Mi Albert Telephone OUT TINSDALE MANAGER i asm Selling at Wholesale Prices GROCERIES AN ACCEPTABLE GIFT Jackson Editor and Pro prietor of- the Era has made a very grateful acknowledgement of the ser vices rendered by his many corres pondents by presenting each of them with a copy of the Busy Mans Maga zine for a year This is certainly a very acceptable gift and in addition to being highly appreciated will serve as a monthly reminder of the kindness of their genial chief lbs Best Granulated Sugar 7 Comfort Soap 25c a Corn Meal Corn Flakes for 30c Quarterly meeting in the Holt Free j Methodist Church will be held on Nov and 20 Mr Geo Walker of the town line There will be meeting of all the local hockey enthusiasts on Tuesday cvjening of next week Plans will be made lor the coming season after the club is reorganized and the officials are ejected On next Sunday which is Anniver sary Sunday in tile Methodist church morning service will commence at half past ten instead of eleven oclock As has been announced before Rev Buchanan of Bradford will conduct the services of the day Miss Ger trude has kindly consented to contribute a solo in the morning and the choir will have the assistance of as- Sis Corn Starch for a pack- the I FIorence age Star Ammonia for and est minks He has two beauties the Mr Stevenson of Temperanceville aggregate weight of which is lbs a choir member Messrs and J have The Monday evening Fowl Supper say that quiet meditation was one of the good ways to spend Sabbath evening But it pears to me she hasnt much time for quiet meditation on Sabbath evenings these days Need I say more Astronomy leads its votaries to the belief that there is most surely a Supreme Being who overrules all The astronomer is com pletely bewildered by the magnificence and grandeur of the starry firmament on high It surpasses far the great est piece of machinery that the in genuity of man can invent Mankind in general are grossly ignorant of even the simple elements of astrono my Its sometimes pretty hard to thoroughly understand such corhplicat- ed machinery Our skunk hunters are on the war path Several have caught rabbit sale Household Supply Co He will either soil or lent his new residence here We are always sorry to loose good citizens like Mr and Mrs Tom- iinson We wish them every success in their new home I SI Qeorglnh Council r instead and in consequence rabbit pie lea regular lor reg business and Concert require little mention has figured on the menu C carried on for a number of years by i now for everyone is planning to be There have been several changes in Rice regular j present and anticipating a very real estate here of late Mar- may have the Coffee regular for lb rapid evening Mrs Spence tin has purchased part of the Above Council met at on Saturday Oct 29th members all present A petition was received from Donald McDonald and 244 others asking the Council to submit a Local Option ByLLaw the pray er of the petition was said ByLaw introduced and read a first time and the Clerk to give the same the advertisement and publication The Clerk was instructed to write and order him to re move any fence or obstruction that con at Your Best dont worry about theres in worry Get better If your stomach is your liver and bowels nerves are sure to be Yon- edge and your blood impure cheerful and hopeful- As they have helped in thousands of will help yon and will give your system the natural help it needs A few doses will difference in your feelings and your looks They will help you nil along the line to a clear head free from to bright eyes to healthy active organs This sure quick and tonic family remedy will help Nature to Restore Your Full Vigor only by Thomas St Helens Linciihlrc EoIiqL Sold everywhere fa tod America la 25 ceatt OUR STOCK Mr lbs progress with the new power house soloist of Toronto will ass Washing Soda for Sulphur regular Pot Barlev regular for I A very pleasant social was held in Jelly Powders regular 10c pack- Methodist Church on Friday even- age or for 25c Salts regular 5c lb for The Clerk was ordered to for his electric light plant A very pleasant social was last Baking Powder regular for PERSONAL Silent Parlor Matches Coal Oil 20c a gallon box yard DRY GOODS Staler regular He for lie reg ular for yard Shirting regular for Tea Towelling regular lie regular IOC for Thread all kinds a spool Table regular for yard Mr Conway of Toronto is taking I Terrys place at the i Dominion Bank while the latter is enjoying his holidays Mr Jewell of New was in town last week He had been summoned to property and added it to Ms T the program given after the debate farm in Egypt b is over other musical numbers are his homestead to his son and Council a ByLaw will be passed also on the list and the whole enter- aas purchased in lieu thereof the opening up and establishing a pub cannot but be good Frank Kay ranch Avenue Miss Ruby of