NEW Is ALL Nor La- Goods to show IK State th limit if w thence four chain four thence lot me to the by and more enter W Slow equipmaat of fiarne a lesa ftach or he first contract Dollars pec conditio i agreement which iis ByLaw of authorized on to execute and and to fcrjoratloB into final their lega te the streets of Clerk CUREC ajsjllGiftn I HALL Weeks Beats is a w ten V fin- and I Talent Sale The S of the Methodist Church will hold a Talent Sale Homemade Baking in the basement of the Church on Friday afternoon our north win- is the most uptodate Dinner and is very handsome In price tar and second consignment ol quality French China Direct import has just arrived and is now open for your in- One line in particular pure White China Dinner Ware with Coin Gold Edge see do flare it is per per cent less than regu lar price Our assortment of Fancy China is folk up to our regular standard for and in many pieces we think ever so much handsomer LAMPS A Urge assortment to select prices which will be very attrac tive for the purchaser Our Window will always from now until in particular Nov Doors open at served from clock to the lecturer of the evening that- was intended and was obliged to fall back upon his ministerial brethren of the town and they proved themselves equal to the occasion Rev Cornell cracked a number of good jokes in his inimitable style and spoke of the Educational Value of our Winter Evenings rightly us ed Rev Thomas continued in strain on Opportunity Re- J- Simpson was more 0 illustrating Congregational Effectiveness by a parable The speeches were sandwiched with choice violin selections by Miss of Aurora fine solo by Mrs of Newmarket and Toronto Band Coming The Salvation Army expects to I Fred have a big time here on Saturday splendid elocutionary efforts by Miss night and all day Sunday The Hamilton of Toronto The two lat- Band from Toronto will give responded very cheerfully to well- Rev Roach conducted the services in the church here on Sunday evening and baptised two new members Next Sunday the service will be at 3 pm Sunday School at Chas attended a special meeting of Vroomanton on Friday evening and assisted in the in itiation of five new members a great Musical Festival in the Barracks at pm presided over by Brigadier S Potter Consecration Service at am on Sunday in A Barracks Service of Praise in Town Hall at 3 on Sunday when Brigadier Potter will give an address on Ja pan Mayor Pearson will preside meeting in Town Hall Ser mon by Brigadier Potter Vocal and music by merited applause It was 1030 when the program concluded with the na tional anthem Billiard Table for Sale Practically new Very handsome birds eye maple mahogany and birch Samuel May Co make Ivory balls Worth for cash Danford Roche Co Firemen Regular meeting of the Newmarket Hook and Ladder Co- next Thursday evening All members requested to attend Up Goes the Price Retail dealers in coal have been no tified this week that nut coal has advanced per ton This means that people will buy less of that va riety and more of stove coal DIRECT IMPORTER OF STAPLE AND FANCY CHINA- I China Hall Grocery CORNER OF Main Timothy Streets NEW FRUIT have Seasons few Fruits lines of our New Quality No I Pint Selected Raisins Choke Orange Lemon and Citron Peels Drained and no sugar Police Court It costs something for a man to get drunk and act disor derly these days In the first place he has to go to Aurora to get his booze Then if he is like the man who was brought before the Colonel on Thursday night of last week is soaked for a J5 fine and costs amounting to One les should be enough to convince the com munity that it pays better to stay at home and buy dry goods and groceries The three people pulled for ship ping dogs out of proscribed territory were fined on Saturday as follows and cost and costs and and costs This makes venison come high DolanCamphell A very quiet wedding was solemniz ed in Jit Johns Church on morning when Miss Veda Campbell of Belmont late organist in the Methodist Church at Newmarket be- came the bride Mr Will Dolan son of Mr Thos I The bride was given The films for the Moving Picture Show advertised for Monday night were lost in transit- Annual meeting of the Rink share holders tonight Now that the eclipse is over we will likely have fine weather The Story Queen Esther ONE NIGHT ONLY Monday Evening Nov REELS