I 1 r- tofMAHKET OCTOBER 1910 Room to Rent Apply at 203 Prospect Ave EDITORIAL For Sale SevenRoomed Frame House Half I Acre Land Good Stable and Poultry House Soft and Hard Water Apply to Srigley St Newmarket An Ottawa despatch states that Bui yea has been pointed for another term Also that Hon O Brown of Calgary has The Domain of Northern Ontario rf Auction sale HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE at MR- SYDNEY GOULDS Eagle Street formerly occupied by A on SATURDAY OCTOBER at oclock pm consisting of Dining Room Table and Chairs Sideboard with plate glass Mirror Happy Thought Range Dining Service Pieces Walnut Bedroom Set- been appointed Lieut Governor of Saskatchewan Ono of livest most intelligent articles on home furnishing that we have read in a long time is in Octo ber Canadian Home Journal The plea is to go slow and choose care fully We are glad to see the Jour nal giving space- to some of the finer sides of womans home life as well as so thoroughly dealing the necessities eookery and oth er household doings The cover is a beauty and any woman may be proud to display on the library table Letter Winnipeg Man- Oct Building records and bank clearing Oak Dresser with Plate Glass Mirror figures of this city are keeping up the 15 In hi V pi Pictures Tables Chairs Carpets Kitchen etc etc Also Chickering Square Piano wood in Perfect Condition Cash Excepting Piano on which Three Months Time will he FRANK DUNCAN Auctioneer NOTICE Ladies wishing to supply their homes with allwool Comforters or Childrens Hose or Mittens home- knit please leave an order with Will ing Helpers of Friends Church 3w37 MRS LEHMAN President For Immediate Sale On Sir Mulocks Farm A few Choice Shorthorns male and female at very low prices Call at the farm or write the manager J DAVIDSON Arrnitage PO fast clip they struck at the opening of the year and both will break all re cords In fact the building figures are already ahead of the best previous year In the building permits reached the sum of 512 To day with three months of 1910 yet to be covered building permits have been taken out and the fall rush has not set in yet The bank clearing figures are for the nine months as against for a corresponding of last year the best previous record Enthusiastic On Return In common with all who visit the West after an interval of years the members of the Manufacturers Asso ciation who passed through Winnipeg on their way last week highly enthusiastic on Conditions throughout the country President Elect Rowley said araomg other pleasant I things Best of all we found the entire West more prosperous than ever with the outlook for in creasing business better than it has ever been before and bl course that is what satisfied most of us Saw Big Power Plant A big party of thcvisitiDg manufac turers went to Point BoJS on the citys invitation inspect the muni cipal power plant that is getting well along toward completion there They saw what will make Winnipeg even more than it is today the thief in dustrial centre of Western Canada land it was the opinion of all who to Port Arthur and a the three and a hall million doi- of points reached by Northern plant that is being built to supply Navigation Company also to certain this city with power and light that points in Quebec New Brunswick installation is Scotia and Maine probably early next summer on the Northern Ontario iuss Hogg of is visiting el Mrs H Clark the October Canadian Magazine The great clay belt has its beginning Mrs Foster- of Toronto is spend- in Northern Quebec At the head of a few days Mrs Cane Lake it enters Ontario is visiting her and continues in an irregular line daughter in Sutton for a week or west to and beyond Lake two The northern boundary is James Bay Mr A P of Winnipeg and the district of Its ex- spent last week with his friend Mr tent is estimated to be two hundred Geo Bremner miles wide by four hundred miles Mrs Walter Hansford of Toron- on usually presents a to has been spending few days with gently undulating country there ate Mrs Thos Blizzard at intervals ridges of a few miles n in extent of rocky slopes oyd of Pine Or- with lakes sand and gravel hills more especially towards east but freeman Lloyd scarcely any portion of it is incapable Mildred of cultivation The Transcontinental spent over Sunday with her Railway runs through the centre of Lloyd this tract mile after mile without Mr George Stephens has return- slightest curve except and only for from North Dakota after an better grade or to obviate some sence couple of months engineering difficulty in crossing seme Mr and Mrs Blizzard leave on wvde river flowing into James Bay Monday to spend a couple of weeks or Hudson Bay The first live to with friends at the east in Ontario is the Abitibv where a magnificent bridge resting on were in town this week attend- IT PAYS TO DEAL AT I high piers is about finished at Frederick House River and Ground Hog Rivers others are in course of construction Beyond bridge building there is really no heavy work but chopping the timber and grading through banks of clay the funeral of their grandson Mrs re turned to the city after spending a Week or more with Newmaret friends HUNTERS AT SINGLE OCTOBER To NOVEMBER To points in points P-te- Hughes of Toronto so level is the country from a rail- and Mrs Hughes of Victoria road standpoint Still there are dis- sncnt a with Mrs advantages here or elsewhere The fines land everywhere is good in it Mrs John Ironsides who is scarcely possible to find better for Went an operation at Toronto Hod- Canadian farming but much of it is a of weeks ago is and flat To cut the tim- proving nicely compared with the same under- Mr Jackson on Tuesday taking in what is called up there to visit his daughters at Bronte Old Ontario is an easy matter but Hamilton and and ex- to make the land productive it must be away for ten days be well burned over after chopping and this is at the same time drained since accilleul In fact drainage of a greater part ag0 slightl improved of that country will be necessary this week an is able to he around the fore it can reach its highest house ties The fall seems to be good in Provincial or the county councils when formed a few years I 7- of hence will require to take the mat- Birch- Iff hand There are of course W Margaret spent a day upland which the their uncle Mr large tracts Henry and family last week OCTOBER To will be an exceedingly attrac tive City for manufactures in any part To Musk-oka- Lakes Penetang Lake of of the world vho seek to serve the Bays Midland River trade of Western Canada at the Madawaska to Argyle to to Lake to via K P Railway points from Severn to North Bay inclusive and certain points reached by Northern Navigation Company limit on all tickets Decem ber except to points reached by steamer lines November J Depot Mortgage Sale OF Farm Property Under and by virtue of the powers contained two certain Mortgages which will produced at the time of sale there will Offered for sale by Public Auction by Prank Duncan Auctioneer at the possible cost and highest efficiency Distribution System Commended Praise from a high source was be stowed on the system of distributing power from the new plant which will be used After looking into this im portant point Captain J regarded an an expert In this line of work and who is in charge of the construction of the Winnipeg sys tem said the- distribution system I which will he used here undoumV edly be the best in the world This system was designed by Professor consulting engineer for Hie city Workmans Aid Popular The workmans aid scheme recently put In operation here is proving very popular Under the provisions of this plan British workmen whose families are in the Old Country may secure settlers secure fid begin farming operations but the lands will Miss Edna Morton Mor al ways be Cold and early and late ton Park is now in attendance at frosts prevalent till the country is tip Faculty Education Toronto preparing prope is operly drained The capabilities of university where she the extreme northern territory are for High School teaching as yet unknown The old lands so Specialist En Mathematics and far opened for here are Physics the four townships at the Junction On Wednesday afternoon a very of the Teniskaming and Northern On- j enjoyable was at the home Railway and Northern Iransof Mrs A Haines where a num- continenta Railway- These Town- her of ladles were invited to join in ships are known as a Linen Shower to Miss Lamarch and which were Walker- who is to be married next opened a year ago They are fair Tuesday samples of the hind throughout the Reference was made the other whole country The laud is sold at week to a piece of ancient needlework fifty cents an acre to the extent of Since then the editor has been shown acres on the instalment Plana a piece worked by Mrs of settlement duties and compulsory ciimseth Street years ago the living on the laud six of the date of I being worked in the yetr