Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , November 11, 1910, p. 4

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v -rv- j -i- F iif I I Street Judging from a statement made to Council by Dr Sheard Medi cal Health Officer if Toronto in re spect to the use oil on the streets of the city to allay dust it is a long way cheaper than water sprink- He I have personally been conducting the experiment of laying dust on the streets by the use of crude oil and on the whole this experiment has proved eminently sat isfactory The method we employ is to use crude petr residue and as there are many kinds of petroleum I oil we endeavor to secure one that years ago I j has the least odor and is the least then of the method doing the work and says the number- or applications re quired will vary somewhat according to the road to be treated If the road is a reasonably good one free not subject to heavy Vegetable Compound Vienna I feel that I owe the last ten years of life to Vege table Compound under the doctors carebntgotnorellef- husband per suaded me to try Vegetable Com pound and from ruts and like a charm- Itre- and misery I advise all suffering women to take Lydia Vegetable Compound Vienna Va Lydia Vegetable Com pound made from rooU and contains no narcotics or harm ful drugs and today holds the record for the number of actual cures of female of any similar medi cine in the country and thousands of voluntary testimonials are on file in the laboratory at Lynn Mass from women who have been cured from almost every form of female complaints inflammation tumors irregularities periodic pains backache indigestion and nervous prostration Every such suffering woman owes it to herself to give E Vegetable Compound a trial If you would advice about your case write a confiden tial letter to Mrs at Lynn Mass Her is free and always helpful r BEST SERVICE TO Four Trains from Toronto am pm pm Bala Sleeper carried pm train Fridays ENJOY THE COOL BREEZES OF THE GREAT LAKES Sailings daily except Friday and Sunday from Owen Sound Special train from Toronto pm sailing days Meals and berth included boat The Most Pleasant and Cheap est Route to and West LAtkinson Agent Newmarket traffic he says three applications of oil should last three months The method of application consists in lightly sprinkling the streets with oil from a watering cart driven at a rapid gait over the surface of the road endeavoring to so deposit the oil that the spots of oil will be more or less separate care being taken not to leave puddles of oil in the de pressions or channels Should such occur it is advisable to have them swept away with a broom so that they will not be splashed by traffic or stain the clothing of pedestrians The road is then watched for three or four days when the second dose is given after another week or so the third application is made The rain does not affect disadvantageously a road that has been treated with oil such a road will dry more rapidly af ter a rain storm The sun coming out brings the oil again to the sur face and the dust adheres comes the important point of cost- Dr tells the people that We have found that up on ordinary roads gallons per mile will complete the three applica tions specified above and ought to maintain the road for at least from one to two months This at four cents gallon would be and the cost of application from to If these estimates by one who has had experience in Toronto be correct and we have no reason to doubt them the total cost of oil sprinkling Main Street in Newmarket from Water to Huron Street would not exceed more than for the whole summer as the distance is only about three quarters of a mile Now compare this data with the present cost of pumping and of the same street and the saving would amount to more than the whole por tion now levied upon the corporation generally to supplement the special rate paid by the taxpayers on the the whole street Our Town Fath ers should look into this matter The whole municipality is interested Epilepsy Spasms St Vitus Dance I suffered for many years from what some people call epilepsy Dr Miles Restora tive Nervine cured me and you can imagine how thankful I am I COFFMAN Coldwater Mich My daughter was cured with Dr Miles Restorative Nervine after having been afflicted with fits for five years PETER Springfield Mass For a year my little boy had spasms every time he got a little cold Since taking Dr Miles Nervine he has never had one of these spasms MRS MYRTLE DAGUE Rochester Ind My daughter couldnt talk or walk from St Vitus dance Seven bottles of Dr Miles Nervine entirely cured her MRS NANNIE LAND Ethel Ind Until my son was years old he had fits right along We gave him seven bottles of Dr Miles Restorative Nervine He has not had a fit