Satchels J5O0 See choice ones in Win dow TGWAT JEWELRY STORE The Era gives more home news every week than any two other papers per annum if paid in advance 1 to the United States North York combined and is acknowledged to be the Leading Paper Paper sent outside of North York unless paid in advance The Best Stock ever shown in Town The bet ter ones have Detachable Handles and would make an Elegant Gift for Lady or Gentleman a Jewelry Store JACKSON Editor and Proprietor AssistantEditor Newmarket Friday Nov i eg i Single Copies 3c each NECESSITIES for the Ladies this time but very suitable for Men Every man who shaves and most of them do jov a good clean shave What is more satisfactory than a first class shaving outfit Razor Brush Strop soap WE HAVE A SPECIAL D Something for Nothing We will give FREE until with every Razor sold your choice of Shaving SoapStick Shaving Brush or one tin Powder These Razors arc fully guaranteed to give satisfaction HARD W A BUILDERS AND BLACKSMITHS HARDWARE STOVES PUTTY OILS AND FURNACES PLUMBING AND A PHONE TINSMITHING BINNS NEWMARKET THE receives Savings Deposits of and upwards and vide interest to all balance twice a year Safe Convenient 1 Profitable Assets 43000000 NEWMARKET BRANCH FIELD MANAGER South End Lumber Yard Our Toronto tetter One day last week a woman aged was arraigned before Judge Win chester on a charge of shoplifting at Eatons She was let off on sus pended sentence Concussion of the brain was the re sult of Kenyon slipping on the sidewalk It was some hours before he recovered consciousness The Ontario Beekeepers Association held a convention in the York Buildings last week of is the President The honey industry is reported to be flourishing Dr Gordon Hastings of Otta wa delivered an interesting and prac tical address last week at the On tario Convention of Womens Insti tutes in Convocation Hall in declared the common housefly to be one of the most dangerous men aces of public health we have to con- contend with The lecture was illus trated with lantern views The Street Railway Co have pass ed regulations to take effect on the 1st of Dec prohibiting passengers riding on the platform of cars and also prohibiting smoking on any or closed car or trailer The sum mer crowd who take a ride to enjoy their smoke will have to parade the parks instead The new organ for the Methodist Church will be a very fine one having four manuals and an echo organ which will be located in the roof Canned goods have taken another advance Tomatoes have advanced to and peas which were selling at have gone up to Joseph Hubbard from Darlington claims to have been robbed of and a watch In the police court the authorities did not know whether to believe he was drunk or robbed Possibly if the real truth was known both might have taken place At the annual meeting of the Onta rio Hockey Association the of Juniors was fixed at 20 Junior players must official record as to age Mr Doyle represented New market Gordon Muma found guilty of as sault on Mrs Van Ness at the as sizes was released on suspended sen tence on Saturday Speaking at the Club the other day Mr KC ventured the thought that there was too much debating in the House of Parliament and not sufficient in the different constituencies Guess that is so Toronto is getting a in regard to commissions Some people are now asking for a commission to dole out charity It is said mosquitoes will stay out of a room that has been sprinkled with a mixture of one part spirits of lavender and five or six quarts of wa ter but the genius who knew of the mixture failed to till Jack Frost had made a clean sweep for this year Mr Hays president of the in his interview given to the press last week puts quite a different col oring on the situation respecting the men who have not been taken on their job The fellows still on the ragged edge ate those who went out of their way to do things when the strike was on at least thats the inference- A Macedonian named Peter Kastofl aged years was- killed on Satur day at the Asphalt Works Front Street Caught in an endless chain which carries the sand buckets so tightly was his clothing drawn about his nock that he was strangled as well as crushed Mr J Miller of told the Canadian Temperance League at Massey Hall last Sunday that after two years of local option in that town its pretty hard to get a Washerwoman there and married men have to get up and turn the washing machine handle Fooling with a rifle Lloyd Ed wards an inmate of the Working of GARRET SMITH The story of certain doings a New Years Eve of the future that after all are no more extraordinary than the telephone and wireless telegraphy of today would have seemed to a reader of 8 9 From The Argosy New York inebriated one meditated moment then slid quietly down the lamppost and went to sleep on the icy Hell freeze poor man J a womans voice from the back J of the laboratory But the professor busied with his levers paid no heed Now the screen showed front ol the lighted house in from which came the sounds of mirth Pro fessor figure stood on the steps A few raps by the real on his laboratorytable brought a young woman to the door Pardon me for disturbing you but could you tell me where can find Dr