jI f US ation For Three Years Dr Miles Restorative cured me of a period of nervous prostration of over three years duration and the Anti- Pain Pills are as necessary to us as the roof of our They have been household rem edies with us for many years J Catherine St Philadelphia Much sickness is due to nerv ous troubles Headache diz ziness epilepsy and insanity are nervous troubles Then there- is a large class of disorders which arise from a weakness of the nerves of an organ or part as weak lungs heart stomach Telephone and Telegraph Utilities ideal telephone system for- the Dominion under Government control is receiving considerable attention these days In a recent address at Berlin Mr Lucas took occasion to discuss the question of public owner ship at some length His thought fa vored Dominion Government control of trunk lines and municipalities the local services There is much to be said in favor of this proposition but we are inclined to the scheme formu lated by Sir William while a member of Sir Wilfrid Administration viz Government ownership of the whole telephone and telegraph systems operated as branches of the postoffice Depart- the same as now obtains in Great Britain To our mind the J scheme proposed by Sir William is the more preferable because of being J more practicable and by tea in to you strength richness may mean flavor or or fragrant Red Rose Tea is blended with such nicety that it the combination of all three points of merit Will you try a package kidney bladder eves etc could be managed mor cheaply j than divided interests At the Dyspepsia and indigestion arc usually the result of nervous disorders Restorative Nervine soothes the irritated nerves and present time the Federal Government monopolizes the transmission of let- ters and by judicious management while the service has been greatly extended letter postage has been the nerve cells to largely reducedwith an increased assists ate nerve force at your He I he not send price I we prepaid DR MILES MEDICAL CO Toronto yearly surplus and the entire Domin ion advantaged thereby It seems to us thai by assuming a monopoly the telephone and telegraph j terns by the Government quite as satisfactory results would follow as According to the statement made by the Magistrate a week ago that Louis held for several weeks oh a charge of eloping from New York with another mans wife would be detained until today and no longer if the officials made no ef fort to deport him the man was giv en his freedom This was allowed upon the understanding that he leave the city and go back on his own ac cord The city is resisting a charge of of the Ontario Railway Board for the inspection and approval by its engineer of the plans for the new Queen Street East bridge This is soaking it to the municipality and if it is a fair sample of what munici palities having bridges to build may expect the sooner the Legislature wipes out the Commission the better Toronto will have sixteen free skat ing rinks this winter according to Park Commissioner Wilsons an nouncement this morning Arch Miller was fined for ob structing a street car Conductor When paying the fine he shot some words at the Magistrate on the Bench The Court at once sent him to quod for a few days to teach him to be more civil in future The funeral of Mr Joseph Dell Prentiss was largely attended The were the same as for Mrs Prentiss six months ago with CASK OK MARY AND the exception of Beautiful OF Established What the Old Man Says BULK Your Grocer Will Recommend It Will Escape Gallows lAMKS McNCLTY Ottawa Dec Mary and in the operation of letter who are now in Bar- months old babe were driven out of floral offerings banked the casket J A family consisting of eight persons including a six Tramps are beginning to appear again and from now on frequent vis its may be looked for from these back door callers with requests for something to eat It places the citizen in an embarrassing position for any nan with a heart cannot bear to refuse a crust of bread to any one who is hungry but on the other hand it is this universal generosity that encourages the hobo to continue his wandering The nuisance has been very much lessened in this country of late years by the prompt arrest of all this class when liberated it seemed wise to them to seek pastures that were greener But passing them on to our neighboring counties does riot stop the evil imply shifts it from one community to another the nuisance is nation wide and therefore should be dealt with by the National Government Institutions or farms should be provided where this class of persons should be sent when con- 1 victed of vagrancy and set to work I according to their capacity Laziness is not the only cause which leads to CAPITAL ALL PAID UP UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS 16800117 ft El a I B S i i a a a- Branches at all important centres in Canada and in