Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , October 7, 1910, p. 1

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J I Bo on Tim Get one of gthen blood sens WATSONS ALARM CLOCKS 1 to Era gives more home news every week two other papers in North York combined and ia acknowledged to MB I J t I J F J 1 B I a If J J New Broodies NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND the liberty to to to argue freely according to above all other liberty r Solid Gold Gold Filled Sterling Silver Hand Painted Enamelled Jewelry Store No Paper sent outside of- North York unless paid in advance to toe United States I 3- Single Copies 3c Newmarket Ont Friday Oct TERMSU25 per if paid in advance 1 Cm 1 tfikea Fellow Think Little Heat From the Stove or Furnace Will Soon bo Wanted Is Everything in Shape There Will be a Lot of Leave the Work Until the Snow Flies Get Busy You Lively Need your Furnace and Cook Stove Thoroughly Cleaned and Phono or Your Order at wort Such YD in house con- long troughs brick in is to HARDWAR Our Fall Stock of Heaters and Ranges arriving daily the Nelson 6hoIe No Steel Range with Copper Reservoir for 2500 Also the Two in Heater and ookVig Stove Combined Juat the Thing Mr Small The Surprise Steel Range 4hoIeNo 9 for 15 We two only Perfection Oil Stoves left One Burner and one Burner Will Allow per cent off the Regular Price Its a Good to Save from to They are all right BUILDERS AND BLACKSMITHS HARDWARE STOVES PUTTY PAINTS OILS AND FURNACES PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING A PrlONB also i it THE J 9 Savings deposits of and upwards and interest to all balance twice a year Safe Convenient Profitable Assets NEWMARKET BRANCH P C FIELD MANAGER r I 700 Best Goal in America BY P W PEARSON or give to J If- Bowman or J Murphy For Sale Aftplf to J K CAME Oar Toronto Miss of Toronto of Mario Is to take Pupils In Violin at For terms led apply to MULLOY Aurora It is said that Ontario Packing Houses are a big merger at the head which stands the United Produce Co Report has it that they have taken over or are negotiating for several smaller companies The Ladies Aid of North Toronto Methodist street will hold a Festival of the Seasons on Oct A and 6 and promise a good program afternoon and evening of each day Two celebrated old country divines Archdeacon Madden of Liverpool and Rev Dr Hanson of Belfast are coming to Toronto this week They will address students in the Bible Training School Rev Geo Atlas is in the peni tentiary on a charge of stealing from the estate of a widow named He declared he had paid back the money and now it is said witnesses have been found in Turkey who saw Atlas pay the money and witnessed the receipt The trouble now is ro raise to- pay the ex pense of these witnesses to come and give evidence Pretty hard on Atlas if this is true Hoy name was called in the Sessions last Monday and as he did not appear his bail was es treated Roy could not put in ap pearance because he is not ubiquitous Iris counsel explained to the court that the was under arrest in Calgary on another charge Startling evidence was given at the Isolation inquiry this week Engineer handled dead bodies as well as the milk supply and never thought of infection Mr Church of Clinton street in attempting to board a moving car last Monday evening had his foot badly crushed A foreigner named Geo Par was locked up on a charge of throwing lighted matches into the monkey cages at the Zoo In the arrest Mrs Pankhurst a middleaged woman whose home is in Buffalo the city police believe they have within their clutches one of the most clever shoplifters that has ever operated in Toronto Oik arrest has been made in con nection with the burglary at the auc tion premises of James Harris in King west a week ago Satur day night when eight furlined coats valued at nearly were stolen The man accused is Donald and the police are looking or two oilier men Ernest Fogg on a charge having a horse and rig from Phillips of was brought before Mr J P on Tues day and remanded until Oct to se cure further evidence Several persons have had charges laid them for selling and supplying facing Information con trary to the limitations of the- Miller Act and in connection with the Woodbine races them right People claiming hi able should respect the law or dinary persons This Is the kind case where blood dont count On Tuesday the Sessions Oram Jury returned true bills against Dr A for bigamy and John Ryan for theft A trolly cable broke on Tuesday morning and struck Mr Alfred Hold er of His face and neck vere badly burned one eye In jured and clothes torn The Harvest services at Swansea last Sunday were excep tionally fine in St Anglican Church aisles were prettily decorated with miniature sheaves wheat and Other cereals and the chancel artistically au tumn flowers and clematis Alsonear the altar and