Bradford spent Miss Ella has been as- with her aunt Mrs Walton sisting her sister Mrs Freeman lock to get settled in her new home Messrs Jacob Smith and Win And I prithee tjll Hill have returned from their wort- me wholl help Ella when she settles cm trip their fellow citizens being down which Im told will soon he to welcome them home Joseph King collector for is spending week is on his annual rounds This is PrtocAiberrtottend dau Mre the thirtysixth year he has has serv- in the funeral of his last surviving bro ther Mr Win Jewell who died on or Wednesday of last week after a short illness Miss Jessie of Aberdeen Scotland is spending a few weeks with her sisterinlaw Mrs Geo Everything in Dry Goods Boots and Shoes Hardware etc a Cost Price Dr George Cameron Swift Cur- members attended the meet in- of that pointed a member of Society in Newmarket on Saturday in Nelson Ont Mrs week Mr Hill who has been ill for several weeks does not make progress toward health his condition remaining much the same A number Institute ed in that capacity What can heat that FWSMITH rent has been appoint the Dental Council of Saskatchewan afternoon and greatly enjoyed Province This distinction is accord- Papers read and ideas given on led only to those men who topics ledge skill and thoroughness have Alterations are being made in won a foremost place in the ranks of Queens Hotel B for stands for best best family medicine Bliss Native strikes at the root of disease by purifying the blood It restores wasted tissues strengthens every organ A tablet at night next morning feeling bright Faithfully used will banish Rheumatism Constipation Kidney and Liver Disorders their profession and few attain to the honor as early in their career as Dr Cameron has done The Dr is a Mount Albert school hoy one of the first to matriculate from our Contin uation Class and naturally his friends and former Classmates rejoice in his success and extend heartiest congrat ulations Mrs It Armstrong Toronto was guest of friend Mrs last week Miss Ella Toronto was home over the weekend Mrs J Rosamond Newmarket several days here lately visiting her daughter Mrs val ine The cor- I 6 SUTTON I The Sutton Literary Society which proved so successful last winter is to be reopened A meeting will be held in the reading room of the store Three general library on Tuesday evening Nov the village will arouse keen eon- oclock to elect officers entrance is also on the Mill St we believe A large plate glass window will be put in and will transformed in- 1 to in lie road running north from where the present road leading into Point strikes lot a dis tance- of 37 rods Peers was ordered to repair and keep in repair the bridge over his mill race at The matter of paying a bonus for the erection of wire fences along the Highways having become a question the Council decid ed to take a plebiscite of the elect ors thereout and the Clerk was in structed to have the necessary loth prepared to take the vote at the coming Municipal election A number of accounts were or dered paid Council Dec 15th at petition no doubt Make your walking safe and by The Gran by Rubbers com- a pair of the best or Overshoes and arrange for the coming All interested are Invited to season attend KESWICK BALDWIN BREEZES Sale Register WEDNESDAY Nov Mr Ross lot con mlcs east of Mount Albert will hold a sale of head choice Jersey and Grade Dairy Cows at oclock sharp months credit W J Auctioneer FRIDAY Nov John A Leek lot con Scott will hold a sale Draught Horses Colts Cows and Young Cattle at clock months credit Auctioneers Smith is now complete We would like YOU to CALL and COMPARE PRICES and QUALITY with what you SEEN ELSEWHERE but we are quite sure that both of us will be BENEFITTED by the RESULT For instance look over the following list of NEW SEASONABLE GOODS Watch carefully the PRICES at which they are and See If They Can Be Beaten Quality White Blankets good size at per pair 2 Womans Union Underwear good weight full sizes best fin ish at per garment 25 cents Mens Heavy Winter Underwear guaranteed ALL WOOL and UNSHRINKABLE at per garment cents 4 Mens Extra Heavy Winter Underwear guaranteed ALL WOOL UNSHRINKABLE at per garment An excellent line of Wool Sox at per pair 25 cents 6 Shepherds Plaid Suiting a good fine cloth WILL NOT FADE inches wide at per yard cents In addition we have the most complete line ot La dies and Childrens Hosiery Underwear Yarns Knitted Goods and Caps we ever had Call and see them We will bo pleased to show them Agents for House of in Clothes J in QU The regular meeting of the Womens I SATURDAY Nov The Mount Albert Nov Editor of Era euro you genulno Bliss Native Horb3 in a yellow box portrait of O tablets Money back if satisfied agent a small spare t- on the Telephone who rent anv of Die he lion Chas AGENT t me word or two lion The subscribers pen den telephones nun Telephone Companies York and Ontario