Vr a S3tf- I 1 EO Hi i ri Sickness is usually caused by the accu- mutation or waste matter and impurities within the body Dr Morses Indian Root Pills enable the bowels the kidneys the lungs and the pores of the skin to throw off these impurities Thus they prevent or cure dis- ease 25c a box Two Houses for Sale In Good looatioc la Town Apply to K ROBERTSON House FOR RENT OR FOR SALE the Bab uddled OOP- TO THE RIDGE result from an overloaded stomach sluggish liver bowels or impure blood Clear thinking fol lows the use of tf U Column BUNG AND THE BENCH i Sold Everywhere la Boxes cents Too late for last week I wonder where ail the people were on Sunday I think they must go away visiting instead of coming to Sunday School Come and try to Veep it going Mr Hoover was on the Ridge on Wednesday Mr Doyle who has been un der the doctors care is not improv ing very rapidly The trustees have secured Mr School will have a Rally Day An Morris of Aurora to teach the senior address will be given by Rev A department of our school MacKenzic of Newmarket special Mr and Mrs Will of To- music is also prepared It is ronto and Mr and Mrs P hoped that everybody in the vicinity will run to the Mickle factory M in Everybodys Monthly But is it so does drug and drench By subtle power tire Magisterial Bench Whereby the nerveless hand of Justice Fails To grasp her sword and hold her trembling scales When guardians of the law have On sprung a raid Instead of the temperance lesson next Sunday Sunday Id and young will be present 0 Will Build Faster Vessels The construction of vessels of large With ply to all modern conveniences Ap- A For Brie House rooms domestic water and cistern New stable on lot Apply to Box Newmarket- House for Sale On street Apply to Irwin or to WIDDIFIELD Newmarket For t North East garter of Ixit No on Concession o North 54 acres all cul tivation ALFRED McCARTY Newmarket of Chicago were in town on Thurs day last Miss who spent the holidays with her parents in Bee- ton has resumed her duties in the school here Harvest Home services were held tonnage and greater speed than any- on Sunday to that has yet been placed the fast conducted by a minister St Lawrence River routo was fore- Toronto shadowed in an address made by Sir Allan of the Allan Steamship Company at a luncheon given to the agents of the company The was given the occasion Died at on Saturday the opening of the new offices of Sept 3rd Mrs Alexander Graham the company in street Deceased was born in Ireland H stated that designers were years ago and has been a resident of now preparing plans for the this place for many years She is vessels The growing prosperity of survived by a husband and three sons Canada had made additions to the all of this place and one daughter fleet neC and speaking of the Mrs George I of East flics this fall there will a rora The was held on Sir Hugh declared that the Monday from the family residence at Government should be congratulated o clock Interment was made at up0n wonderful work they had Friends cemetery Rev Mr Lane It is no wonder he of some abnormal trickster or the Trade The evidence of guilt is so construed That vice seems virtus evil only good The palliations of the knaves offence Without a blush confront our common sense While half their worships blind the arts That claim the sympathy of kindred hearts Till in the paltry and vexatious case The Court acquits the injured Boni face What wonder when their judgment they declare That unsophisticated folk should stare And servants ol the Crown Be fain to lay their thankless func tions down Convinced that when their vigilance succeeds To clutch the culprit in his lawless deeds Some kind whose interest in the Trade Is well assured will hasten to his aid And spite of plainest evidence insist The case is and should he dis missed To what good purpose do amended laws Reward our struggle in the Tamper ed Bond Head assisted by Rev Mr Canadians are McLean and Rev J Humphreys country and Sir Wilfrid ance cause of officiating premier and their representa- If baulked by sordid bias or betrayed A serious fire visited in Great Britain Lord Strath- By they prove as good Is Sept rted Cub- bage ten fears of age was standing the bridge near the station when the train in the west He became fascinated at the approach of the train and being unable to get the truck was struck by the erigjne and j died a feu minutes later at tfce i house of Henry Smith where he was carried by Mr a passenger on the train His parents reside at The store of How situated at the southern extremity of the vil lage of was the scene of a terrific gunpowder explosion last- Thursday morning Edward How- son of the proprietor had moved a keg of powder from its usual place and owing to a leak a small trail der was left along the floor A match fell on the powder and the whole store was blown up being com pletely wrecked Edward How was severely injured Newport News Va Sept 9 Ac cording to men landing at Old Point from the battleships the three men who met death aboard the North Dakota yesterday were not killed by the- explosion of oil as at first re ported but were drowned when fire- room No was flooded to prevent the spread of the flames and the ex- plosion of the magazines located just over the fire The bodies were re covered when the compartment was pumped out- Winnipeg Sept 11 Because it is alleged Towerman Leland at Woods Siding on the Canadian Pacific sevi- en miles east was drunk on duty the local was derailed the engine baggage car and three pas senger coaches leaving