is rf l opsy- p r 1 L iXi 1 t -i- pa I I It rov 1 A I A Government Laundry I Another scandal is being unearthed at the Orillia Asylum haying bear ing on the recent of Dr Beaton and the appointment of a political supporter of the Government in the legislature as his successor 16 by my family physician that Inspector Rogers who is summering there chance for me My On ha is the official to whom Given up by Doctor HOTS I The remark is now going the rounds of the press tnat Brother Downey the newly appointed of the Orillia Asylum has started to l had dropsy and was told things by taking in washing was entrusted the obtaining of the resignation of Dr Beaton and against whom much criticism has faamS Vegetable CompOUnd been expressed lor the way he ap- proached the Doctor- A special cor- for family also gave me up My The Liberal organ at Toronto gent ly puts the matter this way laundry under or what her land advice and immediately after Dr ton was out the In When I wrote the use of the machinery of the me to her some time asylum for his own personal ago I was a very ve the plea being that he was summer 24 woman suf- unable to get help at his cottage This gross iU troubles I had V of made a exae the female organs and the Government failing its and could not duty in this regard will have to an- sup- is made s cor- that the by and could not duty in tms regain wuiiavc stand or walk any swcr therefor as well as the distance At last I the next appeal vr was confined to my bed and the doctor the country The Globe said I would have respondent goes on to say to go through an operation but this I first parcel of laundry sent by refused to do A friend advised Rogers contained one Vegetable Compound and fifty pieces The writer and now after using of it sa I fee new woman n recommend this medicine to all women ras who suffer with female troubles to doing this outside which in- I also taken volved a full days extra labor but Pills and think they are fine Airs they were compelled to do it The Frank Lindsay Ontario happened a second time We cannot understand why women lot of clothes table linen j this wee the missing threefourths of the joy summer home to at the of living without first trying Lydia asylum and this lot consisted in all Vegetable Compound of about ninety pieces wonder For thirty years it has been the these instances of enforced tract standard remedy for female ills and patients of the institu- Another statutory condition limbs and body were swollen the personal superintendance of In- onethird larger than natural Rogers is now receiving fam- water collected around my heart and I had to be propped up in bed to keep from smothering I took Dr Miles Heart Remedy until I was entirely cured This was in and I am now able to do any kind of work on my farm My cure was certainly marvelous L CURD Wilmore Ky Hon A B MP for North York and Of Justice of this Dominion with Mrs Ayiesworth has been at The most of tie summer are expected borne the end of the month j It i t washing The Canadian Navy is starting out all right An Associated Press des patch from London states the like the Rainbow proceeds to service without a In toxicating liquors proscribed Dr Miles Heart Remedy has been wonderfully successful in relieving heart trouble Its tonic effect upon the heart nerves and muscles is a great factor in assisting nature to overcome heart weakness Price at your druggist He should supply you If he does not send to us we forward prepaid DR MILES MEDICAL CO Toronto At the annual Association j meeting in Toronto last Friday on motion of Mr seconded by Mr Webb a wire message o Congratulation was despatched to Hon A Minister of for his splendid services on Canadas behalf in the Fisheries con ciliation The Weston Times remarks is rumored that South York will be for the Ontario House and that there will be a tussle for the nomination between tho sitting members for both South and East York both rumors look as though there will be an early When nominations for University Senate closed at midnight on Wednes day of last week it was found that the men folks had been caught Three were women viz Miss Charlotte Ross Miss Gertrude and Dr Augusta were found elected by acclamation Now will the boys be good This is the first tune in the history of the institution that the gentler sex have had a seat at the Senate Board A hard chill pain through the chest difficult breathing Then fever with great prostration If this should be your experience send for your doctor You may have pneumonia If your doctor cannot come at once give Ayers Cherry Pectoral When he comes tell him exactly what you have done Then do as he says No alcohol in this cough medicine Keep the bowels in good condition One of Pills at bedtime an Increased flow of bile and produce a gentle laxative effect the day following This is what comes from being Mayor of a growing City Toron to A came to he Mayors office a few days ago telling him of a young woman- who recently inherit ed had cam to Toronto to live that she was an extravagant girl and so reckless at times that she would carry around her his should be made part of the A despatch from Ottawa states that the Government has removed the pro hibitory order- against the importa tion of from the United King- Horn consequent upon the pocpetbook The ask- there of the foot and mouth his worship to after the young The British Board of Agriculture aforesaid and see that did have given assurance that the disease riot waste her patrimony His been stamped out said he was too busy to travel outside his municipal duties The have caught ihc contagion now As the At one of the at tie two or three ol one Toronto week wno occupation are gathered together there Dogaw an assistant is a proposal to work the Govern- of the United States pad the A Resident and Day School For Boys and Girls pens for Fall Term September PreparatoryCollegiatc and Commercial Courses Courses in Vocal and Instrumental Music Preparation for the cured thousands of women who have been troubled with such ailments as displacements inflammation ulcer ation fibroid tumors irregularities periodic pains backache indigestion and nervous prostration BEST SERVICE TO in Four Trains from Toronto am pm pm pm Bala Sleeper carried pm train Fridays ENJOY THE COOL BREEZES OF THE GREAT LAKHS Sailings daily except Friday and Sunday from Owen Sound Special train from Toronto pm sailing days Meals and berth Included on boat The Most Pleasant and Cheap est Route to and West LAtkinson Newmarket is causing much comment Even many presentday policies Conservatives in and about Orillia fiat in assuring household goods mate no attempt to justify the con- companies do not include plate plate duct of Inspector Rogers in glass plated ware jewclery medals matter It seems almost Incredible paintings sculptures curiosities that following the very able scientific and musical instruments method in which Dr Beaton had been bullion works of art articles of dismissed and while the conduct of Virtu frescoes clocks watches Irln- the Ontario was being and mirrors unless mentioned in freely criticized that one policy Not one man in fifty of officials whose duty was to pre- whose effects are insured vent the improper use of public knows of this enact rrtnt Of course of the Province should require almost every company will give a the officials to do something entirely j wording covering all these things if contrary to Hie regulations As the j they are asked but this is where correspondent above alluded to says j the comes in the company is The thinK is all the more serious on the point of law and the for a monopoly The following warm tribute to the Nations of the Toronto Conservatory of Music censes i mail delivery in a systematic and business like way The States out semiofficially that ha paralleled and duplicated lines in I no less than a hurry to give a district what it If the but tho Ottawa Government avoided these disadvantages and wise men were carrying out Canadian because on new chief occasion the assured is left in tin dark pays his the of the asylum- was in charge If he was consulted and permitted the officials to make the pa tients to do Inspector Rogers fam ily washing Mr Downey is failing tho very outset of his official duties is given Ontario raised tons of hay this year tics are correct it may safely slat- avoided these disadvantages and wise that the bay crop of Ontario is worth more money than the policy Tins is well merited praise wheatcrop of Manitoba O yes from a disinterested source and comes Ontario is still doing business on all the more gracefully the old farm and dont vou forger it Speaking of the fertility of North- A press from Kmvatin era Ontario the these dated Sept states that the first Relatively Northern On- I sod of the Hudson Railway was a misnomer Cochrane the money for something the company does not guarantee As Saturday Night presses honK turned that lav by Hon Graham Minister of Railways Canals at a spot on the south George P northern terminus or the Provincial railway and the of that line with the National iieutal or Grand Trunk Pacific lie anr Perrins Greenhouses St Insurance that Dont Insure m During the past weers Sat urday Night has been citing some notable examples ofaniquated sta tutory condiivma which allow some Insurance companies to wriggle out of paying honest losses while others hold up the asured for sixty days after foss has been sustained leads up to the question Why is it companies fill I that some insurance coin their policies with Sweet Peas and- J their policies with misleading and Daflodills obscure clauses the sum total of J which mean that in Case of loss by etc the assured must fight the coin is the time to get your or go before the court is what he honestly paid his premium for while other companies course hanging baskets filled Funeral and Wedding work given special attention Prices reasonable Outoftown solicited pursue a course The reason for- this no one need Plainly construed it means upon only o jtJeM vs Or by Messrs of by which the man who buys lire in sura rice can obtain his rights is by