JT ess L sj J J I J I rait is oh Brief lets About men are working on the the excavating for the new Specialty Factory was no quorum at the regular meeting of the Public School trustees Monday night Co League next Monday evening Going to Fowl Supper returning by special Met car Christmas Photos Nothing is to con vey Christmas Greetings to a friend than a good photo the time to leave fjoux shadow Studio and get photos latest styles in good mas mail in the for Christ- A Healthy Sign Owing to the scarcity of labor Canes Factory is running with a staff of about men short The result is that the men have had to overtime the past two or three weeks to keep up with orders It cer tainly looks like business to see the Factory lit up every evening till oclock The Company is now contracting for pailtimber and other raw mate rial for winter delivery League There was a splendid attendance at the league last Monday evening and the excellent address by Rev Cor nell on The Business Man was greatly appreciated Mr Geo Bar ker was in the chair and Miss Fisher contributed a solo Call and see Bazaar The Young Ladies of the Christian Church will hold their annual Bazaar in the Schoolroom on Friday Decem ber 2nd You Save We your tins foe Save the Looks Like Winter Five inches of snow on the side walks last Sunday night looked like a touch of the wintry season One man was out with cutter and bells merry jingle He evidently wanted to break the record by having a cut terride on the 6th of Nov Today the snow is all gone Specialty Curlers On Monday evening Nov 7th the Curlers of the Office Specialty Mfg I Co- Limited organized for the sea- son 191011 and elected the following officers Hon Pros J It Schmidt Si Treas Christmas Presents Roche Co have bought a stock of Japanese Chinaware at a rate on the dollar which they sell at 20 per cent off Berlin 5c Dress Goods at worth and Your choice for less than cost to clear out the stock Compare these with Toronto Furs at cut price also Newmarket Rink Co The annual meeting of the share holders takes place in the fire hall this evening The directors have an interesting report to present Brief lets The annual Presbyterian Bazaar will be held on the of Dec It was so dark yesterday that the electric lights were on nearly all day Reduced at Miss Simp sons over Hunters store Police Court Five boys who were before the Col- oncl for- unruly conduct on Hal loween last Friday night got a les son that they are not likely soon to J Weir A Peppiatt The fine and costs amounted Bowling 2 each Skips P Morgan A Saturday night two young men from Yonge street had to contribute each for using intimidating Social The Chancel Guild of St Pauls Church intend holding a social in the School Room of the church on Tues day evening Nov at 8 o clock A short program games and refreshments As the admission is only a large attendance is anti cipated Paralysis A second case of infantile paralysis has appeared in Newmarket The fourjearold son of Mr Amos Hill took ill four weeks ago and after two or three days one leg became com pletely and the whole side of body was aBected accompanied by considerable pain We are pleased to report that he is now able to sit up in bed and it is expected will soon be convalescent Millinery Reduced Summonses arc issued against two AH Felt Shapes selling at Cost at Mount Albert men from Mount Al- Simpsons over Hunters store Commencement Great preparations are going on for the Annual Commencement of New market High School which takes place in the Town Hall next Friday evening In addition to soprano so los by Mrs Elliott of Toronto late of Detroit and selections by the owned entertainer Mr Owen A the School proposes to place in the program a humorous Comedy entitled Our Aunt from California as well as some popular choruses Mis J K will accom pany the vocalist Plan of hall opens it Rogers Drug Store at oclock tins evening Reserve your scat ear ly as the Hall will be crowded Metropolitan cars north and south after the concert leaving here at 1045 and one man for taking dogs from territory under restrictions on account of They evi dently intended to use them in deer- hunting and it probably will be dear hunting Of Public Interest It is particularly requested that when afire alarm is sounded the pub lic will not rush to the telephone and Richmond Hill Nov The an nual match held under the aus pice- of- the King and- Plowmens Association on the farm of Messrs Thompson and Robinson On the northern borders of the village this afternoon was a great Inhere wbb a large attendance of visitors from all parts of the townships of Mark- hum Whitchurch Vaughan- and while the villagers turned but en The soil wast in finer shape and the 36 contestants without ex ception reflected infinite credit on themselves and their coachera Visitors who had attended the match at on Wednesday affirmed that the character of the work performed here today was een better than at the A feature of todays match was the great showing made by Bert Kennedy of who ear ned off the highest awards in the first class in sod and the gold mtdal for best crown an important element in a match Mr Kennedy is only years of age has only been in active competition- for six years and is probably tho youngest man in