Continued from last week manipulating his little levers On Pierce How did you get here without fcc- screen before them went flashing He lives at the end of the street watched he demanded seizing long stretch of country Off but he is here this evening answer- smaller man by the shoulder I across the snowcovered landscape the young man Wait a moment 50 YEARS AGO From Era Nov 23 1860 dirt There was you let era shadow you you little pup youve got us both in a hole Youll never serve another day in prison you infernal whelp a gasp as big mans were spread broad beautiful estates The moonlight gleamed on their white lawns gables and turrets and broad expanses of greenhouses in which the rich kept their famous closed around the little mans gardens of the temperate zone Alternated with these estates were the broad parks in the midst of those leafless trees shone the lights hundreds of suburban cottages this sped by in an instant f throat The hand of Sneaker Tim shot into his pocket It came out again with a deadly magazine pistol saw it was too late There was a Hash in the dim room The two fell to the floor together Be- They were following one hind them was a shriek terror and Wnorail trunk lines Four fury There was flash and a long of glistening steel with their that strategy was neccssarv knife In the hand of the thin woman rais overhead were sliding I am an old friend of Mrs Sam- sank into the back Sneaker Tim lhe watchers Now and then uel he said being in town The pals had served their last prison fla big palace- over night wished to call on her in sentence cars each the size of an of of big please and Ill call him Wont you come in Thanks no replied Ill stand right here I only want him a moment A few minutes later in response to the young womans call a- jovial per son appeared and stepped out on the porch I am Dr Pierce he announced What can do for you The professor had heard enough in the last ten minutes to lie convinced Under the heading of Childrens Joys a piece of poetry of 10 four- fine verses appears from the pen of David founder of the Child ren of Peace Sharon being ah address by the author to Union St Sabbath School and read at a re- teaparty The Newmarket Firemen enjoyed a pleasant evening together on Tuesday of this week at their annual supper at the Railroad Hotel Allen the chair The For syth House was then called the Rail way Hotel The Village Council Dr Rentier Dr A Gamble and others were guests on the occa sion The first lecture for the winter sea son before the Mechanics Institute was delivered this week by Rev Dr of Toronto YEARS AGO From Era Nov 20 1 One of three- Priestley heirs yacht would speed had been removed A grim ally had come t the aid of the family fortune The demise of Mrs Alfred I on the ins t at Toronto is nounced Deceased was a resident of the morning before leaving on- an early JNewniarket for many years and her forenoon I ram Can you of kindness and charity glad the hearts of many poor CHAPTKR VIII The Depths of Madness Priestley roused himself with a shudder Professor had turned off the ray and blotted out the scene of tragedy He saw only the little laboratory and its watchnight company about him On the faces of all was a fixed breathless horror It was as though they had suddenly awakened from a terrible nightmare Then from about the room a sigh of that comes to an awakening sleeper when he realizes that after all it was Slouching only a dream Ami So it was to these watchers of a violent death over thousand miles aw As soon as it dawned on theln that they were i the dread presence the reality slipped from their imaginations and ft became merely as a vivid tale lately read Not with Tom Priestley He was of keen sensibility and vivid im agination The horror still lived be fore him He tell me J deeds Suddenly the moving panorama please where I may find her if she Is stopped They were at a railroad well enough to receive callers station and around it was spread out At the mention of Mrs Foys name Mr Joseph has again been ope of the few remaining oldfashioned the doctors urbane expression van- awarded the contract for carrying the I Villages a hundred or so houses ished He glared searchinly at his mail between Newmarket PO and Si f Im am lining the halflighted streets caller for a minute The towerman bending tensely over Then he seemed to recover himself his lever and the night operator half and said hastily over the clicking instrument I am sorry sir It will be in the little station were the only possible to see Mrs living persons around Through the obliged to keep the unfortunate -wo- still air came the sound of voices mail in the utmost seclusion It and laughter where in all probability would be no satisfaction to sec her the socially elect the village were Mrs For has been a hopeless maniac- holding watchnight meeting for- over on years The professor turned an inquiring it That young man hack in his chair sullenly indifferent Fleckner saw he could hope for no help from him so again putting on the hat and he Priestley had been wearing when projecting himself to outdoor scenes he swung the projector on himself and his image onto the station platform- in The next moment he stood the A Plot Unearthed Now Professor