By A I one of a it of Lot acres on d Brick Barn led by fid Good give Or 0 loins at Which rice ever the pork Retail cents a prices branch I not get to In Ice J J W Space Belongs to OS IB ABOUT 1 Wlllson Will hold her Millinery Openings nest Wednesday Thursday and follow ing days All cordially invited BARGAINS IN Friends Church Prof Jordan ol Queens University will- preach next Sunday morning Dr Jordan is a distinguished author and considered one of the ablest Preachers in Canada J In the evening the pastor will speak on Spiritual BookKeeping Extra Service Besides the extra service on the Metropolitan oh Thursday afternoon of next week mentioned elsewhere special car6 will leave Newmarket for i fi- AT NEWMARKET Berean Bible Class Sunday next at pm in the Methodist Church conducted by the Rev R J Simpson pastor All Power from the Falls M Toronto and- Sutton immediately cordially Particulars Later China Hall Grocery CORNER OF Main Timothy Streets If you intend going camping or for a days outing give us call and let us put up an order canned Meats and Campers Supplies for such as Lunch Tongue Vienna Sausage Beef Ham Loaf Beef Sardines Condensed Milk Condensed Coffee Quick Pud- Jelly Powders Ail a Bottle of Olives for Dessert if you are buying FRUIT JARS it pay you to give us a as we have a few odd lines we arc Selling Cheap so as to lower our stock LEMONS NEW SWEET ORANGES SPANISH ONIONS WORT the Leading Reliable Prompt Delivery Phone CENTRAL Business College in Toronto otters Inducements for young men and women who wish to qualify promptly for assured positions In Business offices at fair Write for new Cata logue If Shaw Principal and lerrard street ter Concert in the Town Hall order to facilitate people from the north to reach Newmarket for the Fair a helper will be operated in connection with the car leaving Sun tori at arid a special car will leave Sutton for Newmarket on Thursday at HAS am calling at usual stops Theatre Party Owing to the death of King Ed ward VII Mr Forbes Robertson the great English Actor did not com plete his engagement at the Alexan der Theatre in Toronto but promised to return His return engagement is announced for week after next In order that Newmarket people may have an opportunity to hear him a few of our citizens have engaged 60 seats first two rows in the balcony for Wednesday evening Sept and a special Metropolitan car The tickets are each which includes the return trip on the Metropolitan and the theatre seat Any person de siring to join the party can secure a ticket from Mr Schmidt at the Office Specialty Works on and after the No ticket reserved till the money is paid Special Attractions Some of the drawing cards in con nection with Newmarket Fair on Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday of next week are The Speeding Pace 225 Trot Free For All Trot ThreeMinute Race All the above promise to be filled In Front of Grand Standi The Sensational Comedy Acrobats A cyclone of good Comedy and Clever Tum bling The Champion Lever Heavyweight Lifter Physical Culture ami Original Balancing Stunts Julian Roman Rings and Acrobatic Stunts Gordon Scotch Irish and Nautical Dancers Maude Hie Mule A valuable prize vill be given to anyone on the grounds who can stay on its back for a given time Newmarket Military Rand in atten dance during the Fair Fall Millinery Opening Wednesday and Thursday Sept 21 and at Miss Simpsons Parlor over Hunters Store All are cor dially invited to attend to be present Berlin Sept The Tow 0 Per- tonight is in the proud position to say that its streets are the first in Canada to be illuminated with j trie generated at Niagara Falls District Meeting and conveyed over the municipally Between 25 and 30 ministers and operated transmission delegates attended the District- Meet- I The formal test at the Hydro- in the Methodist Church Commissions transformer day morning As we are getting I tton made a few days ago was ready for press people are assembling satisfactory and this the for the and League Conventions was brought to e town s afternoon and evening prom- distributing station and all the ma- cninery turned on Again everything to be very Eleven application have been Methodist Church The Drug Stores close at oclock now Dont forget The Metropolitan Co have placed two new clusters of lights at de pot which are a great improvement Those scats along ths fence have not materialized yet Prize Lists for Fair will be ready on Monday Public School Board Regular meeting held last Tuesday evening Present Dr Scott in the chair and Messrs Clark and Manning The Principals Report shows that School reopeneif with an attendance of There are nonresident pu pils and only of whom have yet paid their fees The Relief Maps re cently installed will be an excellent assistance in teaching physical geo graphy and have already received the Inspectors commendation Some supplied are required for Miss Iron sides room The grant from the Ontario Govt for was received amounting to 25 Following bills passed Insurance premiums V coal Mail Co Globe Co ad Rennet Bros ac 1387 It Armstrong Hag pole Caretaker It freight Osborne Sons reps P Fogal 2L25 W Wallace LOO P W Pearson lumber Caretaker Telegraph A Thompson ac Atlas Supply Co Board adjourned worked beautifully ana this evening for an hour and a half all the street turned on to tho new cur- nave dm mmv- j sUcccss I comes here at from 000 to volts to the transfer- it mer station where it is stepped down to volts to the towns plant where it is again transformed to suit local conditions volts lor street railway purposes and for the street arcs Captured by Pirates Harbin Manchuria Sept A band of brigands disguised as passen gers held up a Russian steamer twen ty miles out of this port today and after a- desperate fight o the crew