London New or Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description of a Banking INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers Bank Branch will be accominoUk aa fceretofora NEWMARKET BRANCH CO ROSS and the interests of the public UI1ier loMic hanged thereby greatly enhanced Failing Wednesday- next for the murder proposition we however would lheir i child last sum- decidedly favor Provincial control will escape the The those utilities The profits arising has been commuted therefrom would then go into the Provincial treasury instead of to a private company MOTES The twenty per cent discount on to lift imprisonment In the case of the woman executive clemency was extended in view the fact that was at the time of the crime in a forlorn and desperate plight and mi lder the of MeNulty who according to evidence incited her to the life of her babe It was felt by the Cabinet that the ends would not be best served by justice would nor the price of upper berths in Pullman unfortunate woman cars will not make them any more vlw that no acceptable than formerly hut it will I hc for infanticide or murder Slr a s without malice The comma- MiJtl of the To- j thirty to forty to help pay for in County of York and breakfast in the dining car next province of Ontario married morning will apply to the Parliament of Can- J at the next Sessions thereof for in The Miss s sentence also involved commutation of sentence in the latter case practically against Hairy Condor the City Traction Co will apply Pari a- tatorfi Z In the iroMut of Ontario to construe railway telegraph and refi of their on the ground of telephone from Hamilton run- toKio Penitentiary and through ISerlln DATED at Toronto in the County ford St Mary London I their beds about live oclock Monday morning by a fire in the attic Fire men arrived and soon had it out Damage to building 300 and 75 to contents It was a Cold morning to he turned unexpectedly out of bed A young girl under 18 years got married in haste- Alleging that she was an infant and a lunatic when the marriage was purported to have been solemnized Annie Cain of Crescent Toronto is seeking a declaration and order that the cere mony between herself and Max of Toronto is void has issued a writ which also asks for an injunction restraining 111 men from molesting her In a transaction involving between and the Company of Toronto their adopting a wandering life many cases they start out with an honest desire to find work and failing in the start soon give up the attempt and fall in the tramp habit others are physical weaklings anil are un fitted to keep up with any form hard work All should be intelligently treated and self- respect restored to all possible AH this energy going to waste should be saved to the industrial force of the nation they could be made to be self supporting to say the least White Pine Norway fcpmce Hemlock etc to Order Special Size Cot Doors Sash Flooring Moulding and All Kinds of Ash and Georgia Pine Run to Order Dressing Sticking Turning and All Such Work Canadas National Outlook A community of autonomous self- governing yet allied nations is in j the making in Britain Canada Aus tralia New Zealand South Africa AND THE manufacturers of agricultural India wherein the Golden Rule Any to my merits have purchased the works of of Righteousness will replace the for the rebellion the Johnston Harvester Co of Mala- law of the Jungle in- realization must Via and will Continue the bug- Tennysons Federation of the writes Wallace ness there ami enlarge World Canadian nlagazin There are 1200 at Thus are the signs of the times in- rebellion broke out of York Province of Ontario the Woodstock and hack to day of September mo Hamilton with branches to Niagara Fearful Storm Kalis and to Sarnia Rex ton Nil Dec u liming 111 ROBIN LAN HENDERSON IS Toronto Toronto appear storm whirl was for Dal tent Mabel fntario Railway and swept this of years thousands of lobstpra n ays ii there and probably enlarge There are 1 employes at present ut the works could great in creased as the ground area is double that at Toronto According to the recent church cen sus of this city Anglican and Methodists represent per cent of the total church population Win for assaulting the pro file worst of I he Hotel because in a he refused was sent down for Any attempt to lay the Lower a failure in the Decern Magazine When the in- broke out took al oft For Sale One Pay Marc year Spring- Apply to IAS Prospect At his fathers stables 3w47 municipal must he Consulted i Cheaper to Clean or Dye Than Buy the cob of fatTir or 4ve yotar good a Out i Writ for It MY VALET Adelaide St West Toronto before a Municipal Council or Rail I way ran enter upon the work of eon- Jich bridges viaducts trestles wavhil ashore on ml or other struct lire Hoard yards a red all sorts I he was going I want to lay a charge said Ik- for sell- liquor