Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , November 11, 1910, p. 2

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Wanted Apply to Newmarket iW quantity Bros v Avenue Toronto Representative for ke County of York A perma- Position and exclusive territory w the right man Stone Welling ton Nurserymen Toronto Dr Helen replying to the Managing Committee tells the Board Education that she declines to resign criticizes the ent system of medical inspection and asring for an investigation The Bell Telephone Co has filed a Railway St- British and Mrs week They left for a land on Wednesday A doze new palace cars have teen placed on the thronged routes city They are bigger and better than ever A sad case came before the authori ties this week and Mrs field Vernon who reached here from Situation Wanted store or factory by strong girl willing to work at anything Enquire this office at schedule with the Dominion Commission proposing to increase Detroit last weekly five weeks the flat rate of phones or the entire j escorted back to De- city to the extent of each It lrolt an of The Misses this season Mrs Robertson will not receive until after Christmas Mrs- Jackson visited in the city three or four days this week entertained a few of lady friends on Monday is reckoned there are 30000 phones in use in Toronto and this proposed advance will increase the yearly in come a year from users in Toronto alone The member for North Toronto troit week marry I Situation Wanted By experienced Saleslady Is neat quick could help dressmaker Apply at this office I law tils Thev were not old enough To or Dr and Mrs Boyd across to Windsor the groom making I Miss is the j the guest of Mrs for I a short time Mrs Brand will receive with the Commons Hon Geo E Foster WTO S K for mother Mrs Cane next has abandoned his appeal against the he done ahttle forging to jurys verdict in the libel suit against money The way of the trans- is hard but the misery he the necessary affidavit to get a cense and had the knot tied They then went back to Detroit but could Dr J Mr S and family I back from Jacksons Point on The New Harness Shop Has One Overcoat for also Two Dozen in Halters made from Oak Tanned Leather and One Set of Double Light Harness Card of Thanks Mrs H and family wish to express their gratitude to the friends in Newmarket for kindness at the time of their recent WANTED Girls for Clothing Factory A Boy to Learn Seam Pressing Apply at the Clothing Factory To Farmers A Thoroughbred Chester White will be kept for service on lot 25 in con of Fast Terms T HUNTLEY Farm For Sale acres in a high state cultiva tion in the Township of East on Yonge street miles Newmarket For further par ticulars apply on premises or to Martin L Newmarket Farm for Sale 1 Lot Con 2 King one hundred acres more or less all under cultiva tion Brick House Modern Ham with stone basement Good Young Orchard of Winter Apples Good Weil and Cistern an everstanding pond Convenient to School PostOffice and Church Only three miles from New market terms of Aurora sisterinlaw McDonald editor of mmii Globe It is said his costs axe 11 cause the confiding girl he made 000 a wife of deserves as much punish- A city employee named Thos Biils the forgery charge was fatally inured by falling An evening paper say R tussock mothst enough for Bob Fleming to pro- hibit smoking on street cars when he Horticultural provides other methods of heating the of Gravenhurst moved Satur- methods o heating Exhibition will open in St Lawrence iL Mrs Wesley Methodist Church held its Arena on the fifteenth of this month and the I a few weeks with her old conductors who anniversary last Sunday rfrs Howard Cane went out on strike last July were Mf of0wcn Sound reinstated on Saturday on their reg- congregation nobly responded by S STkSK ular runstwo out of Toronto and made in on the Niagara division and two from Promises That businesspraying j Allandale on the Northern division and The loudtalkers during the strike spent the weekend with old friends in town on her way to Tottenham Sentinel Mrs H An earthquake lasting an hour I f visiting friends to tea on Saturday evening and daugh ter this Three trainmen who were given positions during the strike nave 2 millimetres been discharged for violations of rule against visiting saloons last The keeper of a candy s fined and costs for selling on Sunday The law shoul to work both ways those who buy should be equally liable with those who sell Through the changes of fifty years the West Presbyterian Church which celebrated its semicentennial last has had but three pastors Gerald Crowe formerly of this city arrested at Winnipeg was found guilty of uttering a forged check for re up before