Find Help in Pink hams Vegetable Compound iV Worthy of Recognition Steps are being taken to recognize the signal ability of the Hon A Minister of Justice and Member for the North Riding of York in the House of Commons mini- fester by the decision rendered ait The Hague in reference to the- great Inter national Question the Fisheries Dis pute which is certainly the right thing to do He has brought honor Canada and especially to the Riding he represents and the pro posed Demonstration in Newmarket Winchester Ind Four doctors ncs month should show the me that they could never make of regardless me regular and that I would event- hare dropsy A press despatch from would bloat and Sept gives the people of North York an intimation they will te hope for its and chills and I official circles it ffiSS f very generally understood- that the M name of the Minister of Justice Hon A will figure in the in to take nex distribution of honors by the Thc knighthood which is Vegetable Com- in recognition of A right again and I recommend it to with the Fisheries arbitration at The every suffering woman May Hague He had the Canadian case Deal Winchester charge This intimation will add Hundreds of such letters from girls the occasion thc Association of for what table Compound has accomplished for them have been received by The Medicine Company Lynn TAKE ONE OF THESE LITTLE TABLETS AND THE PAIN IS GONE EDITORIAL Girls who aretroubled with painful or irregular periods backache head ache sensations faint- spells or indigestion should take I Ir p Minister of health by trip and a number of public I have awful spells of Neu ralgia and have doctored a great deal without getting much benefit For the last two years I have been taking Dr Miles AntiPain Fills and they always relieve me I have been so bad with Neuralgia that I sometimes thought I would go crazy Sometimes it is necessary to take two of them but never more and they are sure to re lieve me MRS 2434 Lynn St Lincoln Neb Price at your druggist He should supply you If he does not send price to us wo forward prepaid DR MILES MEDICAL CO Toronto p i Prize List for Fair OCTOBER AND l IMPORTED HOUSES Groom 96 Bride 60 Baltimore Sept table have been school trustees throughout Ontario ninety years old and Miss restored to health by its use are wondering he brought back with Ann Daniel sixty years old Span in Harness 1st McLaren Dallas Toronto Shoes rvalue Added by Society 200 2nd Red Rose Tea Toronto lbs Tea value L00 Brood Mare with foal by her side or evidence of having raised a foal in 1st The GuV t Rubber Co To ronto J pair Rubber Boots value -i- 500 2nd Martin Newmarket Shoes valiie Spring Colt or Filly bred from Imported Stock 1st pal Hotel Toronto 2nd Andrew Wilson Co To ronto Box Dick Cigars Two Year Olj 1st Hunter Newmarket goods v 2nd Queen lie Fly Net value Yearling Filly 1st Queen City Oil Co Ltd Toronto goods I 2nd Thomas Watson goods value 250 Spring Colt or 1st J A McLean Produce Co Lard 350 2nd- Society 200 Two Year Old Gelding Filly 1st Society V 2nd Wilson Mi Albert value v Yearling Gelding or Filly 1st- Society 300 2nd John Tate Sharon yoke value EQUESTRIAN- 1st Hoihtzman Co Ltd Toronto Piano Stool 2nd Society 200 Gent Rider 1st Rear S Albert Box Cigars 2nd Society a Lady Rider 1st Bell Piano Organ Co Toronto Goods value VIGOR the Hair Ming out Troubled with dandruff Want more hair Sulghar Sodium ChlcrU I rV I We doctors endorse this formula or we would not nut hair vigor J a air 2nd Society Saddle Horse 1st Society 2nd Keith CANADIAN BRED DRAUGHT HORSES If you would like advice some project for supplying your write a schools and always helpful- olltion of model schools BEST SERVICE TO Four Trains from Toronto am pm pm pm Sleeper carried on 1010 pm train Fridays were married at Stevenson near this city last night after an exciting ex perience in obtaining their license Mr Boyd who is said to be the Womens Page of Thd Toronto est active man in Maryland through News is one of of that I error at first got a gunners license great Metropolitan newspaper Some from the deputy P Cole at of the most capable women journalists