Telephone I have free connection with upwards of phones in rmin nihilities operated from switchboards located follows Mount Al bert bridge Clare- Brooklyn IJror- Pickering Village Armadale East Toronto Richmond Hill and Aurora Several of these Centrals give continuous service when lie -ilini- subscribers connected with the j centrals warrant same Almost ll of them give a night service for which a small charge is made which goes to the operator The service this- large tract of is equal to Bell service in the same district and in some respects is better The rental is only twelve dollars tolls to pay and two of corn- panics for this rental gives with the Bell Company on of the connecting toll and Bell Long Distance loll The service W Sedore The trade in Millinery at has up to the present exceeded all expectations far surpassing any previous season White Can Please You lexurjes Omni Swamp that me so la- Jj I was dilatory about prepar ing my budget therefore there was a dead calm in Owl town Inst week This week it is our sari duty to chronicle the death of one of our old- a highly esteemed resi dents On Sunday morning Grand mother Prlllglc passed away at the good old age of eightyfour years and two months She has been declining for some months All that could be done in such cases was cheerfully done as she was greatly beloved by her family friends and neighbors She was laid away to rest on Tuesday morning Goodbye I good old moth er This weather is something about as I told you would be There will he a change for the hotter Monday next Indian Summer will and the lazy Injun white as well as red will hump himself to get ready for Winters blasts Many have already completed their for tin Institute will Re held at the home of Mrs Win on Tuesday Nov at pm A reading on the On Thanksgiving I enjoyed so many Kingship of Self Control will be from the Royal Household Mrs Win also J will introduce the subject of- Hints for Christmas Time will be given for discussion of both- subjects Ail ladles cordially invited The MC held a very fill and enjoyable Thanksgiving meet- at Mr Jesse Mortons last day evening over sixty being present About fifteen of the members were present at the afternoon meeting The President read a pslam oil ThankSgivj ing and also had individual Bible reading with comments on the topic Giving after which Miss Allele Winch sang a very pretty solo Miss Delia gave a splendid read- entitled Nearsightedness A sue- i Ccssful business meeting followed j ways of raising money were discuss ed Splendid reports were given by different commit fees Talent money was brought in by each of the I hers Two members were added to our roll making now a total of members A hearty vote of great blanks was- given to Mr and Mrs Morton for their hospitality Tea was served from six to eightthirty Cane S Co will have of Hardwood Tops on Mr Phillips farm west side of YongC Street Terms Cash Sale at Wm a sale Bern llMr J Rye oclock MONDAY NOV lot Con East will haw an sale of horses cattle ami implements oclock Eleven months credit on sums over I FRIDAY NOV is Mr Wm lot con East will dispose of his cattle and I oclock- Eleven months on sums over Smith a- FRIDAY Nov The Cane Sons Co will have a sale of Hard- Tops on Mr east end of hit in of Terms cash at one w j fa I a Ml I T 1 jHoeouoooo CAPITAL PAID LP I RESERVED AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS DEPOSITS BY- THE PUBLIC TOTAL ASSETS Branches and Agencies throughout Canada and the United States SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Current Rates of Interest Allowed MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH S TERRY MANAGER ByLaw No farm East Sale Auctioneer admeasurement two hundred and and one half acres more less ByLaw to Authorize making of a The Corporation shall enter ft- Contract with one SAMUEL to a contract with Samuel WALKER SLOAN for the SU- the erection and- ply of ELECTRIC LIGHT withjan electric light plant and TORONTO en by the Independent companies Is fall work and read freezeup Mr Frank has raised two crops of praties Oil his lawn and ot It in tiptop condition for feeding down which he will do with a genu ine mixture of lawn grassseed To add to this attractiveness how would it do to transplant some lilies not water lilies but a Lily of the ft fen If anybody can Why vear an old bonnet when everybody else Is getting the latest and the best style And the way the Irade in general Is increasing is proof that ve are pleasing our customers Call at the Reliable Store W COLE KESWICK Lindsay Nov Game Warden Toole of caught two reel- tfents of Emily Tovnsbjp a farmer and an Indian trapping The traps confiscated and the law breakers fined Nov Halloween three hundred students from the Went to the theatre and raised such a disturbance that two of them John rae and Robinson had appear in the Police Court They were released but vill have to pay