Magistrate Jas week charged with of Toronto nt Onllia Packet Mr in all There were seven boys in escapade but only two done the the smearing The Magistrate was on the lenient side of the fence An of that kind might result very seriously and the punishment should bear some relation to the character J Son came upfrom funeral of Mr Richard Anderson yesterday Among Newmarket triple who are in the hunting grounds for deer are Hon J Davis Messrs Andy Davis Davis jr J ft Y Bert Gardner and Ed Ar- mitage Mr John of New Liskeard J was calling on friends last Monday reports business good and is well Josephine Sutton a little girl only six years of age died in the General on the Bank of Hamilton I on Sunday evening as a prospecls up Crowe sent of this money to suit of burns received Saturday after- of Toronto noon The child was matches at her home street east and set her clothing Our display of Winter Garments for Girls is ready and we want every mother to see it Never before have mothers had the opportunity of dressing the little girls with such natty styles as this season To see our assortment is to see every new idea the best manufacturers are producing to LITTLE GIRLS COATS BIG GIRLS COATS to his girl in Toronto who gave evidence at the trial against him The detec tive got 2200 Crowe gave the girl was playing with I at Front couple o weeks with Mrs Y Her father Mr was also here over Foley kirt Hatch was callwl to Saturday last owing ery belonging to the I Brewsters Millions Co at the UnlHf on Station on Monday was the family spent a very pleasant week in town at the scene crushed by falling under his own wa- the result of his team his he to t v fire early Sunday morning The unloading loss is reckoned at Cups of the Club valued at all lost Cause of fire a There were it is said about worth of wines stored in the cellar The wheels passed over A hose wagon collided with a street The wheel passed over car on Street Sunday even- head and crushed It Three firemen were pretty bad- is understood a bylaw will hurt and one horse introduced in the City Council ply to J Armitage Dr conducted ser- prevent children under years visit- or on the premises vices in Knox Presbyterian Church picture shows unaccompanied by Sunday afternoon in Gaelic Over their parents people were present who seemed Dr expressed his the service which was held paction of Broadway Tabernacle unaerlhe auspices of the Gaelic Soorfist Church membership last Sun- day and told them if they did not co- new Methodist Church on Dan- operate more heartily in the work of forth Avenue Rev K Large the church there would pastor was dedicated on Sunday last pastor there before long Thats SOY at cost about Congregar sleeping Sunday pewholders are t lions large the kind of membership a The census of Toronto will be taken l dist Church desires She will enter the Arctic I tomorrow when three thousand volj charge against Dr Benjamin the west and expects to drift from the churches of the City J with performing an illegal Miss will house visitation The operation upon canvass will be under the direction of year in an attempt to procure an a Central and Ward organizations Over 200 members of the County Court last week Have you seen our new display of Fall and Winter Dress Skirts Neat materials well made at easy prices Every skirt guaranteed NOT TO SAG in the back and materials thoroughly shrunken Prices to 1500 Skirts made to measure if you want them EDITORIAh HOTS The tailing vessel Fran which car ried has started on another Arctic expedition and expects to he away seven years It is supposed about now to be rounding Cape Horn Seas on across to the east home of Mis Ceo Partridge iMr John A Hose of Keswick J arrived in Town last Friday night spending two months with his son Mr Roy Hose at lie reports that prospects are most encouraging in this district His son had 10 bushels of wheat to the acre J off fallow ground and from 23 to bushels off stubble Prof J Dales will preach in the I another i Hall on Sunday oclock Sub- No doubt he attendance will be large Wilson of Toronto and Mr Forbes last Jordan spent Sunday with friends Mr I Clubine of spent abortion was dismissed in the Police the holidays with friends IrSliliS Aij Nov A nugget of sine weighing lbs was found by Dr oi London during his prospecting operations on the Peninsula a few miles north of here Saturday CRADLE On Nov 2nd to Mr and Mrs W Ottawa formerly of King Township a son A that is light enough up and carried by the two men whom it will accommodate and at a price that will place it within the reach of every farmer able to pur chase a doubleseated carriage If thin invention meets what is claimed lor it no doubt manufacturers of the more expensive