said up that ends our search If this unhappy woman is thc railway station Messrs Bros shipped 250- eggs at per dozen to New York this week Mrs of Petrolia is home on a visit at the Cedars Before leaving Newmarket last week Miss was presented with a purse of over in recogni tion of her services in church work As a result of her labors persons professed a change of heart most of whom joined the Methodist Church Mrs J J Pearson left on Satur day to visit her son at Detroit The pond was frozen over on Tues day The ball and supper at tho Union on the eve of Thanksgiving Si sane she can sign no valid paper and there is no use of continuing thank Hotel you for your Now however Day was largely attended we have a humane duty the one I Mr Dan of Pine has urged upon you before Please re- a goose that has just laid six eggs- sea- ioni stamping Hie floor- in his New One of the secrets 1 a The sound thai I never up the doors once awoke tho operator alleged woman till III scree himself as he realized that he had no iNi and blood available out i Ohio J5 I stamping On Hie floor- in his though he would of memory me for disturhing Suddenly he Jumped was 1 1 c I can And the ad been holed Another Mrs Sarin For just committed an awful act j lajjce to him was nothing They were though the prohisor wtun reach- lie had a duty can home started visibly apparently slung him in- must called lite tor tor That bile fact tion you where I might find replied the hurrying over the pages of I with some dignity vou Mm tare unwilling to tell all right I dont know anything about her said the operator with finality I per Ton Best Goal Mined in America SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY P W PEARSON Phone or give orders to J Bowman or J Murphy I Hoys Home accidentally shot a com panion named J in the stomach last Sunday evening It Is thought cannot recover Is under detention charged with criminal negligence Why should inmates of such places be allowed to have shootingIrons anyway J Mr who deliver ed an address before the University OH the Nationalist move ment courteously treated He refrained from saying anything likely to stir up social or religious Another Fall is if with it and Full Suit Ji V7e at time full of the York and most on for your While down town t folnt to call at Quick shouted Tom Hark- to Chicago One of I hose men May still be alive We most get doctor and suimnon the authoritUs The professor turned to him a cold face and his hand the levers of his Instrument We have time to worry about the dead he answered We have two more of the living to seel and twenty million real dollars to Save of the heirs former out of the reckoning I examined closely before I turned off the ray His pals bullet went through bis heart We have on ly three quarters of an hour left in which to search the world tor the f am now getting to Ohio where I trust we shall find Mrs Samuel Fierce anger gripped Priestley To bis highly Idealistic mind drowsy form of the operator In- I turn to and see if we can do some for this he reached out a shadow- anything for the men we left son of the year hand and touched the Slumberous one dead and that poor woman Goose Quill Jack serenaded Main on the shoulder Then he laughed to who was so unfortunately mixed up in Street last Wednesday morning la the tragedy regular Gipsy style imitating the Not so fast not so fast my bagpipes with goosequills and a young friend rejoined the professor towel tied to a stick One of the secrets of my success is I The older residents will remember must See this Philip Martin A short lime ago crazy woman There is some- while passing along the sidewalk la thing under the surface In this strange between the post office case and Mr Turners store ho fell ant While he as speaking Professor fractured his collar bone was rapidly moving his Mr Albert J English of Jefferson levers anil Priestley despairing Jefferson Co is paying a visit gaining his point now realized that to the home of his boyhood here this there was a scries of private rooms week being thrown on the screen The Inventor was examining each house in the little settlement at lightning speed No secret chamber could withstand hln penetrating ray It was char to the watchers that if this great inven tion came Into general use and was not in some waycurtailed in its ac tion pergonal privacy would become a thing of the past dont think youll find anybody arniind moment later the professor stop- here who does either house in the Without further parley village had been searched There was withdrew he was ft to perform lhe j For a full minute he looked over his be summoned and the doe- visitor with cold suspicion lie turned to the do want Samuel worthy showed- in his lone no trace reeling cornice- lo with recent horror He was with in Mrs a Iiis image and as soon as tilt station Hashed about the village in search of some more willing informant The next instant he saw coming to ward his projection an individual of unsteady gait lie was evidently a New Years reveler who too enthusiastically lor a and had boon left the festivities of the occasion him self Not a very promising outlook thought the Inventor hut worth lie stopped in front of the man and Seaweed for Food Thousands