for damages amounting to Nov Newman a farmer of tills district instantly killed while hitching Ms team to a water tank on I he team generally acknowledged by- the public l finn to be superior to that given by the single hunter represents our Co and the Independent service I rhc present game has come to stay wherever same ft completely dumbfounded tried If the citizens of Newmarket I increase in price of such service they should ask the to one deer and one of the companies to operate I J their town and give said Company an Idea what support will be given them and no doubt that town would oclock lighted pea red Games the the chase were beyond doubt too muchec For the poor deers sake I am glad it is so the excellent service that Is lhc en elsewhere The Bell CM will and other however do all they can to give bad connections when connecting their fcttbrcribers with independent compa nies and make long waifs before do ing ho In order to prejudice their subscribers against independent ser vice but this mode bound to fall INDEPENDENT Tables were decorated with pumpkins Ghosts also ap- being Halloween night contests and music Total proceeds of the meeting Mr James Stiles President of N and Sutton West Sun day School Association visited the in a am area a petition has been pre sented to this Council signed by resi dents of that portion of the Township of East comprised in the The lews of Ward Three who area hereinafter more particularly Conservative meeting fast week scribed praying that a ByLaw be as a protest against the manner in j passed the purpose lighting the which the election of officers was said area in the method and upon the railroaded through to prevent the terms set forth in the said petition election of Jews have formed a new AND WHEREAS the said petition organization of their own and elected signed by more than twothirds of officers pro tern A mass meeting the persons resident in the said area will be held shortly to complete the whose names appear upon the last re organization and decide on lines of vised assessment roll of action They will likely range as freeholders or tenants of themselves in opposition to the assessed real property therein -rcpre- Conservative Association Insurance companies report that since January PJOu persons HOLLAND LANDING of civilization the beautiful crea tures stand a hotter chance for their lives wolf Is cowardly by na ture and has no use for the peat moose which has nothing dread from wolves who fear a ton by of warfare is ne horns or a clip from Its powerful fore feet as you would fear a clout from the paw of lames J Jeffries Poor Jim is nobody since he was licked by that Mr Bert 6wens Is very two Sunday Schools of our last Sunday Owing to the bad weather the attendance was not up to the average A number from here attended Quarterly Meeting at last I Sunday Gospel Temperance Meeting in the christian Church last Sunday even ing The League Service in Methodist Church was withdrawn in village have lost their lives in fires in Cana da and nearly worth property destroyed By the dim of a candle a game of crap was played last Sunday night in a stable by three men anil the next flay they were soaked each for their violation of law On Monday night lire broke out in the In value onehalf of the as sessed value all which appears by the certificate of Clerk of the mu nicipality annexed to the said peti tion AND WHEREAS this Council deems it in pursuance of its powers in that behalf to define a cer tain area for the purpose of street lighting ii King Street East and caused consequence Mrs McCordick damage to stock and ty President of gave the building address of the evening Mr John Rose who has been away Mr John Da I ton of Toronto spent Wednesday with friends here J A of Victoria Har bor has returned for the winter The two Nightingales spent Tues day in Toronto They do not Intend migrating until the weather turns a little cooler Mrs Lloyd intends residing In St Catharines near future Mr Brown of brother of Mrs Rood died Wednesday to the Northwest for a few months at the Temple Building A returned home this week John looks large attendance is expected hale and hearty and reports big Sylvia Henderson who escaped from crops around Indian Head 0 Alexandra Industrial School ban The Sons of Temperance Division sent to Mercer Reformatory looking up again as evenings grow the Police Court longer Their Hall ceiling is having I student parade down Yongo St again His health has been anything jtl of coats of this was dispersed on Saturday night by but satisfactory sine the iccldent will brighten up the In- 1 the Mounted Police They were cele- arm last spring considerably Division a victory over Queens has chosen sides for the entertain- ft processions win have to obtain the Municipal Coun cil of the Corporation of East Stcele Seed Co premises hereby enacts The area within the limits In this paragraph