4 J I Mt Albert Telephone t MANAGER ici mm Frill sis t EI imperial Pint 60c Wine Quarts 65c Imperial Quarts 70c doz Wine Half Gal When you need shoes giro us call we have tome lines we are clearing way below cost ml Is Spices Marked down to a lb- Johnny Canuck Overalls and Smocks I WILL OF GEORGE HA1GH On Tuesday last the will of the late George of Mount Albert was Vied in the Surrogate Court It provides for the bequest of to his wife and seven children The estate includes in pro perty in mortgages in book debts and promissory notes in insurance and in cash EPWORTH LEAGUE Tho weekly meeting of the League will be held on Friday evening at 8 pm The devotional exercises will be taken by the President Rev J President of the Leagues of the Leagues of the Uxbridge District will take the topic The Sunday School choir will give a selection There will be a reception for the new members who gave their names in at the time of the contest All are cordially invit ed to attend prayer after which a few of the la dies served luncheon and real plea sant social time was spent together a They are fully guaranteed FWSMITH Queensville SUCCESSOR TO SMITH ICE CREAM SOCIAL The Ice Cream Social held under auspices of the Albert League last Friday evening proved a success in every way Af ter the serving of refreshments a splendid program was rendered The violin solos by Mr Meyers of Zephyr was tho leading feature of the pro gram and Mr I Irving also the solo by Miss Love were very much ap preciated- Mrs Crosby gave a reading which showed dearly the spirit of giving A chorus was given by a number of the League members The proceeds amounted to Stuart Lee who served his appren ticeship in the mill here some six years ago is paying old friends a vis it Rachael Webster of Lansdown spent Sunday among cousins of toe same name in this vicinity Messrs Wesley Baker and Talmage of Vroomanton conducted the services here on Sunday evening A load of sheep and hogs was to ship at on Monday A party of four men and a woman with their travelling caravan camp ed on the 2nd concession near the riv er for a week They have kept the neighborhood interested in the horse- trading line QUEENSVILLE Council The regular meeting of the Municipal Council Jhe town ship of East was held in the Municipal Hall Sharo Friday Sept all- the members except councillor A Brilliant Scene Montreal Sept The closing days of the great Eucharistic Con gress witnessed some of most striking and impressive of the whole meeting including the groat openair mass on Saturday Communications were ltbe young mens meetwig in the ceivea from the Clerk of Wbit- c church re damages to Rogers the south and from Gor don Sedore re bill were read be fore Council noon and the big mass meeting in Notre Dame on Saturday night which was by Mr and other distinguished orators and deputation from SS No as the great climax Sundays monster alao Mr Sidney Stokes re procession of the Blessed Sacrament obstructions on the 9th line rear when the Host was carried the of lot con were heard Papal Legate Cardinal Vanriuteli seconded by that through streets crowded with the bill Of Samuel be deeds of thousands of spectators referred to the Board of Health I is estimated that over one seconded by in the Clerk be instructed to tacW i f ih MM Bia for BLISS BIIbb for best beet family medicine BUBS Native strikes at root of by purifying the blood It restores wasted tissues strengthens every organ A tablet at night morning feeling bright Faithfully used banish Rheumatism Constipation Dyspep sia Kidney and Liver Disorders Be sure you secure the genuine Bliss Native Herbs In a yellow boz bearing the portrait of O Biles tablets Money back If not Mr Ross and little son Lorne of have been visiting the weekend with his uncle Mr John A Wright Elm farm Miss Ross of Walkerton is spending a week with her sister Mrs J Mrs J Stephens Miss Doris I duet by Miss I Terry Master Hillary have returned from Sintaluta where they the summer Mis Master Stanley McNabh of tang is visiting his aunt Mrs J Terry Mrs spent part of last with Mrs P Stewart at Eastbourne and Mrs at Or chard Beach Lake The Public School has with Miss Cain and Mr Cody the teachers of last year in their laces The attendance was not large on the opening days about thirty in the Ir room and fifteen in the Senior but the delinquent pupils will likely very soon be increasing the number re turned to study Mr of Toronto has sold his farm recently occupied Mr Bond to Mr Win Mr Bond we believe has rented Mr farm and Mr may possibly to the