BEAUTIFULLY HAND COLORED Along with our regular Service All for Only The Queen Esther films was to be shown last Monday but went astray in the express and Pure codfish Government Annuities On Wednesday evening next under the auspices of the Young People of this town Methodist Church Dr las San- by will give a lecture in the School brotherinlaw Mr Frank Fisher and of Thrift It was unattended Rev Father Whit- tells his story so officiated There was no music that his hearers cannot but and only ihe immediate friends of lie convinced that the Canadian contracting parties were present has hit upon the right plan The bride wore an Alice blue trav- lo prevent pauperism suit black beaver hat and CEDAR VALLEY at Pine Orchard at the Hall or the Church of Christ People are very good just now but wait until the ex citement is over Mr Neat of ford Is conducting the meeting also Mr is present Chicken dinners smell Very good around here Gum chewing is all the style at Ce dar Valley We are glad to say Brandon is doing such good work with his ma chine Hear Collin intends tak ing the bartering business Mr Lehman so we have learned is going to take the farm next spring and he will certainly require a house keeper Dressmakers are doing a rushing trade these days What has gone wrong with the whitefaced horse calling at the PO WHISTLING MIKE o SCHOMBERG R Graham was in the city on Tuesday transacting business Miss Dell has accepted the position as principal of the High School here A large number took in the dance in the Hall on Friday evening Messrs R Deacon Hall and J returned from on Wednesday evening Each one was successful in getting a deer Mr Coffey was In the city on Wednesday last Miss A Hunter of Hamilton spent a few days with her friends in this vicinity Mr J A Armstrong was in the city on Friday Mr Edward Rogers was in the city one day last week Mr Harvey Fever of Toronto was in town for a few days last week Mr James Gould of Lloydtown was in Toronto in Friday last Mrs Terry has returned to her re sidence here Ed Note Dont seal yon copy en velopes School Reports AGENTS FOR CENTURY CLOTHING AND PRIESTLEYS DRESS GOODS North FOR LADieS HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS v Greatest Store We willingly money for any goods returned within a week from date of purchase FURS OF THE CORRECT There is nothing that gives Greater Dignity and Prestige than Fine Purs Fop instance a Fur or Fur- lined Coat will Give you the Great est Comfort on the Coldest Days of Winter and will Add your tive and Becoming Style We would like yon to Corwe and See Specially Selected Stock of New Style Furs among the Aggregation Make Special Mention of Beaver Shell These Coats have Western Sable Collars and and are Stylish in Cut and Remarkable Values at each Our Ladies Special FurLined Coats Built a Broadcloth Shell lined with Alaska Sable Collar and Price Each Elegant Coats that are Worth Double the Money we ask these Coats are of Lined Broadcloth Shells Trimmed with Ala Sable Collars and Price each Extraordinary Value In Ladies Coats These Coats only came in on Wednesday and are a Striking Ex ample of the Great Value Produced by our Buying Direct from the Manu facturer thus Saving the Jobbers Profits the Comprise Broad cloth Beaver Diagonal Series Cheviots and Tweeds Loose and Fitting Styles all Sizes and all the New Colours Prices from FOR THI8 WEEK ONLY Social Lines of Skirts Latest Styles and Cut and Perfect Guaranteed Price from 350 Special Lines of Stylish Suits of Attractive Designs these are worth Ijour Attention at each Special lines of Underskirts in Silk Regal Moreen and Roman Satin Price from cents Special Lines of Net and Silk Waists in White Ecru Black and ley All Sizes and the Designs of the Very Latest Price from We Want you to See our Childrens Coats- there are not Better Values in Toronto or Elsewhere Price from Is it a wonder tbat Ladies who entrust their hat making to us are more than pleased Our stock frames and trimmings is replete with pretty and stylish things and millinery knowledge and deftness of fingers account lot the dainty designs in hats which leave this establishment We are offering for ibis week at an reduction our stvlishly trimmed felt hats while they tat The Each CHOICE TABLE FIGS Layer and Pulled Cranberries Sweet I black Persian Lamb furs The young couple drove direct from the