since he began on the fifth bottle MRS R DTJNTLEY Wautoma Wis at your Ha ahould supply you If ho not wo Ton DR MILES 1 Heres a Way to Save Doctor Bills J Physicians Give Free Advice by Which Parents May Profit Brandon Asylum Burned Brandon Man Nov In the piercing cold of a chilly November night six hundred patients of tie Hospital for the Insane axe huddled together in sheds and barns as toe Its a matter of general interest result of terrible conflagration just now how ones physical condition which destroyed the institution to- be got into shape to best receive Bursar says that the benefits of summer season every patient out safely All are Especially is this true of the child- accounted for and there was not one They have become run down by fatality Many are more or less winter of unnatural manner of although none seriously because illconsidered food and The officials of the asylum em- v STOPS FALLING HAIR DESTROYS DANDRUFF AN ELEGANT MAKES HAIR GROW much time is spent indoors Spring comes with its sunshine its fresh vegetables and all eise invigorating but the children are In no condition to receive natures remedies Many parents call in the family state that they do not know what the cause of the fire really was the entire asylum buildings are practically destroyed a while a good deal the contents in the physician KJny other parents take west end of the building was saved advantage- of what the physician told that which was removed was but a Ask your doctor If there is anything injurious here Ask Urn also if there is not genuine merit here J tout we forward prepaid MEDICAL CO Toronto Ontario Government for the purpose of distributing Niagara power to the municipalities Southwestern Ontario- The history of the project the agree ments between the commission the Ontario Power Company and the mu nicipalities and the many interesting features pertaining to the construc tion of the High Tension Transmis sion Line and the various distribut ing stations are lor the first time reviewed at length in one publication There is also a biographical sketch of the Chief Engineer Mr man this being the fifth in the se ries The Makers of Electrical Cana da Hugh Limited Toronto are the Publishers Should they bo extract ed out out for DonH bo too and ooniult Thoy MAY caved matte I mmuialaJkt Our you nothing SUCCESSOR TO YORK DENTISTS Farming is a business which re quires access to practical business in formation This is supplied in the columns of The Farmers Weekly Sun The secret the growing popularity of this paper lies in its untiring de votion to the interests of the farmer To be posted a farmer must read The Sun If you are not a reader The Sun try it for Kill I THE NEW CATALOGUE Of the Central Business Col lege Of Toronto contains some guarantees very great Inter est to student who desire to attend a ftrsUlass reliable School You are to write for it Address Shaw President jj5 Toronto lime Card GOING NORTH Leave a Toronto 130 Newmarket p a GOING SOUTH New market Toronto p 755 A suggestive cartoon in Star shows up the Conservative sit uation on the Dominion navy ques tion in fine style A band of musi cians are tooting their horns cash on their own account and the discor dant notes played may be better im agined than described The Opposi tion leader at Ottawa wants more ships and bigger ships a chorus to this tunc being played by the Tele gram Next is Mr Monk of Quebec a lieutenant Mr Borden who is playing on a kettledrum What do we want with a Over him the Mail and Empire is sounding a big drum to the tunc Big Rattle- ships Forever Then comes the political playing a trumpet to the tune of Shoot the British Flag My Lads and Sink the Marine God Save Quebec etc This is the kind of political music the Conservative orchestra through its its leaders the cartoon suggests is serenading the country these days This new anthem was played by Mr down in and Arthabasfaa last week The last Municipal World gives some excellent hints respecting sta tute labor and systematic improve ment worthy of the cartful consider ation of Township Councils It com mends that each Township Council place the management of road im provement under one road superin tendent with tenure of office Similar to that of a township clerk or treas urer It says statute labor should be replaced by a uniform rate on the assessment By selecting a goou mail for the position b centralizing responsibility In him his growing experience will he of increasing value and much results should accrue from the expenditure available We arc in clined to think the recommendation is a good one How often does it bap- pen the work of a judicious one ycarj is complete ly neutralized and much labor lost by the blundering work of his succes sor the discomfort of thy he used to