village to live It is worth any mans while to cull and the House of Suit Satisfactions at Cameron and Mrs Cam- League Rally Sunday Monday evening was decidedly successful Mr Oscar Johnston preached a sermuu on The Investment of Life in the morning and Mr sermon in the evening was on Christian Life as a Race and contained many ex- Carried anh imposing an assem- Faiibain seconded by gathered to participate in a That Albert Thompson be single act of and of faith ed to collect statute labor standing as thick as human beings mutation tax from nil P voters could stand around the roped en- yarded the beautiful Mirlfa In A w altar and the stands of the choir the seconded by resolved that the Re on the Treasurer for pay as follows eve issue his spread out for hundreds irer for direction while took up position of vantage Goodwin sheep claim Vandiwater tile vz higher upthe slopes of the mountain the altar itself but in places Treasurer Newmarket TLS where they could command an excel- PERSONALS Mr and Mrs J Hamilton ami family werb visiting at the home of their mother Mrs A Jones over Sunday Mrs baby is very ill being expected to recov er Mr Samuel Maincs of Toron to was i town for a few days this week Mr J has returned lo Toronto to resume his studies at the University Mrs Davidson and children have from a visit with friends in Toronto PICKUP ITEMS 2000 300 600 t i the Bliss J f geat riD 1 AGENT Sedore RE r- mi r MB if THE SUBJECTS 1 a in clip out the coupon ar i TODAY tend formation about our counts you a IN SHORTHAND Oft FREE an r SCHOOL ifl arrived home on from their vacation trip to Their return was delayed by the illness of their son Dr George Cameron Swift Current who a attack of typhoid but as his many friend will be glad to hear is convalescent Mrs Paisley and her sister Mrs Cook left on Thursday visit their brothers in Mich They will also visit friends at Detroit and Kalamazoo Mrs Will Steeper and baby accompanied them- as far an J Chatham where she will spend some i time visiting friends Miss is spending a couple of weeks with relatives at Miss A Sills Kingston has ar rived take- charge of Dunn A Sleep ers millinery department Prepara tions are now in progress for a grand millinery opening in the near future Mr ami Mrs it IVeddel Raven- shoe celebrated their China Wedding last Saturday afternoon One hun dred and guests in dance Among thorn were Mr and Mrs J Graham and Mr and Mrs Oldham of Mount Albert I hey made I the trip in Mr Oldhams new touring car The teaching stall ot our viNage school are all at their resjKxrtlve of duty now Mis j Peters Baltimore teacher of the Primary department was a few days late in arriving owing to illness The High School Principal Miss and her have taken Up residence in the vil lage We bid Mrs and Miss welcome In our midst Mm George Leek who has been on the sick list Is able to out again A Thompson sidewalk P Robinson Cole rep to road Cole gravel Cole loading gravel sidewalk Treasurer Whitchurch Jackson printing J Watts work P work A work G drawing tile Cunningham gravel Horner gravel gravel J painting Eves cutting weeds Little making tile Watson paint and oil Meyer Stoddard refund taxes A Tunny Arid that the Corporate hereto attached Carried Parr seconded by that this Council do now adjourn to meet Friday the at 10 am Hail Sharon Register 30o lent view of the whole gathering From such a position it seemed as if literally the entire that lay spread out beneath the gaze had poured forth people for this the most ceremony of whole congress rues of the officiating Cardinal and assistants showed clearly the in spiration of the occasion The sound of this immense body of worshippers making the response to the versieles 30o spectacle of its movement at the points of genuflexion or of the sign of tho cross Rave the impression of 3 vast army drilling for some gigaiitw warfare 5 citato thoughts The at both services was greatly enjoyed by the large congregations and Miss solo in evening was pleasing Much was man ifested on the part of League workers and occasional Rally Sun days such as this cannot a great moral uplift to the Method ist Church as well as to Young Peoples Society The Ladies Aid plt a very afternoon at the Par- on Wednesday Many ladies were present and tea was nerved on the lawn tin account or the beautiful day Mr WJ Turner of Kenora was in town this week willing on old friends before returning to the to the winter with his son in jaur Man Mr Jri of Toronto another former citizen spent a few days in down last wee Armstrong of was a