Room to Rent Apply to 203- Prospect Ave Wanted Washing and Mending also rough dry Washing Residence Huron Street W MRS SHELLEY Boarders Wanted Accommodation for a few Boarders may be had at the corner of Main and Queen Streets Terms moderate Apply to MRS PAGE For Sale K I Sewing Machine in good order 1 Coal Heater Large Table Large Mirror Enquire at Hunters Store BOTES Instead dollars has got down to cents Sheldons victims axe to receive three cents on the dollar as their portion of the blind pool opera tion which they thought would double the ventured investment at an early date The gethchquick game is a hazardous one at best Saturdays Telegram boils down the whole business TheMonk- creed has either no meaning or it means a repudiation of every ideal associated with a Can adian Nationalist worthy of the name Mr Lavergne can re flect on this short bit of criticism when preparing his next address to an Ontario audience Our Toronto frSSSS 3T L It torn New House for Sale On Timothy Street with furnace also bath and electric wiring connec tions made Possession immediate ly Apply to M COLLINS 15 Box- SO Newmarket Gale of Horses A number of Horses to be sold at the King George Hotel Newmarket on Saturday the day of Nov No Reserve Terms J J months or 5 per cent off for cash KAVANAGH Auctioneer A press despatch from Ottawa states that Sir Wilfrid Laurier on the occasion of his birthday Sunday last received cables of con gratulation from King George Mr Joseph Chamberlain General Louis Botha Premier Asquitb and many others A large number of people called at his home in Ottawa to con vey personal congratulations A city butcher had to answer in the Police Court this week for selling meat at short weight He slapped the meat on the scales said the purchaser and declared it weighed 3 lb at 12i per lb Tfce pur chaser stepped into a neighboring grocery and asked to have the meat weighed Not quite Its he said The purchaser went back to the butcher made him weigh it again and he sajd quite 3 lbs and offered to pay back the overcharge but the purchaser refused and bad the butcher summoned He will careful hereafter A good many people seem to be passing away from heart failure in this city On Sunday morning Phil ip Smith for ten years an employee at the Customs was found dead in his bed Sudden call Howard Park fell down the elevator shaft in the Manufacturing Co Our Society V5 Watson will not again till the New Year Mr A W Evans of Toronto was in Newmarket on Tuesday Mrs has been serious ly ill for the past ten days Miss Margaret Ross was danger ously ill yesterday with pneumonia Mr Lambie is home from Dakota where he spent the summer Mrs Geo Mortimer and daughter Mrs of Toronto were in town last Friday Mr who is studying law in Toronto was calling on friends in town last Friday Mrs O A Warren of Charlotte spent a day this week visiting at the Christian Parsonage Miss Alice Mader Miss Eva Os borne and Mr Jack Kennedy all of KJt HUNTERS r for Queen Quality Shoes IT PAYS TO DEAL AT NEWMARKET HUNTERS for STOCKINGS f Cheapest in Town on Tuesday and was found over Sunday At covered he the hospital it was dis- had a bad scalp wound Mrs and baby of To ronto spent the weekend with her and was suffering from concussion of parents Mr and Mrs J the brain becomes an incorporated village after January 1st and al ready candidates for the first council are becoming numerous Civil service employees at Par- NOTICE Nothing is about changing the constitution of the Dominion Senate in His Excellencys Speech from the Throne at the opening of Parliament last week but before the session closes we hope to sec legislation in troduced making Senators responsible to the people by election for limited terms the same as obtained in Upper and Lower Canada before Confedera tion same man who figured in the Globe The Moody Bible Institute of Chi- columns some years ago cago is broadening its work for wo- The Consumers Gas Co has decid- men by a course of training for dea- to reduce the price of gas in this which will be introduced city from to per feet Mrs Boyd and daughter Mrs James Adams of Hanover Ont werb visiting Mrs J A Allan last week Mrs Hamer of Toronto is spend ing a week with Mrs John with Buildings are being taught A few lady friends had dinner punctuality They now have to sign on Wednesday a register on arrival at and retiring J BerbvsWrc or i the a the Friends Par- en th two or three weeks left speaker at the North Toronto scrvative Association last Monday night He does not talk like the- T home last Friday Mr Jos Robinsons son Prospect Avenue is able to be out this week after a confinement to the house of three months through Ill ness Mrs Jackson has in with the new year It will add to The of Toronto are Monday morning Her the present instruction in the Bible the opinion if ladies clothing son Walter had to have another op- Is hereby given that a Court will Gospel music and Christian work fashioned so as to hang from the on his eye but is now doing be held pursuant to the Voters List systematic