the Province of Ontario to thus in life attain to the proud position of cham pion plowman He is the youngest son of ex- Reeve Lyman Kennedy of Agin court a worthy son of a worthy sire and his victory was a popu lar one Not a little of Berts success was due to the presence and active assistance of Chapman who from tlje very earliest has taken keenest interest in his protege An other happy feature of Mr Ken nedys success was the kindly in terest taken by a former keen opponent of young Kennedys anoY the winner of the gold medal at match on Wednesday last Those Scarboro boys are each and all jealous of success of their native township The prize list was as follows First class in sad open to all I Bert Kennedy Walking- if V IJ 1 Witt a This seasons Stripes Serges and Diagonals are in the lead We have thm in all shades colors and quali ties and at specially low prices al Bar it- 1 iil rt a 1 inch pure Wool Navy Cashmere with white silk embdoidered spots regular for 39c Patent Leather Belts each Buster Brown Belts Jet Hat Pins 3 Papers of Pins 5c Shaker Flannel yard 36 inch Shaker yard Cotton Cashmere yard Salmon I Pepper Castor pepper 5c Kippered Herring Breakfast 1 lb tin preserved Ginger 25c pot ft White Castile Soap Shell Brand 20c Bar per cent Lye Boots mm to call up the Water Works At the last fire as many as fifty people ask- tun 3- McLean Willis members John of Maple is the secretary and a good one he is Toronto match takes place at on Tuesday Archie and Tom were right on the job all day More than was given away in prizes The provincial govern ment ought to put a big sum in the estimates to help on the good work After all the basis of high class agriculture is good plowing said J- Wilson to Bert- Kennedy Era till Christmas for cts School Reports- Report of No 9 King for for October Black M Harrison Webster V Rogers Willie Cutting in Webster H THEATRE Evening Nov llth ONR NIGHT ONLY A Big 4Reel Show Scries Baseball Pictures Chicago Philadelphia Along our regular OF and Illus rated Song Admission 10 and ed for the same number within three minutes At the time of a fire thej town officials want to be in commu nication with the engineer and unless it is to give some important informa tion the public should not interrupt the service to simply satisfy their cu riosity Harrison Webster E Cutting Cutting Pratt 1 Horticultural Society The annual meeting of Society look place in the last Friday evening with the above Fire Hall the usual The Weather Winter is gaining a few inches on us every day says the Toronto Star It gained about five inches in this part of North York on Sunday when that quantity of the beautiful cov ered the ground but Tuesdays ricss and Wednesday nights rain melted it all away leaving the roads just muddy enough to make it exceed ingly disagreeable for moving about Our weather prophets tell us class in sod 1st 2nd Harding 3rd J Webster 5th You- Clarke W Webster Rogers and Black equal J PI J Haines Carter Pt Harrison V Robinson Cutting Pottage Newton Graham A iDoddemeade Pottage May Fee Teacher attendance Mr K Martin in the chair The treasurer presented the financial statement as follows hand Receipts last report Public Library Institute The Ontario Library Association week Perhaps the Inspector of Public Libraries have arranged for the first Public Library Institute of the York District to be held at the Young Mens Club Room Friday November 25th the Newmarket Public Library A suggestion has been man Third class in sod 1st 2nd W 3rd A J Wells Fourth class in sod 1st 2nd J Wells Fifth class in stubble 1st J 2nd George 3rd Ed Cooper Roy Legge J Weir Bishop A feature of this was the work of the little ten year old son of exRe Legge of King Master is one of a family of ten boys and a sturdy specimen of young Canada he is Sixth class in stubble 1st Blown 2nd Wilson 3rd Fair Seventh class in stubble 1st Wilson 2nd A Walkington Best crowpf furrow in first class Report of School for October Vernon Fry A Vernon I Woot- ton Armstrong Parkins L III Sheridan Salter A Kennedy A Greenwood Toole A days Winter will be followed the usual Indian Summer during Bert Kennedy segJnd class J Armstrong so give the Is I third class Clubine ling wood I Penrose A nier- fourth ill class fifth class class VchiC finish in first class- Walk ingioh second class Legislative Grant Town Grant County Grant Members subscriptions Tat retained for 1 to Exhibition 2000 and it Is that all pre sent will be prepared to take part extra jerk in the J if Vernon It Tansl i Brown seventh class Roy Williams Walker V Wil liams M Toole Rose side Prim R Ifovictt Fry A Dun can Liiudy P Rose It Best and outs in first class Teacher home themselves Vte McLean second for October team Public School Junior vision thud class C fourth class Board kindly undertaking the local A suggestion has been made fifth class J A program orders for groceries after 830 on sixth class It Wilson seventh prepared of practical topics closely Saturday nights should not he deliver- Wilson connected with the of the smaller library All the I papers are open for the fullest dis- cd till Monday morning or else car- themselves The 7 second class in the interests of I ionic is made Iho parcel who frequently not home till after midnight