Mr Leslie Brooks at the Mansion House on Tuesday even ing when thirty of his friends met to give him a send off He was presented with an address and an order for furniture Mr Brooks expects to leave for Toronto on Tuesday next- and will hereafter make this place his home We join with all his friends in wishing him and his estimable wife along and prosperous Journey through life Mr and Mrs John Andrews and children and Mr Walter Andrews of Bond Head visited over at Mr Mr Salter is home from the West looking fine and likes the coun try well Mr Donald McKenzie or Dominion Observatory Ottawa We wish all our Friends and Patrons m Happy and Prosperous New Year as to its own power or DRY Shaker regular for lie Tor yard Shirting regular for yard Tea Towelling regular He for regular for thread all kinds a spool Table Linen regular for everything in Dry Goods Boots and Shoes Hardware etc at Cost Price Smith of I good As an amateur writer I think few with he deserves the greatest praise for M his work His first book With the His many friends are showering con- Albert Will be open on V Modern Childhood as to the fairy day nights except d the M thdwn world The other the of Young Canada It is a pure heal- thy pastime far better than dancing It has much improved of late years in style speed and appliances Most of us enjoy seeing a speed race be tween and if we happen to be a winning competitor dont we feel Skating with the aid of a sail is It will a fiord an abundance or excite- ment as I once learned by dear ex perience but I through ifall think one could rig up a pair of the was Miss A the summer months The annual school meeting on Wed nesday last was slimly attended Mr was trus tee The annual entertainment of the Methodist Sunday was held in the Church on Wednesday Dec and was largely attended A good program was given by the children SMITH Queensville Batter Than Ever The tradt In Millinery at IV hag up to the present exceeded all expectations far surpassing an previous Miss White Can Please You if anybody can Why an old bonnet when everybody else Is getting the latent the And the way the trade in general Increasing Is proof that we axe pleating customers Call at toe Pliable Store and C MOUNT ALBERT METHODIST CHURCH Rev W Roach will I V conduct both the morning and evening services in Albert Meth odist Church Sunday and also the service at at pm The Sunday School Christmas Tree and Entertainment at on Tuesday evening 3rd were a decided success The recitations dialogues and musical numbers by the Sunday School scholars and oth ers were well rendered and a collec tion was taken up flag to is well written and on its way to England or publica tion there I hope Mr Wood will have great success in his second at tempt He has chosen for the back ground for this story his home in England Mr Wood who is only a and from home for over New Years Day of Aurora and Mr of Toronto also spent holiday at home Mr Smith of is his parents mith Union street Mr Ernest Wight of Toronto was in town on New Years Day Mrs of Toronto is visiting her sister Mrs Mr 1 Johnston of Victoria College Toronto spent last week at his home here and brought with him his friend Mr Walter Gray of QUEENSVILLE voting man of years and a highly respected family in England a fcw vjs small sails for by using a shield for for liter j returnecl lhn his pen hewill yet her either arm so that if he got beyond 1 express speed he could using a nauti- l J phrase throw his head into t news that W COLE KESWICK In loving remembrance Albert 1 Rose who died at his home near Ml Albert Ian My lost my own and I Shall have SO much to see together by and by I do believe that just the same sweet face Hut glorified is waiting in the place Where we shall meet again ii only I Am counted worthy in that by and INSTITUTE The next regular meeting the Mount Albert Branch of the North York Womens Institute will be held at the home Mrs Allen Theater on Thursday Ian at oclock The annual report will he presented and other business transacted alter which a social will be held all are cordially invited from to wind Of course it would need a large sheet of water such as Cookes Hay for such adventures in skating as well as any other athletic accomplishment sometimes proves of material benefit Away back in the early settlement New Brunswick the Indians proved a great annoyance to settlers One day the made a raid on a settlement and carried oil a young man as pri soner and after