THE NEWMARKET SEPTEMBER 11 J Robertson Barrister Notary Fabric netMain Street to on r Farm Security Duncan AND COLLECTOR Bolton let Palmer Decorator and DP Clark DENTIST Newmarket St- Dr I- Wilkinson DENTIST Block Newmarket Issuer of J LICENSES papers at residence if J NEWMARKET DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones rf- Before Ordering CA Dp J Boyd WB Graduate in medicine Toronto also Licentiate of the College ol tf the Royal College o Former clinical Eye Hospital and Uni versity College Ear Nose W Throat Hospital London England Main and Timothy Sts Newmarket Telephone No no Consultation may be had at any hoU the day or night by calling at the office or phone Furnace Work 3 of Our Specialties See the Bathroom Outfit at the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS ft OSBORNE SOUS Next to Smiths Grocery New Grocery We have received our Stock of New Fruits of all kinds Currants Dates Peels Layer Malaga Oranges etc A all the NEW CANNED GOODS Tomatoes Corn Peas Salmon etc from the Canaries Arc well the Beat that money can buy Try Our OUR Standard Weight Cakes of kinds Every None Better lew good HAM sliced to suit faction or Money Refunded Joseph Perkins Old Stand or s fleas The final game in the Town vs Of fice Specialty resulted an other win for the Town by joints the final Town Of fice Sperialty Oof ToFonto iipta tbeir Newmarket High School pupils presented themselves for enrollment on Monday morning of these are in the Form On Saturday the Board installed five new Remington Typewriters for the use of the students in this form which has grown so popular under the guid ance of Miss Wedding Bells A very pretty wedding too place at the Christian parsonage on day afternoon Sept at oclock when Mr Arthur Measure Williams of Aurora and Miss Martha Victoria of Toronto were made one Rev Alexander Mackenzie pastor of the Christian Church heard the ows the beautiful ring ceremony They were attended by Mr Urn Rob- ins of and Mrs Sarah Robins The young course will re- side in Aurora YOU have pro- been in tending to try Red Rose Tea for some time but from force of habit have just kept on using another tea Break the Habit and buy Red Rose next time A Good Position Can be had by ambitious men and ladies in the field of Wire less or Railway telegraphy Since the 8hour law became effective and since wireless companies are es tablishing stations throughout the country there is a great shortage of telegraphers Positions pay begin- if I of Oak Ridges employed by the Graham Ice Co had both bones of his left log broken at Holland Landing Saturday night and was brought to the General Hospital lie was hoisting a cake of ice unto a car which shunted overbalancing him while his foot was caught on the rail Caught between a Metropolitan car and a platform at the Yonge Street terminus- Robert was crushed to death Saturday morning who lived at street was foreman of a line con struction gang and had an to the companys super- intendent While he was waiting at the station car came along ing the baggage shed He says the teachers help remove wrong impressions about Canada man named Frank Tracej was sent to the penitentiary for three years on a charge of com mitted at the Bay Tree Hotel About six weeks ago an unknown man sup posed to be this same Tracey was found drowned in the Bay and the proprietor of tbis hotel paid hislfuher- ai expenses The Royal Grenadiers are winning fame in the old land On Sunday they escorted the British Grenadier Guards to church The streets were lined with citizens on the route Negotiations with President William Mackenzie and directors of the street railway with a view to purchase of plant by the city will be entered upon since the city the companys now council on Monday Aid was warned by the conductor to alone dissenting voted in favor of a get out of the way but he took wrong direction and got in between the car and the platform The Exhibition is over One hun dred and ten thousand were on grounds the last day the course recommended by the board of control Chas McLean an English youth has been in this country only a few the months but has established a icputa- as a thief In police court yes- SOLD BULK Your Grocer Will Recommend It S3 scnc companions such as is epidemic in of the young groom who is a Hamilton has vet been discovered i ber of the yard staff here cit Among the guests from outside points Steele president of the were Mr and Mrs Douglas of Seed Co died on Mr and Mrs Doug- Sundayaged years Helen Webb of was The woman who jumped in the bay terday morning it was decided to was drowned last Saturday was port him Mrs Catharine Cole of aye Mrs John arrested and An inquest was deemed unnecessary charged with vagrancy at the time An official at the Customs House for that her husband alias thirty years named Nicholas dlcton alias Knight ley was taken Graham passed away on Sunday upon a charge of forgery has been Dr Sheard City Medical Health admitted to bail oh her own tend Officer declares that no infantile till Friday THE SEARCHLIGHT ON CRIME las Markdale Mrs Mrs Miss Toronto Mr arid Mrs Goudy Meaford and Mr M 5S On their return couple will reside in Owen National Telegraph Institute operates Sound- sis official institutes