Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , September 23, 1910, p. 1

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price marks but one mooning Watsons jewelry Store NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Give us the liberty to know to otter and to argue freely according to conscience above all other liberty No Paper sent outside of North York unless paid in advance to the United States Jewelry Store 36 Side Copies 3c each Newmarket Ont Friday Sept 1910 i TERMS125 per annum if in advance Furnace Will be a Lot of You Fellow Think Little Heat From the Stove or Soon be Wanted Is Everything in Shape There Will Leave the Work Until the Snow Flies Get Busy Today Likely Need your Furnace and Cook Stove Thoroughly Cleaned Phone 28 or leave Your Order at and HARDWAR Our Fall Stock of Heaters and Ranges arriving daily the Nelson B 6hoIe No Steel Range with Copper Reservoir for 2500 Also the Two in One Heater and Stove Combined Just the Thing iT Small Family The Steel Range No 9 for 15 We have two only Perfection Oil Stoves left- One 3 Burner and one Burner Will Allow percent off the Regular Price Its a Good Chance to Save from to They arc all right BUILDERS AND BLACKSMITHS HARDWARE STOYES PUTTY FAINTS OILS AND FURNACES PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING A INNS NEWMARKET ONT THE receives Savings of and and adds interest to all balances twice a year Deposits upwards Safe Convenient Profitable Assets 43000000 I NEWMARKET BRANCH FIELD MANAGER South End Lumber Yard per Ton Best Goal Mined in America SOLD EXCLUSIVELY P W PEARSON Phone or give orders to Bowman or J Murphy J on face MX prostrations resulted being smashed cutting a yesterdays Our Toronto better Hunters from this city as Well as York County are worrying over the rabies order which will prevent tak ing their dogs when they go to the hunting grounds There is a moral in the remark of an evening paper It says When you consider how many good people are abed and at three oclock in the morning it is astonishing that there are such numbers hurt in mobile accidents at that hour At the General Hospital a patient is now undergoing treatment for ra bies A man was bitten by his own dog The Secretary of the Provincial Board of Health states that the or der prohibiting dogs from transporta tion should not be repealed before the beginning of December The four persons who aided i sav ing the Tobias family from the sink ing yacht on July have each a cheque for from the city Treasurer The four are Constable Win Bateman and bis wife John and James Thy home of Dr Bruce P Admiral road was burglarized on Thursday night of last week and sev eral articles carried away The manager of the Street Railway is credited with a press interview in which the opinion is expressed lhat the Mayor is with a few exceptions the lightest duck who ever occupied the Mayors chair in Toronto It is now stated that the new right of way Into Toronto for the Hydro transmission line is to he over the Hum be Bay along the sea wall in front of the Exhibition grounds Civic officials are now looking around for a site for a new jail to have a farm attached like the Prison Farm at Mayor Geary baa announced that he will seek reelection to the Civic chair next January A runaway horse attached to an ex press wagon one day last week col lided with a street car and was instantly killed Wallace who was trying to control the animal bad his leg broken Sam was fined 100 for running a blind pig in st Rev ft returned missionary from the Methodist Mis sion at China arrived In the city last Week The Province will receive about in succession duty from the estate of the late Smith For blocking the railway crossing the foot of street for over five minutes with a freight train the conductor Was fined ihUlC Police Court last wec People have less trouble in getting to the steamboats now LieutGovwnor Gibson presided at the last week at the unveiling of two brass tablets Armories In of those who fell at the engagement of Cut Knife and in the NorthWest I Rebellion Mrs on be half the Daughters of the presented the tablets to Archdeacon Lloyd of Prince Albeit who will Sec to their erection and dedica- 9 The first Pally of the Young Peo ples Movement following the Convention took place In St Annee Anglican Church on Thursday evening last week The assembly about Several addresses were given Arrangements are being made for the International Conference of Young Mens Christian Associa tion to le held in Hall Oct 2831 Old Boys held their union on Saturday Field sports fill ed up a good program The World prints a story about King- George coming to Canada to open the Dominion Parliament and no sign of the Opposition leader becom ing Premier Dr Louis of Paris cele brated for his studies In the treat- of cancer by radium is soon to visit Toronto The Rev Ellas Gibson who came to the Church of the As cension Richmond street about from Lloyd town was for mally Inducted last Sunday