several days reach their forest home Here he was kept under close surveillance and es cape seemed hopeless go I read in the Egypt news that the Methodist Church there had praise for such a splendid choir for their anniversary Sunday hope I shall not he hurt- the feelings of the person who put it in- But visiting Sutton on Saturday before Christmas Day as I was walking down Main street with a friend of mine I saw abso- THE DEPOSITS BY THE PUBLIC TOTAL ASSETS hope mat v a Prof in Illinois Miss Elliott of Hamilton spent the vacation with her sister Mrs Ross at the Manse Miss Gertrude lately iJ Trowbridge Public School has ac cepted an appointment as teacher at Pleasant Mr Roger Salter has returned from the west where he spent several months full of liquor five young boys spent the week- I made a remark to my friend about anrf Paul and his sister it and he pointed out to mc two of womens over them as being members of the choir attended last ll at Egypt Church I was surprised an bright EI r lo think like I interesting Bancroft Out Jan tears alter rtisgracc church In such a man- Mf m0vng his named a at the CAPITAL PAID UP RESERVED ANDUNDIVIDED PROFITS 5900060000 Branches and Agencies throughout Canada and the United States SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Current Rates of Interest Allowed MOUNT ALBERT D TERRY MANAGER a years were dwelling at burned Clyde both to P NEW ADVERTISEMENTS his chance came The redmen made as 0 the Saturday lhis doubtless a marauding expedition and praises to the the plunder was a lot of skates Sunday following I village was quite lively on must say that the choir consists interest was taken of such as these the sooner A elections These afforded the Indians much amusement They tried them on and asked their prisoner to join them He shook his head but finally consent ed adjusted them to his feet His captors laughed heartily his apparently awkward efforts He was just using white mans craftiness as he was an expert skater Me was rp KESWICK The annual anniversary and enter tainment of the Methodist School will take place Sunday and Mon day next Jan Admission to which Tea served For Rams and Choice Breed ing Ewes Berkshire Boars Sows fired to imported Boar also Jersey Cows SOW As Christmas and Sew Years is over and the municipal elections and the farmers have settled down to business and are wanting to make the best of everything especially their cows to do this you must have a Separator I sold two on reeling of his mettle as a horse champing at the bit All at once he next Jan and On made a dash away His redskin cap- See of lors gave chase and shot their S School Association will rows alter him but he was gone I morning awl evening also ad- He knew that by following the river School in the afternoon he would eventually Monday evening the usual reach the white settlements For will hi three days he kept going subsisting j tat ions dialogues and on hark etc and finally more dead the School also Mrs aim promptly than alive reached his A others will assist with the program long story see understand Mr School opened on attendance of twentythree are the remaining fifty two the beginning of the New Year the teachers expect a more regular at tendance It is the duty of the parents to see that their children attend school regularly and punctual ly There are a few parents in who do not seem to care whether their children go to school j or not a poor appreciation of the work of the teachers The Principal has been asked to report to the held consisting School Hoard and the Truant Officer choruses school Conundrum Works was blown to atoms an explosion of dynamite and another workman named received injuries which may prove fatal The men were with an working in the rock cut and Had set Where off a blast One of the holes failed With l0 explode and the men returned too soon and were- standing over the hole when the took place Toronto Markets Jan mil Fall en and and regularly The fraternity dined at occupy tin chair King Edward Swamp on looked for Sew Years Day I ihereva A good time- will is here over NORTH Mr Fred Dawson was appointed received an elegant I of the local option election trustee at the annual school nfecting Metropolitan Car stops at Farm I Monday The Melottc Phone proper separator to Mount Albert is buy the only K BELHAVEN A heartsease which he much ap preciated It was from Mich Yes no doubt thought his duty to share in the incidental expenses in