autocars on this side of the Atlantic will not be slow in placing this new machine on the- Can adian market Mr a girl wears It s The inventive genius of the age is keeping pace with the passing years An automobile has been brought out Grand Black Chapter of York Royal Another attempt will be made to Black Knights of Ireland attended establish a labor paper in Toronto Mr and Mrs and children GROSE divine service in Trinity Church This time it will be under the dircc- Toronto spent a few days with King Street last Sunday it being the tion of Mr Joseph Marks of relatives anniversary of Gunpowder don Already three labor pa- Mr J Simpson of Toronto spent Plot The rector Canon Dixpcrs have established and dis- Monday With friends on preached on the occasion continued Municipal matters are beginning to In Newmarket on Oct 28th 1910 to Mr and Mrs R Dillmana son ft The people of United States on last gave a knockout the Republican party and tariff The election returns that the Democrats have secured of the House of by twenty of a majority alter being a minority for eighteen years appears to have been rushed The States of New York Ohio were two principal storm centres and both have gout by majorities election Of John A lor the of New York wan a terrible blow to the irt as a political prophet sewerage and electric- street and house Stringer unload two cars conviction If on The Toronto World publishes a ihhl patch from Ottawa which foreshadow trouble In the Cons A camp and especially leader I says from Liberal anxiety on the situation are reports here from Montreal tbat Forget the big broker Montreal and Conservative P for Charlevoix has called upon Borden to resign and give the Conser vative party a chance to organize a proper leader Monsieur For get must be the political broker jo Conservative party in taking up on himself to ask the chosen leader the Opposition to down and take a back wat A cablegram from London on Inst- announced that the date lor the execution of Dr murderer of his wife Belle had been postponed from Tues day last till the 23rd Inst The post ponement vas officially ordered by Home Office At Scotland Yard it was stated that this delay In the date of execution had nothing to do with the Philadelphia report that Mrs is alive and hiding at result of a fiendish plot to send to death The ties had not heard of the rumor or of the offer of Dr to pay tor Information leading to Crista fccb r a in her husband attract some attention Three names are already mentioned as opponents of the present Aldermen lor Ward Six other sections of the are looking to coming changes also the School Hoard Guess it will be lively next January birth Annexation to Toronto adequate I lighting will he the three at the approaching municipal elec tions in North Toronto An important appeal case against a Magistrates decision before Mr Justice on Saturday It appears a man named Dclbert Quick and other were charged playing poker on Sunday at in Essex A and fine or followed This vas appealed No authority was needed to prove that playing poker was to gamble The appeal was dismissed the Justice saying It is a pretty hard lav interfering with a mans liberty in his own house but even hough It is making a man moral by Act of Parliament must give ef fect to this lav The attention of the City Engineer has been called to the danger to ped estrians occasioned by the Metropoli tan cars crossing the west sidewalk on Street while entering or leaving their station Mr ad mits the danger but docs not see any good way to remedy or remove it The Toronto Light Co sprang a surprise on Tuesday by launching an action against the City of Toronto attacking the Citys right to construct or operate the elec tric system now in course of con struction as a violation of agreement between the City and the Company and alleging a fraud on their rights The courts will now decide who Is boss Township Council has pass ed a resolution authorizing negotia tions Toronto corporation looking to the taking over of the Electric Hallway system by the city the Companys fran chise expires fifteen months hence The line constructed In un der a 21year franchise Despondent because of being unable to find employment Vrn Foley years old attempted to suicide by drinking a small quantity of mer cury on Monday evening last lie was removed Grace where antidotes were Council At Ceylon on Monday Oct to Mr and Mrs Robert Grose son of Mr Stephen Grose Mount daughter Regular meeting Monday- even ing All members present Following bills passed Pittsburg Coal Co car coal on two cars Mr If Tranmer has recovered after attack- or quinsy Mr Hose looks happy these days a boy beautiful that winter on is f Duly on two ears Cole