younger brother on shore age including an 1 The cocaine habit makes I Com- of rock eels as well- as well as A victim pur or Corporation for lobsters which the fishermen say to stepped to street horn the be bum a lhVir raps A lh I submit in a season M of cocaine as he wanted a Plant Thousands of the sea were to see the color of if A clerk i V the soil handed down a bottle when the man profiles detailed drawings and stress on im son n This awl only the II Iron the counter and claws are strewn About in all direct ions many Municipal Corporations Two Brothers Arrested Inspector Miller if the Provincial St mux J Their A deputation interview ed the Dominion Iremicr and fori Sydney last week and asked have the Meat and armed Goods Perrlns Greenhoiififis jclauw providing to compensate pack- Force returned from to 1 he extent of twothirds of York County Monday light having loss- when they arc fucUt the arrest of two on to meat by In- separate of theft He i Next we know fruit on dealers will asking it eoirplainl that the for decayed fruits sftuaUd in general of J been rob- no H a requiring packers lo young man Floral Deafs of eery the Dominion treasury a dividend on their profits The on baud Hie other Till A look to heel and shouted the mad in hot haste Tile clerk laid a he thief said lie had paid swenngthe snail pre- this galaxy of nation from the encc to the opinions of his friends decay and dissolution that overtook Such at least was his own version powerful states in the past lite the affair reading the plain warning of his- The prominence which ton concludes Would Canada How- name hat acquired in connection with and reproduce herself national the rebellion is largely the outcome greatness this sublime achievement of his personal ascendancy over the will not be by armies nor navies nor minds and hearts of his compatriots railway not waterways nor acclaim- is not too much to say multitudes nor palaces nor pa- dazzled his contemporaries but by Men the product of J Few men a vivified church regenerated schools after and Christian who know have wielded their duties and maintain their their fellowcountrymen than did Mr rights The her prob- at a certain time in the his- lems the rigor her environment j of Lower and no man the complexity of her people ever lived who bad hem more endowed by nature to he tbat he said Sir Wilfrid the Kiel greater over a the clerk follow- stimulate policeman seeing ami high endeavor held him up of theft for the iway This a nation destined been horn Among travail of selfsacrifice out of which a Idol of a nation A man of comma live gloriously has presence of majestic countenance impassioned eloquence of blemished Character of pure many Carnations 1 good6 Why were you running i then asked the policeman was a ml fellow marched the cells A man of descent threw a liquor glass into tin- face of a fellow for which lie was fined The mans face was badly cut expenses will he paid out o the The who broke street windows on Saturday night tiny owned the ear Hi we patriotism for years and j ears j a the horse leading Canadian cities Ills hue car and and articles in this number note Drafthorse record the preliminary results of personal Inquiry in The tides shows thai juices for drafters have risen about in last decade and are still trend- of all men or women old upwards Tlic price of this special issue to is New attractive pesonallly He receive it as a premium manner of a grand reputation being the In lie held over the hearts oi his fellow- countrymen almost unbounded and even to this day- the mention of his name will amuse throughout the length and breadth of Lower Canada a Oi rill of enthusiasm in the breasts young All our accounts of show that he was a man of he most had the New Grocery We have received our Stock of New Fruits of all kinds Raisins Currants Figs Dates Layer Rais ins Malaga Grapes Oranges etc all the NEW CANNED GOODS Tomatoes Corn Peas Salmon etc from the Best Canaritf Oim GttOCEIUES Are well assorted and the thai money can buy Try Our OUR BREAD Site Standard Weight Fan cy Dread Huns Pies Cakes of all kinds Fresh Every Montr None Hotter few as good COOKED HAM sliced to suit Satisfaction or Money Refunded Joseph Purdy Phone Perkins Old Stand on shortest no tice reasonable Out of town orders solicited 170 on A quafttlty Cabbage large him when arrested I held In the worth something awaiting prelim I nary hearing and will he brought to Tomato probably on Friday for For jears cigarette a Magistrate dot or with till for t i has urged as a f but jnite evidence has has now fruitful cause jiitil recently been WMTKR JAW TORONTO ays th I the he applicants for to Canadian naval service In Later Inspector arrested Thomas a brother of onion who is wanted Jaw on a charge of cattle stealing Miller brought him To ronto and he now In Dm Jail awaiting the arrival of a Northwest Nova and British wi tally have fceen