jTowson and the bridal party had in Canada are members of the To- gathered at home of the minister News stafi and contribute for the ceremony which was set for to this department In- oclock Saturday night One of Mr Corner in which answers are grandchildren asked him for given daily 16 all sorts of questions his license and when he the 100 ENJOY THE COOL BREEZES OF THE GREAT LAKES Sailings daily except Friday and Sunday from Owen Sound Special train from Toronto pm sailing days Meals and berth Included cm host The Most Pleasant and Cheap est Route to and LAtkinson is a feature of this page The News also makes a special feature of its fashion plates and provides a dally which proved an invaliable suggestion in the homes of thousands of readers of this paper In ad dition to this the News carries ex clusive Telegraphic services Conti nental and Imperial ami worldwide fin scope Wo have just completed an arrangement whereby we can ofTcr the Era and the News lor for one year This is a splendid clubbing of fer Greenhouses i Carnations Sweet Peas Daflodllla and Anemias Geraniums etc Now is the time to get your hanging baskets filled Funeral and Wedding work given special attention Prices reasonable Outoftown orders solicited Raspberry Strawberry and Roots for sale S Phone mk Our Toronto Because his wife had reprimanded him lor Thomas Shilling- ton years old of street took a dose of laudanum on Saturday and died- at the West ern Hospital There i a strong movement on foot to put an cud vaideville perform ances in the picture theatres of the city The civic authorities have been quietly making enquiries and it is said the result will be a proposal to prohibit vaudeville in every place where the leading features arc pic lures Mr the former edi tor of Tlie Canadian Sportsman pass ed away on Sunday last at his home King west Shortly after coming to this country he was engaged at a dry store in New market A number of coats in the of were oil by shopbreakers who per a robbery Home time Saturday at the store of lames Harris King street west Woman iicnl Estate Hustle gunners document the blunder was discovered Mr Boyd had gone to the Court arid as he saw a long line of persons he too lined up before the county clerk The line of sportsmen were after their gunners licenses and when Mr Boyds turn came he paid over his money put license hi his pocket and started to walk to the home of his bride to be When- the mwhie was learned Mr Boyd lurried back to sought out the county clerk and finally got right document i The main window in the Memorial Church donated by the Al tar Society and Mr and Mrs I Payette is to cost and will be dedicated by the Archbishop of Catarrh that Contain As mercury will Aurely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable phy sicians as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possi bly derive from them Halls Ca tarrh Cure manufactured by J Cheney Co Toledo contains no mercury and Is taken Internally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system In buying Halls Cure be sure you get the genuine It is taken in ternally and made in Toledo Ohio by J Cheney A Co Testimonials free Sold by Druggists price per bottle Halls Family Pills for con stipation Span in Harness 1st Bradford goods Added by Society 2nd John Roadhouse Newmar ket goods value Brood Mare with foal by her side or evidence of having raised a foal i 1st Smith goods Added Society 2nd BritishAmerican Oil Co Toronto Gal Oil value Spring Colt or Filly 1st North rop Lyman Co Toronto 2nd Canadian Oil Co Toronto Gab National Light Oil value Two Year Old Gelding or Filly P Co Toronto 10 lbs Tea 250 Added by Society 2nd Frank Saint Bradford Yearling Gelding or Filly 1st Wright Added by Society 2nd Dominion Albert GENERAL PURPOSE OR AGRICULTURAL Span in Harness 1st A Sons Aurora No 21 Plow Winner to pay Value CO 2nd Groceries Ltd Toronto Brood Marc with foal by her side or evidence of haying raised a foal in 1st Far I and goods value 2nd 1 whip value Spring Colt or Filly 1st Gor don Co Toronto Added by Society 2nd Newmarket Bra one year LOO Added by Society Two Year