i- fa 00 I J Rdbantson Public Ac Main 0 rood Farm Security s Prank Dunean AUCTIONEER AND COLLECTOR Bolton Painter PaperHanger and House Decorator Corner Niagara and Tecum- Newmarket Dp ClaPk DENTIST Main St NewmarVct Wilkinson Block Newmarket Thanksgiving Day The Dominion Cabinet met- on Thur- day or last week and decided that Thanksgiving Day this year will be on Monday the day of October the selection of the day in de ference to the request of the Com mercial Travellers Association Dates of Fairs it Bad la Oct 3 Bradford Oct and Oct and Oct and Oct and Oct axd Weston Sept and Oct later The deceased Miss Bram- leaves to mourn her loss Mrs John Robinson of South Cayuga and Mrs Richard Boyd of Sharon A Good Position Can be had by ambitious men and ladies in the field of Wire less or Railway telegraphy Since the hour law became effective and since the wireless companies are es tablishing stations throughout the country there is a great shortage of telegraphers Positions pay begin ners from to per month with good chance of advancement The National Telegraph Institute operates six official institutes in America un der the supervision of and Wire less Officials places all graduates into positions It will pay you to write them for full details at Cin cinnati or Philadelphia Pa Reform Association Jackson Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES the Era Newmarket issued at private residence If NEWMARKET LATEST IN Monuments and Head Stones- Call Before Ordering Elsewhere A Dp S J Boyd Graduate in medicine of Toronto University also Licentiate of College of Physicians and mem ber of the Royal College of Surgeons of England Former clinical assistant hi Eye Hospital and Uni versity College Ear Nose and Throat Hospital London England Office and Timothy Sts Newmarket Telephone No Consultation services may be had at any hoirr of the day or night by calling at the office or phone Years Entrance Ths selections from the new Ontario Fourth Reader for memorization by a welcome to our member Hon A candidates at the High schoctf En- Place in Newmarket last ranee Examinations are Tle ay afternoon Childrens Song p Canada p 37 I Prudent Mr Ancient Mariner p the chair and briefly stated p Ye Mariners of called together to p The Hells of consider the advisability of extending p The Spacious Firmament p a welcome to member Hon A p The Skylark on his return from The p Top Water Fowl p Hague and recognizing his efforts and p abvlity in the settlement by peaceful arbitration of a great international tea is the result of care and experience in blending must be the combination of fine flavor smooth strength and richness Because all these elements are so generously included in Red Rose Tea it merits the term good tea Canada Owns Hudson Bay EvesLukes sue The Question A number of gentlemen spoke all Cottage the summer home unanimous that his valuable services of Mr and Mrs Lukes of should be recognized but is was not Bradford was the scene of a very appar what would be the wedding yesterday acceptable form A ven their oldest daughter Banquet was the proposition Bertha Anne was married to Walter consideration it was felt son of Benjamin Eves of New- necessarily the market Rev George Brown of To- restricttMl and the price of the tickets would beep many away bride was attended by her sis- otherwise desire to be Miss Karen Lukes sent Miss Toronto President 0 the Ayles- the wedding march as the K City staled that bride came in on the arm of her lath- j had already decided to bridal party stood in one lltT in the House of Corn- corner of the room in front of Banquet but if the Central background of tell palms while over up the matter they their Heads vered the dove of wouId peace here were vases galore off I in making the larger effort a Furnace Work Plumbing I- There yellow mums and while asters The buffet at the foot of try room was banked with delicate ferns A buffet luncheon was served by Caterer Crawford on the wide ver anda at the rear The bride wore her mothers wedding gown of royal pur ple silk an overdress of polo naise effect the bodice draped with rich white lace She wore her grand- pearl necklace also the huge success It was finally decided that the mat ter should take the form of a circulated throughout the constituency for si lures and pre sented at a Public to be held in at date text month to be arranged later when prominent speakers will hi- invited to address the gaXlcring A large committee wfs Iron NEVER SOLD si Your Grocer Will Recommend It S Convention Washington Sept That Can ada has exclusive rights in Hudson Bay is now conceded by many people here This View has grown since the decisionof the Hague Tribunal been more carefully scanned The tribunal was asked to determine from what point the three marine miles shall be measured the case of bays and creeks and the ahswer that in the case of bays the three marine miles are to be measured from a straight line drawn across the body of water at the place where it ceases to have the configuration and charao teristics of a bay At all other places three marine miles are to be measured