I IE IK tats an- im THE NEWMARKET ERA- FRIDAY SEPTEMBER P t Peeks 0010 OS f T Millinery Opening Martin Co will hold Police Court thlS te S Alter the in thi to hear ot his departure taSiTJ Mn Barrie was in town on- last Monday morning it is quite parent that ttre ire strayed re- last even- Friday and Saturday jlations the Police Magistrate Pearson Coun- JMr Wilson of W and officials Cane Rogers and and Saturday J A M I To case in option wag the Soi was in of the Early Closing ByLaw the absence of Police Magistrate Millinery and Fall Openings cm Lloyd from town information was heard with reference to Timothy St in town on Saturday bridge accounts I Miss Bella has returned byChiee Constable Anderson be- M Resident of New- alter J extended 2St 30 and October You J D McKay J The Society Was friends in Montreal with invited to attend heard i with reference to the annual Friends Church ftwe were good congregations at last Sunday ike Rev Jordan BA of Old Testament Criticism of Queens University King- We are sorry to hear of Mr J Doyles death which occurred on Sun- case was called for Monday evening Sept but as no witnesses bad S tbc Fair askm for bee summoned Col Lyd hissed added that the Society day night about o clock His friends the case till rfVf over last year but and neighbors regret the loss a the case till the at ten a and it shane The whole community ex the Council am Mr Woodcock or V f BAKING POWDER AN NEVER FAIL FASHION il of the financial assets of several of the defendants the town and he thought not Burglary notion store of Mr fjord corner of Main and Ontario was entered between iu and Monday morning by who either had a i the front door or A number of smallarticles are to the informed the Col that they had not been summoned Mr said he regretted this mixup between the Police Magistrate and Justice of the Peace and asked for another adjournment in order that witnesses may he summoned Police Magistrate refused to grant it the case having already been wo fl information l J Jo ask had no evidence A deputation was heard from Sunday The public cox tne hands of Constables market Society re grant invited previously Following bills passed Sundry aces referred to J Allan Co J Newton sand for walks A- Bishop cartage B E rubber being P cleaning snow chg to lots A Geo Close cartage Cane Sons reps ivy and all who were dismissed there was no evidence When Mr J McKay was called he changed his previous plea of Not Ch Wg GulIty know that he had violated Law on the particular in the summons but he knew tie morning the pastor will speak that as a matter of fact he had Ike Responsibility of Parents violated the ByLaw ft- afternoon Rally Day will he Mr had previously pleaded by the Sundayschool There Guilty but he did not see why he mil be a special program in the au- should be fined arid all those who of music recitation and ad- pleaded Not Guilty be let off The evening the work adjourned for a and counsel had So far there is no clue time to prepare his evidence should turn up steps he taken to ensure punishment of guilty pleaded Not Guilty Office Specialty re Can Foundry 117 Pad gravel aoo 60 25 00 14141 family as his is tin third inside of eleven months in the same home Q Raw Cotton has advanced from to per lb in twelve months One year ago we contracted for 5000 yards of flannelette and today we are offering flannelette as cheap as they were ever sold Bat they cant last forever our advice is buy early GOODS SPECIALS Fancy Colored regular for j J MethodistChurch congregations last Sunday eV- fine sermon by the pastor Soloby Miss Eliza Stephens will be a special day tionci The evening service will Ik- a Ywig Mens Meeting Special by the pastor and singing led Male Choir It is expected that all Hie services next Sunday will be largely attended There were over School last Sunday Mr contended that all should he treated alike Mr Woodcock stated that there nothing to prevent a person from Changing the plea and suggested that those who pleaded Guilty plead Not Guilty Rather than have a fine and hT did 1 the Sheet New Bridg n- Pay Sheet New Bridge 5710 Applications for water service for Mrs J Gardner and Rant How- lett granted Application of for current Prospect avenue Smith Millard avenue and Sanation Army barracks Queen street grant ed Mr C was heard with ref erence to injuries received owing to loose plank in front of Sir residence on street by has been laid Subjects Some Influences Determine the Char- settled upon them tnis was done a pm Men Finding Men the case was accordingly dismissed for Christ closing the Court Col were a dozen applications for served that there had been nist and the Board on Tuesday gleet on the part of those prosecuting of who has been laid up since August and asked lor some assistance The sum of was to Newmarket Agricultural Society Tho application of Mr Webb was referred to Finance Committee Council adjourned costs nd org selected Miss Rita Irwin comes well with five years experience More Building Mr McCauley has two Ms on avenue to Mr of bis given a Rose to build a residence at Me had never been asked to issue any summonses to witnesses Messrs and Knowles having refused to obey the previous summonses others were asked but the original in formation had been mislaid Had a new information been laid would LEMON LI j The Harvest Home