steps fruit of all kinds WasIcely arranged Tho service by the choir was specially beautiful Hon Foster for North Toronto has returned to the city after spending three weeks in New Brunswick recruiting his strength He Is announced one of the speakers at a to he held by Ward Four Conservatives dur ing this month f A Workmens Compensation Act Is foreshadowed as form ing part of the Ontario Governments program next Session Over cases of typhoid fever un der treatment at the Isolation Hospi tals of the City are causing consider able uneasiness- In the Sessions last week Thomas was found guilty of theft While Mrs was serving sentence in the penitentiary the prisoner some his wifes heirlooms Sen tence deferred Mr I P managing editor the Mail arid Umpire passed away last week from typhoid fever Suit End Sudden Death of Lady Edgar flartiej 0ct 3 Sad news has reached Toronto in P v j4h n except for the expert which will be given before his don England of Lady Edgar widow t may be that bis Lordship will be brought to To- According to news received previous le I iu i so that he can have an Lady Edgar had been in the best of j -j- opportunity judging the mans con- health and the sad tidings come as diUon a terrible shock to her wide circle of law of friends in Toronto Only not days ago ther whether or not his marriage one of Lady Edgar intimate friends voung Robinson remains receivXd a letter from her in which good Should the judge decide that he she stated her intention remaining tnc Mgs in London two or three months long- a woman about connection with the historical ol Uxl book which she has been writing dur- Michaels cousin and will the summer She also spoke he left in her hands unless in some her visit to Ireland where she and sub action at law Mrs her daughters were the guests of st title to the Earl and Countess of Aberdeen to Michael is good The case is one of the most by her two daughters I sidelights on Miss Beatrice and Miss Ed- gar Lady Edgar left Toronto spring for a prolonged visit to Eng land and the After a vis it to Koine she returned with her daughters to London to lie present at the wedding of her son Mr Keith Edgar an officer of the Royal En- am uovarn- been aired in a law court in a long time It has been shown beyond any pos sible doubt that is much better cared for now than before his mar riage It was made clear that the old man was drunk a great deal of I he time before his marriage ana that he stationed India ftil Miss more or less like a pig It Is Myles of Toronto Later they Visit- J alleged by the defence that the in England Scotland and Ireland j guard placed over the old man by Lady Edgar was a daughter of the relatives i order to prevent him late Thomas Mid a f Robertson was there granddaughter of Hon John Tlidout or doped who was SurveyorGeneral of Canada j by the way from to She inherited help him in shuffling off this literary tastes writing several inter- mortal coil His fortune of eighty and valuable books dealing thousand dollars would then have gone with Canadian affairs One of these to the relatives The years of Upper Canada in War and peace was largely compiled from records and letters left by her father add grand both of whom took an active part as officers during The Other Story On the other hand the marriage according to the plaintiffs was one in which the young lady was the pur ine troublous time the war of suing party with her father a Another work known to dist minister as a very able assistant students of Canadian history is a eon- The story set forth by the plaintiffs to the Makers of Canada that after they had succeeded once Series the Life of General Brock putting off the marriage and bad She was married to lames David established a guard over the old man Edgar in and was actively in- strange men drove to the house terested in her husbands political one morning and overpowered the carter accompanying him to British I were followed it Is Columbia on an important political said by Miss Robertson and her mission for the Mackenzie Govern- lather The wedding took place right in She was noted l most Charming hostess and later I charge of the old man from as wife of toAw shown she had of his the House of Commons but could be said to at Ottawa she filled an important so- W that she in any way abused her position with grace and dignity In this regard except that she Lady Edgar president the house and repaired Womans National Canada and was by all the members of that organization She was at one time president and Inter honorary president of Womans Society At the time of the terrible distress poverty In Toronto two years ago she took an active part in the work of relief and was one of committee of three who were in of the Babies Fund Instituted by Hie At the lime spared no effort and made hundreds of personal Visits to I lie poor Che interment vaiill in and did