of Chinese and Japanese literally live on seaweed Their peo ples derive a large income from gath ering and selling the ordinary sea weed More than yen is by the harvesters of the each year This docs not include large arnnunt of the product con sumed by the natives is used for Certain kinds of seaweed no one revealed that III any way byproducts which represent a mad woman thousands of dollars A Then still undaunted he went to choice dessert is made from weeds his levers Thhl time he threw gathered on the southern coast on the screen a birds eye view of the j- This mixed with sugar and town Then was discovered what sprinkled with rum manipulator of levers had There arc families on the coast of had reveled a low darkbrick out Japan This is mixed with sugar and country lMC street far back lived entirely on the to colli 1 and shrouded in seaweed gathered from March to No- suggestive of deep mystery In this plunged the privacy- destroying ray Room after room was laid bare the screen In one was a Slumbering woman In another lay two small children asleep in and sold for food i rtnictl having Islnctlvcly bent on returning to th he was not opposed to rI rnNiamber of death where he felt one provided it is kept absolutely the control of Canadian pie The city clergy in many ol the pulpits last Sunday referred to the campaign being waged against tuter- colosls The National Sanitarium was commended Aid McCarthy at the Ave Methodist Sunday School anni versary last Sunday evening made a plea for the establishment of Juvenile Courts Two brilliant illuminations displayed on King and Charles streets over lines on Saturday and Sunday evenings and King St from Yonge to Bay with clus ters of lights from crossbars attach ed to Iron pillars The current was from the Co lessors conduct and wonds seemed tin height of the sordid That the man should neglect suffering humanity lo wave mere dollars was to Tom Incon ceivable It was lhe million prom ised the professor that had inspired Ids unholy zeal Tom dashed forward hardly iu- it is duty lay He was caught by the shoulder and forced back into chair Be him the pro- greeted with the utmost first the only Can you tell mc where Mrs Sam uel lives asked The man swayed back and forth un steadily and then out plac ed or sought to place a supporting hand on the inquirers The hand passed through the professors immaterial body side of violently then pulled himself lo- beings exposed by the ray Then suddenly a l of the control ling lever out a strange little apartment was In the top of the house under the center the rooi Tho window was barred lhe Nov Mr Allen Howie met a violent death by falling down the cellar stairs of her home She was found by her husband at the of stairs with her skull fractured and quite dead Three sons reside In Toronto I I was idy and dropped by the pi one He start- MOTHERS AN IDEAL HAIR TONIC me shir he apologized my mistake cant calculate Tom said voice over very good In moonlight Never could from boy Schujje Sir Torn looked up Into face of his reached out this time old chum Sladc u deliberation and Dont be a fool Tom continued But the professor not Blade You have too much at wishing to carry this test too far stake- sidestepped and the man finally In the eyes of his old friend Tom support in a lamp saw also the motive inspired by the only two feet away promise of another sordid million fen what he said in a The man who a little while before whisper alter a moment had congratulated him on los- I aint supposed his fortune now that ho had a but I drove horse for Doc personal interest In it was ready to till ho fired mo Said Id get desert for It his suffering fellow men w him I heard that name for whom he had always professed Mrs Samuel Mrs Sam- such zeal nobody know round Torn closed his eyes in sick disgust hero Ask Doc Pierce- He knows and took no further interest In what said so was barred heavy door was furniture was meager Everything prison once attracted the at tention of the was a lone figure in llio centre of the room that a woman neatly dressed hi blank a rather refined woman a little much more than the ordinary tonics past middle age Her hair was ft quickly that users arc and her face denoted long astonished Yet the eyes Parisian Sage is compounded on the most advanced scientific principles nothing on market today can compare with it It accomplishes so Parisian kills the dan with recent weeping were clear and eradicates stops falling hair itching of the scalp and reasonable She sat her back to door chin splitting hairs in two weeks or In hand and elbow resting on the lit- your money looking far into the Parts an Sage gives a that could be seen only with the womens hair and makes it ianic lIAb beautiful It makes hair grow be the woman said luxuriant is the daintiest and one the watchers at Priestleys el- most refreshing hair dressing that j has produced and has not a UP ogreaso or la I a Parisian Sage costs cent at your to whom ho had druggist or postpaid the M Mlg Co Fort Si f S went on him i professor was rapid Having delivered himself j- mm the recess In W yCTiffiW Hed recess b hair la on every Sold J and guaranteed by Norman L Hi m m ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO