Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , October 7, 1910, p. 5

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m Li J Robertson Notary w ood prank and collector Bradford Oct Oct Oct Bolton Clark DENTIST St Wilkinson Office In Newmarket SB IWUfcT of MARRIAGE LICENSES Newmarket Office at If Presbyterian Church At the preparatory service this even ing the address will be delivered by Rev H A of Church Toronto Mr met a number of Newmarket people at Orchard Beach last summer who became very favorably impressed and there will no be a good at tendance to hear him Clubbing Rates for 1 911 Era and Weekly Globe and Daily Globe North York only Era and Toronto Star 250 Era and Toronto News Era and Weekly Mail Balance of Free to Sub scribers to weeklies paying in ad vance NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS LATEST IN Monuments and Head Stones- Ordtrinr CA88IDY Dp J Boyd Graduate in medicine- of Toronto University Licentiate of the Royal College of and fctr of the Royal College of Surgeons Former clinical assistant fa Moornelde Eye Hospital and College Ear Nose and Throat Hospital London England Main and Timothy Sts Newmarket Telephone No 110 Consultation My service may be had at any of the day or night by calling at the office or phone Furnace Work Plumbing 3 of Our Specialties Bathroom Outfit at the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS R SONS Next to Smiths Grocery New Grocery We received Stock of New Fruits of all Currants Date Peels Layer Rais ins Malaga Oranges etc Also all the NEW CANNED GOODS Tomatoes Corn Pets Salmon etc the Beat OUR GROCERIES well assorted the thai Try Our Art I Our bread Standard Weight Fan cy Buns Cakes of kinds Freeh Betterslew good Ml in COOKED HAM sliced to Satisfaction or Money Refunded Joseph Perkins OH Stand In It is no mere boat to asset that Newmarket is just the right town to settle down in and enjoy life has large mercantile and factory establishments and an excellent farm ers market for the com fort of domestic life can be purchased here at prices much less than in large cities Our educational facilities in advance of many municipalities of larger population and our churches a to the moral religious and social sentiment of the municipality Retiring farmers and men of means will find Newmarket a nice place for a comfortable home location and a class of people as warmhearted arid generous as in any part of this broad Dominion returned Ranging Mr John Morgan returned on Wednesday night from fire rang ing the District lying in the gore the mainline of the running to Winni peg and the branch running to the Boo John gives a interest ing account of the country There is a great quantity of tim ber ranging from to ft in dia meter The size of the fish In the Jakes up there is simply marvel lous They caught a salmon trout which measured inches in length and speckled trout Weighing from to lbs each A Good Position Can be had hy ambitious young men and in the field of Wire less or Railway telegraphy Since the 8hour law became effective since the wireless companies are es tablishing stations throughout Me country there is a great shortage of telegraphers Positions pay begin ners from to per month with good chance of advancement The National Telegraph Institute operates six Institutes in America un der the supervision of and Wire less Officials places all graduates into positions It will pay you to write thorn for full details at Cin cinnati or Philadelphia Pa A Suggestive Hint At this season of the year it is important that the Board of and other sanitary on their guard and sec to the removal as far as possible of anything calculated to SUOfl induce typhoid or other diseases Prom reports in our exchanges We notice that various cities and towns of the Province are having trouble- with typhoid Life too precious to run chances with In fection from Insanitary con ditions Main kept in a health and cleanly state but how about backyards stable and garbage dumps -i- We are not writing in a faulthiding but rather for the and happiness of our eftfsejis Prevention of epi demic is better thaifcurV farm Produce Splendid market last Saturday Re sides usual quantity of butter and eggs all kinds of fruits and vegetable were In apples chickens were al so plentiful Following were the prices do to 25c per to Chickens per TO to Drefred Ducks to Apples per basket Apple per to per bag to to per to 1 in to Live Chickens per lb to Old J fens per lb to fa hive Ducks per In per pair 20c in tea may mean to you flavor or strength or fragrant richness Red Rose Tea is blended with such nicety that it is the combination of all three points of merit Will you try a The Liberal Convention in South Wellington on last nomi nated Mr Jeffrey of to contest that Riding for the Ontario House to filj the vacancy created by the resignation Mr J P Downey The fight is now on with- every pect that the constituency will be re deemed V SOLO IN BULK Your Grocer Will Recommend It si At the New York State Republican Convention at Saratoga on Tuesday last Col Roosevelt nominee of the Progressives was elected Temporary chairman over Sher man by a vote of to This decisive rote is regarded as complete route to the Old Guard of bosses and foreshadows a forward movement in democracy Mr Peter Ellis has been appointed bail magistrate and entered upon his duties on the 1st of October at a salary of per annum A cartoon in the Telegraph graphi cally illustrates the party situa tion in Toronto A sorb of No 10 boot covering a correspondingly sized foot poking itself through a large pane of glass Underneath is this record The party slate will look right until election and then it will look the above that so Lundy Johnston The marriage of Miss Jessie Flo rence Johnston to Dr Walter formerly of Newmarket took place at half past two oclock on Thursday afternoon of last week in the New Westminster Church Toronto The ceremony was performed by the pas lor Rev Dr in the psesence of only the immediate friends re latives The bride was wearing a travelling suit of Cobalt blue and bearer hat to match with wings Miss Wright attended as brides maid in grey Ninon with hat to match Mr Arthur Oliver was best man After the ceremony Dr and Mrs left for a weeks driving tour Tomatoes Are you fond of tomatoes Most people are and at this season of the year they are much relished To matoes acting upon both liver and kidneys will clear the skin wonderful ly authorities and vegeta rians tell us if the eyeballs have that annoying yellowish tinge that conies from the liver and a generous breakfast dish of raw tomatoes with as little condiments as your palate permits will soon restore the dear white This juicy vegetable applied directly to the skin readily removes stains and sunburns and even freckles if not longstanding Seventyfive years a tomatoes were called love- apples ami were almost unknown as a common table vegetable but of late years have become an Important vegetable commodity It was announced at Winnipeg on Tuesday that the J T Railway will on Saturday lake over that por tion of National Transcontinental between Winnipeg and Superior Junc tion and start operating the line in order to facilitate grain shipments to the head of the lakes This will mean an T route- from Ed monton to Fort William The death of Hon of Nova Scotia oc curred at his summer home in on the 26th wit Deceased was a Presbyterian in religion and politically a Liberal in full accord with the Administration He was also a Freemason was elect ed Grand Master of the Order in No va Scotia on March 1906 The Ottawa Free Press regards the death penalty as an important safe guard of the It says Michigan has no capital punishment and Detroit its metropolis with a population of had three time as many murders last year all jthe city on Sunday and is quartered Canada Life is cheap where only the j at the King Edward Hotel He is jail yearns and pardon boards exist now on his way back from England and hanging has created a wholesome respect for- the law in this Dominion Robertson Holland of Sheldon lost two valuable from an overfeed of Wheat A bag of wheat had been left in the field to which the horses had access SHELL BRAND BAR For AT- Broughtons Drug Store Co to and from Will It ON A I WITH SPRING MATTRESS FREE Head iVar to Citron 2 or Lamb pec to per basket per bunch threat and Juaca A new pretty and graceful design corner of Inch lubfpg trim- top with caps and ami fool feet high and feet by feet long size price with testers A strong woven wire spring on a hard A thick The Cut out ftnl mail get by letter a SPECIAL OFFER full bow to get pieces Free our new IJIua- and more low priced Freight prepaid to nearest te will today CO Lock Box BRIDGETOWN Trie annual meeting of the Womens Missionary Society of the Methodist Church was held last week at Otta wa A special feature was the pre sentation by the returned missionaries to Mrs Dr Carman of Toronto VicePresident of the Society of a to China Hon Frank Cochrane Minister of Lands Forests and Mines has gone on a business trip to Algonquin Park Mr in the Street Com missioners Department was struck by an autocar on the Kingston road last Saturday and fatally injured A youth named It Harrington of Baldwin Street on a bicycle collided with a soda wagon on Saturday and bad his skull fractured His life is cabinet of silver on the occasion of the anniversary of her marriage despaired of Dr Carman Superintendent of Sir lames Whitney has returned Methodist Church of Canada was from the Old Country present and gave an address of wcl- The Macedonians of the city decided tome The membership of the recently to build an Orthodox Church now totals and Toronto They number about- and have a alone contributed towards the funds of the Society during the past year Bulgarian Orthodox priest Collections at the Customs House here for the month of September to- tailed an increase of It is very gratifying to the people of over the corresponding North York and must he equally mouth of last year gratifying to himself to find the Marriages in the city last month Of the Dominion commending show an increase of over of Hon A Aylesworth at her of last year The Hague The Telegram of Sat- Dunsmores house in unlay remarks the Hon A was placarded his only child A vies worth docs not get a title sick with scarlet fever She saving Hudson Bay to Canada he will at least have the satisfaction of knowing that a few of this countrys politicians have gained titles for cer vices less meritorious and distinguish ed those rendered to the nation at The Hague The merits of really great work at The Hague will do more than a title ever could do to perpetuate the and fame of lion A Information is given by Hanson of the British Navy late resident Commissioner in the was being nursed by her father and mother The father slept on floor so as to he near the child and in this way contracted pneumonia midnight he became delirious barricaded the door with a tabic and chairs So that the wife and moth er could not gain admittance She called a policeman who effected an en trance when it was found the man wis dead The poor wife was so shocked she became- helpless for a time I Ms a sad and painful case A petition has been sent to Ottawa praying for raising the ban on the New respecting the quaint shipment hunting dogs outside the ways of the cannibal natives of area now under the mnzling order to distant South Sea Islands which nave jthe hunting grounds of recently become he joint domain of On condition that the Britain and France The New raise for a now home for their Hebrides comprise a group of about organization Mr has a large volcanic islands in the given his promise fur a like sum to- South Sea and lying some wards the enterprise This aniiouncc- miles from J he Australian Com- ment was made at the annual flue north from Sydney ling of the Toronto District T They were first discovered by a Span- II a few days ago explorer named bill were An interesting bicycle event is to never formally claimed by Spain take place in the Grounds apt Hanson Hells us the New Henri- Jon October when the starters in the ties have a wonderfully equable ell- Ontario Bicycle Championship will be mat a climate which enable the j run oil in connection with the Ward tlvc islanders- to go naked and that Marathon Very Valuable live under palm leave hut all being offered Toronto Hamilton the year round Though tropical the islands arc no torrid fall plentifully but they are wnrni and vegetation grows rapidly The natives are of lazy habits and find life too easy to force them to work The island are pretty thickly Inhabited Bo of Olntmonts tor Catarrh that Contain As mercury surely destroy sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable phy sicians as the damage they will do ten fold to the good you can possi bly derive from them Halls Ca tarrh Cure manufactured by J Cheney Co Toledo contains no mercury and Is taken Internally acting directly upon Ui blood and mucous ol the system In buying Halls Cure bo sure you get the genuine It In ternally and made in Toledo Ohio by P J Cheney Co Testimonials free a Sold by Druggists price bottle Family Pill for per and Waterloo will he sen ted Whatever may lx- the needs of the general public In regard to Metro politan Hallway there is no question about immediate importance of some protection at the P A colored man named Randolph brutally assaulted a woman he was living with Second offence the man was sent to lie Central for a year Twoyearold Bond of 00 Sydenham street was brought to the General Hospital in a very serious condition The child came across a bottle Of rat poison on a at home with about a third of the contents therein and disposed of it The death occurred Saturday of Mrs A Gordon widow of the late Thomas for many years as sociated with the conduct of the Queens Hotel Mrs who passed away at her homo Avenue road during her lifetime set an ex ample of Christian living having been constantly Interested in Knox Church and charitable Institutions Dr A of this city was placed on trial last week on a charge of bigamy After considerable evidence vas taken the case was ad journed the 17th Rev Gordon M Holmes formerly Baptist pastor at Manitou Man and resigned to continue his studies at has been appointed to the pulpit of Eastcsn avenue Baptist church He preached his first sermon Sunday While driving down at the corner of Robinson street A Smith and Fletcher two color ed bill- stickers were upset from their waggon when a car ran them- The paste pots were upsot and their contents went over the Neither of the men were injured The big Russian male bear at River- dale Park Zoo is dead Death result ed from paralysis resulting from an on the spine An operation was performed without success and when it was that death was in evitable the animals passing was as sisted administration of poi son A street car and a milk wagon got tangled up on Saturday morning near Victoria street and Queen The load of beef was from the Harris abattoir The horse was knocked over and the meat scattered about The car fender was damaged Sir Henry Spencer Berkeley Attor neyGeneral of HongKong and form ally Chief Justice of Fiji arrived in W HARDWARE You Can Save Money Buying From Us Full Line of- Light Supplies Paints Oils Glass Etc r OUR FALL THAN EVER Toronto Jobbing House and with it brings need Overcoat and Fall Suit of an We have at the present time a full line of the latest Now York styles on hand and the most uptodate mate rials our sholvos for your close in flection While down town a point to call and see them a YOUR TAILOR NEWMARKET PHONE 160 MAIN ST A Nervous OUR METHOD TREATMENT euro you and make ft mau of you Did becomes active I so that nil hi it Icon heal up become id to that norvoiiftmvilfnJifulnerii a tho mile- r energy ruurniio nil moral IfivffOfAtCii ji cove no r vJtil from aystom ft an I know w ft I nrii rob you your hard earned Cry NO NAMES V1THOUT WRITTEN CONSENT THREATENED WITH PARALYSIS IVter IWOStrouMod for many yearn to rs In very nt wort I or I who okil nt mo my dreams at hi hot were Lack a my ami fot wcr coM og jlnors eyes blurred hair etc linden ix tin mo feared namhsfs I took ll kinds and tried ninny IiiL lit I to consult Kennedy I had lost nil hi Ttn doctors I Method it my life wth I feel through I physically I ha Bent continue to iO bo CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY V treat VARICOSE VEINS NERVOUS DEBILITY BLOOD AND URINARY COMPLAINTS KIDNEY AND DISEASES and all peculiar to Men CONSULTATION FREE BOOKS FREE to call for a Blink or Horn Treatment Cor Michigan Ave and Grlswold Sil Detroit Mich TIG AH letters from Canada must be to our Canadian Correspondence Depart ment In Windsor Ont If you desire to see personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no in our Windsor offices which arc for Correspondence and laboratory for Canadian business only Address all letters follows DRS KENNEDY KENNEDY Windsor for our private I I t aTrr I

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