Social which was held on Wednesday evening last week in the Methodist Church was a grand success and much credit have issued new summonses j is due to the ladies in the way they Albert and the latter From the start he considered it an managed the affair A sumptuous te contract to Mr Isaac unbind act and it was only a matter for which the ladies of Lemon He once of courtesy to notify the rrxrohahts are noted was served in the basement makes three new homes on this that the ByLaw which is perfectly streetsone for fir legal would be put in force one for Mrs J Gardner and one Court then adjourned Mr French There is no the right thing Mrs Joseph Annand has been seri ously bronchial pneumonia and her sister Jane and daughter An nie are laid up with like troubles Philip has been having a serious time with typhoid fever The church service here on Sunday next will be at with the pas tor in charge Extensive preparations are being made for the special evangelistic ser vices to commence here on Sunday Oct 2nd The whole is ex pected to unite to make the visit Evangelist Kelly a great success At a Sunday school meeting called on Monday evening to AH the vacancy caused by the death of the late Mrs Phillips Mr J J Baker was chosen for the position of Superintendent Arrangements were made for strength ening of schools position and a desire to entertain the annual Township Convention is expressed TORONTO LETTER J J of Dawson City Yu kon is suing the Dome Lode Develop ment Company Limited of Toronto for which he claims is due on promissory notes Alex met with a fatal accident when he fell into a shavings chute as John Smith and Sons planing mill Monday morning was shoveling the shavings into the chute and two other men were shoveling them into a packer The supply stopped and they went to see why They failed to find the man at his post but saw his shovel lying nearby A moment or so they pulled him out at the bottom He had fallen headlong and was dead Kupinski leaves a widow and child in tihe old country GREY TWEED SUITING regular 60c for 37c COTTON CASHMERE in all colors I at yard Our Fall stock of and Shoes is here and all paid for Our extra cash discount enables us to give you special prices in your Win- ter Boots in Mens Womens and Childrens and remember we guaran tee the wear of every pair Good Brooms 25c cj Sardines 5c 6 for 25c French Mustard pot English Breakfast Coffee Cascade Salmon Shredded 3c package- A as i 2nd Ed Gib- 4 P 2nd E 2nd 2nd Mr has sold his house to do Oak street to Mr Wm Coiling- has arrived that his incapacity and has three renders unfit for the position and Joseph Avenue from the Davis ft is time a change was made leather Co- tenants have all to vacate so that the can be rornoielled inside and iJ making them more in keeping this fine residential street tfr Wallace has commenced the of another new house nearly the Skating Rink It will of cement blocks of the church after which a good pro gram was rcndere1 consisting of read ings and music Proceeds doubt that the Colonel I Miss Kate Perkins of Toronto was the the truest of Mr Cooke over Sun- but and daughter from Toronto after at firlcflcts ffkltcliurch Council meets on Saturday Tannery has been shut down the week for the purpose of clean- j Special train the boilers and making re- v ill resume today King Council meets at on Saturday tomato canning factory on street is now In operation Aid of Church will meet at the Church Par lor on Thursday September A full attendance requested merit on Fair Oct 3rd and 4th The fair wilt again present an at tractive program to those who at tend on the A purse of is offered in the Freeforall in the Threeminute trot and or green Liberal prizes are offered in I all classes of horses including saddle j and hurdle horses hackney lady driv er and gents turnout Departmental judges Grand concert in the even ing Reduced railway rates on the will To ronto Union at on the and call at Intermediate stations re turning at 1030 after the concert gut day Mrs Mali an have returned spending a week with friends there The many friends of Mrs Geo Lem on of will be very sorry to hear of her death Miss MilHken has returned to her home in after spending a pleasant two weekn with friends here Mrs and daughter Mrs of Toronto are IhC guests of Mr Cook Sale Register TUESDAY Oct Mr W If Oli ver will have a sale of farm stock Implements and household furniture on lot in the rear of thoithcon- of Whitchurch Sale at oclock Smith As WEDNESDAY Oct Mr Win will have an extensive and important sale of highclass stock implements etc at Point stopeighteignt on the Metropolitan Usual terms Sale at one oclock Kava- Herbert Leonard has returned after an extended visit through Goring is putting a foundation under his house street John Toronto from Toledo Ohio a Pitching machine and is now has Live Stock Market Then is practically no change in Toronto this week villi prices last week on the live Mock market at large contract on the farm of if Watson just east of Because his bridetobe giggled hen he filling out license at Mass Vr Harvey of New York refused to go further in his matrimonial plans Vandalism year the Agricultural Society fut to a deal of unnecessary of the wanton ruction of their property To the broken glass alone from wo to every year When the Committee went over week to i about