connection with his moth ers death and burial That was right Lucky boys The boys in this neighborhood are to be envied and congratulated as well lor their good selection of life partners public meeting will he held in Theres Edward lames Albert Al- S School I fall hereon Tuesday even- j an Arthur and Tom jr If they I next as a windup to the recent havent got splendid wives then I option campaign Short five dont know beans when the hag local option campaign Short minutes speeches will be given by open They need no McNeil and Snider sweet enough Theyre Messrs Joseph Davidson Henry Ben- friends of the Pie eat Party Pre Mum and others A financial statement will given by the Sec J arid other important will attended to fiwdk music is expect ed We hope to have a grand rally at this very important meeting Chair to taken at by the Pre sident tally they re all esteemed Dame Humor says a large stock of fine Honors were hived in our burg for treat was It- I am credibly Informed that the delectation ol the dry Winst on Monday night The electors cer tainly gave no uncertain sound upon the question The by law was car ried nearly three to one The holiday season brought the usual number of visitors to Keswick The S School entertainment Christian Church on was a great success Mr and Mrs Gross light Buffalo spent their Christmas holidays with her uncle Mr John Mann Orchard Beach Mrs Albert Newmarket is visiting her son Mr this week There was a family there on Saturday The Misses and of Toronto spent the holidays at Mr Jno Mr and Mrs Harvey of has Wednesday morning Mrs OrviCO of Belleville been visiting her parental honu Christmas holidays Mr Martin is thinking seri ously about going to the West in the spring Our school reopened on Tuesday a good attendance a our young people attended the Bo Social at villi last Thursday night and port a good time Whats matter with Hes all right The annual Sunday School meeting I was held last week lor the purpose of i electing olficers or the new year and the following vere elected Teacher of Childrens ClassMiss Wilson Wheat per hush Wheat per bus per bush Peas per bush Barley per hush Hay per ton Butter per lb Eggs per do Potatoes per Chickens per IK Turkeys per lb Geese per lb Ducks- per J 0 1C 18 DO 2G- 0 til 1 00 0 22- 0 18 3 at For Sale Voting Purebred Bulls The Briars Sutton West Apply f Stray Lamb Came upon premises id tie dersigned lot Con Kas about December 1st spring lamb Owner is requested prove property pay expenses a take it away FRANK CUNNINGHAM Holt NOTICE The annual meeting of the ville Cemetery Co will he held in Wrights Undertaking rooms Monday Jan lfith at thf hour of pm for the purpose of receiving reports and electing officers for JOHN A WRIGHT Pros W WRIGHT Secretary Card of Thanks Annua Meeting Glen all re- Levi The Annual Meeting Agricultural Society will he held at on Wednesday Jan at oclock pm or reception of an nual report election officers etc P CAIN A T WAITE Sec during the campaign Who ft pct New Year hoi- Teacher or Junior Orle Win lis Michigan has bargained vacation at his mothers here IE is also home for NORTH Mr and Mr of Belleville were the guests of Mr and Mrs over the holiday for and purchased the farni of John Murrel North Owilliiribury So you je be Will be In all pro bability a Canadian once again The beautiful has warbled his tune Yes he down and sang fend Prof Owl It for his admiring frier He still lingers here The campaign has shown some says that Mr featuressome real tough W Sedore AOXH Wld farm as he intends go ing West tflfS spent a lev In the city week Quite a number attended the fancy dress carnival at on years eve Mr in Zephyr this week on a business trip Dame Rumor says wedding hells are ringing who tit are having fie weather fiA One of oar men of the fit two young yjilh in bis wtUr coming home from went to drive by hi he dumped them out In but not underfoot the foil got away There a hot time at our school An easy to skin without meeting on think the it it to lose did not give the fair or put It cold water soon play a ft Is coofau Then draw I old seeds have come out and Issue with Local Option They long to get rfd whiskey the cur of their lives John Henry of Indian Mission was call ing round amongst friends here last week John liven In one of Ontarios beauty spot and favorite summer re- I torts Good there Baldwin and Its suburban district is I the borne of the most generous and to the on the the other of womanfolks night and