in America der the supervision of and Wire less Officials and places all graduates into positions It will pay you to write thern for full details at Cin cinnati or Philadelphia Pa Dates of Fairs Bradford London Newmarket Sept 20 21 22 Oct 6 and 2g Oct and 14 Sutton Sept and Sept 28 Weston Sept and Oct Sept and 16 Sept 2C 27 28 Oct and Oct 3 aad Oct and Sept 20 to Oct and Sept 20 21 Sept 23 Sept to Oct and 7 The Summer Girl It was uptodate at the various summer resorts on the shores ol Lake Simcoe and in dur ing the outing season just closed for the summer girl to stroll around without hat or bonnet with sleeves rolled up above the elbow or wear ing sleeveless dress The Chicago Post tells the same fashion pre vailed at the White City and along the Michigan shore It says There was girl in our town And she was good scan She spent her days playing games Where she got lots of tan And when she saw the tan was on With all her mSghtnd main She rushed into a beauty shop And took it off arrested on Saturday charged with shoplifting at Eatons store During Toronto Exhibition of two weeks it is stated that the officials at the Union station handled no less than people trains and some pieces of baggage No The arrest of charged with the murder of Belle Elmore in don and of Wider who robbed the Bank in New York of teacher how far the eyes of justice pierce and to what distance its hands cao reach The criminal can not hide his flight- is in the op en the of fetters is always in his cars the detective treads close on his heels ever ready to touch his accidents occurred at the station thvs calI name Everybody and acts today in the presence of all men The telc- lad named Samuel Irwin aged about years tried to cross in front telephone and the wire- firieffcts Dig market here last Saturday Make your entries for Newmarket Fair not later than SaUirday A frost on low grounds in some places in vicin ity was observed On Saturday morn ing last Die of Time to look after out door house plants Visitors to Newmarket Fair will not require to be told how dis mount from the street cars nor he given hints OB turning off the gas but it not be out of place to warn Mr Hayseed not to be too familiar with the confidence man It Is up to the Agriculturists of North York to make the Exhibition next week greater than has been Every farmer reasonable dis tance should enter for competition in one or more departments This is not only privilege but also a duty SHELL BRAND of a West Queen street ear or nt his day The raotorman dropped the in time to save the ads life tcars A number of had their pock- inVcs ets picked on the trains between I iUo during iastweck T searchlight While under the influence liquor 110 unex Ed embraced a strange lady nosed in Moss Park last week ami he must is now find ere he regains Ins liberty Cornjuice comes high when it has devices this have put an end to secrecy Time It was stated at the Dominion Executive on the Ex- that d grounds last week that there conceals nothing The hank will be local option contests in leI conscience his one hundred municipalities in this province next January Hie treasur er reported receipts for the first eight months of have been UflnM as compared with for the corresponding months last sense of right and wrong his figures shin if fraud is in and committee or examinee or acci dent will bring out the truth The graft- and of legislators cun ning as they may he gather sooner BAR For We clip the following from Sound Herald as the groom merly Newmarket boy Tim horn- of Mr and Mrs Wal ter Fifth Avenue West was j the of a and festive gathering on Wednesday last when their daughter was in Mr of Mr- At high no i lie bride who In wedding v grten si I ft gold overlive and carrying a of entered the drawing room leaning on tin- her as the Sweet -AT- Drug Store Car Ex Co Phone and from trains with despatch 800 fiOIDKN OAK WITH of Me In Mi- iin throng march ilay- a of liiide room Key Valley an of ferns and Only the re SPRING MATTRESS FREE Made of well seasoned birch curved top panels with fancy scroll on head- fool inches The large egg at the crowd witnesses More lion this year measured Hi inches in now it is sure that there circumference and weighed ounces hidden which shall not he The was from a hen revealed The mily safe man is he property of Mr J of wn always acts as if eyes of foe Davenport Road and friend were upon him and guides Four persons two men and two thoughts by purity and honor women had a narrow escape from Publicity is often abused False- drowning on Sunday night through malice use it as a their rowboat upsetting But they arc less dangerous when it double as much to live now they come to the front than when as it did when Muddy York the back Sunshine re- ell j of Toronto but is worth what Is putrid and infectious difference but and supports life and is A city paper says the lesson of the the source of its joy No bookkeeper double drowning at Jacksons Point falsify his entries if he learns lor should be emphasized that -every- that they are plain to cashier should know how to swim and president The seeks that even a swimmer risks his in which his spoil life when he accepts a nonswimmer teach him tblt light blazes upon as the comrade of canoe