the rails and Fireman of Winnipeg was killed while Engineer Elliott of Winnipeg was injured in the back and leg Both men jumped The passengers escaped with a severe shaking up PatUson who leaves a wife and child had only moved here a month from Fort William is under arrest in the city jail pend ing inquest For All The World To Beautiful Building Lots For Sale on Prospect avenue Splendid First come J CANE Newmarket For Sale on cdra For apply to A J DAVIS rick House for 8ale oa St lot gooi Apply to or to Farm for Sale West half lot 33 con 2 King One Hundred Acre more or Fifty Acres Cultivation House Driv ing House and Modern Barn with basement Good Orchard Good Well Spring with fipeeVled Trout Only three mile Newmarket and convenient to Church Post Office Grist Mill etc Suitable for dairying growing or mixed farming and will be for a low figure for good Apply on the or mall to 20 Friday afternoon when Rev J Humphreys and barns A northwest wind prevailed which helped to save the surrounding buildings by blowing the flames in the opposite direction The fire engine did good work directing streams to positions which would have been impossible to reach by means of a bucket brigade The par sonage barn was insured for Mr Humphreys also lost a good cutter The origin of the fire Is a mystery ZEPHYR On Tuesday Aug there dved at Zephyr at the ripe age eighty- four years and six months William a man loved by many and re- liy all Born in County Down Ireland on February Mr to America and spent the following twelve years in the United States and around Mount Albert In the spring of he on the farm in Scott Where he remained until retiring to Zephyr some years ago In Unit ed In marriage with Isabella al so of north Ireland birth who sur vive The issue of this marriage was hoys Wrn James and all well situated on farms In the Township Scott and living with his mother Frank having died childhood and daughters Mrs Mrs Hen Armstrong residing near and Margaret Who had married the late Joseph and predeceased her father several years In loss of Mr another of the Townships hardy and revered pioneers will be greatly missed and we join heart and in an unbounded sympathy with the bereaved widow and family stops coughs throat and lines cures colds heals 25 cents A Sharp Bargain London Sept A telegram from Salonika throws new light on the re cent purchase by Turkey of two anti quated German battleships for It will be remembered that the Ottoman recently- fail ed to recover the of exSultan Abdul which was ly ing in German banks Germ in di plomacy proved amenable than German law and the government dead If sots go free who swilling long and deep With drunken revels vex the hours of sleep- Arid Sunday travellers- thirsting as they roam May bdose and bluster half a mile from borne If landlords prove their innocence for sooth In reckoning infancy as wellknown youth Or doling wretched victims of the bar Until their dogs seem nobler far time the public voice claim Thai justice he no longer but a name for the battleships 0 laws ftorea blind of Abdul money was practically in German possession Call ing on the Ottoman exchequer only for the balance The transaction is highly pleasing to parties Turkey has able to make use of the deposed money vhlle Germany has to sell two obsolete warships and obtain prompt payment for their shorn And magisterial action scorn laughcd to year The assessment of this year Is than for yet without a from hotel licenses the council is able to reduce the tax rate to mills this World Michael a few days ago cel ebrated his birthday Ho Was born Ireland in coming to Canada in and three years lat er to Where he has resided ever since barns of Wrn were entirely de stroyed by flroj resulting from nfng here last night The seasons crop of grain and hay also several buildings were a total loss Belleville Sept An As syrian employed In the Cement Mill Miss Gertrude is reaving lor Huron if fc Pot Bale That valuable property on known aa The Homestead A beautiful home grand rich soil fruit lawn with tree testes Furnace mi Stable A Home lor any Pereca For Particulars J of Estate Neb where she- has Secured a position as teacher of moderns in a ladies college FOR SALE A good Delivery Horse Butchers Sleigh Wagon and Harness also Re frigerator all in good condition Ap ply to FOSTER or John Every of Fruitaiivea knows exactly what is being taken The formula of this famous fruit medicine is printed plainly on the outside of every box We have stated many times and now state clearly that is made of the juices of apples oranges figa and prunes with valuable heart and nerve tonics and antiseptics Everyone knows that fruit juice is healthful but perhaps some do not understand this is true Fruit juice consists of about water of sweet principle and of a bitter substance It is the quantity of bitter principle in fruit that gives the fruit value as a medicine An eminent physician of Ottawa after years of experimenting fouud a method of increasing the bitter principle in fruit juice- thus increasing the medicinal or curative qualities The juices are first extracted from fresh ripe oranges apples figa prunes a secret process some of the sweet atoms are replaced by the bitter principle Then tonics and antiseptics are added and the whole made into tablets now known far and wide as Fruitatives is the only medicine in the world that is made of fruit and one of the few remedies that have let their composition be known rom their introduction to the public is natures stimulant for the liver bowels kidneys and In