In Expenditures Prizes paid 12100 and fitting up Music Cartage Salary of 2500 Privileges fforcirij expenses on hand and best loam of marcs Roy Senior Hillary Stephens Melvin Best groomed and equipped in Wright Lancelot Wright Walter Hill The travelling expenses of one re- tho grocers do not deliver any- Milloy 2nd Willis Watson Ralph from each library in ordered six oclock on 1 3rd Wa district will be paid by the Depart- Saturday night until the meat of the name of the morning and on the other representative be forwarded to Mr days of the week do not deliver Evans 3rd IS Cooper George Fortune Public Library thing ordered after foJr oclock till Newmarket who has charge the local arrangements 28858 The report adopted and officers for residents of tin 11 elected as follows Mod Vfebb j Martin Vice Hunter 2nd L Smith J A Cornell H Gardner J Lundy John A Doyle Auditors K Hughes and David Lloyd Meeting adjourned Death of Airs Lowe On Thursday of passed away another of the town in the person of Mrs Jaires Lowe after an illness of several months in her 86th year Deceased was horn In Kinross Scotland and came to years ago She has been a widow or years and has her home principally with her daughter Mrs Andrew Nine yeans ago she Visited her mother and sister in the Old Country Two sons and two daughters survive Mr Jas the following morning The is that telephone orders go in about a 1 the orders out without a rush which sometimes causes mistakes and much inconvenience kil Junior Oxford Lest equipped cam in stubble Legge A Moore Harold Arglcs going team In Walk- Hill In stubble J Weir Heat dressed and best Senior First Reader Marie Wat- Charlotte Km ma lice Tuiney Angus rt Roy Legge son Charlotte Argh to four instead of a quarter laj lj rsol and clerks have time Jo gel lahk lho ftamed Smith Pearl Miller I Miss Aggie McCabe of countryl spent a few days with ONeill last week Mr ward and Tuesday in the oily Messrs Sherman and Wil frid Doyle of St Michaels College spent over Thanksgiving at their res pective Jiorne here Senior Primer Jean Ross Wright Marjory Hilla- Alice Smith ICthan Primer Hill Cunningham Fred Arthur Calvin Weddel Cecil Junior Lena CI Sunday School took place Tee day evening In the W t Hereon Bible Class The semiannual election of officers social evening of the in connection with the room was a great success The of- young good and a large number of young ladles accepted invitation to spend the evening together The treasurers report was and the new officers are as Hon Mr Aubrey Davis Teacher Rev J Teacher Mrs L Atkinson President J Wright Treasurer Mont Con Dfrvotioiial Corn Darker Membership- R Kent Lundy During the forepart of the evening Rev R J presided and speeches from the newelected officers were then In order Mr Hunter wan first intro duced as the chairman the even ing and presided over the- program In a very felicitous manner Mr Gordon contributed an instru mental The Chord by Mr illustrated by lantern operated by Mr Nor effective Reading Mr Will and speech by the were followed by a good social lime Claw la promising hare to J flONEIfW Toronto Mr Will Lowe Los An- 1 from here have gone hunt- California Mrs n and northern points NorthWest and Mrs St Tire ohquie- took place on Saturday afternoon conducted by Thomas and interment in Newmarket Cemetery The only Native from a distance Mr Jas j Lowe Rev A J Martin of a soninlaw regretted his Ruby 0 We are glad to see Miss out again A large crowd attended the enter tainment in the Town Hall Monday evening Mr Stuart Dean was out town one evening last week Mrs Caleb Hi own was In Toronto one day last week vlabk were Miss McNeil mid Miss Doyle i he Judges in the plowing ClOSSCa were John Morgan W Allan McLean Neil and George The absence of Hon James Duff Minister of Agriculture was deep- regretted Mr Duff was detained by pressure Bond Jean Irene Monday of public business at the last mom- Jiart Charlie out The minister was present at the match on Wednes day and expressed his delight at lho excellence the work and the Interest manifested generally From the city today J Loekio Wilson superintendent of fall fairs and Simpson Ronnie ran up to see the Work and later agreed that It uniformly of a high a Smith Rhine- Cain Teacher Winter in Alberta Edmonton Nov 8 Yesterdays blizzard which has ushered in the winter at least two weeks earlier than called a halt to practically all Following the luncheon in the Province and at I lie suggestion of Mr Grading outfits will all cease work inability to attend having only just Miss Ruby who has been left Hospital after eration a serious op- Wilson and Mr it was de- elded to form an association lobe known as the Ontario Plowmens Association John of Maple as secretary pro tent and a committee chosen from the York Association to be com puted of Weir and W I Ronnie of Agincourt PO and T A attending on her sister here re turned to her duties in Toronto Died at her borne near Patorson of From on Tuesday morning November 1st May fifth daughter of Mr and Mrs John Hani an her twentyfirst year Miss has been ailing for some time and lias not been able to be out for at least six months Miss Hanlan has resided in this vicln- Wallace was on the all her having been horn this afternoon tot a short The