church to the depot and which we would be glad have you took the morning train for Toronto inspect 1 1 i IV Leading Reliable Farmers Institute The Hiding Convention for North York Farmers Institute takes They will spend the honeymoon in place in Newmarket Town Hall on Cleveland Ohio and other American J Friday of next week Nov 25th and Cities with relatives of the bride On two excellent speakers return- they will reside on pros- cured to give addresses on Avenue and will be at home Lloyd town School report Division I Class V Victor Abra hams Courtney V Courtney Potter Abrahams Wilson Smith Murray A Clarke Shropshire M Simpson Jr III Puller ft Mar- Do not salt stock till it has been thoroughly skimmed as the water pre vents scum from rising We do not laugh enough There COMFORTING The New Harness Shop after Jan Prompt Phone Millinery Cut Prices At Mrs M Hughes topics Mr Andrew Elliott of Ada Monkman Gait and Mr Murphy I Mllton Abrahams- Florence KaaU Wire Fencing icceM Wit AND Five Years AMERICAN FENCES AWN M A BY The Canadian Steel A Wire Co Ltd and etc Quality and get prices For Sale By High School Newmarket Ontario TERM OPENS JAN J ELLIOTT TORONTO ONT ipiiUir High Class Commercial superior Write today for large -7TTT- Cheaper to Clean or Dye Than Buy fur economy of ut your t to tndfrtitctU mclcM we on or4ti for our til u4U free MY VALET THE Adelaide St Toronto Death of V The death of Mr Henry V came with startling suddenness on Monday afternoon many of the friends of the family in town not be ing aware of his illness Deceased had not been feeling well for several weeks but thought it would work and he continued to attend to business as visual until Wed nesday of last week when he was tak- to his bed Pleurisy and pneumo nia developed which resulted in bis death alter noon on Monday after much sufleHn Deceased was the fourth son the late Vincent Den and succeeded his father in the milling business Bight years ago he married Miss daughter of the late John the union being a most happy one The and one girl are left t mourn their great loss Mr was a honorable and successful business man in his methods ever alert for mechanical and devices and had die lapKt all He will be greatly missed especially the market The funeral obsequies tk place yesterday afternoon conducted at his late residence on Queen iy Rev 11 Thompson Shanty formerly rector of St Pauls Church Newmarket assisted The afternoon session wilt Willie Part commence at oclock and the -ve- 1 Armstrong McEwau session at some session and seats ladles There no charge ever and it is hoped that the will he well filled The other Sunday a very small boy I Has One Overcoat lor also sent to church with his grown- in Halters made from is nothing more pleasant to the ear jP sister and on his return his lather Leather and One Set of than the merry laugh of a happy asked him Doable Light Harness joyous person and nothing drives Well Hobby what was the text away gloom and care like a good The little chap thought for a mo- hearty laugh Laughter and good meat then said Oh It was some- humor make happy pleasant home thing like Don and a cheerful bright home is the qui greatest safeguard against the temp- J The sister didnt remember the text Mondays and Thursday at tations for the young Parents the father called upon the eergy- butcher shop as I will be away should guard against this and man to ho enlightened and discovered home a cheerful that the text was Fear njt for For Sale be scared youll 35 choice quality Illls Enquire of on Saturday no to nuke home spot Comforter will come- Newmarket It has been remarked by many j Bryan Wilfred and Bella Bell equal Gladys Abrahams Class A Passmore Hazel Bryan Bona who attend Farmers K I M that any country place can lave a I Irene A better atCendancc of farmers at such readier meetings than can be secured at fanners surrounding The Hub should BO to it that The Lost Hunter this reflection future will not he repeated In Away back north in Parry Sound going round tliats what Did you sec that hunter With a cowhell on for Iks wore For fear his coattail might get tore Lest some big might take pur suit And run him up against a root I Owing to the snow the past week farmers have had to suspend work in the fields With the result that some I have still potatoes and turnips in the ground tliere and then lie would get lost Sorry