evening as rector the Rev Lord Bis hop Sweeny of Toronto With his body all and bleeding as a result of falling from a thirdstorey window James Dyke a laborer was lying on the sidewalk outside his boarding- house at Queen strict east early Saturday morning He was rushed by the police to Michaels Hospi tal where he died a lev minutes admission When the New Orleans Lugger Missed the Harbor The wind came from the northeast in great whirling gusts that nearly swept Tony from her feet she clung tightly to a post of the pier although her teeth were chattering and her lips were blue with the cold Hugging the landing on either side of her was a long line of small boats- some whose owners had wisely hur ried homeward at the first signs of approaching storm others far from shore had reached it with torn flap ping sails that told of the fierce fight they had made to win the harbor The Father ot Waters was raging fu riously and the city that in the sun shine lay against it a beautiful shin ing- crescent was overhung with gloomy mists Far out on the surging yellow sea of foams Tony at last discovered a number of small white objects bob bing towards her Now and then they were swept from sight by a sud den upreared crest and then she wait- led her heart in her mouth until she caught a glimpse of them like sea gulls atop the waves Its oyster luggers said a voice behind her in a sudden lull Theyre having a hard time of it theyve been half the night and I rec kon many a time theyve wished themselves ashore- Tony did not turn she knew the belonged to Joe part own er of the lugger her father and the men were working with might and main to bring safely into harbor She had always felt an unreasonable dislike for the man she was sure he disapproved of her someway But this morning there- was a sudden warming of heart as she listened to the bluff hearty voice After all Joe was showing more concern about the welfare of his men than the late of his property boat was down oil Algiers a couple of hours ago volunteered a newcomer A whole cargo of sweet potatoes gone to Iced the is gently on her bowed head Dont Tony There was a sob in his throat Maybe it isnt so bad she would tell her whether neighboring womens condoling anything like this had happened P down beside the fore But as Tony peered around the liUle heap and laid his hand corner where the old praline woman daily sat dainties the place was vacant and the stone wall seemed to throw a shad- thinkanyway we have so many over- the spot The girl was more beautiful things to remember about puzzled than ever Must she go home so J With her question unanswered that Manuel and I think it was and another she was sure Mam Til- because he was a Christian And he could answer quite as well Did thought so much of you Tony did things happen to folks n The question had been running He always wanted you to her head all that morning She was twelve old enough to reason certain serrd mone grandfather and of this worlds problems out for her- Fallows you know but there were some things- Tony dcnIed himself so much help had put 0 thinking about even while and he never had the chance we her conscience talked so loud it a- have I havent minded going without most seemed as though everybody Mfi knew around her could hear Tony An- tonia Fallow are you going to never stop and think And Tonys feet There there soothed her broth- would fly all the faster away from the most of us can Duty She wasnt going to think of and and now dear dear had a chance to doem over Tony could stand it no longer With wed one bound she was across the street Fes yes that it if only but before she could raise the latch another chance Tony brake the door was opened and Peter Hoiir his arms full of bundles the matter Wh wants gadabout said Peter chance said a hearty I voice and Tony was caught up in a tight embrace ami her face covered with kisses Mr Follow had came The dear man is chilled to the said Mrs Fallow after the scornfully Tony did not reply and slipped past him like a Hash Sam the merit of patient persistence was be- through the alleyway with- the opening oysters lor heard waiting customers His face looked pale and worried but he glanced up with a sigh of relief as his en- first excitement and get him something hot Tony Im So glad youve come Tony her father held her close for a mother needs you Not a word about his father Tony resented it thankful be said reverent ly looking at his little fami ly very thankful thought one YEARS AGO From Era Fyle Sept 9 was over Hun not was it next room Her mollhcr was going about her morning duties in a fashion as though her heart and her thoughts were elsewhere You have been gone a long time Tony she said and the work yet undone for But Menke is he safe From have been busy in the shop What if around the post Tony caught the father comes cold and wet and finds black look Joe gave the news- nothing ready for him to eat stared for a moment Did her Safe I reckon so every mans