for three years are required To piece as well as her maiden name and money to bring the other of their families to this city and thus have the benefit and economy of a I united family long before these could on Wednesday I secured in the ordinary course fit DAY nlrnU publicspirited men in at twelve oclock noon that Winnipeg and its workings are in farm property in the Township of charge of the Winnipeg Development Bast cwiiMfjibury formerly occupied and Industrial Charles by Pex comprising in all j Commissioner hundred and Home finances and consisting of Lot Number in the Fifth Concession of the Township of ttie present date since the opening in May there have been disposed of by the Crown Laads agent at Cochrane upwards of acres but so far only the preliminaries of settlement such aS cutting roads building shacks and cutting down timber been a verse of poetry in French o TORONTO LETTER Mr sold two pigs only seven months old which weighed lbs and netted the sum of The Annual Thanksgiving Serviees will be held in Christs Church on Sunday Oct Church at 11 am and An Instance of effective home finance was afforded by the organization of Seven talning about hundred acres east fifty acres of fot Number in the Fourth the Township and the northeasterly twentyfive acres of Lot Number Six in the Fifth Concession being north of the east half of half of said Lot There are upon Seven in the Fifth Concession a metallic clad frame house a barn about on stone foundation with an orchard a Spring and two good and upon the easterly fifty acres of Lot Number the Western Mortgage and Loan in Winnipeg This company was formed by Winnipeg men and the en tire capital of was sub- in thirty days from the time of opening the Sale Register TUESDAY Oct Oli ver will have a of farm slock implements and household furniture pm Mr and Mr Morris of College will conduct life services Rev C Johnston of Toronto will lecture on The Irish and Scotch in the Methodist Church on Tuesday Oct 1 at pu Miss Agnes has relumed medical prnel to the City after spending a week at her home here v Mr Watson has accepted a position In Toronto Mr Louis Mount jr has sold Ids farm to Mr J Cook of St Mr and Mrs W Anil of spent Sunday at Mr AIL For ft cheque for John was sent to Kingston Penitentiary for four years Dr J Hastings received the ap pointment of Medical Health officer at a salary of 5000 Contracts have let for wo new schools one on Avenue and the other Aiiuette street This week an Innocent looking box marked dry goods from Vancouver was seized by the Customs officials On opening flic box mixed up with Chinese papers a quantity of and other grains was found pound packages of opium pre pared for smoking The was ad dressed in a Chinaman named Lou Choi Lung Is an osteopath a legally This ion is now exercising the Finance millee of Hie Hoard of Education III this city has begun oh the high level bridge over the Don at Queen It is l cost Smiths Falls Oct Sunday morning at oclock lire was discov ered in the Pereival- Plow and Stove Company foundry at MerricVville and such headway had It gained before being thai a larae on lot he rear of con- building was destroyed in Fourth a upon barn about foundation with stable a Email orchard and a running stream of Water The land Is In a fair state I of cultivation Ten per cent of- the wil ing price to be paid at the time of sale and the balance within twenty days thereafter For further terms and information apply to JAMES Waterloo Ontario Mortgagees Solicitor DATED September of Whitchurch Sale at 12 oclock Smith Riversides stone MONDAY Oct Mr Zephyr will hold an extensive Bah of Horses COWS Implements and Household Furniture at oclock Six months credit on sums over 1 Auctioneer Colon Panama Oct Seventy persons perished sinking of the Pacific Navigation Companys following a boiler explo- according informa tion received here today from chine The occurred fate In the afternoon of Sept when the At its meeting King Council paid to sheepowners that fir Era till for towfifcblp for damage dor by dogs i lac fiend the to absent friends A little son of Hillings Vlrk county was Instantly killed by on Saturday night The lad was driving the horses for his father who was ploughing when he Hash of lightning came Moth were also killed and in falling over buried he hotly under them Woodstock Mrs more dead at her home In as result injuries received last Friday In the explosion of gasoline Mrs was cleaning clothes Whn the gasoline exploded terribly burning