Old Gelding or Filly 1st A New- W Johnitonc Toronto 2nd Al bert Yearling or Filly 1st S Sons Co Toronto Newmarket Bra one year 2nd Unccda Hotel Bradford SPECIAL art Horse 1st Bros Toronto Silver Medal valueSlOOO 2nd ThcRohert Simpson Co Ltd Toronto goods Span Ponies hands and under 1st Society Pony hands and under 1st Society 200 Pony hands and under 1st Society Pedigrees of Stallions must be pro duced if required by the judges Standard Bred Stallions in ness years and over- 1st The- Robert Simpson Co Ltd Toronto goods 2nd Society Stallion and over 1st Society 2nd Society Best Gents Turnout Mare or Gelding harness whip rug blanket and buggy 1st Bros Toronto Bronze Medal 1000 2nd Society J Exhibitors must he the owners of the entire outfit Spring- Colt or Filly sired by Captain special given by L Newmarket Spring Colt or Filly sired by special given by John A Boag Son Queensvilc J 2nd 3rd The Famous Chas lluar- Solid Leather Shoe tin- for Wear Remember our No I III LOO 1 00 Co Ltd Toronto Best barrel of Green ings to become property of John Sloan Co To- ronto 10 lbs Ceylon Black Tea value Best Barrel of Northern by J Dix Apples to become his proper ty Whip Woollen Lap Rug and Duster value St Lawrence Apples 25 Snow Apples 25 Northern Spies fi 50 25 I Greenings King of Tompkins Ben Davis A Treatise Horse FREE on the fi 50 a Bo Stallion Specials Pedigrees of Stallions must pro duced if required by the judges Best Heavy Draught Stallions years and over any pure breed 1st Box Comfort Soap Stallion two years old draught any pure breed Toronto No I Cylinder Oil and Cat Yearling Draught Stallion any pure breed 1st Walker Pros per Bel haven 50C 50 50 50 50 50 25 Oct send your The Horse I saw by your that It was free but If It cot WO not be without It as I think J have saved lw valuable horses In the follow log directions la your book William Napes free- Get copy when you buy Kendall Spavin Care at your dealers If he should not hare write Dr It write as 40 LOO F R E E mm Cheaper to Clean or Dye Than Buy the economy of ft dye your KOOd dress Our restore of we pay preM charts way order for hook It MY VALET Trie CLHArER Adelaide fit Toronto FOE In any form to suit the be old- The on the Apply to St AHMSTKONO Oklahoma politicians had out forgone Miss Anna Miss By mini lives in Oklahoma ftty ft here les than ago fchc i A kteuograjiher ami writer in of a concern But jic heard the real bee buzzing in her rfaHzing that of fice position meant for she real vires She stiidinl the market lands no njan thought worth buy- wig mh took up the sale on the Wn work her regular working I ours aw tliat it paid Ihnjhe her regular ami wen I in for the hi ear nest The ft two week her amounted to IhrcG months netted more ban over Wh Anna takes it into her feminine head go into Oklahoma polities the who something less than energy had better look to their laurels Kelatlvts Margaret Mur ray of Detroit who died at Ont some WWl ago from a emetic wrongly tor arc it tak ing step to have the drligglftt eciiled on a charge of criminal a 00 2011 100 CHECK THE SUBJECTS you arc interested in clip out the Coupon and mail it will send you full information about our courses and give you a LESSON IN SHORTHAND OR PENMANSHIP FREE Touch DtJiincii Commercial Law DA SCHOOL NIGHT REMINGTON 289 STREET O m Span in Harness Ifit will Cane Co Newmarket goods value 2nd Toronto Jobbing Newmarket Single Mare or in A Toronto whip value Added Society 2nd T Herbert Lennox p Society Brood Mare with foal by side or evidence of having a foal in 1910 Herbert Bradford Box Cigars value J Added by Society 2nd I Hal Harness Oil Coll or Filly 1st Nor man Rogers Newmarket Added by Society 2nd John Co Toronto Two Year Old or Filly 1st Bros Added by 2nd Howard Newmar ket Yearling Selling or Filly 1st A Newmarket ra zor value Added by Society 2nd Society Span in Harness 1st Bros Ltd Toronto Box Sunlight Soap 2nd Clark Co f Single Driver Marc or elding 1st Hill 2nd Dr Graham Brood Mare with foal side or evidence of having raised a foal In 1st Bros Toronto S lbs Mela- Tea Coffee 1 00 2C0 if no And 5 2nd Society if 2ro DAIRY 10 lbs