other tilings to add to the old mans comfort The claim Is Jalfray Eaton is representing The Globe with the O in Eng land the only exclusive press corres pondent on the trip Mr J another member of the staff of The Globe is at pres ent on a pioneering trip in the Elk Lake and tlie far north country- Mr is exceptionally equipped for such an expedition hav ing spent several years in the mining camps America and South Africa Mr M Hammond Editor of the Illustrated Magazine Section of The Globe is contributing letters on the political situation in the United States These will be continued dur ing the next few weeks Mr Ham monds instructions being to travel wherever good copy from a Cana dian viewpoint can be secured It goes without saying that not fifty years has so much interest been taken by Canadians in United States poli tics as is the case at the present time The Globe is trying to live up to its record in the matter ot keeping its readers posted aside altogether from the ordinary sources of local and tele graphic news Murder Trial at Barrie Sep 20 Thomas was found guilty the capital charge of inciting Mary to murder her infant The verdict was coupled with recommendation to mercy llarrie Sept The death sen tence was passed upon Thomas Mc and Mary by Mr Jus tice at this Both prisoners had spent a terrible night in the jail especially being in a ha1 way When escorted into court Mary eyes were heavy for the want of sleep Before pronouncing sentence Mr Justice asked the girl if there was any reason she could give why sentence of thecouiit should not he passed With a great effort she restrained her sobs and said All I have to say is that all I have said is true I get letter from on Friday I want you to be as light as you can on Here the girl swayed and would have fallen had not Constable caught her Mr Justice said ho thought there was nothing she could say You have had a good ho said she has done what she could to keep yon Notwithstanding this you went astray and you have paid dearly for your pleasure I no choice in the sentence I This is time have Gap YEARS AGO From Era Oct Postmaster Roe advertises unclaimed letters for this month in Newmarket PO Postmaster advertises twentyseven in Aurora The prizelist of East Fail Show is given this week Exhibition was held at Holland Land ing Park Among the principal ex hibitors we notice the names of James Parnham J Parsons J JuXlah John Curry John Dr E Morton Pow ell J Fennel James Chas Haines EHerhy John Wood John son J Wilkin John Graham Hill and A A continued report the Christian Conference appears this week Among those taking prominence in the pro ceedings we observe the names of L Wismer Elder Eider Henry Eli Irwin Elder J Churchill J Karl Elder Elder Morton Elder Elder Thompson and Elder the latter being a delegate to New York Central Conference David Esq Warden of York was the Liberal nominee for Kings Division to the Upper House The first permanent exhibition build- on the Newmarket grounds was completed for this years show A concert is to he held in the Floral Hall on the first night YEARS AGO From Era Oct Mrx A occupies one whole page of the paper this week making his fourth annual announce ment of new fall and winter goods Mr Daniel Phillips Yonge street had the- extraordinary yield of 82 bushels of barley of the Russian va riety on an acre of land Thc Fall of Newmarket High School opened witli pupils Mr Uriah Marsh has rented the farm and will soon remove from Whitchurch into bow factory of Messrs Cane Son fa compaction Tho machinery will be put in place next disputed that she lies improved BUCh sentence on condition The contradictory evidence which the medical submit to from Ms Lordship at Hall is start ling Dr Ryan of Kingston has tes tified for the plaintiffs that in Ids opinion Michael Eraser is quite insane and is suffering from senile dementia Crossquestioned he refused in any way qualify bis opinion Dr Clark of the Queen Street Asylum Toronto Dr of Asylum and will be In family 1 J ffi surgeohj will he called by the defence to testimony of Dr Jtyan and Dr J and Dr A J the plaintiffs battery of They will state that the plaintiffs sullied the old man so that out perversity he nave litem queer They say that the man is quite sane and that he has a very fine sense of humor which prompts him when he thinks people are too to say and do things which they think are odd Big re at Los Los Angeles Cal Oct I The building occupied the Times Pub lishing Company destroyed by fire this morning and Is a heavy deathlist estimated as high as fifty The fire was preceded by an explo sion and Immediately the building was enveloped In flames The explo sion occurred on second floor an addition to the old building The Old part Is of three floors Within a few seconds from the time pi the explosion the entire building was a fiery furnace Crowds that gathered early