drawing gravel Thompson reps Jas Robertson re Freight on same Robinson leather Globe Co Co meters Express on same lumber for drain Charles Street Hart Stationery Can Gen Kite Co wire i 8811 Pay Sheet Applications for water on Court Street Frank Moody on Street FJIenO- on Charles Street J Illencow on Street Cane on Charles Street and Christian Church referred to Com for water from Millard Avenue ind Brooks Millard Avenue granted The following hills arc be fild if found correct by the Chief M Andrews lumber 87 Albert Trlvett cartage 2440 Stephens repairing scales drawing gravel so Jas cartage W Richardson railing on Water and Timothy streets The Finance Corn to whom was referred an account of the Po lice Magistrate reported against pay ment of same Report adopted A deputation from the High School Board submitted tender from a To ronto firm for a stand pipe In the new school building and connection for and urged Immediate atten tion A resolution passed authorizing the High School Board to proceed with the work Tenders for High School Debentures were received from eight firms show ing a difference of Referred to Finance Corn to highest oner The grant of Was passed to the Society Com to license Movi picture a fall of the Sunday reminding Us approa hing Miss Vera Stouliille was the guest of Mis Cook on Sunday A number from here attended the Quarterly meeting service at on Sunday last Mrs- and family have moved Baker Hill We sorry to lose such good Mrs Martin has returned after visit ing her sister in Woodville for a of days FLANAGAN In Newmarket on to Mr and Mrs Pe ter Flanagan a son In Newmarket on to Mr and Mrs Howard Cane a son In Newmarket on to- Mr and Mrs Sam Don- ill a son HASKKTT In Newmarket Nov to Mr and Mrs Ceo a son Day has Com that the Different Classes of Trad being I We Handle Nothing Else therefore wo Devote and Attention to this one Class of Trade that the Man that is Handling Several Kinds Cannot Our Phew are Right and there is no Better Quality to be had Any where There is Another Inducement for- you to Buy Here We are Giving Away Coupons with Every Pur chase and over that Beautiful Library now Displayed in Hardware window TOMB KKTTIWDY V Miss lackson of Toronto was the Mfss Martha Archibald over Sunday Mrs Richardson of Toronto spent the Weekend with Mrs Seymour Mrs J Deaden has returned to To- after spending a week with her mother Mrs Horn On Nov 3rd to Mr and Mrs West a daughter Miss Blackburn Is visiting In the city Mrs M A Wilson and Mrs Wiley who were 111 last week arc Improv ing Mr Hoy leer is visiting in city Mrs and Miss are visiting Mrs Towns of Aurora When preparing cake tins use clari fied dripping or lard In preference to butter which likely to make the cako stick to the owing to the salt and water It contains r THE LEADING J House You buy your Finitire For Cash UNDERTAKING A EMBALMING A SPECIALTY attended to Mtealdcdce ftlsenisea length Council JJ and lf on Oct Walter son of Mr aged fuonths On Tuesday Nov 1st at her fathers residence con of King Annie May aged years and months I IIARKKRAt South Locke St Hamilton on Friday Nov Mary widow of Thomas Harkcr formerly ol King in her 85th year Funeral service at pm Sunday at above address Deceased was taken perOTH on Monday to King for interment on arrival leaving Toronto at pm Deceased was residing with her son Mr J and died quite suddenly LOWE In Newmarket on Nov Elizabeth Ferguson Lowe relict lames Lowe in her year WOODRUFF At Newmarket on Noy 1010 Flora widow of late John Erin- dale Funeral Wednesday to Cemetery This Competition is Open to any School So- cities of all Kinds Churches Factories and li brary It has Volumes the latest Reading from Authors and is at 150 Bread Fresh Every Day Phono Rough Lumber and Inside Trim Doors Sash and Mouldings of all Kinds Trim Try Cord of our Short Hard Wood at a cord Highest Cash Paid for Grain or Alslke W HEVES S Boyd Order by phone or from carters Turner WShmTvRjff WEST On Yonge Street Nov 5th Wcst aged years days St Thomas Ont Nov Charles Montreal Nov mornlM who with a party o St broke out in an express car a Mary Ann Win Thomas sportsmen returned to the Trunk iW months and Northern Ontario today brought Toronto It uc a back a white moose shot by him It the car and cor on It believed to be tho second or third right down to the trucks ever shot In Ontario surmised that- on Nov Word was re- have been the cause here this morning from Fort- the train was pulled up near Jj William that the steamer tho flames had sucn a wi owned by A Hogg of Colling- car that it wasmpossible w wood was to the waters rf anything except prevent mo J yesterdays spreading rtho occurrence NORTH

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