courseof instruction shoulders like mens then women nicely Act by His Honor the Judge of the household science domestic work could do without wearing corsets Mr John Rosamond has the County Court of the County of York children and nursing as well as the Fred Mills whose house was raided thanks at the Council Chamber Aurora on discussion of social probas a gambling place last week was joint of venison Our stock of Girls Coats J m is complete with the most desirable garments procur- able in Canada Natty Navy Goods to in dainty styles We illustrate two of our most popular styles You will do well to have a look over our line before buy ing- MONDAY Dec at oclock am to hear and determine the several complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters List of the Municipality of Whitchurch for All persons having business at the Court are required to attend at the said time and place J Clerk Dated Nov Jems from the New Testament point of view Like its other work all this will be free to students of every denomination and every part of the world cured on of the Era a toothsome from a trophy he recent hunting expedi tion in the Northern wilds Mrs Kcnncy from near Brant- fined Next Sunday will be Torontos field day in connection with the Do minion Temperance Alliance Move- ford attended the Womens Institute at Toronto last week and spent the An organized sort of holdup by an weekend with her mother Mrs At a mass meeting of the Womens Italian Black Hand Society occurred and other relatives in New- Institute of Ontario held in Toron- a siding a short distance market returning home on Monday to last week Dr Gordon Hewitt from the North Islington station on j j A Little of Hull of Ottawa delivered an address on Tuesday night One man got a Que writes that he is glad to see the subject House Flies and Public let in the abdomen and the whole town at Islington was great- Foley it are fast gaining favor with the ladies of Newmarket The finest workmanship and neatest styles in the trade and fully guaranteed not to shrink or sag Prices to Made in different styles in Broadcloth Panama Cloth Voiles arid Serges Specials Week v Note Lost j In Newmarket on Nov a joint- note of hand dated April 12 for made by J Rye and wife in favor of Huntley and bears the stamp of of Toronto The public are hereby cautioned against negotiat ing note Reward for return to J Huntley Sharon or Bank of To ronto Newmarket I Que th is forging ahead Health He said the ordinary lit- Italian camp at Islington was great- ahead He says Eddy tie housefly was a serious menace to exercised Money was demanded are pushing all branches of their the health of the nation and largely the raiders tQ capacitv He this seasons newest Skirts in colors of blue green and G F NO SAG regular and on sale at each to responsible for the periodical out- The strikers who have not breaks of typhoid cholera j been taken back to work are getting J i At Christmas Photos Now is the time to make pre paration for your pres entsand better could you get than Photographs How your friends will appreciate such a gift from you We have a foil end complete stock of fold ers and fancy mountings for you to choose from Come early There is danger in delay Artistic Photographer Opposite Post Office Newmarket Phone 153a sis and kindred diseases Then deal ing with local conditions the Dr em phasized in particular the absolute necessity or better attention to the 9 removal of stable manure and urged the most rigid cleanliness with re gard to the ordinary garbage can which were a prolific source of pro pagation Hoards of Health must he held responsible where they neglect duty in regard to these menaces to public health The annual convention of the pendent Telephone Association was held in Toronto last week The ad dress of President was full of I interest to all present in which he emphasized that The Government recognizing the great benefit of telephone service to the Province as well as to the callty has enacted legislation by which the residents of any locality can by petition to its municipal Council secure the The New Harness necessary to install York- a local telephone system and harm uneasy It appears some of the men made themselves specially obnoxious to the company officials and these arc the men still out in the cold The Police Department got a jolt this week The drew atten tion to the fact that the bylaws re quiring sidewalks to be swept before nine oclock and to prevent spitting On sidewalks were not enforced Chief replied he had not force enough to compel respect fur law but there will be a change de the worldfamed baritone singer made his appearance in a recital at Masse Hall last Wed- night The Public School Inspectors this city have decided to recommend the reengagement of the entire teach- J Landing for another year her about Report lias it that the Canadian Northern Railway has arranged with the Lackawanna Railway to have a through train from Toronto to New Competition wont do any sends giltedge regards to all old per- sonal friends