Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , October 7, 1910, p. 6

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ft I I J it MANAGER I Positively at Wholesale Prices GROCERIES IS lbs Best Granulated Sugar SI 7 Bars Comfort Soap 25c a Corn Meal lbs 25c Corn- Flakes for 30c Corn Starch for 25c 7c a pack age Star Ammonia for 25c Tea regular for 25c regular 25c for Rice regular 5c It for Coffee regular for lb Washing Soda 3 lbs for Sulphur regular lb lbs for Pot Barley regular for ft Jelly Powders regular pack age or for 25c Epsom Salts regular for 2c Baking Powder regular for Silent Parlor Matches a Coal Oil 20c a gallon DRY GOODS regular for lie- for yard Shirting regular for yard Tea Towelling regular lie for regular for Thread all kinds a spool- Table Linen regular for yard Everything in Dry Boots and Shoes Hardware etc a Price FWSMITH Queensville THE GUILD The Guild Social next Wednesday night October will be one of the events of the The program will present a number of new and no vel feature Dont miss it or you will miss ah extra good thing WOMENS INSTITUTE The next regular meeting the Albert Branch of the North York Wo mens Institute will be held at the home of Mrs Cleverden on Thursday October at 3 pm The topic will be The Exhibition as an Educator What We Lean by Attending Exhibi tions All ladies are cordially in vited to attend- BALDWIN BREEZES Potato diggin is surprising many as the tubers are showing of tuberculosis or some such disease usually termed rot This has been an unprofitable year stockraising for Johnston In tbe spring he lost a very handsome Jersey heifer by drowning His sheep wandered on the It tracks and cowcatcher in this case the sheepda caught and killed five nannies Some weeks ago he lost a magnificent colt by inflam mation Last week he nearly lost another from the same trouble Two vets declared they were powerless to save but James Abbott worked faithfully and pulled it through A CLOSE CALL I unincorporated villages and rural Aaron Love and Thos Woodruff burgs where the cow bylaw is hauling gravel from Amos Sutton Fair Bigger and Better Than Ever The Weather was Ideal The Crowd Great Exhibits were Away Ahead in Quality and Num bers la for stands for best best family Biles Native Herbs strikes at the root of disease by purifying the blood pit on Thursday of last week They became suspicious that the bank about feet high above them was not safe They started the team up quickly and before they got the length of the wagon about feet of earth fell just where the team and men had been standing They escaped injury PERSONAL and Mrs Ross Vernon Mr and Mrs Garfield Rogers and Mr and Mrs Norman Rogers of Newmarket spent Sunday at the home of Mr Evans Mr Jad Paisley of St Paul Minn is visiting with friends in this vicinity Mrs Paisley Mrs Cook and Miss Cook are home again Mrs Steeper has returned from Chatham Mrs Stokes who has been confinej to her couch for several days with a severe attack of lumbago is improving very favorably Mrs J Moore was in Toronto over the weekend Mr Ernest Smith Toronto is vis iting his parents Mr and Mrs Ernest is one of the famous O boys just returned from Aldershot and hope to hear his account of the many interesting events In connection with their trip We join with their many friends in extending congratulations and beat wishes to our popular Mr Walter Draper and his bride a person really should have two pair of eyes one pair for day another for night use Our burg sup ports a round dozen of these street Arabs or village cows and you can guess one is in almost deadly peril of spoiling their footwear How long Oh how long must we en dure this Johnston was plaiting up his seed corn for next season Some ears measure seventeen inches in length I have seen ears down in Essex County measuring twentytwo inches Charles has corn stalks on exhibition a plump fourteen feet in length Im giving you facts The Pringles had a family bee get ting in the winters stock of wood last week Many hands make light work my mother used to say Come all ye little Lets hustle in that woo The days are fast approaching When fire feels mighty good There was Sergeant Charlie And Lieutenant too Oh they made them march and toe the mark And mind their ps and Jumbo Sugar Beets Geo 2nd Long Red Mangel 2nd Geo Early Brooks 2nd Taylor Late Potatoes named Rut- ledge 2nd P Silver- It restores wasted tissues strengthens every organ A tablet at night next morning feeling bright Faithfully used will banish Rheumatism Dyspep sia Kidney and Liver Disorders sure you the genuine Buss Native Herbs in a yellow box bearing the portrait of O tablets Money back if not satisfied Ask the Bliss agent am Chas W Sedore AGENT I MillineryOpening TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Sept a will be the Kail Opening when will be exhibited one of the Displays of- Millinery to be found any where Miss White is again in charge and as usual is preparing the latest and beat shape at the most reasonable prices General Store Goods also fresh uptodate and at