express when in people having occasion lo use lie sit Ion for widows orphans and roadway The suggestion is w now chuckles over the Jingle of the careful consideration ducats in the Provincial Coffers with- j out a or a groan a Hanover Opt Oct A disas Heal demonstration of circrnstan- trous fire occurred here last night ces altering cases when the Chair Factory was totally destroyed When the short ago the Hamilton man left the factory a little after Herald Ventured the remark that oclock everything seemed to be all Miss life was blighted It I right but In less than half an hour now states This was a mistake smoke was seen In the lower part Seeing the you woman the building and although the with a publisher for the story of men vere quickly on the scene and her life and has received oilers of four or five streams of were large sums to appear In vaudeville I poured on- it for four hours it is a besides sixteen offers of marriage them when tie was first called in con sultation All good family physi cians say Give children Castor- riai Healthy parents know this remedy of old for they took it them selves as children It was more than thirty years ago that made a place for itself in the household It bore the signature of Charles H Fletcher then as it today The signature is its guarantee which is accepted in thousands homes where there are children Much is printed nowadays about big families Dr William J McCrann of Omaha Neb father of one of these families Here is what he says the father of thirteen children I certainly know something about your great medicine and aside from my own family experience I have in my years practice found a popular and efficient remedy al most every home Charles H Fletcher has received hundreds of letters from prominent physicians who have the same esteem for that Dr has Not only do these physicians say they use Castoria in their own fami lies but they prescribe it for their patients First of all it is a veget able preparation which assimilates the food and regulates the stomach and bowels After eating comes sleeping and Castoria looks out for that too It allays a prevents loss of sleep and this ab solutely without the use of opium morphine or other baneful narcotic Medical journals arc reluctant to discuss proprietary medicines Halls Journal Health however says Our duty is to expose danger and record the means of advancing health The day for poisoning innocent child ren through greed or ignorance ought to end T our knowledge Castoria is a remedy which produces compo sure and health by regulating the system not by it and our readers are entitled to informa tion immense build- fraction of what the ing contained- The main building of the asylum was erected in and the east and west additions were built 1893 and The cost of the institution was over halt a million dollars and there was about completed when the fire occurred an engine and boiler- room the rear The inmates were from Manitoba Saskatchewan and Alberta having been committed to this institution on account of there being no buildings of the kind in the territories new provinces The main portion of the building was built by the Govern ment and was at first intended for a boys reformatory but was later converted into an asylum and quite a number tbe inmates had there for from fifteen to twenty years The medical superintendent of the hospital Tor the insane is Dr and the bursar Cummings who was formerly a Selkirk asylum Had the conflagration been a week later the new water system which has just been installed in the asylum would have been available and ample to extinguish the blaze People are discussing the problem of how the un fortunate lunatics are to be cared for and there seems no solution The Grimsby Independent makes a suggestively sarcastic proposition a la Sheldon as a blind pool opera tor The writer says 1 will accept no sum Jess than one hundred dollars who sends me one hundred dollars I will return to them a divi dend of twenty dollars per month till I have used up eight dollars of it will keep the other twen ty for myself Could anything be fairer The succession duties in Ontario for fiscal year ending Oct exceed ed estimate by SI 000 The collected amounts to In I round numbers The provincial Treasurer has overgrown the cougbk cores CO Id bcola throat and lanea cents as Three Killed at Weston Without even time for to give a cry of warning three men employed in erecting the huge standpipe at Weston were hurled from the summit the tank to the ground a distance of near ly SO feet and instantly killed by the scaffolding on which they were Work ing collapsing The fatality occurred at oclock Thursday morning The men killed were the foreman and two Win They were finishing the structure ami were working on a scaffolding