having our insurance laws Eliminate the red lines the where ases and the wherefores also the and Mann Hon Mr Premier of Columbia is now being spoken as the coming Opposition leader a fair and square as successor to Mr tlen who has sown seeds of clauses and give the purchaser of in surance obtain this our political party associations and conventions should- Conservative circles Mr the importance of the suggest- legislation upon their acoordwl Sir wurnnro I at Victoria while on his tour land little of the sixteen million acres of agricultural land in the adjoining clay belt is further north The Lake region a summer like that of Prince Island ami winter tempera tures resembling those of Manitoba Cochrane itself is almost a full de gree further south than Winnipeg etc For particulars apply at the College 2 Boarders Wanted Sober respectable young men pre ferred For particulars apply this office 3w33 upon ineir in Parliament This dnsurance of a amount upon piano or gan sewing machine etc simply means that if saved from a wreck by fire company deduct he stated in surance from the policy claim held by the assured No Policy Should be accented with flies restrictions it s time for change Raspberry Strawberry and Aspargug Roots for sale S A Phone I fatty that where possible the OIK means dodge the responsibility if it can while the is to do business on the square I Parliament has liccn considering ex isting Insurance legislation but a ring public has not yet re alized expectations Take statutory condition No K which reads that company is not to loss it there is any prior in any other company unless the com- sent thereto appears York Sept At least nine were killed outright and- ten others injured one of critically and in the collapse of an overhanging shoulder Of rock above the western mouth of the old Kric tunnel under Hill connecting the terminal in Jersey City with its westward- at Victoria while on his lour of the Provinces t An school of philosophy has divided four classes the Globe Those who svnd out those who uo their own washing those who take in washing and those who have no con nection with washing According to the above school of philosophy the Ontario Government Inspector who sent his washing to the ON fa lummiist belong to class No one while the institution of which Air has lately Superin tendent belongs to the class who take in washing SECURED solicit the business of Manulacturer oKiticcjiaiil others who realize the if of having their Patent business transacts Preliminary advice fre Chare- fcderaic Our Inventors New York ill- WANTED Organist and Choir Leader the Methodist Church State salary and experience arid when duties could commence JACKSON Sec Newmarket as Hi Send Your Nice Our ftitlei t and it ftbtoluicly Injury to rfrllct coat it It to your VALET the St West Toronto- In thereon nor if in any other company Unless and un- till the company thereto KithMi two weeks after etc Unaware of this strin gent prohibitory the assured later on a further Insurance- in on bis srk first com pany repudiate and in reality the company takes advantage ilie as sured No business man lake ad vantage an Why then should Parliament tolerate legislation which allows the Insurance company by lav to take advantage the people course no one to In surance companies proper protection against fraudulent overInsurance but if the present Act were so that In Cast of further insurance to a greater amount than of the value of the property insured were without notice then I assured shouldi not ho entitled to collcel more- than threequarters of Hie loss This remove the chancy fraud and also prevent com panies taking undue advantage of the assured Permission notice Vood In any form to suit the to effect an Insurance up to thrtc- be sold The tlm- of the value of the on the farjn Apply to Insured should made THE HOME PflYSICIAN Dr Morses Indian Root Pills Cure of the Familys Ills if the children and the too ate exactly lie quantities the right a just the proper times and ill every Other way the rules of there would he no the ami no need iof medicine Bui they never have and probably never will In family there lure to be more or ItM frequent of tick indigestion constipation and kidney wid liver troublei and some one lick In unit a or The London Times comment ing on decision The Hague Ar bitration Tribunal remarks that British litigants have every reason to be satisfied The awjrrif tie- serves to lie ungrudgingly accepted by all parties In tills connexion the despatch A expressed to Hie Canadian As- opinion thai Ihe fisheries award was a win all along the lino for us Hon Mackenzie King war present during the leading of the award and- ventured thought thai it seemed Ihe conduct the Isfi case was supported by the sourceSol British diplomacy and the hill prestile the name The- award will make the fishtfiuion of our American neighbors lake a back seat of Ointmonto Catarrh that As mercury will surely destroy the of and coinplotely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces Such I articles should never