mother know bow dreadful the river son of em is ashore looked how the wind and waves were the wind blew the answer straight j trying to heat back the little fleet to Tonys ears With a relieved sigh Struggling to make harbor Just then she turned her eyes again toward the bitterly for moment he did care as she did lliat her lather out battling for his life with the therc riverwell it waves she thought with was wind that blew us then with another look at ashore down below the levee Were Sams face she went into the and sound every man of us and not a cent of our cargo lost the Father he praised A few moments later Tony was fly ing about the kitchen Her eyes were shining and her hands fairly trembled as slie up the hot stew Her wish had been granted It was al most too wonderful to believe But how sorry she felt for those Who nev er had another chance objects down the river were growing larger and more distinct but still beaten hack and forth though the relentless wnd had combined with the waves to destroy them She a gale swept around the building It sliook the windows and sprung the doors as though it would wrench them open then passed down the street Tonys face brightened Perhaps her mother did know after all and she shuddered ad hid her face against her had no fears but that those strong could the boat safe to arm for a moment Why Tony here The girl lifted her head reluctantly all her dislike for Joe litis Suddenly return ed Wheres your mother and Sam At home was the sullen reply The man looked down at Her hair was in a tangle about her face and the of her anus shore A heavy Weigh I seemed fall from Tonys heart us she Hew to work The dishes were washed the ling room swept and tidied while the stew her fathers favorite dish bub bled over the fire Then she brought a fresh liusket of coal for the grate it was like night in the house with red dress fluttered in the She the shutters closed to keep out the him think of some wild strange cold She laid the pine kindlings bird blown out of the The del tly and piled on the coal flames black eyes watched him leaped higher and higher and drove Its is not for you here- You the gloom hack into corners of might be swept into the river and the room Tony dropped down mother needs you Go home fore the blaze with a little sigh The Child I iwlnd had come back again and was A great lump rose in Tonys throat roaring the chimney she could not only at the Implied rebuke hut at Iwar her mother and the shop something in the mans voice hint- busy with customers Would her of what might In a father never come The slow was lull of the wind she turned and fled ready to dish that across the pier and down the street Suddenly she heard the outer door Not once did she slop until she saw of the Simp the sign S Fallow on the oppo- llicr fret site corner Then she halted for a moment unobserved to straighten her Three of the boats are in but the dress and brush the untidy hair from rest of arent to be seen face but most of all to gather where It was Peter New Canadian Unless plans which will shortly he submitted to the Government fail to receive the stamp of approval contingency that is not causing much concern Canada will secure the near future a new costing in the neighborhood of and capable of accommodating the largest oceangoing steamships I This statement was made to The Globe yesterday by Sir Robert Perks the great I British engineering contractor whoso firm will construct the Sir Robert has been in for some time in connection with the preparing ol plans for the work The undertaking will he carried out by the Dominion Company which comprises the Canadian Paci fic Line the White Star Line the Allan Steamship Co Wolfl of and Davie of under the bonus system the suTisidy act of last May The plans which are now ready to submit to the Government provide for a dock feet in length feet Wide at the coping 100 feet wide at the sill This is feet longer than the present Admiralty dock building by the Government at Flour is quoted this week at to Fall Wheat to per bushel Butter 12c to 14c per and Eggs to per dozen Dr Thos notifies the peo ple of the two northern townships of the Riding of his loeaiion In Sutton He received a hearty welcome to the village They have started a Zoo at- the North End of the Town and the first contribution is a bear from Mr Fall seeding is about finished in this section Heavy frost corning Vines and tender plants were cooked Exports from Newmarket Depot for August arc given as follows bushels of oats 50000 lbs of bran barrels of flour 18 head of cattle sheep and tons of merchandise During last week passenger tickets were issued to vis itors to the Exhibition at Toronto The announcement is made that Mr K Morgan has been appointed Junior Judge of the County of York The death notice of Mr Joseph Taylor is published this week De ceased passed away on the aged years and month The de mise of Mr Geo Wright of Al bert father of Mrs James is also announced in the 85th year