member for Rast York this week and seek winter quarters This brings to a close a very active year railway building in the Pro vince A total of miles has been built as follows R main line id miles T P main lino miles Calgary branch miles branch miles Goose Lake branch miles Land- King and Vaughan Association the miles P committee named are J Calgary branch miles Of the 100 miles were con structed under Provincial Government W and Mc Lean Is proposed to meet in Toronto and perfect the guarantees the arrangements Notes of tho Match the sarne farm She was teaching re pi particular people Note bow the gl-ii- handled No of They have all the and comfort of the with greater neatness In any ordinary Ve Can adapt them to almost any riott I school for a short time in or about when she was called home at the death of her sister who died in the spring Since that time has dentally been on her death ld She was highly thought of by ail who knew her and will bo missed the community Her friends and neighbors have the slncerest sym pathy for the sorrowing family The funeral her late home- on Thursday morning to St Margar ets church Tccurnseth mass was celebrated and was largely at tended N ATKINSON Optlclam NEWMARKET That miles of railway into the north country would open up to civ ilization more than miles of river and lake suitable for navigation by large steamers Is opinion of Hays capitalist of Duluth Minn who has just returned from a trip acknowledged that the rnutch had ever beaten Reeve of was pretty proud of his town the Athabasca country with A ship and no wonder who is contesting the citys Reeve extended rights to use the Grand Rapids on freedom of the village to the whole j River for power purposes countryside Mr Hays made a very complete village was the country He says there is lilies all going Out to grounds iilmtmr unnlv y Nov A one leading physicians was through the left arm on Sat urday rooming by a guide who lor a deer The accident In the Township of out fllty from here out to the grounds j to McLean in his for the next half prospects could some of the youthful aspirants better while copper Iron- and How fellows all arc found and also petroleum together said one limestone and oil The fish- ant visitor They cant Wei could bo into a great leas the honors some where along tho front The Elgin House arid House supplied and suppers and they were all right A Wells Is J Wilson Vicepresident treasurer With Andrew and James Wells honor Industry Boots that wear are our bobby We guarantee every pair we sell Satis- faction Is the first consideration We have Boots and Shoes ahdFfuDberg made by the best makers in America Fit Quality and Style are absolutely perfect Come and try a pair on v Store close at 6 oclock pm every night except Saturday or night- be fore a holiday j W A A Corsets See our Ribbed Hose Wool a dandy for 25c The Ladies Store Newmarket Dress Goods for the Women of Quality Chiffon Broadcloth fine satin finish all the newest shades 75c and per yard Diagonal Serges in all the newest shades 50c and We have the largest stock of 50c Dress Goods to choose from All the new shades and weaves San Toy Melrose Duchess Diag onal Serges Panama Cloth and many other lines too numerous to mention Dont fail to visit out Millinery before buying your Fall Hat PHONE C LADIES AND MISSES TAILOR Established CAPITAL ALL PAID UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS UP I 15833 flO fO Bag Branches at all important son t res In and In London Now York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description of Banking business transacted INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers the Ontario Hank will be accommodate as heretofore NEWMARKET BRANCH ROSS Manager rffAifjrVc TTMtfifflfw GROCERY lbs ol Pure Clover Honey the quality guaranteed- especially cd for medccinal purposes Sold in any quantity 5 Pound Pail for Centsw Crockery Department Just arrived An assortment English Ware Pitchers ill sizes Cheese Dishes etc very handsome ware at prices that will clear them quick See Our Window Display Friday Phone C HOWARD Nov Early this morn ing had two fires not more tlian an hour apart The most seri ous loss was the destruction of J CattlcrslarRO planing mill which was burned to ground The Joss on building machinery anil contents is about on which there is in the neighborhood of insurance Live Stock Market Highest prices in Toronto are Export cattle cattle- ewes lambs hogs Bar Era till life Christmas for 10 cts I HUNTERS SINGLE PAKE POR ROUND TRIP Daily until November to points In Lake 0 Days 1W Districts etc Polatois Return limit December except to Chickens per lb points readied by steamers market Markets Nov Kail Wheat per bush 0 Gats per bush Barley per bush Peas per hush Bran per ton per ton Hay per ton Butter per I t bor 24 00- 15 I 10 00 St IS ARE YOU GOING TO CALIFORNIA MEXICO or FLORIDA Children Cry FLETCHERS CASTORJA ar Era tilt Christmas for Toronto Nov 1911 I Fall Wheat per bush 50 Goose Wheat per bus Oats per bush 37- Ml Peas per bush I Barley per bush Ha per ton This Winter if so consult nearest Butter per lb 0 Grand Trunk Agent regarding rates per doz i M I Potatoes bag Secure Tickets Ml ih J Chickens pet lb 1 J Tr per lb i- DPO4Nm Geese per li a