getting ready for the Fair found that out of of the leeks on the horse stables were The main building had also been broken into and flags and bunting while a lot of good rope teen cut in various places leaked out this week that and young men have been around the various buildings on during the past summer cardplaying has been going on well as all sortsof mischief- scarcely a pane of glass Isolation Hospital adjoining A grounds at the east It Is hoped Ait the authorities will take steps break up this kind of an swer season and bring the guilty to Our you and girl away from home aear waft y A SAFE PLACE TO BUY JEWELRY quality of goods in our stock appeal to people A good judgment prices convince that we are fair square We always aim to give every customer the best possible value every ar ticle we No matter what you are looking for we can you quotations of lowest prices GOOD GOODS LOW EST PRICES OUR MOT TO end Railway Tickets Warrltje Llttxts Phone Mr home the West Mr Fry of was in town oil business on Tuesday A large crowd attend the market on Wednesday and good prices- were paid Mr J A M Armstrong was in Tottenham on Tuesday morning oil business A number from here took in tin picnic at on Wednes day Miss Annie Smart is spending a few days in Toronto There has only been one car a day or last few days as the A- A locomotive has been out of order Mrs Coffey and daughter Ada of have returned home after an extended visit i7j Toronto Mr of Newmarket was i town on Friday Mr Russell cashier the Traders Bank here has been moved to another branch the Bank His Tiie build a mill at Canada Steel Company will four hundred thousand dollar Hamilton Newmarket Markets September Fall Wheat per bush SO Oats hush G Oats new 0 Barley per hush 00052 Peas per hush 0 Bran per ton 24 Shorts per ton 20 Hay per ton 14 23 25 Continued from page APPLES Alexander Gilbert Johnston Uriah Young Arrurican Golden Russet MrVr Johnston 2nd A Starr American Pippin A- Starr Baldwin Uriah Young 2nd Pippin Abram Stocks 2nd Nelson Duchess of Oldenburg A E Starr r3yke King of Tompkins County Jas P 2nd H Crosby Blush A E Sta 2nd 2nd Mann A Starr 2nd P Northern Spy Nelson 2nd Uriah- Young Rhode Island Greenings Jas 2nd Crosby Russet K Starr Abram Stocks Snow R Crosby 2nd Jas Pari- St Lawrence A Starr Robt Abrarr Stocks Nelson Twenty PippinStephen 2nd J Penrose Sweet Mr Jno 2nd P Denne Wealthy Crosby 2nd Miss Forsyth Yellow Bell Flower E 2nd P AOV Tansby 2nd John Seedlings Abram Stocks Stephens Collection A Starr Nel son Large Williams 2nd Mrs Partridge Small Geo 2nd Jas P Barrel of Snows Geo Pears Flemish Beauty Dyke 2nd Williams W Williams 2nd Crosby Favorite Edgar Willis 2nd Mrs A Armstrong Fall It Dyke 2nd Gil bert Johnston Winter AOVC Dyke Crosby Collection Crosby 2nd Dyke Plums Williams Greengage J W Williams Lombard Herbert Glass Seedling W Williams 2nd W Williams 2nd Grapes Black Stephens Gilbert Johnston if J f Ti i A CORDIAL INVITATION IS ATTEND OUR EXTENDED TO ALL TO On Tuesday Sept and following Days Each Department is specially prepared with lines of excep- value and interest to all phone LADIES AND MISSES TAILOR It G I Established CAPITAL ALL PAID UP REST UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS I a CO 159852 OS Branches at all Important In Canada and la London Eng New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description of a Banking business transacted INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers of Bank Branch will be accommodate as heretofore NEWMARKET BRANCH ROSS Manager New Potatoes per bag Chickens per lb 0 0 Toronto Markets September 22 lOlfl Fall Wheat per bush 005 Wheat per bush Oats per bush lllav per ton 22 Butter per lb 0 24 2 New Potatoes per hush Chickens per lb per lb 0 25 Era till Christmas for 20 We have just received a large consignment of Crockery direct from Eng land bought at a special discount for spot cash You are requested to call and inspect our interesting display A special lot of Toilet Ware the Mrs Partridge 2nd very latest designs The material is of Englands best beautifully ated and the prices extremely modest Collection Mrs Partridge A Lot Dinner ami Tea Sets we would like you to compare with city samples and their prices VEGETABLES Cup and Saucer Special large size substantial material neat colors- Beets half long Mrs John just 200 of these 10c each while they last 2nd It Hugo An immense assortment of Fancy China suitable for wedding gifts Beets long blood W Stephens Our stock In this line is distinctly original and of a superior quality and 2nd Abram Stocks Beets turnipMrs 2nd Martin Cabbage largest any kind Squires 2nd Stephen Cabbage summer Pcrrln 2nd Hatch Era till Christmas for J then prices are based on the same meagre margin as our popular gro cery department A few snaps In groceries packages Vim 3 packages for 20c 200 packages Which packages for20c Imported Pickles English 10c Bottle Varieties Sweet Biscuits lb Phone Try Our Barrie Cakes W HOWARD en n and Goods for 25c and for Lot 1 1 and Good a for Lot and Goods for Lot and Goods I And the Saving will Help you out Making ALSO- A Nice Stock of Dress Trimmings at Cost Mens Overcoats at Cost Ladies Coats at Cost Wool I Increased Cost A Good Delivery Wagon for A Good Delivery ior 1500 A Computing for A Mill for DANIF GOING OUT OF BUSINESS I i I