following the sinuosi ties of the coast- Light is thrown upon the meaning of this decision by the subsequent treatment of the larger hays on the coast The des Chaleurs for in stance is declared be a closed bay ant the line is to be drawn from the points where the bay ends that is from two headlands at the mouth of the bay These headlands are twen ty or twentyfive miles apart For tune Bay in Newfoundland is also a closed bay The entrance to Fortune Bay from headland to headland is thirty miles wide Thus notwith standing the width of the entrance to the bay the bay- is recognized as exclusively British property A Narrow Entrance i The entrance to Hudson Bay ii narrow and is British property From Button Island which is the most The annual Convention of the point on the coast this site Ontario Sunday School Association strait leading to the bay will open in the Street Head the southerly point thodist Church on Oct Island is a little more continuing fori three days The P fig- gramme includes the following speak- actua measurement may he Marion Lawrence general miles After passing thru secretary of day School A of Columbia Ohio Farewell associate secre tary of League and Sun day School Board Rev B Mer rill general secretary Sun day school work in the Baptist church of the Ontario and Quebec Associations Rev J general secretary of Sabbath schools Lawrence general l the International s this narrow gate the strait widens Association Mrs Bay is reached The decision of the Hague court is thought to mean that in a case of this kind the interior waters arc na tional not common at all By a section of the press it is ad mitted that the decision of The Habue Tribunal settles the question in favor of Canada As Administra tion organ says the judgment is a 3 of Our Specialties See Bathroom Outfit at the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS sons Next to Smiths New Grocery We have received our Stock of New Fruits all kinds Raisins Currants Pigs Dates Peels Layer Malaga Oranges Lemons etc all the NEW CANNED GOODS Tomatoes Corn Salmon etc from the Best Canaries OUR assorted and the that money can buy with overdress in tunic effect trim med with satin cream roses Miss wore a silk in pink and white with deep hand of pink satin on skirt baby Irish lace on bodice j The groom presented the bridesmaid and pianist with pearl and topaz- aVnts Mrs Lukes mother of the bride wore a black embroidered Jilk voile with lace yoke The guests about fifty in number include relatives from Buffalo Brit ish Columbia and other points The happy pair left after luncheon for parts unknown bride wore a and oat navy blue whalebone serge with Roman embroidery blue velvet hat trimmings Hamilton Herald arrangements- so that the gathering proposed may be both representative and enthusiastic will attend the convention of the Presbyterian Church it is if Pronouncement on the whole expected at least delegates headland question The United States lias contended that the three- mile limit followed the sinuosities of the coast and allowed fishing in bays when the outer headlands were more than six miles apart The British contention is that territorial coal miners in Illinois which extends seaward from a settled yesterday it is estimated the outer head- Coal Strike was Costly Chicago Sept The strike of SHELL BRAND BAR cost the miners in wages The loss to the operators during the five months shutdown is placed at SIS The annual production of coal in Illinois amounts to tons and the shortage this year due to the strike will be in the neighborhood tons The strike of Illinois coal miners lasted weeks It was brought to an end by the signing of an agree ment adopting the wage scale out lined by trie miners The men will return to work Saturday morning The agreement carries a general increase of three cents a Ion through out the State an Increase five cents in the northern fields and six cents in Franklin and Williamson The operators also agreed to an increase of cent for all day laborers This will increase their cost between two and three cents each ton Are Try Our OUR BREAD Is Standard Weight Fan cy Bread Buns Pies Cakes of all kinds Every Morn ing None Better few as good COOKED HAM sliced to tuft Satisfaction or Money Refunded To the Tomb We clip the from the Dunn Chronicle of Aug The untimely death occurred at South Cayuga on Tuesday Aug of J Mc- in her year Deceased was In the vil lage Sharon York- County For 100 Drug Store family moved from Sharon to Tor- onto facto in to Baggage to from trains bandied and in to present Home with despatch En Cayuga On June she was married to Mr ftle- ittil they In North Cayuga A iigVj they left the farm and Wok Up WHITE IKON WITH Joseph Old Stand first at Sweets Corners for a year since Spring at 111 A in the place She leaved to mourn her be sides Apples Free to Travellers Along the highways near Me where now state roads are be ing built lug the wild apple trees outside tin- old stone waifs along the roadside with sum mer apples early that will he ripe and realty for the wayfarer no matter whether he travel Old Dob bin the automobile or