set forth is hereby de fined and designed as a special section within this municipality in which liio streets should be lighted namely COMMENCING at south west an gle of lot Number Eleven eighth Concession of the said and lor the maintenance of same supply by the said Samuel of twentyfour lamps of not less thirtytwo candle power each for the term of ten years from the first of January at the contract price of Pour Hundred Dollars per annum upon the terms and conditions contained in the draft agreement which is annexed hereto and ivhlA it hereby made a part of this The Reeve and Clerk Municipality are hereby authorized and it shall he lawful for them on behalf of the Corporation to execute a contract upon the terms and condi tion in said draft contained and to affix the seal ol the Corporation thereto THIS BYLAW shall come into ef fect immediately upon the final pin ing signing and sealing thereof The Farmers Institute Convention booked for Nov 17 and will fore- in Townr- gave a picture chosen up sides for the entertain- processions r our Town Hall on even- we may expect very in- written tut morning Interment- at where he known Newman Corners this afternoon Bill to distinguish hlrn from tongue fell the over his Bead Mr Roy on Jordan an man Is working on suing William Limited to damages for the death of plaintiff through the bis former negligence the Com- on the shovel and pany Mm Jordan was faUIIy he is still keeping her hot It didnt pan out Mrs Roy and are spending a few days at Villa prior to removal to We wish Roy and Dora Darling suc cess In their new venture It is reported that Billy Michigan formerly of North li fted formerly en- of Same name has sold out and In- one of the locomotives tends returning to to spend his the canal has teen pro- remaining days Good for you Bll- on the dumping I You re Canada forever all right Jofcey your gal Shes a good crushed by the folding doors of elevator shaft Buffalo Bill and Marshall are running the Ocean Limited till meetings Mr Harry Is WI this month and He is a Mrs E Draper ol Toronto Is visit ing at Mr Jesse Cornwalls this week Mr Jesse on sick list this week Mr T is building a cement stable lie is hoping for fine weath er to finish the job There is very little talk yet tho Municipal election There is a a tone of pretty general satisfaction In regard to the present council and one would not he surprised to old Council elected by acclamation There Is not much talk either about tho Option Contest but tho Stick to Ring out Wedding Bells Astronomy to the serious and deep thinking mind is amo I interesting study Up here my imaginary opinion is that carry course they often stall on the grade jnar perch is a place tor cool this time but Dick and Bob fcoon help them out feadqulet meditation Mr Roy and family are iL stands by By my gentle moving to hott he has accepted a d IttokOB iShlU- Yk sion police au thorities On Tuesday last the first Womens Institute In this city was formed The aim ofyhis local Institute bo to get closely touch with coun try organisations so that a mutual exchange of Information or helpful hints may be the result Mrs Joy Is first president Tho proposal to increase fees medical practitioners will result in largely increasing tho profits of pa tent medicine dealers For Bale Shropshire Rams and Breed ing Ewes Berkshire Boars and Sows Bred to Imported Boar also Cows and Heifers J Metropolitan ship thence along the wes tern boundary of lot and lot twelve to the northwest angle of said lot twelve thence easterly along northern boundary of said lot twelve to a point easterly twenty- four chains from the eastern limit of the centre road thence southerly pa rallel with sail western boundary of said lot to southern boundary of said lot cloven at a point twenty- four chains easterly from the eastern boundary of said ccntro road thence westerly along the southern boundary of said lot eleven twentytwo chains thence southerly parallel with the limit ccntro road four chains and fiftyseven links thence three chains and ten links to said cast limit centre road thence northerly along and a line in continuation ot fivflW four chains and twenty links to southern boun dary of lot cloven thence westerly along the same to west limit of tho Grand Trunk Railway thenco southerly along four chains fortyseven links westerly four NOTICE The Council of the Towavnip East will at their lar meeting winch will he December 1910 at the Mat pal Hall Sharon give the ByLaw which is tor the nirpow Electric Lighting the Mount Albert Village its and pass the same A Clerk i Kit- We the buinr4 of tewltteenaiid others who of their busmen traw advice lJVffif YEARS my wtu about where ott he has accepted a No p at bona Uriel lent rateoi A 1175a A chains and twenty links north erly four chains and thirtyfour links to boundary of lot eleven thence westerly along same to the OLD NBWSPA of containing v f 1