ZEPHYR I BUSINESS I J COLLEGE On Tuesday evening a number of the members of the Busy Wo mens and few other friends met at the borne of Mrs While waiting for some of the late come Mian Alice entertained company with a few good piano jxlcctlons and Mrs Keriter sang a solo also led chorus with a number of the class Mr Arn old superintendent of the School made a very fitting and ap propriate opening address Then the address from the was read by J and Mrs Vrn the presentation of a handsome satchel which enclosed a of money Directly the Joined in singing be the Tie Preparation are going or to make that Binds after which Mrs the Harvest Supper in aid of to the address her usual St Church a greater success I manner expressing ever The supper will served appreciation of the kindness the femperance Hall on Friday shown ter yet giving to Hie class her from to oclock kindest and beat and loving alter which entertainment will be words of cheer and encouragement to given to the same place Everybody I teacher who would fill her place hate a good time guest at the Parsonage last Mr Bond left last Tuesday for a trip West expecting to be gone several weeks Mr Frank Wright- of W spending a week at his borne her- af ter passing his examina tion and receiving his diploma from the Association Mr and Mrs Phillips of Au rora spent Sunday with Mr and Mis Moore Mr vho has occupied Mr Wright- Kongs house on Maple Avenue this Newmarket Mrs Brown and her son Mr Har old Brown of Toronto visited Mrs Browns brother Mr Jacob week Or is spending a holiday In tovi Mr A of Toronto also one of old boys has moved to III Bribery Charged the Purchase of Toll Roads Woodstock Sept 13 The special be committee appointed by- county council to investigate tbe charges of bribery and corruption in connection lnc ihe iciiial to a special meeting of the council today The mentions specific iiv stances that have suspicious aspects and in one case tells of a prominent county official having approached a clergyman and promised a large sum money if would induce the own er of the toll road between Wood stock and Ingersoll to sell out Other similar cases are cited and with the report was submitted a let ter from I Cameron solicitor Toronto who stated plainly that I he THURSDAY Sept 22 Rev duty of the council was in the face lot con Scott will j e evidence to demand the an extended Auction Sale of lance of a royal commission and the Horses Furniture etc at J prosecution of the alleged guilty par- oclock months credit o sums oyer MO J SATURDAY SEPT Johnston of Sutton West will have an extensive sale of household prior to moving West Choice Usual terms Sxie at one oclock W I Auctioneer MONDAY Sept Mr Davis lot con will have an extensive sale of Horses Highclass Cattle Sheep Rigs Im plements etc at one oclock also his acre Farm months credit on over J K ester Auctioneer Robbed a Train St Louis Sept Passenger No on tin- and Railroad known as the Pacific Coast Express that left the Union station at for St Mo and the west was at the Union Station by lone robber who hilled and threw from the train J Wine of St Louis flagman held up the porter who Came back let the flagman in ordered him to turn out the light In his car which ho entered robbed four passengers and got on the train sit the Street Station on the and made good his escape When the robber entered the car he began firing through the roof and windows as he went and commanded the passengers to hold up their hands After relieving- the passengers of I their money and jewelry the robber departed firing In order to intimidate passengers I STREET was at borne last wee A number people at tended the China Wedding of Mr- and Mrs H near Ravenshoc last Saturday and had an enjoyable time Arnold closed the program with about SUTTON Hour ol Service in tho Methodist Church has been changed halfpast 2 Rev Mr McNeil the popular superintendent will conduct the ser vice on Sabbath The Hoard of management has decided on plans for expensive new railway buildings at to replace those destroyed the fire of July total cost will be James Whiteside who had postmaster at Delhi for oyer forty years one of the oldest in Canada died at bis home Cobalt Sept Since sensa tional steal of some worth of liver bullion bars from the Nova Scotia one night early last Week Provincial Inspector assisted by his assistant lacfc Mc Kay License Inspector and other Provincial men besides a score of plalnclothesmen have been working out clues under the direction ol Inspector Half dozen men are In cells The entire amount of