of his age He was horn in Toronto and interred in Newmarket Cemetery YEARS AGO From Fyle Sept 21 18G0 During this week the printing office plant was removed to the new ly- erected premises corner of Main and Ontario streets where the paper was printed for many years until the plant was removed to its present lo cation News of the arrival of the steam ship at St Johns from Liv erpool brings intelligence of sweep in Italy Oh Friday last the Liberals of Waterloo gave a grand demonstration In honor of Hon Drown as leader of the Opposition in the Cana dian Parliament The Prizes offered for the North York Fall Show on Oct 10 amount to about East held Its fall show this year at Holland Landing and King Township fall show at Laskay Rev Septimus Ramsay is announced to preach sermon in St Pauls Church next Sunday on the Widows and Orphans of the Clergy wits and think over the situation a moment On- all sides the shutters were her mothers low cry Tony knew only too well who were among the rest of om She flung herself down Not a shopkeeper had ventured before the grate in a that still to expose his wares to the wind and refused to believe the worst He cold which even penetrated the will come will come she said shops through cracks in the shutters lover to herself between the sobs around the doors The street- was IWfc what if he didnt after all What nearly deserted A milk cart was things she would have to remember making its rounds a laundress with whole pages she would give anything a IWndle of clothes upon her head to have written oh so A Car Christmas lor 20 passed by shivering pickaninnies with a basket between them hurried to market Tony shivered too as she looked around it was all so strange so different from anything she bad cold and storm and ibo deserted streets What did it mean Was sign that something strange and awful was going to happen Why it was only yesterday the air was like summer and tne streets were full people laughing and chattering such a crowd and now A Sudden resolve came to her She would ask Mam Tildy who was very old and remembered so many Rosyth m Scotland feet longer lung open and r the Canada dock at Liverpool Oh he he mouth dock at Bristol Under the act a subsidy of per cent on the construction cost up to for a period of thirtylive years Is guar anteed and the work will be con structed to come within We mark will be the site of the new drydock This selection was made be cause at this point entrance to the dock would be possible for two months longer than on the Quebec and also for the reason that there Is already a small Government drydock at Levis It is operated un der an arrangement with the Gov ernment by Davie Bros and will when the new dock Is constructed be used as a secondary dock the same of workmen being employed ooo How comforting it would bo now if it only read Tony never fussed nor thought hateful disagreeable thoughts because she couldnt have things like Semple Tony found ex cuse to slip away after school when her mother was tired and her fathers supper not ready Oh if only they had read that way pages but they didnt they didnt and she would have them to remember all the years as long as she could anything If only she could one more chance Tony Sam had stolen in and dosed the door behind him to shut out Warning Since its introduction into Canada the sales of Parisian Sage have been phenomenal This success has led to many imitations similar In name Look out for them they not the genuine See that the girl with the Auburn hair is on every package You can always get the genuine at L Rogers Co Parisian Sage is the quickest act ing and most efficient hair tonic In world It Is made to conform to Dr San- of Paris proven theory that dandruff falling hair baldness and scalp Itch are caused by germs Parisian Sage kills these dandruff germs and removes all trace of dan druff In two weeks or money back it stops falling hair and itching scalp and prevents baldness And remember that baldness Is caused by dandruff germs those little hard working persistent devils that day and night do nothing but dig Into the roots of hair and destroy its vitality Parisian Sage Is a daintily per fumed hair dressing not sticky or greasy and any woman who desires luxuriant and bewitching hair can get It in two weeks by using it cents a largo bottle AlliBlon corporation at depth of feet struck flowing well that yields- gallons of water per day Stops cure heals cents throat and All persons under sixteen are re quired by law to be ofl the streets of Fnderby BC by oclock nightly Lomlon Sept Arrangements for Coronation include a larger representation of contingents of troops from Canada than on the last occa sion and probably from Australasia and South Africa it is also felt that the rapid expansion of Canada demands and impressive delegation The Colonial and other offi cials will- naturally receive invita tions 9 f 9 0 jvvi 1 J v I have IK ftii

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