he used except It is worth a good deal to the mother on prescriptions from reputable to have on hand that perfectly as the damage they will do and reliable remedy for these ills Is ten fold to the good you can r n lily derive from them Halls Dr Moro Root J FOR BALE air rijjit the Insured the and They Invigorate those organs which cleanse the and Impurities regulating the bowels stimulating the and opening the of skin Thai Dr Monts Indian Rot Pith cure the common ailments and keep the family healthy This they have been doing for over half a century la every part of the vorld at all dealers or from Couutock Co Ltd One Cheney Co Toledo contains no mercury and is taken Internally acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of the system In buying Halls Cure be sure you get the genuine It Is taken In ternally and made In Toledo Ohio by J Cheney Co Testimonials free Sold Druggists price per bottle Halls Family Pills for on A superior court judge presiding in a divorce case at who has no great love for a law unless he is convinced couple will never be able to patch up their differences has just issued an in junction forbidding a man whose wife is suing for a separation speak to her for a month During this tune he is not even allowed to visit his farm lie has accepted de cision in good spirit and is to occupy a bungalow In Connecticut until the sentence is up People in say the wife feels the force of he sentence more than the man docs and will be glad to em brace when tho month end En forced absence has presented another of the marriage relation llii Sentinel rises to ark now some of the medi cal experts arc declaring that opera tions for appendicitis are all a mis- lake thai tho appendix to blame that the fault the colon alow and that removing the appendix lor the fault of the colon is like ousting oil the little toe a pain in the call of the log A good people who are pot medi cal experts Have always doubts the Value of for appendicitis When factors who is decide The Sentinel puts il joke on the ijut the unfortunate who is suffering and from an operatloiijiioiri lake duel in opinions of who have doubts the value of an operation A concensus press opinion is that of the appoint of the local lor South as of Idiotic Asylum surprise that Mr Downey the and that the Ontario would make such a sacrifice as to let so a debater and so useful a supporter lie shelved Hut no one can leU inner workings of political grinding machine lo our mind then are many positions equal ly remunerative which would have boon more to Mr than the one he has accepted but thero to have been a wheel within a landed for South Wellington among a class of imbeciles of type to his old political associates t in Queens Park Children Cry FOR FLETCHERS R I A SWING J is the remedy you depend on No other preparation has done so much for the horse and the horseman Kendalls Spavin Cure has saved millions of dollars for thousands of owners during the past years It is the quick sure safe cure never fails to give the best even when all other treatment may prove a failure A HIGHCLASS SCHOOL TORONTO Gives its students a training that carries with it the stamp ority Write today for large cata logue Toronto York Radial Railway METROPOLITAN DIVISION NOTICE Cancelling Special Summer Service Saturday Service Cars leaving Toronto for Sutton at and p in leaving- Sutton for Toronto at and pm will he ued alter Saturday Sept Special Monday Service Limited car leaving at will lie discontinued after Monday Sept 12th I curesSpavinCurb Splint Ringbone Swellings Bony Growth Cuts Sprains Bruises and all Lameness Cure makes a complete and luting core because it cures the of the trouble It leave no scars or white hairs because it does not blister Cars leaving Sutton at 515 a and pm daily for Toron to will be discontinued after Satur day Sept Cars leaving Toronto at am and pm daily for Sutton will after Saturday Sept op erate to only Sept I mm should have a bot tle of Kendalls Spavin Cure the best liniment in the world for man and beast No tell ing when you will need it Get it now and you will have the right when the emergency arises ft bottle for At all dealers Ask for free copy of our book A Treatise On The Horse- or write us Dr J KENDALL CO Falls VU Little Fruit Store OPPOSITE ROYAL NEWMARKET BARGAINS ON SATURDAY lb bag of Bananas for 25c Peaches 60 to per basket Plums 30 to 50c per basket Prop Engines for Sale At half value and h p Traction Engine hew and 16 p Traction Engine p Port able These engines can at St VCAUJ EXPEHISNC6 Ac ft Atlf Al lent Oi for Co wllhoutc Scientific A lUustrtol of I dentin Journal r A J cur bold MUNNto New York Wire Fencing Five Year With AMERICAN FIELD AND iVaWV FENCES t MA I Y The Canadian Steel Wire Co Come and see Quality and get prices For Sale J Near High School Newmarket Ontario- T Time Card GOING NORTH- a p Toronto Newmarket a The night operator at In dian Head was held up by man and robbed of ten doVars Twen ty dollars was also taken from IM Leave Allandale GOING SOUTH a p the Newmarket Toronto