Lowest Prices C W COLE Our congratulations to Mrs J Graham Uncle Mrs Jerry Graham and Mr Herb Lundy A for tune is a very nice thing indeed- A change of fortune you will observe sometimes means a change of plans There must a crazy coon yes crazy as a bedbug somewhere about College Comers A wedding not altogether unexpect ed was solemnized in Egypt Presby terian Church at high noon on large circle of- personal friends and admirers of the fair bride The prin cipals were Mr Freeman Pollock of Keswick and Miss Myrtle youngest daughter of Robert Esq of and the attendants were Miss Ella McClellan sister of the bride and the grooms young broth er I shall content myself by remark ing that bride for genial temper ament Irreproachable character beau ty and personal charms and ail those attributes which go to make the per fect woman is quite equal to our beat The groom is certainly to be congratulated extreme good for tune on winning such a bride Squire St ration has not forgotten true gal lantry in his old day as he gave the bride two rousing smacks Had been present certainly should have endeavored to follow suit as AN APPROVED SCHOOL Six pupils of the Mount Albert Con- day last It was witnessed by Class have left for other schools and the community natural ly is asking why The situation briefly is this Education De partment has enacted that all High Schools shall equipment to a certain value if the school is so equipped it is classed as approved if not as unapproved Pupils who have obtained their Normal Entrance or Second Class Certificates from an approved school may go directly to Normal On the other hand those who have obtained the same certifi cates and have as good stand ing but who have come from unap proved must try an extra ex amination before they may enter Nor mal The pupils in order to avoid these exams which they feel unjust naturally prefer ifC attend ail approv ed school- This is the situation Al bert- The school lacks equipment to the value of Four Hundred Dollars If that were obtained our school would be approved awi we should keep our Form ill pupils who areat leaving and who will to leave unless matters arc edied at once In much work could he done at the school With the added facilities The are really needed Four hundred dollars is a compara tively small sum and we feel sure the ratepayers and others who are j in the welfare understanding the situation will heart cooperate with us in raising jit to a standard of which we may be j proud Since the was written the have unanimously decided to make our Continuation Class an ap proved School and will take the ne cessary immediately Albert Sutton Fair held on Sept 29 and 30 was a huge success The Directors should feel greatly encouraged over the Fair this year and are already laying plans for a still greater one in The number of entries exceeded all previous years by per cent The crowd was larger The gate receipts were 25 per cent more than last year The Heavy Horses Classes were ex- well filled and some extra good ones faced the judges It showed that this neighborhood was coming to the front in this sort oi horseflesh In the Carriage and Roadster Classes there were many keen con tests In Roots and Vegetables the exhibit was great Every section was reprer sented by several entries and all of good quality In Dairy Produce and especially in the Butter and Bread Sections the show was marvellous and equal to any County Fair Ladies Work Class was well filled and some good specimens of needle work Sheep and Swine entries above the average In Cattle enlries every section was keenly contested Three good Shorthorn Herds were present The exhibit of machinery and plows by Howard Morton was worthy of note It showed the different lines he sells and reflected great credit to the exhibitor The Horse Racing was keenly con tested and was interesting Following arc prizewinners contin ued from Page GRAIN Judges Greenwood J Merchant Fall wheat white WN Ego 2nd K White Black W Ego Field Corn Joa Lang Table corn WN 2nd Mrs Sinclair White Beans Jno 2nd Mrs Sinclair FRUIT Judges Monk Winter Apples varieties named W Scott 2nd Fred Silver Fall Apple ti varieties named W J Kay J McLen nan 2nd Mrs Sinclair W Scott 2nd J A Crab apples Lake 2nd I Dent Winter pears In dispute John A Fall Pears Jas Northern Spy W Scott 2nd I Greenings Chas Stiles 2nd Lake Scott 2nd J Kay Grapes lbs M Francis 2nd 2nd J McLennan Winter Apples named Scott 2nd Chal Stiles DAIRY PRODUCE rolls butter A Dixons Barker 2nd B Huntley crock prize Barker 2nd Huntley Butter Eby Blain prise Ego 2nd G Barker 10 lib rolls King 2nd J Evans 1 lb roll butter 2nd Stiles Home made buns plain A Shaw 2nd J Currant buns A Shaw 2nd WN Ego Best Two loaves bread Golden Age Mrs Sinclair 2nd Silver Best two loaves homemade bread 2nd W Beat two loaves bread Five Flour Taylor Silver Fruit cake homemade Mrs Jno 2nd Mrs Sinclair Layer cake homemade Mrs J 2nd Francis Beet Pie F Silver 2nd Hunt- Icy varieties J donald 2nd Mrs J Warriner Canned Fruit in jars Mrs Fred Silver Jellies kinds J Macdonaia 