which was attached to the inside of the pipe Over a dozen men were working around them on the ground outside the pipe a Children Cry FOR FLETCHERS CASTO I A Men and women readers who pay attention to the advertising columns of a newspaper are always the Informed This We offer One Hundred Rf ward for case of Catarrh cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh J CO Toledo Ve the undersigned have known J Cheney for the list years believe him perfectly honorable In alt transactions and financial able to carry out any by hi firm MARVIN druggist Toledo Halls Catarrh Cure Inter acting directly upon the bloojl ytem per far ail Take volt probably she is not aware of the blight Her experience would seem to that a sure way for an enterprising young lady to achieve popularity is to become the paramour of a murderer The November number begins the sixth year for Canadian Home Jour nal of Toronto which it celebrates by greatly enlarging the magazine compliment the publishers upon strength of purpose that has maintained such high quality In work manship and contents while sucess was yet to be proved It Is no Blight undertaking to build up a Can adian magazine In opposition to the many foreign publications that have been long established here To se cure tbe best class readers a very high standard of excellence must be reached maintained Ve wish for magazine the greatest possible success total loss The loss is heavy fairly well covered by insurance but The Publishers of The Canadian News have an number which la j6Mululy at th time It fortypage lllutftUd constructed A WOMANS ADVICE TO WOMEN TAKE GIN PILLS PO t rtcdved your simple of GIN and after using them I felt to much Utter that I got a box at my druggists nd now I am taking the third box The pain across my back and has almost entirely gone and I am better than I have been for years I was a from Rheumatism but it has all left me I strongly advise all Women who suffer Tain In The Back and Weak Kidneys to try GIN Mrs Harris Thousands of women right here in Canada owe their robust health their and viyor their bright eyes and PILLS And they lino- that GIN PILLS will cure the Kidney and Troubles Which to many women suffer Do just as Mrs Harris did first lor free sample box of GIN PILLS try they do good in boxes at dealers If to give National Drag and Chemical Ontario Wheel Works Wiped Out Nov J The Ontario Wheel Works here were almost wholly destroyed by lire this mornlngi All that is left of what was one Of the best plants of the town the boiler and engine room and two warehouses The loss will amount to many thou sands of and besides being a serious one to the owners will be a severe one to a large number of em ployes who will be thrown out work for a time at least The Ore broke out shortly after six oclock this morning In the dry kiln of the works and it was about ten oclock the flames wen com pletely under control All the portions of the building with tents Including much valuable and goods in course of were destroyed main con- ma- con- There is only one way to find case in your work that is to put heart Into It Your Grow J IMS A TONIC THAT MAKES THIS HAIR GROW IN OH MONEY BACK Now the tlrnc to take care hair Dont Walt until it to thin out If you do it will not be long until you are bald Hair Tonic is the best remedy known for falling hair It Is prepared from the proscription of one the greatest medical authorities in Canada and Is considered to be the nourishment for the hair well as a deadly foe to dandruff We have firm confidence In this tonic that wo will refund the price ol same to any one who Is not per- satisfied two us Price cents at Drug King Council The above Council met at Lloyds Hotel King City on Saturday Oct 29th Members all present Minutes last meeting read and con firmed The Council in committee or the whole on bills when the following were passed and ordered to be paid Joseph Billings months pay Black cement tile Joseph Cutting road work Eliza gravel Kerr re moving pile driver J lce removing wheel scrapers 150 J- OBrien blacksmiths bill Norman McMurchy work on grader J I oper ating grader Mark lumber and reps to bridge Rob ert White balance on gravel That the following sheep claims be paid being twothirds value or same A J James Ross 2733 Gillies 51 Robt Norman John Alex 5 Thos Blackburn 1 Win Simeon Cbas K Porter That following snow fence bonus be paid Win to rods Joseph Palmer rods Clint Davis 63 rods WellsPhillips That the be hereby authorized to confer with the Reeve of Whitchurch on Nov re apportioning of fines collected for violation of the Motor Vehicle Act Ion Street PhillipsLemon That the Township furnish cement tile for culvert in front of T- Store and Mr to do the work That this Council grant to open water course