trip short sneak away True hut the y stopped abuses in ness of inexperience canoeists at- the screens have been tempting trips in rough is stricken down and the doors opened the big fool ilsk of summer tourists- Violence rages by night more Falling under trucbn of a Carl- than by day Justice makes use of ton car evening Win searchlight to prevent as well as was Instantly killed his delect and gas head being severed his body No to the The Indians at Urn on Friday last created Mr 1 a chief tribe tin- name Chief Pete ceremony by placing feathered headdress on the chief bets head Indians al so a like lienor on Collie hi popular stage manager of the fOxhi bit Ion Total attendance at Ihc Fair this year is about ahead of last year and the grand stand patronage has been than in I WW Word has Ill received thai seven or eight ol the ollieers now are better police than but ton and clubs The message by wire and air build prison walls on land and sea for evildoers but ptv de fense and confidrncn to those who be have well riCll golden oak finish feet wide feet long Willi esters wUI l Steel fabric cot spring to fit seriously Soft top Purity Mattress filled with last Mr of both were at spongy wood fibre name size of bed 1 ijjit 1 I he ceremony and at the banquet Which AM three pieces at one time followed The was the re- for of a large array of beautiful Cut out and mail us this ad and and costly presents the grooms gift get by letter a OFFER being Mr Mrs and full particulars how to these Hie latter being in a three pieces And our new riling costume of blue Catalogue No showing the silk with hat left on Mattresses and more than I fin pic- tin- afternoon train for Toronto New- of other low priced market and Hamilton and were given Freight prepaid to your nearest tlon This otter will not appear passed away Torontos life Deceased was the last two vears if existence as COST OF A IJK furnishing false liiformatlon to a loi a New York morning newspaper Welch a lawyer was given the alternative of paying a line Or going to jail The suit invnlved a claim for damages and Incidentally a womans city Court Justice La Fclra in his decision said I want to say that it is illegal for any one to pa reel out fates or falsi stories to newspaper men For a lawyer to be guilty of any such Indiscretion is crimi nal for the reason that he not only does an injustice to the a corporation lis and tjj in bad repute Both have troubles en- CASTOR I A Infants and The Kind You Have Always Bought the again better write today CO Lock Box IIKIDOKTOWN neve before of Toronto and part was a warm friend of Mr Jackson in the Council of York Mr Saunders Mr Moore and Mr A Hastings wen- the first aldermen of St Pauls Ward Deceased was born III The September Sessions Tuesday morning his honor fudge ough to contend with Without anom alies of the character contained in the papers before me lust ice refused to accept a the excuses offered by the de fendant action was taken un der an enactment of the New York Legislature which makes it a of Ottawa Sept Karl of Canada having con cluded his trp to Hudson lay is now contemplating a visit to West Islands lie proposes lb go In- January presiding The nonjury to give information to Court opened with Winchester on the bench The nwnhool Oj in con- 1 lh i Willi o University cor- frequently is in middle age of Moor and streets was opened on Monday It Is handsome brick building Mr has written to Mayor deary thanking Toronto for the reception accorded the London the eager passions of youth arc tool ed and the infirmities of ago not yet begun as we see that the shadows Which at morning and large almost midday Arnold evening so disappear at if I r Av-vv- v v A R HARD WAR 1 j You Can Save Money By Buying From Us Full Line Electric Light Supplies A Faints Oils Glass Etc A R ET r v I CLEARING OUT ALL Goods -AT- v I Toronto Jobbing House I I r and with it brings need Overcoat and Fall Suit of an We have at the present time a full line of the New York styles on hand and the most uptodate mate rials on our shelves for your close in spection While down town make it a point to call and see 5 YOUR TAILOR PHONE NKWMARKBT MAIN ST INDISCRETIONS AND EXCESSES MINLcD YOUR SYSTEM 1 of hi tbnt Wonderful Syitcm filial vo icil ill nil vf aill tit lnnntural lynrvtlitfynevwilovlop rcpiulu weak Ifnpi physically and How you feci you gloomy dirk circles them iriitah of the heart if cam s hi uHnc pimples rtn hollow ox predion poor inrinory ifclea lack energy reilless loot 1 bono hair Ttitt New Mcthoi Treatment GUAKAKTEED TO have I of life- not to O CHARGE rind wo will toll you are curable or not Wo of NERVOUS DEBILITY VARICOSE VEINS BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES GLEET URINARY AND KIDNEY COMPLAINTS Booklet onDucatei of Men If unable to call for QUESTION LIST FOR HOME TREATMENT Cor Ave and Griswold St I Detroit Mich ff Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart ment In Windsor Out If you desire to sec us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit we see treat no patients in our Windsor offices which for Correspondence and laboratory for Canadian business Address all letters as follows DRS KENNEDY KENNEDY Windier Wrto tor private 1 i v I 1 A v Vj f- j I