mare On these IrccH metal signs are placed Informing the public that the fruit is for use limply the same rare ami considera tion for others by picking tip sumo that was shown by those who have planted the trees or grafted theni for the use The Idea is worthy of emulation It shows a of hos- ft the Maine ap ple it the summer visitor to All this is a part of the new spirit of progress that coining to of Maine trimmer roads lands no matter how wide the hay that is enclosed The Hague tribu nal affirms the British view which shuts out American boat from fish- not only in the hays of New foundland Labrador but appar ently also iu that vast expanse of water Hudson Bay in which our whaling and fishing craft have been accustomed to claim and to exercise fishing and whaling Under the American flag An Old Contention Lost After mention some of the great arms the sea from which the Unit ed States fishermen arc excluded ihe adds fiftyone years we have urged that those were not hays under territorial jurisdiction hut the Hague Tribunal tajfes up these very hays and draws a line across their mouth from headland to headland leaving all within to territorial jur isdiction Not one of them hut is relatively more open than the Hudson Bay and this splendid sheet must be reluctantly yielded to Canadian ter ritorial jurisdiction The derision will have an impor tant hearing upon the fortunes the great fishing industry now carried on in Hudson Bay by United State fish ermen It means that ibis business will have Income to an end Canada some agreement under which it can lie continued In the past the scalers and whalers have been allowed to prosecute ail ing and even to Winter on the Can adian islands But it is not probable that these liberties will voluntar ily given iu the future 51 it NEW MARKET T You Can Save Money D Duuinrr ETMom lie By Buying From Us 1 it gi Full Line of- Electric Light Supplies 4 Paints Oils Glass Etc IB ILL Toronto Jobbing House If and with it brings the need Overcoat and Fall Suit of an We have at the present time a full line of the latest New York styles on hand and the most uptodate mate rials on our shelves for your close in- While down town mako it a point to call and see them YOUR TAILOR PHONE 160 NEWMARKET MAIN ST A link TAKE ALL RISKS YOU A Speed Record Boston Sept re cord and two records were at the HarvardBoston Johnstone In Wright made marks in accuracy duration and distance events An achievements no Jess mar velous was a Right by hour of trial ehV to the relatives in fort mattress soft top filled with Mutable wood fibre incites thick i feet wide by fel long ij25 IraitH character and i three at one time for make at an the harder to bear v cone Tied plan purpoSC- beginning nowhere and ending no7here Journal the mark f forty minutes one and threefifth seconds he set last week over this course might he Mattered he covered the course again Uxbridge Sept The house finished his remarkable which the McLaughlin fanil reshVd exhibition of speed In front ol tin- take place On get by letter lllt il Of the murder was stand on the aviation held Cut out and mail us this ad and funeral take place On get by letter a o- Saturday afternoon at oclock and full particulars how to get The house people applauded Mm after service in South Cayuga pieces Free And our new bad recently repaired and was Curtly failed to secure the remains will Catalogue No showing the to Pancy How the results with a motor In his the remains ill rA ta rigvnated is at ajilyer and hid it taken out giving up be interred In the- j mystery The lire was mainly in the intention of trying for the cemetery Freight to your nearest and the firemen had consider- prize of -v- Bad A Not Trrtnirt i NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSIZNT DEBILITY nniiualiy to It you any iiiii it i lu 0 lite fact Iifrlfjt lit I fillip 1 1 tin OH ah iKji tK ami In strf ftliiifiltiOii tne ii J w mjp Ins YOU WILL A WREC Our Nov Method I liner euro tits yon ltlr once iL Howl nil ulcer i tr I that wishful on J I lir lit face lull returns to am all flmloli erase no in vlinl i fcy leni I nt tut juucki rub you your hard tlultatb will you or no pay EVERYTHING AND CONFIDENTIAL Ho who has you tor on opinion of Chuce J lev Free The Monitor on Secret DIaei of Men QUESTION LIST HOME TREATMENT SENT ON REQUEST v Freight prepaid to your further blow to the offer will not appear able damage it that on died her Elizabeth the day better write today aunt REJ3D CO ttUJl a hi J died a week Lock UK Light prize of Wilbur Wright engaged with in a contest He made points which put Wright camp In the lend n this event which formerly White had felt cures throat and luncs conU to be With I Cor Michigan Ave and Detroit Mich fl Alters from Canada must be addressed B to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- rr lit In Windsor Out If you desire to see us personally call our ftlclicil Institute in Detroit we sec and treat no in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and laboratory for Canadian business only Address all letters as follows KENNEDY KENNEDY Windior Writ for our private J