the bullion twentysix bars has been recovered Stop cures heals 25 ties The investigating Committee had a detective agency gathering the evidence and parties were Interview ed in Chicago Denver Toronto Ham ilton and other cities Belleville Sept 12 a welltodo yeoman of Raw- lion while driving from village to his home was thrown out of his Vehicle by his horses running away He alighted upon his head breaking his neck and causing instant death New York After writing several threatening letters ami in vain to a response to their de mands for Black today exploded a bomb In front the wine store of Casablanca on Sixth Avenue The explosion de- part of the front of the fivestorey building and created a panic in the neighborhood Occu pants of big apartment hotels and residences of millionaires block away were aroused by the terrific shock but no was Injured Tampa Fla Sept With cigar workers on a strike for nine and disorders increasing clear Havana cigar industry this city is paralyzed and further from settlement than it has been any time since the strike commenced Many of the large factories having branches hi other have transferred workers and the independent factories have closed their doors The workers- de mand that they bo recognized as a union This the manufacturers have refused to do except as Individual un ion men without supervision the central body ever factories Sept Reuben Phil ips reports the theft from his stable of his driving horse his buggy and a set rubbermounted harness lie has notified the county of hi- loss but so far no trace of his missing outfit has been found Mr Philips discovered his loss the morn ing after he entertained a stranger who came to door the evening asked lor a After rest the stranger took his leave before bed time The next day horse and rig were missing The thief was trace down lane to the road gale whore It was found he turood north It is worth a lot to got SATISFACTION i SUIT SATISFACTION we mean not only service but fit as well A satisfactory Suit must be a SUIT the Coat of which FITS NEAT LY over the COLLAR A SUIT which DOES NOT WRINKLE and DRAW around the ARM holes A SUIT with a PERFECT HANGING Pair of TROUSERS A SUIT with th dozen and one other little FIT POINTS PERFECTED THAT is the kind of a SUIT WE will give you for Ji A TAILORMADE SUIT FROM THE n IN SHORT A GENUINE SUIT SATISFACTION OTHER LINES AS HIGH AS J AGENT FOR OF PS Get our prices before selling CAPITAL PAID UP RESERVED AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS J540O00OfKl DEPOSITS THE PUBLIC TOTAL ASSETS Branches and Agencies throughout Canada and the United States SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Current Rates of Interest Allowed MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH S TERRY MANAGER tS Farm for Sale la acnes of the west hall of Lot Con Whitchurch and acres of the west half of Lot ill Jon acres of which covered with There are many way of fixing thorn No two cases are alike and lot us you How and Why and If and your tooth careful i SUCCESSOR NEW YORK DENTISTS TORONTO iHJfwilt Hardwood Hush Fences and in repair Splendid House rooms Modern Barn with stone basement protected by lightningrods Pen and Driv ing House Good Orchard Good Well and two Will give possession next spring For parti- apply on the premises Or if by mail to Box 8 Mount Albert Growing apace with the realiza tion on the part ol the general public that the telephone is indispensable is the independent telephone movement which has developed with exceptional rapidity during recent years Vive years ago rural telephone lines were rare in Ontario but today between four and five local companies are giving telephone service their own neighborhoods Chicago Sept pork loins were quoted packers yesterday at 18 cents a pound wholesale which is said to be the highest price ever reached in the history of be pork packing industry at Chicago Retail prices ranged from to cents a pound also establishing new high records Despite the high prices managers of the packers branch houses assert that they could not get all the pork loins they to meet the requirements of consumers THE UPTODATE GROCERS In the Comb FRESH FISH of this month wc will keep on a Supply of Fish and will be pleased to Hit any orders for Remember our Phone No Rough Lumber and Inside Trim Doors Sash and Mouldings of all Kinds for Inside Trim Try a Cord of our Short Hard Wood at a cord Highest Cash Prices Paid for Grain or Atsike W H EVE Order by phone or from carters John Turner Hy Trent NEWMARKET I i it- 7 r J I