and robbed the passengers In attempting to defend their vessel the owners two Russians were killed and many of the Chinese crew were wounded as wcrcmch of the eighty Chinese passengers who offered resis tance When the pirates were control the situation they bound the passen gers the crew a Russian sailor and two Russian women and took the valuables of the captives at their lei sure- A of hunters who happen ed to be in the vicinity gave the alarm and a Russian gunboat was sent pursuit of the outlaws -vOOO- ft Roadbuilding in New Ontario Charlton Sept Before the part of the Government in that prou- waggon road between here and Lake that will the to twenty miles thou sand dollars is estimated cost of the undertaking Not only will the distance as compared with the old route he shortened but the new road will avoid several miles of mus keg thus giving a good highway both summer and winter This was not the cane with the old road for although an excellent winter route it Miss Jessie of spent impassable during the spring and the weekend with her friend Miss LU PINE ORCHARD Beatrice Lloyd Mr and Mrs Frank Play ter took in Next summer therefore the Lake camp will not he completely Farm for Sale Part of Lofs and In the se cond Con of First class grain and stock farm Close to two stations on the Metropolitan Three srin stone aiding two wells ready cash mar ket for all farm awl dairy product Apply to MRS Police Court a attended the Court last Monday evening it being rumor ed around town that a doen mar ine Inhibition in last week under the thumb of steamboat monopoly A year ago the freight rate from Latchford was per Miss Sirrs spent last week with friends in Toronto Mr and Mrs Waller Hall spent hundred pounds hut when this road last Thursday at the Inhibition in W freight can be carried Toronto from the railway to Lake for Mr of visited J It will also gie a wore summoned For Violating the latter part the week with waggon route all the year round the tarty dosing bylaw which brother Mr Ino Sirrs- between the railway here and the sayi that all places of business must Several of the neighbors camp remain closed from pm till am funeral of Mr Wilson in Aurora the following morning except the last Monday Tampa Sept A Cuban glil Sunday or a public noli- A great many new telephones have named Iras died today day abided the rural Bell Tele- from a heating administered by of the merchants pleaded phone line out this direction jing makers yesterday The more pleaded A guil ty in order 1 test the validity of the bylaw and two refused to obey the summon presumably because they wen- illegally served Mr J McKay issued the summonses and sent them out by his son Instead of by a Mrs last week lice the riot at the Seaboard her daughter Mrs on dlalfon where strikers at- Vonge street tempted to prevent trainmen from loading tobacco for Miami Atiout KKTTLKBY Miss Mary Smith has ii are on strike Or higher wages Ala Sept apt Terry a wellknown planter of 2 to a Day Sure Pleasant honorable work at your own home for mar for woman No experience or capital necessary Our Company with ample capital will fur- work and plans absolute free Mctfftrvey Manager Toronto FOE SALE ood Delivery Butcher Wagon ard Harness also all in condition- Ap ply to roarei John For 8ale The North Quarter of Lot No on the Concession of North all undercut- ALFRED Newmarkets summoned and he The manager the Temperance Mouse and vans arc summoned for oclock on Monday afternoon violation of the lords the for selling cigars and the latter for selling nonintoxi cating drinks on Sunday last cold iC lb have twentyfive years standing in landing on stamp blocks about the All the members are cor dially Invited ta attend On Sunday evening Sept Rev Miller of Toronto the Temperance who will attend Di vine Service in a body In the Metho dist Church at All the mem- feet from the ground when he fell Havre France Sept 12 The French freight and passenger steamer California arrived New York to day with a fire that had been fought for twelve still burning briskly her hold The crew was almost bers are kindly requested In exhausted and called upon the city the hall at on that date firemen to finish Job Mr spent ft craf hope end with friends in the city I to save part of the cargo Call Miss Minnie spent Sunday in fornla had sixteen passenger who Toronto I were glad to get ashore unharmed J agents centhey- clothing And priestleys dress goods fja North Yorks Greatest Store LADIES JOURNAL We return your- money for any goods returned within a week of purchase- mm J villi m ST J We now prepared to show you the latest product the Most Famous Tailor Shops this Country the Most Beautifully Tailored and Styled Garments Made in Canada SEE THE MUTO COAT SEE THE NpW ROSTRAND OVERCOAT fat J SEE THE LATEST SACK SEE THE NEWEST SACK w vi SEE THE NEW ENGLISH Tfl ULSTER SEE THE NEW FLOWING INVERNESS SEE THE NEW CORRECT AUTO COAT SEE THE NEW COSSACK COAT iWi H i pirn I ft IP mens new styles in century clothing for this Fall We are now ready to take your or- for the Fall Suit or Overcoat the new patterns are here See cuts for some of the very latest We want you to call and inspect the patterns they are great A IT- r J lr Vi I i i Nearly All n You Remember that MR JEFFRIES was Nearly AH in This is a DifTorent Case This is a Case of All In And Fresh as a Daisy HONESTLY You or any other Man Never Saw Such a Magnificent Array of I mm m ffl in Newmarket Since Yoil Wore Short Pants But Whats- the Usoof Our tore Full of the Garments that Large Centres Stylish Men are to Wear Unless You Know it So were Telling you now and we Ask you to 1 I No Entrance Charge this Exhibition Yet youll bo Glad to Spend Your Money when you See Goods and Head the Price Tickets it f ft The Mens Wear West Main Street Newmarket i A v i 1 v iM