anil improve on Town line King and llCast north of Bradford road providing grant the same amount and that Martin Dew com That Com Phillips he authorized to purchase ten lolse of stone for Street That son he paid care of one the Reeve and Councillors Lemon and be a committee to view hills on con lots to and repair as they deem advisable That Councillor Wells be appointed to meet the Mana ger of Uie AY re the Companys Statute Labor I at a date to be arranged by the Clerk PhillipsWells the Treasurer Pay to Watson the granted by this Municipality on May also the granted on July WellsPhillips That a grant of Ik given towards grading and gravel ling sideline lots 5 and con 2 west end and J I Wells and John Crawford by Commissioners On motion Council adjourned j to meet at Suttons Hotel on Saturday November 10th 1310 What the Press are Saying With all expenses paid from your home in Canada to the OM Country and return and a liberal allowance for spending money The Family Herald and Weekly Star 0 Montreal that greatest and best Family and Farm paper on this Continent offers the above prize in a very simple competition Full particulars may be had at this office or by writing for a sam ple copy of that great weekly the price of which is only one dol lar a year No Home in Canada Can Afford to be Without The Family Herald Weekly Star At O T R A L wing with the hook The duck is known to take dives into deep water and this fellow in some manner came in contact with the hook To clean decanters mix half a gill of vinegar a handful of salt Put a little in each decanter and shake well Rinse In clear water Fruit Trees If you intend planting treed next spring you had better place your or der early on account the big de mand for nursery stock Wc are the growers of Peach Apple Plum and Cherry trees also Berry Bushes and Ornamental Stock in Canada We make a specialty of Peach and Apple trees and see us or write for catalogue BROWN BROS Nurseries Co Out- NIB GOTHS COMPANION ion IN Just fiftytwo good numbers one after another of only the best read ing selected from the Worlds abun dance of every sort Nearly three hundred of the most entertaining stories ever written not the kind that are forgotten as soon as read but stories that one loves to remember and talk about Then there are the famous men women who write for Companion readers It is the next best- thing to meeting them face to face for they choose topics which arc sure to be interest for their audience of three million Companion readers The Announcement of the enlarged and improved Companion for next year will be sent to any Canadian ad dress free and with it sample copies The Companion Those in Canada who subscribe at once sending will receive free all the issues for the remaining weeks of 1010 also The Companions Art Calendar for lithographed In twelve colors and gold Tin companion Berkeley St Mass For 35 Feeding Steers choice quality Enquire of on Saturdays Mondays and Thursday at Tatet butcher shop as I will he away home Newmarket PerrirVs Greenhouses St I Carnations Ghrys anthemums Floral Designs every script on made on ro- ti Prices reasonable Out of town orders solicited A large quantity of Celery and other vegetables hone s TIC NOTICE is hereby given Mabel of the City of To ronto in the County of York Province of Ontario married woman will apply to the Parliament Can ada at the next Sessions thereof for a bill of divorce from her Harry Condor SUplcton of the City of in the County in the Province of Ontario horseman on the ground of adulter and dcBerVon DATED at Toronto in the County of York and Province Ontario day of September LAN A HENDERSON Toronto St Solicitors for DaltOO SUpIeton Mi Saturday Morning A de bate on the subject Should Local Option bo adopted in took place in St Andrews on Monday night Mr A Morrison and Dr Broke on the affirma tive side and Messrs A and A Hay on the negative The meeting voted almost unanimously in favor of the affirmative Saturday Morning men especially those who go away from home for the sport are apt to toll tales caught and oth er wonderful happenings tint nobody believes Hut a 8r rtory that actually in Kempchfelt- Hay on Friday of Bert flshfng In water and during hi Ann strong pull on fine letofceneda flsh drawing the Una Bert Wild through Afraid to Does the fear of indigestion spoil the enjoyment your meals It neednt Just take -1- y Co Toronto gtori I V WIN J and you wont know you have a stomach They will sec that your food is properly digested They are among the best of the preparations compounded by expert chemists and guaranteed by the largest druggists in Canada SOcabox If your druggist has stocked them yet send us and we will DnUO Cijmical Of CANADA v sM oa

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