Miss Rita Irwin pupil of Miss Perry has been appointed organist of I the Methodist Church at Newmarket Miss Irwin is a gifted organist oh much temperament talent with a bright future before her She is daughter of Editor Irwin the I Durham Chronicle one of the best- known newspapermen in Ontario Donald McGregor in In connection with our ReadytoWear Department we have made ar rangements with the manufacturers make to special measure any of bur stock lines AT NO EXTRA CHARGE Delivery 10 days from date of Fit guaranteed A A A A4 i Revolution in Mexico Musical What the Press are Saying Has One Overcoat for the injustice the Who says Two Dozen in Halters made from Hell Telephone contracts the said More than a Oak Tanned Leather and One Set of Double Light Harness Aw W WANTED A Representative for County of York position and exclusive territory for the right man Stone Welling ton Toronto things are hoi moving boy a minute was the Ontario Government at the last I record of the campaign for members of the Legislature passed what of the West on Wed- known as the charters hill and night No less than J new thereby provided a way by which any members were got in hours rind all local telephone systems in the The transfer of orphan children province shall provide the old country Co Canada is the new emigration policy of- the Salvation Army All the children ing connect ions with adjoining com panies Mr Lapointo in to respective Do- -pro- representation of the brought over will be carefully select- and seconding the address in re ply to the speech from the Throne took occasion to express felicitations Maritime Provinces in the Dominion parliament and involving an amend ment to the British North America is spending a is visiting rcr Com Sir Wilfrid Laurier on the Act by the Imperial Parliament will considered At the present time the population of the Province of Que bec is the standard upon which the unit of representation is determined As a result of the rapid of population In Quebec the representa tion in the maritime provinces has the practically onehalf The proposal is to establish each provinces initial representation as its minimum lion of his birthday The lead er of the Opposition like wise did the same The session promises to be lively one The rjeportol Gen Sir John French upon his inspection of the Canadian military forces last summer under in structions from the Imperial Army Council was laid on the table in the last Tuesday debate on the address in reply to the Speech from the Throne in still engaging the attention of the men who are Indemnity as sessional allowance Mr Paisley days in Toronto Miss Patterson laffves in Mr and Mrs A and Mr land Mrs It attended the funeral of their cousin the late Wal ter who died at the home of his brother Dr 1 J in Toronto- Mr and Mrs It and Fairies attended the funeral of their uncle Mr Jackson at Port Bradford Witness the Brink of I of says the Newmarket Era What with being on the Drink of the and on the Brink of They nurn- the Canal surely the Newmarket Brink Cup should be full hut hold The thought insistent comes upon us does the mean suckers the Landing Creek What a run on the Landings chief Industry Ottawa Free Press One of the by which Nationalists won the election Drummond and is told by the Le Canada Two men armed with large books and many pencils tailed at the farm- houses and asserting that census takers asked the woman of the house if she had any sons On replying that for instance she had three asking the reason for the question she would he told You mil tian names- your sons for you must know that the election which is being held has- for its object the rati fication of the naval bill We have two vessels ready and as the election is finished if the electors tide in favor of the navy it will he from favorable to war and we will recruit the men for the two battleships which are waiting to take them across the sea to England Ell Pasco Texas Nov With three towns Torreon Gomes and in the hands of the Mex ican revolutionists and Chihuahua be leaguered by men who surroundit in the mountains waiting opportunity to storm the garrison the Mexican Government has resorted to military conscription according to reports received here today Over men and women have been and wounded in fighting about the towns of Torreon and accord ing to the same reports This is a conservative estimate other reports of less definite character make the losses five times as high THE CRADLE CHIUSTIANIn Nov to Mr and Christian a son In Whitchurch Nov to Mr and Win McOlyincnt a son on Mrs on Mrs answer truthfully Madame You give us the age and the At Lloydtown on No vember 2 to Mr and Mrs George Jennings a daughter t t The Come the Different Classes Are being Specialized We Handle Nothing Else and therefore we Devote Time and Attention tliis one Class of Track- that Man that is Handling Several Kinds Cannot Our are Right and there no Better Quality to be had Any- where There is Another Here Inducement for vow to few seated with nearly every taking of g census