stole sheep from ai j I could farmer had belter return them venture to particularize aft they they are suspected they do apparently all built on prosecution will toon follow School reopened on Tuesday again school girl of a I Owl thinking no doubt that it Those fellows that their horses fig the Hew came In quite spring Such weather Our fcs two or three I getting planted ve gently SaCb ftfid sWn drop oft without rouble Your Hive Cause you no when stored for six Kigjit lost their lives if you follow this method in Ho mine of spires then hum at not- wipe over with ffrsp in fold a warm owl means a happy us with a cony bod comforter It itf acceptable and cordially welcomed Messrs VoB Bros wr fortunate as to deposit five hundred dollars in the now defunct bank Next day it busted and Mew away all their I am asked what busts a Wildcat speculation J frequently greater profits Another feather In his Monday a rifle match a tempted MISS and friend of Toronto spent New Vearn day with her sister Mrs ICrncsl Morton Mr Win Morton and family Cooks town spent New at Mr- Ira Mortons MISS Morton of Newmarket was visiting friends here for a couple of days last week Miss Leila Morton hang a beautiful solo in the Methodist Church on Sun day morning The nnnlvcrsnry services arc to he held next arid Monday Miss Alice of Oil Springs Miss of Miss A Mann of and Mr Gladstone ol berg spent the vacation at their re- 1 homes here Sorry to hear Mr Arthur Morton continues very 111 Miss Bessie Terry Is here with her mother lor her holidays Mrs Taylor and children of Mutton spent last week at Mr vm Manns The had an enjoyable time at Miss Mortons borne on Friday last Miss and Miss Harrison re sumed their teachers Tues day Mr Main of visited his nephew Mr Main over Sunday JAOKSON8 POINT Things are alive at Point fee- cutting has commenced Number of Toronto visitors here on Monday Talk of more new houses on the shore nest summer Class Mi Del- Phillips TCaClier for Senior hurt Teacher for Bible Class Miss Superintendent Mr Vance Organist Mlss Nora Leopard Sec and Treas Mr Leslie School opens every Sunday at pm All are cordially invited to attend Card Thanks To the of Sutton West Ladies and Gentlemen I thank you most heartily or stauncg support in the here yesterday your did cooperation I was enabled to Dear Sir Regarding my endow ment policy No for is the Canada Life maturing on Jan 1st accept my thanks for tin prompt settlement of the same 1 also wish to express to the com pany my gratitude for the splendid result obtained the cash surrender of being more than I paid In besides years Insurance lor nothing MARSH Stray Coit your held and Be- cure a handsome majority This the face of the forces working against us is a matter of congratula tion to us all To the ladies who supported me I am especially gaMful Thanking you all most sincerely for your support and wishing you all a Happy and Prosperous Veaj Yours faithfully A of button West Sutton Jan 3rd A yearling filly strayed from lot 23 in the Con of about the 1st of Nov Dark brown with one liKlt hind foot and light mark On forehead Information leading to recovery will liberally rewarded SMITH I remain Lot to he 16U Wood for Sale Con 7 Bold In lots to suit purchaser STEPHEN WINCH Itelhavcn There was no at Hill i last Sunday so quite a number of our young people attended at other i g3 places A sad accident occurred at the home ol Mr W Saunders when two of his children I and were severely scalded Mr Clarence Wilson ban returned from spending the holidays at Mr T- Sandersons Newmarket Quite a number of our away for New Years Mr and Mrs Way man Prosser Keswick and Miss Vera Hand ford spent holiday at Friend Prossers A number of our young folks tend attending the Box Social on Jar There are two new arrivals In burg at the of Mr Walter Anderson and Mr Rose Just get ting a flying start for a worlds re cord for increase of population for ENTIRELY NEW IN EVERY LINE STOCK of of Mr our Winter Underwear Hats and Caps Wool Knit Goods Coat Sweaters Rubbers Fine for Men Ladies and Children Mens Heavy Winter Rub bers i Boots Dishes Shoes fbV Everybody Fancy Designs In Willow Clover Leaf Plain White Toilet Sets Old Anarchist in last TUftsdajield at bay for several hours over out police and soldiers were burned in the of their after a heavy Groceries at Lowest Prices SOLICIT YOUR TRADE AND PROMISE TO USE YOU SQUARE NORMAN S YORKE TRY US

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