2nd W Ego Canned Vegetable kinds- WN Ego 2nd Mrs J Coil of Taylor 2nd Mrs J Warriner ill lbs extracted honey Rail- ten 2nd Fred Silver Judges Miss and F Morton All My Pimples Gone Qirl Tells how a Blotchy Skin was Cleansed by a Simple Wash I was ashamed of my face writes Miss Minnie of It was all and scars but after full using pies I I Fall apples named J she is a lass Immediately McLennan W Scott ROOTS AND VEGETABLES Mrs Stealing is Visiting with her grandfather Mr J Sutton West L spent last week With Mr Holt The school house is nearly always unlocked There should be new put in that look afUr school house and also see that Children mind their own business while In the teaxber care Mrs Hamilton and little girl were visiting with Mrs Crittenden last week Partridges are getting quite tame when they come right in peoples houses Corn cutting all the go Springfield III Oct persons killed and tventyalz others were injured this afternoon when two suburban cars on the Traction system collided head Curve two lowing the close of the ceremony the happy pair left on the bridal totir Sutton had a bumper- fair so Rumor Mrs Grundy and Grannie Gossip say All departments well- oiled Need I venture statement the hotels were en fete Dry whis tles were wet Buck fever is bobbing up again Our sports are serenely awaiting Novem ber 1st Suttons jolly under command of Major Torn usually have a breezy time They usually lake along some fluid en thusiasm and to make them get around lively somebody puts some in it and theyre pretty liberal on the score I reckon the rest Fridays electric storm was a snort er and Saturdays gale immediately In Its wake was a snorter Hides Almanac foretold it The thunderstorm gave us a faint idea of Sahara Desert The family are partaking in Jewish holiday Passover festi vals Miss Mossfe I is Monarch of all she surveys at the Hebrew store A In Winnipeg was fined Costs for being while on duty The Wm of 1CjO Is missing from the Bank of Vancouver and a warrant for the arrest of that rfty has been syorn out Luck- hurst the alleged thief was employed as a clerk toe bank and had access to the tellers wicket during the day He had connected different banks for a number of years and held a responsible position Judges Greenwood J Merchant Scott Red Onions Taylor 2nd Geo or W Onions Taylor 2nd Geo Field Carrots Geo 2nd A Carpenter Garden carrots short 2nd Mrs J Garden carrots Jong W Tay lor 2nd Jos Lang Garden carrots int W JKay 2nd M Turnip Garden Beets Long- gan 2nd Mrs J Long blood Garden beets J 2nd Mrs J Warriner Swede Turnips 2nd J Turnips 2nd Jos Lang Cabbage whiteMrs J 2nd L Tomatoes i Mrs J Warriner 2nd Geo Cauliflowers 2nd Mrs Sinclair Mangle Wurtzeib 2nd J Pumpkins Mrs Sinclair 2nd Lang Table squash Geo 2nd Jno Vegetable marrow 2nd Reed Field Squash Ego 2nd Jno Celery L Lonergan 2nd Geo Water Melons J Macdonald 2nd Mrs J Musk Melons Mrs Sinclair 2nd Jno Citrons round W 2nd J Citrons Long Geo 2nd Viola M brooks Sugar 2nd J A Taylor 2nd Mrs Sinclair Cabbage Red E K 2nd Geo Parsnips Geo 2nd JB Best Coll of 2nd Taylor Prescription I say that now there is no sign of that and that was three years ago D has become so famous as a cure and instant relief in and all other serious skin diseases that its value is sometimes Overlooked in clearing up rash pimples blackheads and all other minor forms skin im purities The fact that while is so penetrating that it strikes to the very root of eczema or any other seri ous trouble the soothing Oil of Thymol and other ingredi ents are so carefully compounded there is no for the skin made that Can compare with this great household remedy for every kind of skin trouble 1 I I is pleasant to use perfect ly harmless to the most delicate Akin and absolutely reliable Write the I I I Laboratories Col borne Street Toronto for a free trial bottle arid prove its won derful effectiveness For sale by all druggists The engagement si announced of Miss Susie of to Rev Henderson A of Vancouver BC marriage takes place on the At the meeting of the Womens Institute on Wednesday afternoon of last week after the routine of busi ness was over Mrs Power the re tiring secretary of the Society was presented by her fctfow members with a handsome catving sot in token of her energy and thought spent for the well being of institute Mrs formerly assistant sec retary was unanimously elected to tho secretaryship with Miss as her assistant Before dispersing dainty refreshments were served to the many ladles present Mrs Egbert Caldwell of is spending this week with her aunt Mrs Terry Miss Kate Anderson of Newmarket visited her friend Miss Nora over Sunday Mrs John is at present under the doctors care and her many friends are hoping for speedy re covery Tho Public scholars In charge of Mr Cody and Miss Cain went to the woods on a nature study on Monday morning On thou return to the school talk was given by the teacher on plant life as exemplified in the specimens gath ered Monday evening will bo social even ing at tho League An In teresting program is being prepared