to hear that Mr Smart has And no one knows what it would cost been confined to Ills- bed lor a week To bring that cowhell hunter back owing to sickness And place him one the homeward Mrs Suialley has returned to her track home after spending a couple of weeks I With her daughter Mrs whistle and gun forty- four J Simpson pastor of the Methodist Church The brother and Miss Jessie Smart is home again after spending the summer at liar John Paisley a broad smile these wintry days Its a girl Mrs has gone to bridge to spend the winter with her son Miss is spending a Tew days with her sister Mrs Harris Wood bridge We hear Mr Roy Rose is selling out Sorry If we are to lose another neighbor blame him though acted as pallbearers Intermci Newmarket al lhau laking llH drives on cold nights The following were here from a to attend the funeral Mr Pleaded to see Mr Jos Bingham Mrs Rower Mr C to NEW SERVICE from to MONTREAL OTTAWA Convenient Stations Splendid Roadbed Finest Equipment Attentive Porters North Toronto pm t Through Sleeping Cars tickets and Sleepers apply Atkinson Mr f Mrs N Johnson Toronto iKnne Victoria Square A J Mr and Mrs John Brown Bradford Miss Chester Mr Saxon and Mr Blake Hewitt Toronto Mr Cox of Mr and J of Aurora Hot Fowl Supper As usual the Chrstian Church pie had great with their Hot Fowl Supper on Wednesday night The church was packed to the doors and the aisles completely filled Near ly fcOO tickets were sold It was fully A before all the people were I served The ladies certainly did their part well and the waiters were attentive The program was quite a surprise and everybody was well pleased The pastor Rev A MacKcnzle presided with acceptance Rev led In the opening prayer The program started with a fine bed with a severe cold Mr W Brooks of Toronto Sunday at Churchill Wonder why A number ot our boys arc busy hunting shot a fox last Saturday Mrs has moved to Toronto and Mr have also returned Mr Chan Is a frequent at the post office Ha I ha I Miss Woodcock of Mount Albert spent over Sunday with friends in town I Mr- McCorrnack home again after spending a few weeks In Services next Sunday at Presbyterian Church In charge Mr He will also take part In the Saturday even ing welcome FROSTY frOttS Shaw the man who the two He drove all deer right op before Away ahead of him yes out of sight They kept their distance and well they might With four years experience that hun ter came back Without a deer thats all he did lack But tis always his luck ho I am told When this deer hunter goes out in the cold But deer will not- stay where cattle dwell Nor will they listen to an old cow bell So now young man make no mistake When you go hunting again a compass take Burned by Current In Bed doubt if any business has ever with the same yreat cess so short a as business of ours At the same time we doubt if any business in Ontario so well deserved that great success And we doubt also if any community outside of Newmarket cut complete of so In a King St has been remanded till Ihe In When regret making It up allow Inch In the tor this ffiMW piano duett byMiss Annie and Mr krKenle I of the Committee In falling to secure yard to I Barrie Nov Judgment was to day reserved by Judge In the Case of Young versus tho Town of and It will be handed out at Hall The was brought by Mrs A Young on of her son aged about twelve years to recover damaged for injuries received through an electric shock from wires levered by the towns power plant Oil Tuesday morning March while lying In bed with his head rest ing against the iron bedstead the lad laid of a lamp Rocket and Im mediately an electric current passed through his body burning his left arm to the shoulder and making wounds clear through the skull to the brain His left arm was amputated below the elbow and an operation was per formed upon- his head An high voltage duo to defect the plant alleged by the the caue of the gar of year free to new sub scribers The wonderful buying power of CASH is demonstrated here day by day it is demonstrated throughout the various Complete Stocks it in demonstrated by the Price Tickets throughout the store in fact you cant help but notice it wherever look And where your fellowman for in such largo numbers is surely a safe place for you The Men West Newmarket JVs I j e Ittir ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO naiTA I A 1