fc taek and be chief rwm why fl proportion Tin is found in the fact that were and Caadas High Class Commercial with cigarette heart Retool absolutely superior eye In adults Write for the use of cigarettes probably has inn Falling Hair ir ten dollars apiece In tin Police own on Monday suit of winters clothing is what their coal them The Star asks II the Ontario Hallway Hoard charges for ex amining the Don bridge how much would 11 fur the Vniigf street viaduct Santa is very flays for the and old for Mondays Star has a picture of Hilly who boxes Charlie Christie ten rounds at ith pounds at Newmarket night It prom- I fees to be a if the can break it off Varsity defeated Central VMCA historian Christie Who him int from said the hail Known Christmas and New year EXCURSIONS points in In Varsity Christmas Photos MOW to for your what better yon get thaa ttitr4 appreciate a gift from a full complete fold- en farcy raountiagi for yew to from earl There tfeager In deity ArtUtie Opposite Pott but little on physical Jik of Indulgence in early igak says wlintnlng match youth very The rcj have found Sage to be v won team rare of large a proportion of the beat scalp and hair tonic hc applicant clearly proves I have ever Used My hair 10 generation from cigarette wioVjag had beer Corning out In combs full w yards on hack plunging for and was very dry and brittle and A little Illustrated pamphlet the wan always Itching and fun of has recently been Issued dandruff have used two by Hon Mr Duff Minister of of Parisian It has for Ontario touching the my hair from falling the situation size climate products re- itching and have disappeared sources progress and advantage hair in fine and soft and that part of thin usually j I would not be without this designated as New Ontario era so It Ih a picture purport to be the portrait of the young man wanted on a charge of stealing the 120000 bills found recently In this city of Traders Bank turns out to he that of brother And That fl Tonic for many times the so and the latter Ik entering libel section of the Province price Star says era area of square miles women men or children and hc than the British and Is Is any doubt the World The tar The Mews and the divide into nix great districts largltyiest preparation f rely covered with valuable forests is perfumed it in minerals especially silver fttfclness and ought to Be nlckle copper and Iron Ik abundant- member of the family could use Waterloo vbitt J sad W portable J of for horse I or bitter give our readers Auburn Hair is on every stYett tbls to guaranteed by J M of am idea of the resources and wb Engines for Corn Gutting watered with lakes and river Large bottle cents at land has great spaces of fertile soil In acres of sixteen million We shall take occasion as all druggists or from the proprietors The Co Out The with the the hair Pronto and also free from National Agency The claims his has been Injured The lawyers will make money put of the affair whether the plaintiff dots or not The Fat Miotic Show In Toronto this week a grand success were over entries with MOW MANY CAN What candy is n spice and 1 money Maying establishment Peppermint What are the What gootffcx result when sour fruit rolls oil tbe table drops caiuly Ik i lively goat and a near neighbor to the English Butterscotch What candy Ik rubber Ifallt in drop And which consists river in the Kant and a nuts Jordan almonds What candy good for the throat with age and a hunting dog Hoar hound What American dainty is to ex plode and an important food pro- duet corn What species of caramels arc an un complimentary exclamation fudge What popular flavor Is like and What bonbons should show way the wind blows JUS all is Canada AT SINGLE FARE Sabbath School Teacher Now Danny do you understand by going December Indignation Return limit Tuesday John an Indian list ifllO and January retumlro 101 and a famous variety of sentenced to eight years In 1 2nd 1011 valid at rant ford or selling Arc to day Jan 3rd the house and bam Lawrence f Faro J Good going December Kvcry human being Is Intended to January 2nd have a character of his own to returning I what no other Is to do No real hustler would give two cents for the things that come to those who watt particulars and licVeti J Depot Is J j sir fom it sow this new portion of ever Been at Ah fA caused Union vfcW This the Ions of rovers who present In all str frjsWbtVclK the Maxdonftld St to be and be for the than a nded- IS BUY YOUR raUftS FROM holly which The Up- to Date Grocers Is fear of a Street railway Winnipeg as the board of arbitrators has ruled that the com pany Justified In dismissing men found while wearing lheir flW hundred and twenty three pasWprs of the crew were from the went ashore on the to i for tub lbs Now Valencia Finest Selected Stock lls New New Seeded Raisins- Win Now Currants Rooking perdu egg a one Get the Habit LUCKY SAT 7 1