after which the Social Committee will serve refreshments All the young people arc coruwaUy- invited to Come and spend an evening with the League members Ross is giving a series of sermons on Why I am a Protest ant in the Presbyterian Mrs pence Miss Wool ley Miss Miss Maude Ball and Mrs came up from tho city to spend Sat urday with Mrs McNeil at Parsonage It is worth a lot to got SATISFACTION a SUIT SATISFACTION we mean not only service but fit as well a satisfactory Suit must be a SUIT the Coat of which FITS NEAT LY the COLLAR A SUIT which WRIN and DRAW around the ARM holes aSUIT with a HANGING Pair of TROUSERS A SUIT with th dozen and one other little FIT POINTS PERFECTED THAT is the kind of a SUIT WE will give you for A TAILORMADE SUIT FROM THE It IN SHORT A GENUINE OTHER LINES AS HIGH AS NSVILL AGENT FOR OF Get our prices for before selling CAPITAL PAID UP RESERVED AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS DEPOSITS BY THE PUBLIC TOTAL ASSETS Branches and Agencies throughout Canada and United States SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Current Rfttea of Interest MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH TERRY MANAGER The interior of the Public Library is quite cosy and inviting since the floor has been a paint and the old counter has replaced by a tabic The beautiful lowering plants the window add much to the appearance of the room members of the library are now anxiously watching for the install ing of the new hooks and hope they will soon he forthcoming Mrs Jos of Toronto was in town this week Mr Oscar Johnston has returned to Victoria College Toronto to con tinue his theological studies Mr John Link is laid Up with some broken resulting from a fall funeral of the late Geo Foster took place in the village on Thurs day afternoon of last week Rev A McNeill conducting the service in the church Remember that Oct and Thursday and Friday of thvs week arc the days of East Agricultural Fair The concert in the skating rink will be on Friday evening UNION STREET The people around here are having peace and quietness for a few days on account of phones being out of order since tho wind storm on Sat urday Mr Martin Rose and daughter Mrs Hover also her son Max were visit ing with friends at Miss Lulu spent over Sunday with some friends in Ouccns- vVlc The School children are having an easy time these days their teacher Mr Ryan having gone away and forgot to Mrs Daly has been spending a week with her daughter in Toronto Tho farmers arc busy filling their silos with corn these days i Oxbridge Oct About this morning lire was discov ered in Arlington Hotel formerly Plank House here The firemen hy hard work saved the building but it is badly damaged throughout Mr the proprietor and owner of the building estimates his loss at three thousand dollars which- is coh ered by insurance Out Oct 3 Lightning did considerable damage In the trict north of Several head of cattle were killed in woods and two barns are reported to have been burned Another bars owned by Richard at Charleston was consumed with tt seasons crops Oct Mabel a young woman who was formerly employed at Shcrlf Mor risons- residence here was arrested last evening at Trenton where she was about to hoard a train for the west After her arrest she admitted that she was guilty of entering the sheriffs residence- and stealing Cure valued at about They had pre viously been shipped in a trunk to To ronto The selfconfessed thief Is about years of age and was con sidered to be trustworthy The trunk containing the stolen articles was ttfrncd to city today Gum quickly coughs cures coIJh be throat and NOTICE Is hereby given that Court lo held pursuant to Hie Ontario Vot ers Lists Act by his honor the Judge of the County Court of County York at the Municipal Hall Sharon on tho day of October at oclock to hear and deter mine complaints of errors and omis sions In the Voters List of the Munici pality of the Township of East for tho year Dated Oct A MACKENZIE 238 Headaches nausea Indigestion muddy complexion pimples bad breath these are some of effects of con stipation The mild sensible w ji reliable remedy VteCi They contalr and known which empties the bowels without the slightest discomfort and dis turbing tho of the Constantly Increased doses are not necessary a jot ha Ml ft and va will -i- hi this morning remanded the girl to jail for one week Revolution in Portugal Oct A- revolution broke out in Lisbon yesterday King Manuel is a prisoner street lighting lias oc curred warships are bombarding the palace all communication with capital is cut off Lisbon Oct A provisional gov ernment has been formed wiih Theo- phiie as president The new national flag is Hying over all public buildings King Manuel has taken refuge at Mafra miles from Lisbon Portugal following the example Spain has been imbued in recent years with a strong anticlerical sen timent and the Governmental pro gram included a revision of status of religious orders f J I a- i 1

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