In Prince Edward Island representation- has been reduced to her Bible Calgary 21Left on the of a lake milts north of Prince Albert while her foraged for food Mre after eighteen days wait forced to strike out for She was aided a portion of the way by a halfbreed In circling the lake they came upon an upturned canoe which appeared to bear mute testimony to the reason for the husbands nonre turn Thomas Ellen mother of the late Burke who was United here until his death a few years ago fell downtafrs at the home of her grand daughter Mrs Herbert here and her neck dying Mrs who was years of age mistook the stairs for the bathroom It Is a great mistake to allow oysters to freeze fo order to keep them Freezing makes them lose much of their delicate flavor The refrigerator Is the best place to keep them If It contains ice Yes sir our household now re presents the United Kingdon of Great Britain said the proud father of number one to the rector I am English my wifes Irish the nurse Is Scotch and the baby walls Berlin Nov It is said that a forest official of the Kaiser has a dog which can talk a certain amount Re that it can say Its own name and use the words for have cake hunger yea and no the famous animal collector Is said to have offered 12500 for the animal Princeton Nov A pos sible fatal accident befell James Ken- eleven years old this afternoon his return from school He with gave an At Class on Friday evening A pleasant and proAtable time was spent At the close Mrs Fairies was presented with a com bination hook case and secretary and an address was read to which Mrs Fairies made- a felling land suitable reply Mrs Joel Lemon Is we are sorry to say in very poor health- Mr Jos Grose sold a fine black horse to Mr Spears an undertaker In Toronto for a sum The Lance Toronto When I see Messrs and trying to arouse the sectional spirit of their compatriots I am somehow remind ed of the story of the farmers dog Every time a railway train flew pas the house the dog ran barking and yelping after One day the farm ers wife as she watched the dog said to her husband I wonder If that dog thinks he will ever catch that train V Thats not what both ers me said the farmer wondering what he thinks hed with the train if he caught it East on Nov to Mr and Mrs Wilfred a daughter ALTAR In Newmarket on the of Nov by Eld er at his residence Pearson St Mr Norman J of to Miss Flor ence Smart of Mount Albert We are Giving Away Coupons with Every 10c awl over for that Beautiful Library now Displayed in Hardware window This Competition is Open to any Lodge School So cieties of ail Kinds Churches Factories and li brary It has Volumes of the latest Reading from lkl Authors and is Valued at Bread Fresh Every Day THE TOMB Im do Port Nov 23 T and Sons foundry and automo bile supply store at was totally destroyed by fire at an early hour this morning It Is thought to be the work of Incen diaries The loss Is with in surance is about London Nov To their chagrin the suffragettes Who were arrest ed yesterday during their attempt to force an audience with Mr Asquith were discharged in the Bow Street Police Court todiy The defendants had been released on ball night When they were today the attorney for announced that Mr the Home Secretary had WWW on the ground of public would be Proceeding the Halifax Nov The twoyearold child of Benjamin Welsh of the Is land Railway was burned to death at Ionia yesterday Two children were sitting alone by the wood stove when a spark fell and ignited the lit tle ones dress Two neighbors who were passing heard cries and rushed to her aid but she was so badly burned that death soon came THE LEADING House You can bay your Furniture Cheap For Gash UNDERTAKIHO EMBALMING A SPECIALTY attended to at residence John Phots and St TOOLE At Aurora on November Harriett Johnson wife of Alfred Toole In her filth year Street south ot Aurora on Nov John Webb In his year llceton on Nov A Jones Postmaster in his year at her late residence 22 Margaret beloved wife of the late Albert Andrews In her year Service Sunday at pm at the above address Funeral last Mon day Interment at King TRAVISSIn Holt on Thursday Nov Traviss years 5 months and days Interment Sunday In Albert Cemetery Phone Rough Lumber and Inside Trim Doors Mouldings of KiwJa for ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO Newmarket on Nov 23 Claud Gordon son of Mr aged S J MAW receive Atteotton A THPOMTH Try ui Hard Wood cord Prices Paid lor or W EV Order by phone or from carters Jobs Turner Ht Treat NEWMAKKBT Detroit Mich Nov The Steamer Panther coal Is reported to have foundered of Oar- den Island in the Northern end of Lake Michigan Nov Fire com pletely destroyed this afternoon the large thrccstorey frame metal clad flour mill on Kingstreet owned and operated by Tho fire YOU DOING TO CALIFORNIA MEXICO or Tbis if so consult was caused by a hot box in ma- Grand Trunk Agent regarding raw- chicory on second floor and had made considerable progress before i Secure Tickote from Was men working J J on the ground floor I fee