say they saw many nun fall back from the windows Into the flames Others leaped and were In jured The editorial rooms were on third floor but it Is believed greater part of the men oh this floor escaped death General Otis who Is on his way borne from Mexico and other respon sible heads of The Times Unequivo cally charge Thc Times building dis aster and the narrowly averted at tempts at further destruction of life and property to labor union sources The leaders of union labor repudiate the accusation and offer all aid In their power detect the culprits o Apple men now say that the crop in Ontario is the smallest in nineteen Children dry mi FLETCHERS A National Newspaper Globe has tried during all its history not to lose sight of the fact that a newspaper can play an Import ant part in nation and empire build ing One way in which this has been effectively practised is by keeping trained members of its staff constant ly on the wing In search of useful and interesting information Important national work or world events in which Canadians were concerned were taking place where pioneer development was In progress there Globe commissioners have been reporting with Intelligent dis cernment for thc benefit of this coun try This policy has rarely if ever been more generally practised than at present Today the Managing Editor Of The Globe Dr J A is in Mexico where a three weeks celebration of the centenary of repub lican government is being held and upon his return he will contribute a series of sketches on that interesting country a country relation to are becoming very clc female You have been recommended to mercy I agree with the The Sentence court is that you le taken to the fall and kept there until the of December when you shall ho taken thence and hanged the neck until you arc dead girl broke into a wild wail at the conclusion of sentence When going out of the room she flMllg her arms around her motors hock down the rough cheeks of her father McNulty was Sell heed as soon as the girl was removed Mil with his head resting oh bis hands His Lordship said that had had the benefit of a fair trial and that no fault could he found with Jury for their finding state ments of he girl were clear anil car ried conviction different peri ods the judge to you seemed to think you were not responsible for any crime and that could conceal its with Impunity I can only pass the sen tence and forward the for mercy The date Axed for hanging was the of December the same as that of the girl say Blossom how do you pronounce castoria Why castorla of course how else could It be Well the doctors it harmless The constables of been Instructed by council to arrest all persons found Intoxicated Inside thc corporation and bring them to the police court Any con stable neglecting to do his duty will be discharged at once A press despatch from London England states that the coroners jury in tho a verdict declaring that Mrs came to her death at thc hands her husband Dr Am erican doctordentist and Criminal Court for trial al though tho Coroner told the jury that- the evidence as to identity of the body or sex was not at all conclusive this is Town inspector year ooo I Rheumatism Cured AMHUK WILL GIVE YOU RE LIEF r When you have any deepseated pain in the joints thc back the wrists or elsewhere place a liberal supply on the fingers or on the palm of the hand and nil pene trating power ni this balm is very great It kills pain and removes stiffness Mrs Frances of Avenue Montreal says I liave found most soothing and valuable In a very bad ease of rheumatism and also for stiff ness of joints ami muscles I suffered long and acutely from rheumatism and tried one after another In vain I also took medicines inter nally but it remained for amHuk to effect a cure I began applying this balm whenever I felt the aches and pains of rheumatism coming on or felt any of the stiffness The result was truly wonderful seemed to penetrate to the very seat of the pains driving completely out and I am now quite cured So many of ordinary embroca tions and liniments are imperfectly prepared and not sufficiently refined io penetrate even the skin much less underlying muscles is totally different is so re fined and its essences and juices arc So consecrated that when rubbed into he muscles for rheumatism sciatica sprain etc its effect is very quickly felt It rubbed on to the chest and be tween the shoulders in cases of bad cold on vie chest will give relief Apart from its use as an em brocation will be found a cure for all ordinary forms of skin disease and injury It cures rashes ringworm cold sores ulcers abscesses chapped hands piles vari cose veins cuts burns bruises etc All druggists and stores at 50c or post free from ZamBuk Co Toronto for price Refuse harmful imitations frOOO Era till Christmas for

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