Butter in crock by Humphrey To ronto butler to become his property 500 lbs Butter- in Crock Canada Co Toronto to become their property 10 Butler III rolls by Co Toronto to become their property UK Tea In 12 lbs of Butter in lb rolls by Lukes Bradford Flour Mills barrel of Reliance floiir butter to become his properly Best 12 Its Honey in comb by J Newmarket honey to become his property Best lbs honey in jar by Fred Cowjcson honey to his property lbs Butter in crock Thomas Newmarket butter to become his property 1C lbs Butler in crock by John Millard Newmarket butter to become his property goods value Best Maple Molasses 1st by IV Hill molasses to heroine his pro per I a a Special by las Sharp Holland Lauding I Maple Mo lasses to become his proper ly Hit Collection of Canned Fruits not Utah six varieties IMI Ion Canned Pickles not less than six varieties 00 2nd I Bread lb loaf MO0 Golden Russets Baldwins fi 2Counce Pippin fi Sweets G Canada Bed Apples Flemish Beauty Pears fi Pears any kind For balance see Prize List he obtained from the Secretary Mr A TWait It can A HIGHCLASS SCHOOL TORONTO Gives its students a training hat carries with it the stamp ority Write today for large cata logue mm After School Trustees StOfe bid ward lohnston of the township of has issued a against John Albert Watson and Thomas trustees School Section No 10 of the town ship of and againsj I ho municipal corporation of lhe township Johnston seeks an injunction gainst the trustees to prohibit them from purchasing a school Site in the said section from removing present school building or in any way inter fering with the present school and I from entering into any contract for work on a new school house and to set aside an alleged agreement of July between L and I lie also seeks to restrain the muni cipality from issuing debentures for the payment of any school building and site within the section or from levying 01 Collecting from the rale- pavers of the municipality any money whatever for the purpose of providing any such school building or site The Canadian Pacific I tail Way was lined and costs for to tji- OPPOSITE ROYAL HOTEL NEWMARKET BARGAINS ON SATURDAY lb bag of Bananas or 25c Peaches 60 to per basket Plums 30 to per basket Prop Engines for Sale At half value and p Traction Engine new 114 and p Traction Engine p Port able Engines These engines can be at Wellington St Newmarket 26 Wire Fencing Five Years AMERICAN FIELD AND FENCES a i It I I I Homemade Bread made by girl under 15 years if mi Wine one quart by A It Clerk lbs Honey In jar honey to become his property FRUIT Rest collection of Apples Got each correctly named by Society V 200 barrel Col Snow Apples correctly named Rest collection of Grapes and to property of Kent A Co Toronto value Best barrel of Northern apples to become thc pro- perty of lames Lumbers nials a shipper despatched thirty cattle to l-lesher- ton The eightysix mile journey took fortyeight boms to navigate arid all time the cattle lad no food or drink Winnipeg Sept Unusually heavy rains have seriously interfered with harvesting and threshing operation in the western grain fields since the be ginning of the month and farmers ha been able to mate little pro gress far the greater part of ho wheat and a large proportion o flic coarse grains are in so that the question is not so much one of savin the harvest hut rather of saving it and quickly The problem taking a crop amounting to bush or more is serious enough when all the conditions are favorable MADE BY The Canadian Steel Wire Co and see Quality and get prices For Sale By J Near High School Newmarket 100 00 0 a Time Card GOING NORTH a p M 7t05 ft SOUTH Leave Newmarket ar a in p C13 158 arc new and entirely different preparation They accomplish their purpose disturbing the rest of the system and are therefore Ideal laxative for the nursing rpolher as they do not affect the child Compounded like all by expert chemists II unsatisfactory gladly return your money a box If your druggist has not yet stocked them send 2So and we them 24 National Drug and CWmleal Company of Limited J I if r I lHHiillWIUliii