cases of obstinate Constipation Liver Trouble Indigestion Backache Rheumatism Headaches and Impure Blood this wonderful fruit medicine cure when everything else fails Fruitatives is sold everywhere at a box for or trial box or will be sent postpaid on receipt of price by Limited Ottawa n ii I Have on Hand a Large of 410 Spokane Wash Nelson BC Victoria Westminster TO Tacoma Wash Vancouver BC Portland Oregon SEPT TO OCT Mrs Prgsser Of Elder pi Ktiwiek did at tier residence here on Saturday after a painful Illness from cancer The funeral took place Monday horn ing at Keswick Matthew Archer Mr Archer of the Settlement had a finger taken off in a separator on Wednesday last and another finger badly injured The band made It first appearance In public on Saturday nifcht when a ley numbers were played on Holland Street Mr Thomas Hall la the leader and he is doing some with the young member On Wednesday week Mr T of the Scotch Settlement had- his fare very seriously Injured while dynamite Camp bell and Dr Stevenson attended Injuries and found eye out and the side of his face completely lacerated a time his recovery Was considered but he Is now doing Well as can be expected A longdisputed question was set tled by the council at their last meet ing they decided to sell to MADIS1 HATE CURED or To San Los Angeles San Diego Mexico City Mexico I OCT 1ST TO Above rates are one way second- Class and apf4y PROM Full Information and from local agent J Depot Agent White Pine Norway Hemlock etc to Order Doors Saab Flooring Moulding nd All Kinds of Ash and Georgia Pine Run to Order Special Sizes Cut work Dressing Sticking Turning and All Such Work Grand Trunk strike disturbances Sept 13 To sail at cost that town thousand miles and to cross four Tor military protection oceans That is what the schooner started to accomplish to st Petersburg Sept More day She will navigate a distance than victims been claim- equal to the circumference of the by the cholera plague which globe and have five or six thousand eating its way across Asiatic Russia miles to spare The Hilda was leaving a trail of death in Its wake j launched the other day at La Have Word was received here today that for the Canada Sealing Company the Province of Amur In southwest Siberia and separated from Man churia by Amur river is threat ened Ltd Halifax She is going to hunt and she will be on the water at least three months before her to reap a Harvest Farms for from M Local for A Barton Co Ttraa Trip GET READY FOR IT- LIFE ACCI DENT or LIVE STOCK I do for I Grand for five hundred dollars A OF land at extreme eastern end AHD LOTS FOR SALE of Holland We may now look forward to having station at a a little ISA J railway aiding 1 One of the latest prominent speak Uglily In favour Mr of Co Mr a of the Peace for the County a member of lie Hoard of School also lb Church Berwick I It would to find widely known and uore highly reepeotedi Hera of If t t had on which bad 9 the duev would out en I menu aud Wed of to fccu but an- I proved eared I Axux link tot and It I 1 ifri In brother and It the n of my opinion the i value will lead to try I be relief of by Kiln I to Zamtik ac4 worm of ruanlng Iff prairie eat efte eCe has caused excitement at Winnipeg and several have gone out Joseph and party brought in that essayed high in gold Kingston Sept The first shipment of corn and Hour in the history of the colony Is being landed hpfc from the Argentine Re public It is believed that this is the beginning of a competition with American as It that several local business houses are negotiating for extensive imports from South America Ottawa Sept The production of for consumption Canada for tlw fiscal year ending March last totalrjrl no less than an in- a over a hundred mil lion as compared with tin preceding year and representing an outlay of probably over four million dollars for nails principally by the boys and young men of Can- ada during months St Catharines Sept an aged widow who lived with her son and daughter on Kvig street died In terrible agony at hospital here last night as the result of burns- she received earlier In the evening was llglrtlng gas stove for supper when an explosion took place and her daughter running from the hack yard found her mother enveloped In The daughter threw rug around woman and succeeded in beating out the flames but not before had boon fatally burned Which of Those Pioturoa Your Stable your Strihlo Interior Is of wood youll do well to tear down those old unsightly tails and manera and build new Concrete In the entire Stable Inside and out should bo built of Concrete Thin the modern material It has the merits of endurance and economy and sanitary The farmer himself can by Its mak many little Improvements that with any other material would require the employment of killed labor I you would know something of the possi bilities of Concrete III out the coupon send It return mall we will you a copy of our free 160- page book Farmer Can Do with Concrete In this book youll complete Instruc tions for the construction of almost every thing you can think of In the way of buildings floors vats troughs etc etc Nowadays for a farmer not to know how to mix and concrete to fronfesa himself away behind times What the Farmer Can Do With Concrete will not only Inform you It wilt also Interest you cam CONCRETE D What Farmer Can Do With Talis you how to concroUmconMructlngt Citterns Dairies Dipping Tanks Foundations Fence Potts Feeding Hens Potts Clocks Poultry Root Cellirt Bitot Shelter Walla Cnnada Cement Co Iluk kQB