her hands face and breast A husband and two children survive Montevideo Oct swept the waterfront Of this city today de stroying the new grand docks the custom house and vast quantities of and American imports loss is placed at partly cov ered by Insurance Orangevillc Oct Mr Mil- ton Sanson ah employe of the Super ior Portland Crtnent Company this town was very injured late aftxrnoon One the pulleys connected with revolving kiln got out of order and Sanson was commis sioned to fix it While thus engag ed his clothing came into contact with belt and he was whisked into the air and before he became Within a few hours the loss had reach- be circled be belt three When led 500000 and it was estimated SOLE AGENCY FOR QUEEN S S SOLE AGENCY FOR UNDERWEAR Its the Month of Fruit Trees Bending Here Already The Tenth Month in the Year Plenty Granaries Bursting Full Vines Laden Under their Burden of Fruit while the Woods are Aflame with Gorgeous Colors its Tim for Full Stock in this Store of Large Variety from which you Pick and Choose to your Hearts Content You dont have to Buy because you Look- but we Want to have you Call and Inspect our Fall Line of Goods Before Buying Believing that we can Save You Money i Your Fall Purchases I i i The Form PATENTED AUG 1909 PETTICOAT OF Childrens Coats At 3 to 6 AGES FROM 3 YEARS TO 14 YEARS Sole Agents for THE NEW UNDERSKIRTS to a Specials for Saturday NIGHT EACH 3 doz Womens Flannelette Night Gowns full sized in colors of pink and white and blue and white worth each on sale at each WORSTED STOCKINGS PAIR 25 do Boys and Girls Pure Worsted Stockings sizes Hi to Well worth pair on sale at pair F LA LA K PAIR Double Bed Sized Lofty Finish Shaker Blankets worth on sale at pair Specials for Saturday DRESS GOODS A New of Diagonal Dress Serges brown green black garnet worth yard on sale at yd WOOL SOX 19c PAIR 5 Mens All Wool Sox Knit top full sized Regular pair on sale at 19c pair MENS TIES EACH Mens Latest Style Nock ties pure silk good patterns worth on sale at each BOYS UITS Hardly the price for Cloth and Trimmings but theyre odd lines arid mnst go sizes to Regular up to on sale at pairs Mens Box Calf Boots sizes to Regular 250 pair on sale at pair Windsor Oct Mary Simpson wife of loHn Simp son died today ably from eating slip to be fresh mushrooms Within a few hours after partaking of dish she became unconscious ami death soon intervened A THE LEADING Undertaking You buy your For Cash UNDERTAKING A EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at residence John and 26 Do you bake your Dread or buy it with the Flour on the market If you bake we can furnish There is none better than Purity If you buy your bread cannot get a better loaf than 77i CRADLE In Whitchurch on Oct to Mr and Mrs Wesley son Newmarket on Oct to Mr and Mrs Wilson son TIM ALTAI YOUNG Parson age by Rev Sidney Smith on- Sept Nellie May Young of to Walter Reginald Draper of Albert TUB TOMB may- it much This bread is not quite as larc as thiT ordinary bread you from your but it has certain qualities that makes better eating than ordinary bread This bread is sold in pans of loaves for cents and is called small bread Every loaf marked and we do not sell any other than those marked Small Dread Canadian Fruits for table and for canning handled titles in large The berry season is about over but plums peaches and in season now Call up phone and get your orders in ft hurry At Winnipeg on Sept 1010 Ann widow of Hugh I yearn Interred at Hamilton on Friday picked up his left arm was almost torn off the flesh around the shoulder and lung being badly torn and it Was found necessary to amputate it later Ills right ankle was broken and his skull slightly injured There is a chance of his recovery that the dauingP would total to be tween and S2000000 Montevideo is the capital and the chief port of Uruguay Its chief ex ports are grain products tallow and hides The population is WATSON At the home of her inlaw Mr William Krannv on Oct Mrs Lucy Watson relict of the late Herbert Watson of Ontario MORNING In Newmarket on Oct Albert Ernest son of Sidney Morning years and 27 days Interred yesterday at Holland Landing J T All will receive Careful and Prompt Attention Rough Lumber and Inside Trim Doors Sash and Mouldings of all Kinds for Inside Trim Try a Cord of our Short Hard Wood at a cord I Highest Cash Prices Paid for Grain or Alsike W H V by phone or from careers John Turner Trent I I- J ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO